#TODO: Use simview to generate P(r) and I(q) pairs in sansview. # Make sure the option of saving each curve is available # Use the I(q) curve as input and compare the output to P(r) import os import sys import wx from sans.guitools.plottables import Data1D, Theory1D from sans.guicomm.events import NewPlotEvent, StatusEvent import math, numpy from sans.pr.invertor import Invertor class Plugin: def __init__(self): ## Plug-in name self.sub_menu = "Pr inversion" ## Reference to the parent window self.parent = None ## Simulation window manager self.simview = None ## List of panels for the simulation perspective (names) self.perspective = [] ## State data self.alpha = 0.0001 self.nfunc = 10 self.max_length = 140.0 self.q_min = None self.q_max = None ## Remember last plottable processed self.last_data = "sphere_60_q0_2.txt" ## Time elapsed for last computation [sec] # Start with a good default self.elapsed = 0.022 ## Current invertor self.invertor = None ## Calculation thread self.calc_thread = None ## Estimation thread self.estimation_thread = None ## Result panel self.control_panel = None ## Currently views plottable self.current_plottable = None def populate_menu(self, id, owner): """ Create a menu for the plug-in """ return [] import wx shapes = wx.Menu() id = wx.NewId() shapes.Append(id, '&Sphere test') wx.EVT_MENU(owner, id, self._fit_pr) return [(id, shapes, "P(r)")] def help(self, evt): """ Show a general help dialog. TODO: replace the text with a nice image """ from inversion_panel import HelpDialog dialog = HelpDialog(None, -1) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: dialog.Destroy() else: dialog.Destroy() def _fit_pr(self, evt): from sans.pr.invertor import Invertor import numpy import pylab import math from sans.guicomm.events import NewPlotEvent from sans.guitools.plottables import Data1D, Theory1D # Generate P(r) for sphere radius = 60.0 d_max = 2*radius r = pylab.arange(0.01, d_max, d_max/51.0) M = len(r) y = numpy.zeros(M) pr_err = numpy.zeros(M) sum = 0.0 for j in range(M): value = self.pr_theory(r[j], radius) sum += value y[j] = value pr_err[j] = math.sqrt(y[j]) y = y/sum*d_max/len(r) # Perform fit pr = Invertor() pr.d_max = d_max pr.alpha = 0 pr.x = r pr.y = y pr.err = pr_err out, cov = pr.pr_fit() for i in range(len(out)): print "%g +- %g" % (out[i], math.sqrt(cov[i][i])) # Show input P(r) new_plot = Data1D(pr.x, pr.y, pr.err) new_plot.name = "P_{obs}(r)" new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{r}", 'A') new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{P(r)} ","cm^{-3}") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title="Pr")) # Show P(r) fit self.show_pr(out, pr) # Show I(q) fit q = pylab.arange(0.001, 0.1, 0.01/51.0) self.show_iq(out, pr, q) def show_shpere(self, x, radius=70.0, x_range=70.0): import numpy import pylab import math from sans.guicomm.events import NewPlotEvent from sans.guitools.plottables import Data1D, Theory1D # Show P(r) y_true = numpy.zeros(len(x)) sum_true = 0.0 for i in range(len(x)): y_true[i] = self.pr_theory(x[i], radius) sum_true += y_true[i] y_true = y_true/sum_true*x_range/len(x) # Show the theory P(r) new_plot = Theory1D(x, y_true) new_plot.name = "P_{true}(r)" new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{r}", 'A') new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{P(r)} ","cm^{-3}") #Put this call in plottables/guitools wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title="Sphere P(r)")) def show_iq(self, out, pr, q=None): import numpy import pylab import math from sans.guicomm.events import NewPlotEvent from sans.guitools.plottables import Data1D, Theory1D qtemp = pr.x if not q==None: qtemp = q # Make a plot maxq = -1 for q_i in qtemp: if q_i>maxq: maxq=q_i minq = 0.001 # Check for user min/max if not pr.q_min==None: minq = pr.q_min if not pr.q_max==None: maxq = pr.q_max x = pylab.arange(minq, maxq, maxq/301.0) y = numpy.zeros(len(x)) err = numpy.zeros(len(x)) for i in range(len(x)): value = pr.iq(out, x[i]) y[i] = value try: err[i] = math.sqrt(math.fabs(value)) except: err[i] = 1.0 print "Error getting error", value, x[i] new_plot = Theory1D(x, y) new_plot.name = "I_{fit}(q)" new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", 'A^{-1}') new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ","cm^{-1}") #new_plot.group_id = "test group" wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title="Iq")) def show_pr(self, out, pr, cov=None): import numpy import pylab import math from sans.guicomm.events import NewPlotEvent from sans.guitools.plottables import Data1D, Theory1D # Show P(r) x = pylab.arange(0.0, pr.d_max, pr.d_max/51.0) y = numpy.zeros(len(x)) dy = numpy.zeros(len(x)) y_true = numpy.zeros(len(x)) sum = 0.0 cov2 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(cov) for i in range(len(x)): if cov2==None: value = pr.pr(out, x[i]) else: (value, dy[i]) = pr.pr_err(out, cov2, x[i]) sum += value y[i] = value y = y/sum*pr.d_max/len(x) dy = dy/sum*pr.d_max/len(x) if cov2==None: new_plot = Theory1D(x, y) else: new_plot = Data1D(x, y, dy=dy) new_plot.name = "P_{fit}(r)" new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{r}", 'A') new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{P(r)} ","cm^{-3}") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title="P(r) fit")) return x, pr.d_max def choose_file(self): """ """ #TODO: this should be in a common module return self.parent.choose_file() def load(self, path = "sphere_test_data.txt"): import numpy, math, sys # Read the data from the data file data_x = numpy.zeros(0) data_y = numpy.zeros(0) data_err = numpy.zeros(0) if not path == None: input_f = open(path,'r') buff = input_f.read() lines = buff.split('\n') for line in lines: try: toks = line.split() x = float(toks[0]) y = float(toks[1]) try: scale = 0.05/math.sqrt(data_x[0]) except: scale = 1.0 #data_err = numpy.append(data_err, 10.0*math.sqrt(y)+1000.0) data_x = numpy.append(data_x, x) data_y = numpy.append(data_y, y) data_err = numpy.append(data_err, scale*math.sqrt(math.fabs(y))) except: print "Error reading line: ", line print sys.exc_value print "Lines read:", len(data_x) return data_x, data_y, data_err def pr_theory(self, r, R): """ """ if r<=2*R: return 12.0* ((0.5*r/R)**2) * ((1.0-0.5*r/R)**2) * ( 2.0 + 0.5*r/R ) else: return 0.0 def get_context_menu(self, plot_id=None): """ Get the context menu items available for P(r) @param plot_id: Unique ID of a plot, so that we can recognize those that we created @return: a list of menu items with call-back function """ return [["Compute P(r)", "Compute P(r) from distribution", self._on_context_inversion]] def start_thread(self): from pr_thread import CalcPr from copy import deepcopy # If a thread is already started, stop it if self.calc_thread != None and self.calc_thread.isrunning(): self.calc_thread.stop() pr = self.pr.clone() self.calc_thread = CalcPr(pr, self.nfunc, error_func=self._thread_error, completefn=self._completed, updatefn=None) self.calc_thread.queue() self.calc_thread.ready(2.5) def _thread_error(self, error): wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=error)) def _estimate_completed(self, alpha, message, elapsed): """ Parameter estimation completed, display the results to the user @param alpha: estimated best alpha @param elapsed: computation time """ # Save useful info self.elapsed = elapsed self.control_panel.alpha_estimate = alpha if not message==None: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=str(message))) def _completed(self, out, cov, pr, elapsed): """ Method called with the results when the inversion is done @param out: output coefficient for the base functions @param cov: covariance matrix @param pr: Invertor instance @param elapsed: time spent computing """ from copy import deepcopy # Save useful info self.elapsed = elapsed message = "Computation completed in %g seconds [chi2=%g]" % (elapsed, pr.chi2) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=message)) cov = numpy.ascontiguousarray(cov) # Show result on control panel self.control_panel.chi2 = pr.chi2 self.control_panel.elapsed = elapsed self.control_panel.oscillation = pr.oscillations(out) #print "OSCILL", pr.oscillations(out) print "PEAKS:", pr.get_peaks(out) self.control_panel.positive = pr.get_positive(out) self.control_panel.pos_err = pr.get_pos_err(out, cov) for i in range(len(out)): try: print "%d: %g +- %g" % (i, out[i], math.sqrt(math.fabs(cov[i][i]))) except: print "%d: %g +- ?" % (i, out[i]) # Make a plot of I(q) data new_plot = Data1D(self.pr.x, self.pr.y, self.pr.err) new_plot.name = "I_{obs}(q)" new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", 'A^{-1}') new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ","cm^{-1}") #new_plot.group_id = "test group" wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title="Iq")) # Show I(q) fit self.show_iq(out, self.pr) # Show P(r) fit x_values, x_range = self.show_pr(out, self.pr, cov) # Popup result panel #result_panel = InversionResults(self.parent, -1, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) def setup_plot_inversion(self, alpha, nfunc, d_max, q_min=None, q_max=None): self.alpha = alpha self.nfunc = nfunc self.max_length = d_max self.q_min = q_min self.q_max = q_max try: self._create_plot_pr() self.perform_inversion() except: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=sys.exc_value)) def estimate_plot_inversion(self, alpha, nfunc, d_max, q_min=None, q_max=None): self.alpha = alpha self.nfunc = nfunc self.max_length = d_max self.q_min = q_min self.q_max = q_max try: self._create_plot_pr() self.perform_estimate() except: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=sys.exc_value)) def _create_plot_pr(self): """ Create and prepare invertor instance from a plottable data set. @param path: path of the file to read in """ # Get the data from the chosen data set and perform inversion pr = Invertor() pr.d_max = self.max_length pr.alpha = self.alpha pr.q_min = self.q_min pr.q_max = self.q_max pr.x = self.current_plottable.x pr.y = self.current_plottable.y # Fill in errors if none were provided if self.current_plottable.dy == None: print "no error", self.current_plottable.name y = numpy.zeros(len(pr.y)) for i in range(len(pr.y)): y[i] = math.sqrt(pr.y[i]) pr.err = y else: pr.err = self.current_plottable.dy self.pr = pr def setup_file_inversion(self, alpha, nfunc, d_max, path, q_min=None, q_max=None): self.alpha = alpha self.nfunc = nfunc self.max_length = d_max self.q_min = q_min self.q_max = q_max try: if self._create_file_pr(path): self.perform_inversion() except: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=sys.exc_value)) def estimate_file_inversion(self, alpha, nfunc, d_max, path, q_min=None, q_max=None): self.alpha = alpha self.nfunc = nfunc self.max_length = d_max self.q_min = q_min self.q_max = q_max try: if self._create_file_pr(path): self.perform_estimate() except: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=sys.exc_value)) def _create_file_pr(self, path): """ Create and prepare invertor instance from a file data set. @param path: path of the file to read in """ # Load data if os.path.isfile(path): x, y, err = self.load(path) # Get the data from the chosen data set and perform inversion pr = Invertor() pr.d_max = self.max_length pr.alpha = self.alpha pr.q_min = self.q_min pr.q_max = self.q_max pr.x = x pr.y = y pr.err = err self.pr = pr return True return False def perform_estimate(self): from pr_thread import EstimatePr from copy import deepcopy wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status='')) # If a thread is already started, stop it if self.estimation_thread != None and self.estimation_thread.isrunning(): self.estimation_thread.stop() pr = self.pr.clone() self.estimation_thread = EstimatePr(pr, self.nfunc, error_func=self._thread_error, completefn = self._estimate_completed, updatefn = None) self.estimation_thread.queue() self.estimation_thread.ready(2.5) def perform_inversion(self): # Time estimate #estimated = self.elapsed*self.nfunc**2 message = "Computation time may take up to %g seconds" % self.elapsed wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=message)) # Start inversion thread self.start_thread() return out, cov = self.pr.lstsq(self.nfunc) # Save useful info self.elapsed = self.pr.elapsed for i in range(len(out)): try: print "%d: %g +- %g" % (i, out[i], math.sqrt(math.fabs(cov[i][i]))) except: print "%d: %g +- ?" % (i, out[i]) # Make a plot of I(q) data new_plot = Data1D(self.pr.x, self.pr.y, dy=self.pr.err) new_plot.name = "I_{obs}(q)" new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", 'A^{-1}') new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ","cm^{-1}") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title="Iq")) # Show I(q) fit self.show_iq(out, self.pr) # Show P(r) fit x_values, x_range = self.show_pr(out, self.pr, cov=cov) def _on_context_inversion(self, event): panel = event.GetEventObject() from inversion_panel import InversionDlg # If we have more than one displayed plot, make the user choose if len(panel.plots)>1: dialog = InversionDlg(None, -1, "P(r) Inversion", panel.plots, pars=False) dialog.set_content(self.last_data, self.nfunc, self.alpha, self.max_length) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: dataset = dialog.get_content() dialog.Destroy() else: dialog.Destroy() return elif len(panel.plots)==1: dataset = panel.plots.keys()[0] else: print "Error: No data is available" return # Store a reference to the current plottable self.current_plottable = panel.plots[dataset] self.control_panel.plotname = dataset self.control_panel.nfunc = self.nfunc self.control_panel.d_max = self.max_length self.control_panel.alpha = self.alpha self.parent.set_perspective(self.perspective) def get_panels(self, parent): """ Create and return a list of panel objects """ from inversion_panel import InversionControl self.parent = parent self.control_panel = InversionControl(self.parent, -1, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) self.control_panel.set_manager(self) self.control_panel.nfunc = self.nfunc self.control_panel.d_max = self.max_length self.control_panel.alpha = self.alpha self.perspective = [] self.perspective.append(self.control_panel.window_name) return [self.control_panel] def get_perspective(self): """ Get the list of panel names for this perspective """ return self.perspective def on_perspective(self, event): """ Call back function for the perspective menu item. We notify the parent window that the perspective has changed. """ self.parent.set_perspective(self.perspective) def post_init(self): """ Post initialization call back to close the loose ends [Somehow openGL needs this call] """ self.parent.set_perspective(self.perspective)