""" This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) project funded by the US National Science Foundation. See the license text in license.txt copyright 2009, University of Tennessee """ import time, os import logging import DataLoader from DataLoader.readers.cansas_reader import Reader as CansasReader PRNODE_NAME = 'pr_inversion' ## List of P(r) inversion inputs in_list= [["nterms", "self.nfunc"], ["d_max", "self.d_max"], ["alpha", "self.alpha"], ["slit_width", "self.width"], ["slit_height", "self.height"], ["qmin", "self.qmin"], ["qmax", "self.qmax"]] ## List of P(r) inversion outputs out_list= [["elapsed", "self.elapsed"], ["rg", "self.rg"], ["iq0", "self.iq0"], ["bck", "self.bck"], ["chi2", "self.chi2"], ["osc", "self.osc"], ["pos", "self.pos"], ["pos_err", "self.pos_err"], ["alpha_estimate", "self.alpha_estimate"], ["nterms_estimate", "self.nterms_estimate"]] class InversionState(object): """ Class to hold the state information of the InversionControl panel. """ def __init__(self): """ Default values """ # Input self.file = None self.estimate_bck = False self.timestamp = time.time() # Inversion parameters self.nfunc = None self.d_max = None self.alpha = None # Slit parameters self.height = None self.width = None # Q range self.qmin = None self.qmax = None # Outputs self.elapsed = None self.rg = None self.iq0 = None self.bck = None self.chi2 = None self.osc = None self.pos = None self.pos_err = None # Estimates self.alpha_estimate = None self.nterms_estimate = None # Data self.q = None self.iq_obs = None self.iq_calc = None # Coefficients self.coefficients = None self.covariance = None def __str__(self): """ Pretty print @return: string representing the state """ state = "File: %s\n" % self.file state += "Timestamp: %s\n" % self.timestamp state += "Estimate bck: %s\n" % str(self.estimate_bck) state += "No. terms: %s\n" % str(self.nfunc) state += "D_max: %s\n" % str(self.d_max) state += "Alpha: %s\n" % str(self.alpha) state += "Slit height: %s\n" % str(self.height) state += "Slit width: %s\n" % str(self.width) state += "Qmin: %s\n" % str(self.qmin) state += "Qmax: %s\n" % str(self.qmax) state += "\nEstimates:\n" state += " Alpha: %s\n" % str(self.alpha_estimate) state += " Nterms: %s\n" % str(self.nterms_estimate) state += "\nOutputs:\n" state += " Elapsed: %s\n" % str(self.elapsed) state += " Rg: %s\n" % str(self.rg) state += " I(q=0): %s\n" % str(self.iq0) state += " Bck: %s\n" % str(self.bck) state += " Chi^2: %s\n" % str(self.chi2) state += " Oscillation:%s\n" % str(self.osc) state += " Positive: %s\n" % str(self.pos) state += " 1-sigma pos:%s\n" % str(self.pos_err) return state def toXML(self, file="pr_state.prv", doc=None, entry_node=None): """ Writes the state of the InversionControl panel to file, as XML. Compatible with standalone writing, or appending to an already existing XML document. In that case, the XML document is required. An optional entry node in the XML document may also be given. @param file: file to write to @param doc: XML document object [optional] @param entry_node: XML node within the XML document at which we will append the data [optional] """ from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation # Check whether we have to write a standalone XML file if doc is None: impl = getDOMImplementation() doc_type = impl.createDocumentType(PRNODE_NAME, "1.0", "1.0") newdoc = impl.createDocument(None, PRNODE_NAME, doc_type) top_element = newdoc.documentElement else: # We are appending to an existing document newdoc = doc top_element = newdoc.createElement(PRNODE_NAME) if entry_node is None: newdoc.documentElement.appendChild(top_element) else: entry_node.appendChild(top_element) attr = newdoc.createAttribute("version") attr.nodeValue = '1.0' top_element.setAttributeNode(attr) # File name element = newdoc.createElement("filename") if self.file is not None: element.appendChild(newdoc.createTextNode(str(self.file))) else: element.appendChild(newdoc.createTextNode(str(file))) top_element.appendChild(element) element = newdoc.createElement("timestamp") element.appendChild(newdoc.createTextNode(time.ctime(self.timestamp))) attr = newdoc.createAttribute("epoch") attr.nodeValue = str(self.timestamp) element.setAttributeNode(attr) top_element.appendChild(element) # Inputs inputs = newdoc.createElement("inputs") top_element.appendChild(inputs) for item in in_list: element = newdoc.createElement(item[0]) exec "element.appendChild(newdoc.createTextNode(str(%s)))" % item[1] inputs.appendChild(element) # Outputs outputs = newdoc.createElement("outputs") top_element.appendChild(outputs) for item in out_list: element = newdoc.createElement(item[0]) exec "element.appendChild(newdoc.createTextNode(str(%s)))" % item[1] outputs.appendChild(element) # Save output coefficients and its covariance matrix element = newdoc.createElement("coefficients") element.appendChild(newdoc.createTextNode(str(self.coefficients))) outputs.appendChild(element) element = newdoc.createElement("covariance") element.appendChild(newdoc.createTextNode(str(self.covariance))) outputs.appendChild(element) # Save the file if doc is None: fd = open(file, 'w') fd.write(newdoc.toprettyxml()) fd.close() return None else: return newdoc.toprettyxml() def fromXML(self, file=None, node=None): """ Load a P(r) inversion state from a file @param file: .prv file @param node: node of a XML document to read from """ if file is not None: # Check whether the file is valid if not os.path.isfile(file): raise RuntimeError, "P(r) reader: cannot open %s" % file from xml.dom.minidom import parse doc = parse(file) node = doc.documentElement if node.tagName == PRNODE_NAME: if node.hasAttribute('version')\ and node.getAttribute('version') == '1.0': if node.hasChildNodes(): for node in node.childNodes: if node.nodeName == 'filename': if node.hasChildNodes(): self.file = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue.strip() elif node.nodeName == 'timestamp': if node.hasAttribute('epoch'): try: self.timestamp = float(node.getAttribute('epoch')) except: # Could not read timestamp: pass pass # Parse inversion inputs elif node.nodeName == 'inputs': if node.hasChildNodes(): for item in node.childNodes: for out in in_list: if item.nodeName == out[0]: try: exec '%s = float(item.childNodes[0].nodeValue.strip())' % out[1] except: exec '%s = None' % out[1] elif item.nodeName == 'estimate_bck': try: self.estimate_bck = item.childNodes[0].nodeValue.strip()=='True' except: self.estimate_bck = False # Parse inversion outputs elif node.nodeName == 'outputs': if node.hasChildNodes(): for item in node.childNodes: # Look for standard outputs for out in out_list: if item.nodeName == out[0]: try: exec '%s = float(item.childNodes[0].nodeValue.strip())' % out[1] except: exec '%s = None' % out[1] # Look for coefficients # Format is [value, value, value, value] if item.nodeName == 'coefficients': # Remove brackets c_values = item.childNodes[0].nodeValue.strip().replace('[','') c_values = c_values.replace(']','') toks = c_values.split() self.coefficients = [] for c in toks: try: self.coefficients.append(float(c)) except: # Bad data, skip. We will count the number of # coefficients at the very end and deal with # inconsistencies then. pass # Sanity check if not len(self.coefficients) == self.nfunc: # Inconsistent number of coefficients. Don't keep the data. err_msg = "InversionState.fromXML: inconsistant number of coefficients: " err_msg += "%d %d" % (len(self.coefficients), self.nfunc) logging.error(err_msg) self.coefficients = None # Look for covariance matrix # Format is [ [value, value], [value, value] ] elif item.nodeName == "covariance": # Parse rows rows = item.childNodes[0].nodeValue.strip().split('[') self.covariance = [] for row in rows: row = row.strip() if len(row) == 0: continue # Remove end bracket row = row.replace(']','') c_values = row.split() cov_row = [] for c in c_values: try: cov_row.append(float(c)) except: # Bad data, skip. We will count the number of # coefficients at the very end and deal with # inconsistencies then. pass # Sanity check: check the number of entries in the row if len(cov_row) == self.nfunc: self.covariance.append(cov_row) # Sanity check: check the number of rows in the covariance # matrix if not len(self.covariance) == self.nfunc: # Inconsistent dimensions of the covariance matrix. # Don't keep the data. err_msg = "InversionState.fromXML: inconsistant dimensions of the covariance matrix: " err_msg += "%d %d" % (len(self.covariance), self.nfunc) logging.error(err_msg) self.covariance = None else: raise RuntimeError, "Unsupported P(r) file version" class Reader(CansasReader): """ Class to load a .prv P(r) inversion file """ ## File type type_name = "P(r)" ## Wildcards type = ["P(r) files (*.prv)|*.prv"] ## List of allowed extensions ext=['.prv', '.PRV'] def __init__(self, call_back, cansas=False): """ Initialize the call-back method to be called after we load a file @param call_back: call-back method @param cansas: True = files will be written/read in CanSAS format False = standalone mode """ ## Call back method to be executed after a file is read self.call_back = call_back ## CanSAS format flag self.cansas = cansas def read(self, path): """ Load a new P(r) inversion state from file @param path: file path @return: None """ if self.cansas==True: return self._read_cansas(path) else: return self._read_standalone(path) def _read_standalone(self, path): """ Load a new P(r) inversion state from file. The P(r) node is assumed to be the top element. @param path: file path @return: None """ # Read the new state from file state = InversionState() state.fromXML(file=path) # Call back to post the new state self.call_back(state) return None def _parse_prstate(self, entry): """ Read a p(r) inversion result from an XML node @param entry: XML node to read from @return: InversionState object """ from xml import xpath # Create an empty state state = InversionState() # Locate the P(r) node try: nodes = xpath.Evaluate(PRNODE_NAME, entry) state.fromXML(node=nodes[0]) except: #raise RuntimeError, "%s is not a file with P(r) information." % path logging.info("XML document does not contain P(r) information.") import sys print sys.exc_value return state def _read_cansas(self, path): """ Load data and P(r) information from a CanSAS XML file. @param path: file path @return: Data1D object if a single SASentry was found, or a list of Data1D objects if multiple entries were found, or None of nothing was found @raise RuntimeError: when the file can't be opened @raise ValueError: when the length of the data vectors are inconsistent """ from xml.dom.minidom import parse from xml import xpath output = [] if os.path.isfile(path): basename = os.path.basename(path) root, extension = os.path.splitext(basename) #TODO: eventually remove the check for .xml once # the P(r) writer/reader is truly complete. if extension.lower() in self.ext or \ extension.lower() == '.xml': dom = parse(path) # Format 1: check whether we have a CanSAS file nodes = xpath.Evaluate('SASroot', dom) # Check the format version number if nodes[0].hasAttributes(): for i in range(nodes[0].attributes.length): if nodes[0].attributes.item(i).nodeName=='version': if nodes[0].attributes.item(i).nodeValue != self.version: raise ValueError, "cansas_reader: unrecognized version number %s" % \ nodes[0].attributes.item(i).nodeValue entry_list = xpath.Evaluate('SASroot/SASentry', dom) for entry in entry_list: sas_entry = self._parse_entry(entry) prstate = self._parse_prstate(entry) sas_entry.meta_data['prstate'] = prstate sas_entry.filename = prstate.file output.append(sas_entry) else: raise RuntimeError, "%s is not a file" % path # Return output consistent with the loader's api if len(output)==0: return None elif len(output)==1: # Call back to post the new state self.call_back(output[0].meta_data['prstate'], datainfo = output[0]) return output[0] else: return output def write(self, filename, datainfo=None, prstate=None): """ Write the content of a Data1D as a CanSAS XML file @param filename: name of the file to write @param datainfo: Data1D object @param prstate: InversionState object """ # Sanity check if self.cansas == True: if datainfo is None: datainfo = DataLoader.data_info.Data1D(x=[], y=[]) elif not issubclass(datainfo.__class__, DataLoader.data_info.Data1D): raise RuntimeError, "The cansas writer expects a Data1D instance: %s" % str(datainfo.__class__.__name__) # Create basic XML document doc, sasentry = self._to_xml_doc(datainfo) # Add the P(r) information to the XML document if prstate is not None: prstate.toXML(doc=doc, entry_node=sasentry) # Write the XML document fd = open(filename, 'w') fd.write(doc.toprettyxml()) fd.close() else: prstate.toXML(file=filename) if __name__ == "__main__": #TODO: turn all this into unit tests state = InversionState() #print state.fromXML('../../test/pr_state.prv') print state.fromXML('../../test/test.prv') print state state.toXML('test_copy.prv') from DataLoader.loader import Loader l = Loader() datainfo = l.load("../../test/cansas1d.xml") def call_back(state): print state reader = Reader(call_back) reader.cansas = False reader.write("test_copy_from_reader.prv", prstate=state) reader.cansas = True reader.write("testout.prv", datainfo, state) reader.write("testout_wo_datainfo.prv", prstate=state) # Now try to load things back reader.cansas = False #print reader.read("test_copy_from_reader.prv") reader.cansas = True #data = reader.read("testout.prv") data = reader.read("testout_wo_datainfo.prv") print data print data.meta_data['prstate']