""" Application settings """ import time from sans.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME # Version of the application __appname__ = "PrView" __version__ = '0.3.0' __download_page__ = 'http://danse.chem.utk.edu' __update_URL__ = 'http://danse.chem.utk.edu/prview_version.php' # Debug message flag __EVT_DEBUG__ = False # Flag for automated testing __TEST__ = False # Debug message should be written to a file? __EVT_DEBUG_2_FILE__ = False __EVT_DEBUG_FILENAME__ = "debug.log" # About box info _do_aboutbox=True _acknowledgement = \ '''This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) project funded by the US National Science Foundation. If you use DANSE applications to do scientific research that leads to publication, we ask that you acknowledge the use of the software with the following sentence: "This work benefited from DANSE software developed under NSF award DMR-0520547." ''' _homepage = "http://danse.chem.utk.edu" _download = "http://danse.chem.utk.edu/prview.html" _authors = [] _paper = "http://danse.us/trac/sans/newticket" _license = "mailto:sansdanse@gmail.com" _nsf_logo = "images/nsf_logo.png" _danse_logo = "images/danse_logo.png" _inst_logo = "images/utlogo.gif" _nsf_url = "http://www.nsf.gov" _danse_url = "http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/projects/danse/release/index.html" _inst_url = "http://www.utk.edu" _corner_image = "images/prview.jpg" _copyright = "(c) 2008, University of Tennessee" #edit the list of file state your plugin can read APPLICATION_STATE_EXTENSION = '.prv' APPLICATION_WLIST = 'P(r) files (*.prv)|*.prv' DEFAULT_STYLE = GUIFRAME.DEFAULT_STYLE GUIFRAME_WIDTH = 850 GUIFRAME_HEIGHT = 780 PLUGIN_STATE_EXTENSIONS = ['.prv'] PLUGINS_WLIST = ['P(r) files (*.prv)|*.prv'] PLOPANEL_WIDTH = 400 PLOPANEL_HEIGTH = 400 SPLASH_SCREEN_PATH = "images/danse_logo.png" SPLASH_SCREEN_WIDTH = 500 SPLASH_SCREEN_HEIGHT = 300 SS_MAX_DISPLAY_TIME = 3000 #3 sec import wx.lib.newevent (StatusBarEvent, EVT_STATUS) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() def printEVT(message): if __EVT_DEBUG__: print "%g: %s" % (time.clock(), message) if __EVT_DEBUG_2_FILE__: out = open(__EVT_DEBUG_FILENAME__, 'a') out.write("%10g: %s\n" % (time.clock(), message)) out.close()