#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import imp import wx #import gui_manager from sans.guiframe import gui_manager from sans.guiframe.gui_manager import _find_local_config # For py2exe, import config here path = os.getcwd() local_config = _find_local_config('local_config', path) if local_config is None: path, _ = os.path.split(os.getcwd()) local_config = _find_local_config('local_config', path) if local_config is None: raise RuntimeError, "PrView cannot located local_config.py" class PrApp(gui_manager.ViewApp): """ """ class PrView(): """ """ def __init__(self): """ """ #from gui_manager import ViewApp #self.gui = gui_manager.ViewApp(0) self.gui = PrApp(0) # Set the application manager for the GUI self.gui.set_manager(self) # Add perspectives to the basic application # Additional perspectives can still be loaded # dynamically import sans.perspectives.pr as module self.pr_plug = module.Plugin(standalone=True) self.gui.add_perspective(self.pr_plug) # Build the GUI self.gui.build_gui() # Start the main loop self.gui.MainLoop() if __name__ == "__main__": sansview = PrView()