""" This file is intended to be a temporary file to communicate in-progress code to the developers. This file should be removed after its content has been used by the team. """ # This code belongs in AbstractFitEngine class FitData1D: def setFitRange(self,qmin=None,qmax=None): """ Change the fit range. Take into account the fact that if smearing is applied, a wider range in unsmeared Q might be necessary to cover the smeared (observed) Q range. """ # Skip Q=0 point, (especially for y(q=0)=None at x[0]). #ToDo: Fix this. if qmin==0.0 and not numpy.isfinite(self.data.y[qmin]): self.qmin = min(self.data.x[self.data.x!=0]) elif qmin!=None: self.qmin = qmin if qmax !=None: self.qmax = qmax # Range used for input to smearing self._qmin_unsmeared = self.qmin self._qmax_unsmeared = self.qmax # Determine the range needed in unsmeared-Q to cover # the smeared Q range if self.smearer.__class__.__name__ == 'SlitSmearer': # The entries in the slit smearer matrix remain # large across all bins, so we keep the full Q range. self._qmin_unsmeared = min(self.data.x) self._qmax_unsmeared = max(self.data.x) elif self.smearer.__class__.__name__ == 'QSmearer': # Take 3 sigmas as the offset between smeared and unsmeared space. try: offset = 3.0*max(self.smearer.width) self._qmin_unsmeared = max([min(self.data.x), self.qmin-offset]) self._qmax_unsmeared = min([max(self.data.x), self.qmax+offset]) except: logging.error("FitData1D.setFitRange: %s" % sys.exc_value) def residuals(self, fn): """ Compute residuals. If self.smearer has been set, use if to smear the data before computing chi squared. This is a version based on the current version of residuals. It takes into account the fact that the unsmearing range might need to be wider than the smeared (observed) range. :param fn: function that return model value :return: residuals """ x,y = [numpy.asarray(v) for v in (self.x,self.y)] if self.dy ==None or self.dy==[]: dy= numpy.zeros(len(y)) else: dy= numpy.asarray(dy) dy[dy==0]=1 idx_unsmeared = (x>=self._qmin_unsmeared) & (x <= self._qmax_unsmeared) # Compute theory data f(x) idx=[] tempy=[] tempfx=[] tempdy=[] _first_bin = None for i_x in range(len(x)): try: if idx_unsmeared[i_x]==True: if _first_bin is None: _first_bin = i_x value= fn(x[i_x]) idx.append(x[i_x]>=self.qmin and x[i_x]<=self.qmax) tempfx.append( value) tempy.append(y[i_x]) tempdy.append(dy[i_x]) except: ## skip error for model.run(x) pass ## Smear theory data # The tempfx array has a length limited by the Q range. if self.smearer is not None: tempfx = self.smearer(tempfx, _first_bin) newy = numpy.asarray(tempy) newfx= numpy.asarray(tempfx) newdy= numpy.asarray(tempdy) ## Sanity check if numpy.size(newdy)!= numpy.size(newfx): raise RuntimeError, "FitData1D: invalid error array %d <> %d" % (numpy.size(newdy), numpy.size(newfx)) return (newy[idx]-newfx[idx])/newdy[idx] def residuals_alt(self, fn): """ Compute residuals. If self.smearer has been set, use if to smear the data before computing chi squared. This is a more streamlined version of the above. To use this version, the _BaseSmearer class below needs to be modified to have its __call__ method have the following signature: __call__(self, iq, first_bin, last_bin) This is because we are storing results in arrays of a length corresponding to the full Q-range. It takes into account the fact that the unsmearing range might need to be wider than the smeared (observed) range. :param fn: function that return model value :return: residuals """ # Make sure the arrays are numpy arrays, which are # expected by the fitter. x,y = [numpy.asarray(v) for v in (self.x,self.y)] if self.dy ==None or self.dy==[]: dy= numpy.zeros(len(y)) else: dy= numpy.asarray(dy) dy[dy==0]=1 idx = (x>=self.qmin) & (x <= self.qmax) idx_unsmeared = (x>=self._qmin_unsmeared) & (x <= self._qmax_unsmeared) # Compute theory data f(x) fx= numpy.zeros(len(x)) # First and last bins of the array, corresponding to # the Q range to be smeared _first_bin = None _last_bin = None for i_x in range(len(x)): try: if idx_unsmeared[i_x]==True: if _first_bin is None: _first_bin = i_x else: _last_bin = i_x value = fn(x[i_x]) fx[i_x] = value except: ## skip error for model.run(x) ## Should properly log the error pass # Smear theory data if self.smearer is not None: fx = self.smearer(fx, _first_bin, _last_bin) # Sanity check if numpy.size(dy)!= numpy.size(fx): raise RuntimeError, "FitData1D: invalid error array %d <> %d" % (numpy.size(dy), numpy.size(fx)) # Return the residuals for the smeared (observed) Q range return (y[idx]-fx[idx])/dy[idx] # The following code belongs in DataLoader.qsmearing class _BaseSmearer(object): def __init__(self): self.nbins = 0 self._weights = None def _compute_matrix(self): return NotImplemented def __call__(self, iq, first_bin=0): """ Return the smeared I(q) value at the given q. The smeared I(q) is computed using a predetermined smearing matrix for a particular binning. :param q: I(q) array :param first_bin: first bin of the given iq array if shorter than full data length :return: smeared I(q) """ # Sanity check if len(iq)+first_bin > self.nbins: raise RuntimeError, "Invalid I(q) vector: inconsistent array length %s > %s" % (str(len(iq)+first_bin), str(self.nbins)) if self._weights == None: self._compute_matrix() iq_smeared = numpy.zeros(len(iq)) # Loop over q-values idwb=[] for q_i in range(len(iq)): sum = 0.0 counts = 0.0 for i in range(len(iq)): if iq[i]==0 or self._weights[q_i+first_bin][i+first_bin]==0: continue else: sum += iq[i] * self._weights[q_i+first_bin][i+first_bin] counts += self._weights[q_i+first_bin][i+first_bin] if counts == 0: iq_smeared[q_i] = 0 else: iq_smeared[q_i] = sum/counts return iq_smeared