""" ScipyFitting module contains FitArrange , ScipyFit, Parameter classes.All listed classes work together to perform a simple fit with scipy optimizer. """ import numpy import sys from sans.fit.AbstractFitEngine import FitEngine from sans.fit.AbstractFitEngine import SansAssembly from sans.fit.AbstractFitEngine import FitAbort from sans.fit.AbstractFitEngine import Model from sans.fit.AbstractFitEngine import FResult class ScipyFit(FitEngine): """ ScipyFit performs the Fit.This class can be used as follow: #Do the fit SCIPY create an engine: engine = ScipyFit() Use data must be of type plottable Use a sans model Add data with a dictionnary of FitArrangeDict where Uid is a key and data is saved in FitArrange object. engine.set_data(data,Uid) Set model parameter "M1"= model.name add {model.parameter.name:value}. :note: Set_param() if used must always preceded set_model() for the fit to be performed.In case of Scipyfit set_param is called in fit () automatically. engine.set_param( model,"M1", {'A':2,'B':4}) Add model with a dictionnary of FitArrangeDict{} where Uid is a key and model is save in FitArrange object. engine.set_model(model,Uid) engine.fit return chisqr,[model.parameter 1,2,..],[[err1....][..err2...]] chisqr1, out1, cov1=engine.fit({model.parameter.name:value},qmin,qmax) """ def __init__(self): """ Creates a dictionary (self.fit_arrange_dict={})of FitArrange elements with Uid as keys """ FitEngine.__init__(self) self.fit_arrange_dict = {} self.param_list = [] self.curr_thread = None #def fit(self, *args, **kw): # return profile(self._fit, *args, **kw) def fit(self, msg_q=None, q=None, handler=None, curr_thread=None, ftol=1.49012e-8, reset_flag=False): """ """ fitproblem = [] for fproblem in self.fit_arrange_dict.itervalues(): if fproblem.get_to_fit() == 1: fitproblem.append(fproblem) if len(fitproblem) > 1 : msg = "Scipy can't fit more than a single fit problem at a time." raise RuntimeError, msg return elif len(fitproblem) == 0 : raise RuntimeError, "No Assembly scheduled for Scipy fitting." return model = fitproblem[0].get_model() if reset_flag: # reset the initial value; useful for batch for name in fitproblem[0].pars: ind = fitproblem[0].pars.index(name) model.model.setParam(name, fitproblem[0].vals[ind]) listdata = [] listdata = fitproblem[0].get_data() # Concatenate dList set (contains one or more data)before fitting data = listdata self.curr_thread = curr_thread ftol = ftol # Check the initial value if it is within range self._check_param_range(model) result = FResult(model=model, data=data, param_list=self.param_list) if handler is not None: handler.set_result(result=result) try: # This import must be here; otherwise it will be confused when more # than one thread exist. from scipy import optimize functor = SansAssembly(paramlist=self.param_list, model=model, data=data, handler=handler, fitresult=result, curr_thread=curr_thread, msg_q=msg_q) out, cov_x, _, mesg, success = optimize.leastsq(functor, model.get_params(self.param_list), ftol=ftol, full_output=1, warning=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: msg = "Fitting: Terminated!!!" handler.error(msg) raise KeyboardInterrupt, msg #<= more stable #less stable below """ if hasattr(sys, 'last_type') and sys.last_type == KeyboardInterrupt: if handler is not None: msg = "Fitting: Terminated!!!" handler.error(msg) result = handler.get_result() return result else: raise """ except: raise chisqr = functor.chisq() if cov_x is not None and numpy.isfinite(cov_x).all(): stderr = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(cov_x)) else: stderr = [] result.index = data.idx result.fitness = chisqr result.stderr = stderr result.pvec = out result.success = success result.theory = functor.theory if handler is not None: handler.set_result(result=result) handler.update_fit(last=True) if q is not None: q.put(result) return q if success < 1 or success > 5: result.fitness = None return [result] def _check_param_range(self, model): """ Check parameter range and set the initial value inside if it is out of range. : model: park model object """ is_outofbound = False # loop through parameterset for p in model.parameterset: param_name = p.get_name() # proceed only if the parameter name is in the list of fitting if param_name in self.param_list: # if the range was defined, check the range if numpy.isfinite(p.range[0]): if p.value <= p.range[0]: # 10 % backing up from the border if not zero # for Scipy engine to work properly. shift = self._get_zero_shift(p.range[0]) new_value = p.range[0] + shift p.value = new_value is_outofbound = True if numpy.isfinite(p.range[1]): if p.value >= p.range[1]: shift = self._get_zero_shift(p.range[1]) # 10 % backing up from the border if not zero # for Scipy engine to work properly. new_value = p.range[1] - shift # Check one more time if the new value goes below # the low bound, If so, re-evaluate the value # with the mean of the range. if numpy.isfinite(p.range[0]): if new_value < p.range[0]: new_value = (p.range[0] + p.range[1]) / 2.0 # Todo: # Need to think about when both min and max are same. p.value = new_value is_outofbound = True return is_outofbound def _get_zero_shift(self, range): """ Get 10% shift of the param value = 0 based on the range value : param range: min or max value of the bounds """ if range == 0: shift = 0.1 else: shift = 0.1 * range return shift #def profile(fn, *args, **kw): # import cProfile, pstats, os # global call_result # def call(): # global call_result # call_result = fn(*args, **kw) # cProfile.runctx('call()', dict(call=call), {}, 'profile.out') # stats = pstats.Stats('profile.out') # stats.sort_stats('time') # stats.sort_stats('calls') # stats.print_stats() # os.unlink('profile.out') # return call_result