""" @organization: ParkFitting module contains SansParameter,Model,Data FitArrange, ParkFit,Parameter classes.All listed classes work together to perform a simple fit with park optimizer. """ import time import numpy import park from park import fit,fitresult from park import assembly from park.fitmc import FitSimplex, FitMC from sans.guitools.plottables import Data1D from Loader import Load from AbstractFitEngine import FitEngine,FitArrange,Model class ParkFit(FitEngine): """ ParkFit performs the Fit.This class can be used as follow: #Do the fit Park create an engine: engine = ParkFit() Use data must be of type plottable Use a sans model Add data with a dictionnary of FitArrangeList where Uid is a key and data is saved in FitArrange object. engine.set_data(data,Uid) Set model parameter "M1"= model.name add {model.parameter.name:value}. @note: Set_param() if used must always preceded set_model() for the fit to be performed. engine.set_param( model,"M1", {'A':2,'B':4}) Add model with a dictionnary of FitArrangeList{} where Uid is a key and model is save in FitArrange object. engine.set_model(model,Uid) engine.fit return chisqr,[model.parameter 1,2,..],[[err1....][..err2...]] chisqr1, out1, cov1=engine.fit({model.parameter.name:value},qmin,qmax) @note: {model.parameter.name:value} is ignored in fit function since the user should make sure to call set_param himself. """ def __init__(self): """ Creates a dictionary (self.fitArrangeList={})of FitArrange elements with Uid as keys """ self.fitArrangeDict={} self.paramList=[] def createAssembly(self): """ Extract sansmodel and sansdata from self.FitArrangelist ={Uid:FitArrange} Create parkmodel and park data ,form a list couple of parkmodel and parkdata create an assembly self.problem= park.Assembly([(parkmodel,parkdata)]) """ mylist=[] listmodel=[] i=0 for k,value in self.fitArrangeDict.iteritems(): parkmodel = value.get_model() for p in parkmodel.parameterset: if p._getname()in self.paramList and not p.iscomputed(): p.status = 'fitted' # make it a fitted parameter #iscomputed paramter with string inside i+=1 Ldata=value.get_data() parkdata=self._concatenateData(Ldata) fitness=(parkmodel,parkdata) mylist.append(fitness) self.problem = park.Assembly(mylist) def fit(self, qmin=None, qmax=None): """ Performs fit with park.fit module.It can perform fit with one model and a set of data, more than two fit of one model and sets of data or fit with more than two model associated with their set of data and constraints @param pars: Dictionary of parameter names for the model and their values. @param qmin: The minimum value of data's range to be fit @param qmax: The maximum value of data's range to be fit @note:all parameter are ignored most of the time.Are just there to keep ScipyFit and ParkFit interface the same. @return result.fitness: Value of the goodness of fit metric @return result.pvec: list of parameter with the best value found during fitting @return result.cov: Covariance matrix """ self.createAssembly() localfit = FitSimplex() localfit.ftol = 1e-8 # fitmc(fitness,localfit,n,handler): #Run a monte carlo fit. #This procedure maps a local optimizer across a set of n initial points. #The initial parameter value defined by the fitness parameters defines #one initial point. The remainder are randomly generated within the #bounds of the problem. #localfit is the local optimizer to use. It should be a bounded #optimizer following the `park.fitmc.LocalFit` interface. #handler accepts updates to the current best set of fit parameters. # See `park.fitresult.FitHandler` for details. fitter = FitMC(localfit=localfit) #result = fit.fit(self.problem, # fitter=fitter, # handler= GuiUpdate(window)) result = fit.fit(self.problem, fitter=fitter, handler= fitresult.ConsoleUpdate(improvement_delta=0.1)) if result !=None: return result else: raise ValueError, "SVD did not converge"