""" @organization: Class Fit contains ScipyFit and ParkFit methods declaration allows to create instance of type ScipyFit or ParkFit to perform either a park fit or a scipy fit. """ from sans.guitools.plottables import Data1D from Loader import Load from scipy import optimize from ScipyFitting import ScipyFit from ParkFitting import ParkFit class Fit: """ Wrap class that allows to select the fitting type.this class can be used as follow : from sans.fit.Fitting import Fit fitter= Fit() fitter.fit_engine('scipy') or fitter.fit_engine('park') engine = fitter.returnEngine() engine.set_data(data,Uid) engine.set_param( model,model.name, pars) engine.set_model(model,Uid) chisqr1, out1, cov1=engine.fit(pars,qmin,qmax) """ def __init__(self, engine='scipy'): """ self._engine will contain an instance of ScipyFit or ParkFit """ self._engine=None self.set_engine(engine) def set_engine(self,word): """ Select the type of Fit @param word: the keyword to select the fit type @raise: if the user does not enter 'scipy' or 'park', a valueError is rase """ if word=="scipy": self._engine=ScipyFit() elif word=="park": self._engine=ParkFit() else: raise ValueError, "enter the keyword scipy or park" def returnEngine(self): """ @return self._engine""" return self._engine def fit(self,pars, qmin=None, qmax=None): """Perform the fit """ def set_model(self,model,Uid): """ Set model """ def set_data(self,data,Uid): """ Receive plottable and create a list of data to fit""" def get_model(self,Uid): """ return list of data""" def set_param(self,model,name, pars): """ Recieve a dictionary of parameter and save it """ self._engine.set_param(model, name, pars) def remove_data(self,Uid,data=None): """ remove one or all data""" def remove_model(self,Uid): """ remove model """