import sys, math, time import numpy from formatnum import format_uncertainty class FitHandler(object): """ Abstract interface for fit thread handler. The methods in this class are called by the optimizer as the fit progresses. Note that it is up to the optimizer to call the fit handler correctly, reporting all status changes and maintaining the 'done' flag. """ done = False """True when the fit job is complete""" result = None """The current best result of the fit""" def improvement(self): """ Called when a result is observed which is better than previous results from the fit. result is a FitResult object, with parameters, #calls and fitness. """ def error(self, msg): """ Model had an error; print traceback """ def progress(self, current, expected): """ Called each cycle of the fit, reporting the current and the expected amount of work. The meaning of these values is optimizer dependent, but they can be converted into a percent complete using (100*current)//expected. Progress is updated each iteration of the fit, whatever that means for the particular optimization algorithm. It is called after any calls to improvement for the iteration so that the update handler can control I/O bandwidth by suppressing intermediate improvements until the fit is complete. """ def finalize(self): """ Fit is complete; best results are reported """ def abort(self): """ Fit was aborted. """ class ConsoleUpdate(FitHandler): """ Print progress to the console. """ isbetter = False """Record whether results improved since last update""" progress_delta = 60 """Number of seconds between progress updates""" improvement_delta = 5 """Number of seconds between improvement updates""" def __init__(self,quiet=False,progress_delta=60,improvement_delta=5): """ If quiet is true, only print out final summary, not progress and improvements. """ #import traceback; traceback.print_stack() self.progress_time = time.time() self.progress_percent = 0 self.improvement_time = self.progress_time self.isbetter = False self.quiet = quiet self.progress_delta = progress_delta self.improvement_delta = improvement_delta def progress(self, k, n): """ Report on progress. """ if self.quiet: return t = time.time() p = int((100*k)//n) # Show improvements if there are any dt = t - self.improvement_time if self.isbetter and dt > self.improvement_delta: self.result.print_summary() self.isbetter = False self.improvement_time = t # Update percent complete dp = p-self.progress_percent if dp < 1: return dt = t - self.progress_time if dt > self.progress_delta: if 1 <= dp <= 2: print "%d%% complete"%p self.progress_percent = p self.progress_time = t elif 2 < dp <= 5: if p//5 != self.progress_percent//5: print "%d%% complete"%(5*(p//5)) self.progress_percent = p self.progress_time = t else: if p//10 != self.progress_percent//10: print "%d%% complete"%(10*(p//10)) self.progress_percent = p self.progress_time = t def improvement(self): """ Called when a result is observed which is better than previous results from the fit. """ self.isbetter = True def error(self, msg): """ Model had an error; print traceback """ if self.isbetter: self.result.print_summary() print msg def finalize(self): if self.isbetter: self.result.print_summary() print "Total function calls:",self.result.calls def abort(self): if self.isbetter: self.result.print_summary() class FitParameter(object): """ Fit result for an individual parameter. """ def __init__(self, name, range, value): = name self.range = range self.value = value self.stderr = None def summarize(self): """ Return parameter range string. E.g., " Gold .....|.... 5.2043 in [2,7]" """ bar = ['.']*10 lo,hi = self.range if numpy.isfinite(lo)and numpy.isfinite(hi): portion = (self.value-lo)/(hi-lo) if portion < 0: portion = 0. elif portion >= 1: portion = 0.99999999 barpos = int(math.floor(portion*len(bar))) bar[barpos] = '|' bar = "".join(bar) lostr = "[%g"%lo if numpy.isfinite(lo) else "(-inf" histr = "%g]"%hi if numpy.isfinite(hi) else "inf)" valstr = format_uncertainty(self.value, self.stderr) return "%25s %s %s in %s,%s" % (,bar,valstr,lostr,histr) def __repr__(self): return "FitParameter('%s')" class FitResult(object): """ Container for reporting fit results. """ def __init__(self, parameters, calls, fitness): self.parameters = parameters """Fit parameter list, each with name, range and value attributes.""" self.calls = calls """Number of function calls""" = fitness """Value of the goodness of fit metric""" self.pvec = numpy.array([p.value for p in self.parameters]) """Parameter vector""" self.stderr = None """Parameter uncertainties""" self.cov = None """Covariance matrix""" def update(self, pvec, fitness, calls): self.calls = calls = fitness self.pvec = pvec.copy() for i,p in enumerate(self.parameters): p.value = pvec[i] def calc_cov(self, fn): """ Return the covariance matrix inv(J'J) at point p. """ if hasattr(fn, 'jacobian'): # Find cov of f at p # cov(f,p) = inv(J'J) # Use SVD # J = U S V' # J'J = (U S V')' (U S V') # = V S' U' U S V' # = V S S V' # inv(J'J) = inv(V S S V') # = inv(V') inv(S S) inv(V) # = V inv (S S) V' J = fn.jacobian(self.pvec) u,s,vh = numpy.linalg.svd(J,0) JTJinv =**2,vh) self.set_cov(JTJinv) def set_cov(self, cov): """ Return the covariance matrix inv(J'J) at point p. """ self.cov = cov if cov is not None: self.stderr = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(self.cov)) # Set the uncertainties on the individual parameters for k,p in enumerate(self.parameters): p.stderr = self.stderr[k] else: self.stderr = None # Reset the uncertainties on the individual parameters for k,p in enumerate(self.parameters): p.stderr = None def __str__(self): #import traceback; traceback.print_stack() if self.parameters == None: return "No results" L = ["P%-3d %s"%(n+1,p.summarize()) for n,p in enumerate(self.parameters)] L.append("=== goodness of fit: %g"%( return "\n".join(L) def print_summary(self, fid=sys.stdout): print >>fid, self