# The job queue needs to be in a transaction/rollback protected database. # If the server is rebooted, long running jobs should continue to work. # from __future__ import division import numpy import simplex import fitresult, pmap, fit __all__ = ['fitmc', 'FitMCJob'] class LocalFit(object): """ Abstract interface for a local minimizer See `park.fitmc.FitSimplex` for a concrete implementation. """ def fit(self, objective, x0): """ Minimize the value of a fitness function. See `park.fitmc.Fitness` for the definition of the goodness of fit object. x0 is a vector containing the initial value for the fit. """ def abort(self): """ Cancel the fit. This will be called from a separate execution thread. The fit should terminate as soon as possible after this function has been called. Ideally this would interrupt the cur """ class FitSimplex(LocalFit): """ Local minimizer using Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm. Simplex is robust and derivative free, though not very efficient. This class wraps the bounds contrained Nelder-Mead simplex implementation for `park.simplex.simplex`. """ radius = 0.05 """Size of the initial simplex; this is a portion between 0 and 1""" xtol = 1 #xtol = 1e-4 """Stop when simplex vertices are within xtol of each other""" ftol = 1e-4 """Stop when vertex values are within ftol of each other""" maxiter = None """Maximum number of iterations before fit terminates""" def fit(self, fitness, x0): """Run the fit""" self.cancel = False pars = fitness.fit_parameters() bounds = numpy.array([p.range for p in pars]).T result = simplex.simplex(fitness, x0, bounds=bounds, radius=self.radius, xtol=self.xtol, ftol=self.ftol, maxiter=self.maxiter, abort_test=self._iscancelled) #print "calls:",result.calls #print "simplex returned",result.x,result.fx # Need to make our own copy of the fit results so that the # values don't get stomped on by the next fit iteration. fitpars = [fitresult.FitParameter(pars[i].name,pars[i].range,v) for i,v in enumerate(result.x)] res = fitresult.FitResult(fitpars, result.calls, result.fx) # Compute the parameter uncertainties from the jacobian res.calc_cov(fitness) return res def abort(self): """Cancel the fit in progress from another thread of execution""" # Effectively an atomic operation; rely on GIL to protect it. self.cancel = True # Abort the current function evaluation if possible. if hasattr(fitness,'abort'): self.fitness.abort() def _iscancelled(self): return self.cancel class MapMC(object): """ Evaluate a local fit at a particular start point. This is the function to be mapped across a set of start points for the monte carlo map-reduce implementation. See `park.pmap.Mapper` for required interface. """ def __init__(self, minimizer, fitness): self.minimizer, self.fitness = minimizer, fitness def __call__(self, x0): return self.minimizer.fit(self.fitness,x0) def abort(self): self.minimizer.abort() class CollectMC(object): """ Collect the results from multiple start points in a Monte Carlo fit engine. See `park.pmap.Collector` for required interface. """ def __init__(self, number_expected, handler): self.number_expected = number_expected """Number of starting points to check with local optimizer""" self.iterations = 0 self.best = None self.calls = 0 self.handler = handler self.handler.done = False def __call__(self, result): # Keep track of the amount of work done self.iterations += 1 self.calls += result.calls if self.best is None or result.fitness < self.best.fitness: self.best = result self.handler.result = result self.handler.improvement() # Progress should go after improvement in case the fit handler # wants to suppress intermediate improvements self.handler.progress(self.iterations, self.number_expected) def abort(self): self.handler.done = True self.handler.abort() def finalize(self): self.handler.result.calls = self.calls self.handler.done = True self.handler.finalize() def error(self, msg): self.handler.done = True self.handler.error(msg) def fitmc(fitness, x0, bounds, localfit, n, handler): """ Run a monte carlo fit. This procedure maps a local optimizer across a set of n initial points. The initial parameter value defined by the fitness parameters defines one initial point. The remainder are randomly generated within the bounds of the problem. localfit is the local optimizer to use. It should be a bounded optimizer following the `park.fitmc.LocalFit` interface. handler accepts updates to the current best set of fit parameters. See `park.fitresult.FitHandler` for details. """ # Generate random number within bounds. If bounds are indefinite, use [0,1] # If bounds are semi-definite, use [low,low+1] or [high-1,high], depending # on which limit is unbounded. lo,hi = bounds inf_lo = numpy.isinf(lo) inf_hi = numpy.isinf(hi) delta = hi-lo delta[inf_lo|inf_hi] = 1.0 lo[inf_lo] = hi[inf_lo] - 1.0 lo[inf_lo&inf_hi] = 0.0 P = numpy.random.rand(n,len(x0))*delta+lo #print "Population",P P[0] = x0 pmap.pmapreduce(MapMC(localfit,fitness), CollectMC(n,handler), P) class FitMC(fit.Fitter): """ Monte Carlo optimizer. This implements `park.fit.Fitter`. """ localfit = FitSimplex() start_points = 10 def _fit(self, objective, x0, bounds): """ Run a monte carlo fit. This procedure maps a local optimizer across a set of initial points. """ fitmc(objective, x0, bounds, self.localfit, self.start_points, self.handler) if __name__ == "__main__": fit.demo2(FitMC(localfit=FitSimplex(),start_points=10))