# This program is public domain """ Functions for manipulating expressions. """ import math import re from deps import order_dependencies # simple pattern which matches symbols. Note that it will also match # invalid substrings such as a3...9, but given syntactically correct # input it will only match symbols. _symbol_pattern = re.compile('([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9.]*)') def symbols(expr,symtab): """ Given an expression string and a symbol table, return the set of symbols used in the expression. Symbols are only returned once even if they occur multiple times. The return value is a set with the elements in no particular order. This is the first step in computing a dependency graph. """ matches = [m.group(0) for m in _symbol_pattern.finditer(expr)] return set([symtab[m] for m in matches if m in symtab]) def substitute(expr,mapping): """ Replace all occurrences of symbol s with mapping[s] for s in mapping. """ # Find the symbols and the mapping matches = [(m.start(),m.end(),mapping[m.group(1)]) for m in _symbol_pattern.finditer(expr) if m.group(1) in mapping] # Split the expression in to pieces, with new symbols replacing old pieces = [] offset = 0 for start,end,text in matches: pieces += [expr[offset:start],text] offset = end pieces.append(expr[offset:]) # Join the pieces and return them return "".join(pieces) def find_dependencies(pars): """ Returns a list of pair-wise dependencies from the parameter expressions. For example, if p3 = p1+p2, then find_dependencies([p1,p2,p3]) will return [(p3,p1),(p3,p2)]. For base expressions without dependencies, such as p4 = 2*pi, this should return [(p4, None)] """ symtab = dict([(p.path, p) for p in pars]) # Hack to deal with expressions without dependencies --- return a fake # dependency of None. # The better solution is fix order_dependencies so that it takes a # dictionary of {symbol: dependency_list}, for which no dependencies # is simply []; fix in parameter_mapping as well def symbols_or_none(expr,symtab): syms = symbols(expr,symtab) return syms if len(syms) else [None] deps = [(p,dep) for p in pars if p.iscomputed() for dep in symbols_or_none(p.expression,symtab)] return deps def parameter_mapping(pairs): """ Find the parameter substitution we need so that expressions can be evaluated without having to traverse a chain of model.layer.parameter.value """ left,right = zip(*pairs) pars = set(left+right) symtab = dict( ('P%d'%i,p) for i,p in enumerate(pars) ) # p is None when there is an expression with no dependencies mapping = dict( (p.path,'P%d.value'%i) for i,p in enumerate(pars) if p is not None) return symtab,mapping def no_constraints(): """ This parameter set has no constraints between the parameters. """ pass def build_eval(pars, context={}): """ Build and return a function to evaluate all parameter expressions in the proper order. Inputs: pars is a list of parameters context is a dictionary of additional symbols for the expressions Output: updater function Raises: AssertionError - model, parameter or function is missing SyntaxError - improper expression syntax ValueError - expressions have circular dependencies This function is not terribly sophisticated, and it would be easy to trick. However it handles the common cases cleanly and generates reasonable messages for the common errors. This code has not been fully audited for security. While we have removed the builtins and the ability to import modules, there may be other vectors for users to perform more than simple function evaluations. Unauthenticated users should not be running this code. Parameter names are assumed to contain only _.a-zA-Z0-9#[] The list of parameters is probably something like:: parset.setprefix() pars = parset.flatten() Note that math uses acos while numpy uses arccos. To avoid confusion we allow both. Should try running the function to identify syntax errors before running it in a fit. Use help(fn) to see the code generated for the returned function fn. dis.dis(fn) will show the corresponding python vm instructions. """ # Initialize dictionary with available functions globals = {} globals.update(math.__dict__) globals.update(dict(arcsin=math.asin,arccos=math.acos, arctan=math.atan,arctan2=math.atan2)) globals.update(context) # Sort the parameters in the order they need to be evaluated deps = find_dependencies(pars) if deps == []: return no_constraints par_table,par_mapping = parameter_mapping(deps) order = order_dependencies(deps) # Finish setting up the global and local namespace globals.update(par_table) locals = {} # Define the function body exprs = [p.path+"="+p.expression for p in order] code = [substitute(s,par_mapping) for s in exprs] # Define the constraints function functiondef = """ def eval_expressions(): ''' %s ''' %s """%("\n ".join(exprs),"\n ".join(code)) #print "Function:",functiondef exec functiondef in globals,locals retfn = locals['eval_expressions'] # Remove garbage added to globals by exec globals.pop('__doc__',None) globals.pop('__name__',None) globals.pop('__file__',None) globals.pop('__builtins__') #print globals.keys() return retfn def test(): import inspect, dis import math symtab = {'a.b.x':1, 'a.c':2, 'a.b':3, 'b.x':4} expr = 'a.b.x + sin(4*pi*a.c) + a.b.x/a.b' # Check symbol lookup assert symbols(expr, symtab) == set([1,2,3]) # Check symbol rename assert substitute(expr,{'a.b.x':'Q'}) == 'Q + sin(4*pi*a.c) + Q/a.b' assert substitute(expr,{'a.b':'Q'}) == 'a.b.x + sin(4*pi*a.c) + a.b.x/Q' # Check dependency builder # Fake parameter class class Parameter: def __init__(self, name, value=0, expression=''): self.path = name self.value = value self.expression = expression def iscomputed(self): return (self.expression != '') def __repr__(self): return self.path p1 = Parameter('G0.sigma',5) p2 = Parameter('other',expression='2*pi*sin(G0.sigma/.1875) + M1.G1') p3 = Parameter('M1.G1',6) p4 = Parameter('constant',expression='2*pi*35') # Simple chain assert set(find_dependencies([p1,p2,p3])) == set([(p2,p1),(p2,p3)]) # Constant expression assert set(find_dependencies([p1,p4])) == set([(p4,None)]) # No dependencies assert set(find_dependencies([p1,p3])) == set([]) # Check function builder fn = build_eval([p1,p2,p3]) # Inspect the resulting function if False: print inspect.getdoc(fn) print dis.dis(fn) # Evaluate the function and see if it updates the # target value as expected fn() expected = 2*math.pi*math.sin(5/.1875) + 6 assert p2.value == expected,"Value was %s, not %s"%(p2.value,expected) # Check empty dependency set doesn't crash fn = build_eval([p1,p3]) fn() # Check that constants are evaluated properly fn = build_eval([p4]) fn() assert p4.value == 2*math.pi*35 # Check additional context example; this also tests multiple # expressions class Table: Si = 2.09 values = {'Si': 2.07} tbl = Table() p5 = Parameter('lookup',expression="tbl.Si") fn = build_eval([p1,p2,p3,p5],context=dict(tbl=tbl)) fn() assert p5.value == 2.09,"Value for %s was %s"%(p5.expression,p5.value) p5.expression = "tbl.values['Si']" fn = build_eval([p1,p2,p3,p5],context=dict(tbl=tbl)) fn() assert p5.value == 2.07,"Value for %s was %s"%(p5.expression,p5.value) # Verify that we capture invalid expressions for expr in ['G4.cage', 'M0.cage', 'M1.G1 + *2', 'piddle', '5; import sys; print "p0wned"', '__import__("sys").argv']: try: p6 = Parameter('broken',expression=expr) fn = build_eval([p6]) fn() except Exception,msg: pass else: raise "Failed to raise error for %s"%expr if __name__ == "__main__": test()