# This program is public domain """ PARK fitting service. The PARK fitting service is a set of python packages to support fitting in datasets. Using common python infrastructure such as scipy optimizers, numpy arrays, and matplotlib plotting, park allows you to define models, associate them with datasets and simultaneously fit them. Park provides a simple job queue to manage multiple fits using separate processes or running across the network on separate machines. Installation ============ The latest version of Park is available from http://www.reflectometry.org/danse/park. Currently this is supplied as source from a zip file. You can also retrieve the latest version from svn:: svn co svn://danse.us/park/branches/park-1.2 If you are installing from source, you will need a python environment with numpy and scipy. For the GUI version, you will also need matplotlib and wx. You will need a C compiler to build the resolution convolution function. On Windows this may require installing MinGW and adding distutils.cfg to your distutils directory:: [build] compiler = mingw Once you have the required supporting packages, use the following to build and install:: python setup.py install Usage ===== To get started with park, you will need to first define the models that you are using. These can be very basic models, listing all possible fitting parameters. When setting up the fit later, you will be able to combine models, using parameter expressions to relate the values in one model with those in another. See `park.model` for details. Once your models are constructed you can use them in a fit. See `park.fit` for details. Important classes and functions: `park.model.Model`, `park.parameter.ParameterSet`, `park.fit.Fit` :group models: model, assembly, parameter, data :group examples: peaks :group optimizer: fit, fitresult, fitmc, simplex :group support: expression, deps, version, setup, serial :group server: fitservice """ #from fitservice import * from parameter import * from data import * from model import * from assembly import * import fit