""" This module provide GUI for the neutron scattering length density calculator """ import copy import time import sys import os import wx from wx.lib.scrolledpanel import ScrolledPanel from sans.invariant import invariant from sans.guiframe.utils import format_number from sans.guiframe.utils import check_float from sans.guiframe.events import StatusEvent from sans.guiframe.events import AppendBookmarkEvent from .invariant_details import InvariantDetailsPanel from .invariant_details import InvariantContainer from .invariant_widgets import OutputTextCtrl from .invariant_widgets import InvTextCtrl from .invariant_state import InvariantState as IState from sans.guiframe.panel_base import PanelBase # The minimum q-value to be used when extrapolating Q_MINIMUM = 1e-5 # The maximum q-value to be used when extrapolating Q_MAXIMUM = 10 # the ratio of maximum q value/(qmax of data) to plot the theory data Q_MAXIMUM_PLOT = 3 # the number of points to consider during fit NPTS = 10 #Default value for background BACKGROUND = 0.0 #default value for the scale SCALE = 1.0 #default value of the contrast CONTRAST = 1.0 #default value of the power used for power law POWER = 4.0 #Invariant panel size _BOX_WIDTH = 76 if sys.platform.count("win32") > 0: _STATICBOX_WIDTH = 420 PANEL_WIDTH = 500 PANEL_HEIGHT = 700 FONT_VARIANT = 0 else: _STATICBOX_WIDTH = 450 PANEL_WIDTH = 530 PANEL_HEIGHT = 700 FONT_VARIANT = 1 class InvariantPanel(ScrolledPanel, PanelBase): """ Provides the Invariant GUI. """ ## Internal nickname for the window, used by the AUI manager window_name = "Invariant" ## Name to appear on the window title bar window_caption = "Invariant" ## Flag to tell the AUI manager to put this panel in the center pane CENTER_PANE = True def __init__(self, parent, data=None, manager=None, *args, **kwds): kwds["size"] = (PANEL_WIDTH, PANEL_HEIGHT) kwds["style"] = wx.FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE ScrolledPanel.__init__(self, parent=parent, *args, **kwds) PanelBase.__init__(self, parent) self.SetupScrolling() #Font size self.SetWindowVariant(variant=FONT_VARIANT) #Object that receive status event self.parent = parent #plug-in using this panel self._manager = manager #Data uses for computation self._data = data self._scale = SCALE self._background = BACKGROUND self._bmark = None self.bookmark_num = 0 self._set_bookmark_menu() #Init state self.set_state() # default flags for state self.new_state = False self.is_state_data = False self.is_power_out = False #container of invariant value self.inv_container = None #Draw the panel self._do_layout() self.reset_panel() self._reset_state_list() if self.parent is not None: msg = "" wx.PostEvent(self.parent,StatusEvent(status=msg, info="info")) ## Default file location for save self._default_save_location = os.getcwd() self._set_bookmark_flag(False) ## Bypass resetting the scroll position at focusing child self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK, self._scroll_skip) def _scroll_skip(self, event): """ Unfocus children when scrolling: This fixes a problem w/wx2.9 """ # If any children are focused, unfocuse them if self != self.FindFocus(): self.SetFocusIgnoringChildren() return def get_data(self): """ """ return self._manager.get_data() def get_state(self): """ """ return self.state def set_data(self, data): """ Set the data """ self._data = data #edit the panel if self._data is not None: self._delete_bookmark_items() self.get_state_by_num(0) data_name = self._data.name data_qmin = min (self._data.x) data_qmax = max (self._data.x) self.data_name_tcl.SetValue(str(data_name)) self.data_min_tcl.SetValue(str(data_qmin)) self.data_max_tcl.SetValue(str(data_qmax)) self.reset_panel() self.compute_invariant(event=None) self.state.file = self._data.name #Reset the list of states self.state.data = copy.deepcopy(data) self._set_save_flag(True) self._set_preview_flag(False) self._reset_state_list() self._set_bookmark_flag(True) return True def _delete_bookmark_items(self): """ Delete bookmark menu items """ # delete toolbar menu self.parent.reset_bookmark_menu(self) self.parent._update_toolbar_helper() # delete popUpMenu items pos = 0 for item in self.popUpMenu.GetMenuItems(): pos += 1 if pos < 3: continue self.popUpMenu.DestroyItem(item) def set_message(self): """ Display warning message if available """ if self.inv_container is not None: if self.inv_container.existing_warning: msg = "Warning! Computations on invariant require your " msg += "attention.\n Please click on Details button." self.hint_msg_txt.SetForegroundColour("red") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg,info="warning")) else: msg = "For more information, click on Details button." self.hint_msg_txt.SetForegroundColour("black") wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg,info="info")) self.hint_msg_txt.SetLabel(msg) def set_manager(self, manager): """ set value for the manager """ self._manager = manager def save_project(self, doc=None): """ return an xml node containing state of the panel that guiframe can write to file """ data = self.get_data() state = self.get_state() if data is not None: new_doc = self._manager.state_reader.write_toXML(data, state) if new_doc is not None: if doc is not None and hasattr(doc, "firstChild"): child = new_doc.firstChild.firstChild doc.firstChild.appendChild(child) else: doc = new_doc return doc def set_state(self,state=None,data=None): """ set state when loading it from a .inv/.svs file """ if state == None and data == None: self.state = IState() elif state == None or data == None: return else: new_state = copy.deepcopy(state) self.new_state = True if not self.set_data(data): return self.state = new_state self.state.file = data.name num = self.state.saved_state['state_num'] if num > 0 : self._set_undo_flag(True) if num < len(state.state_list) - 1: self._set_redo_flag(True) # get bookmarks self.bookmark_num = len(self.state.bookmark_list) total_bookmark_num = self.bookmark_num + 1 for ind in range(1,total_bookmark_num): #bookmark_num = ind value = self.state.bookmark_list[ind] name = "%d] bookmarked at %s on %s"% (ind,value[0], value[1]) # append it to menu id = wx.NewId() self.popUpMenu.Append(id,name,str('')) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._back_to_bookmark) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, AppendBookmarkEvent(title=name, hint='', handler=self._back_to_bookmark)) self.get_state_by_num(state_num=str(num)) self._get_input_list() #make sure that the data is reset (especially # when loaded from a inv file) self.state.data = self._data self._set_preview_flag(False) self.new_state = False self.is_state_data = False def clear_panel(self): """ Clear panel to defaults, used by set_state of manager """ self._data = None # default data testctrl self.hint_msg_txt.SetLabel('') data_name = '' data_qmin = '' data_qmax = '' self.data_name_tcl.SetValue(str(data_name)) self.data_min_tcl.SetValue(str(data_qmin)) self.data_max_tcl.SetValue(str(data_qmax)) #reset output textctrl self._reset_output() #reset panel self.reset_panel() #reset state w/o data self.set_state() # default flags for state self.new_state = False self.is_state_data = False self.is_power_out = False def get_background(self): """ return the background textcrtl value as a float """ background = self.background_tcl.GetValue().lstrip().rstrip() if background == "": raise ValueError, "Need a background" if check_float(self.background_tcl): return float(background) else: msg = "Receive invalid value for background : %s" % (background) raise ValueError, msg def get_scale(self): """ return the scale textcrtl value as a float """ scale = self.scale_tcl.GetValue().lstrip().rstrip() if scale == "": raise ValueError, "Need a background" if check_float(self.scale_tcl): if float(scale) <= 0.0: self.scale_tcl.SetBackgroundColour("pink") self.scale_tcl.Refresh() msg = "Receive invalid value for scale: %s" % (scale) raise ValueError, msg return float(scale) else: raise ValueError, "Receive invalid value for scale : %s" % (scale) def get_contrast(self): """ return the contrast textcrtl value as a float """ par_str = self.contrast_tcl.GetValue().strip() contrast = None if par_str !=" " and check_float(self.contrast_tcl): contrast = float(par_str) return contrast def get_extrapolation_type(self, low_q, high_q): """ """ extrapolation = None if low_q and not high_q: extrapolation = "low" elif not low_q and high_q: extrapolation = "high" elif low_q and high_q: extrapolation = "both" return extrapolation def get_porod_const(self): """ return the porod constant textcrtl value as a float """ par_str = self.porod_constant_tcl.GetValue().strip() porod_const = None if par_str != "" and check_float(self.porod_constant_tcl): porod_const = float(par_str) return porod_const def get_volume(self, inv, contrast, extrapolation): """ """ if contrast is not None: try: v, dv = inv.get_volume_fraction_with_error(contrast=contrast, extrapolation=extrapolation) self.volume_tcl.SetValue(format_number(v)) self.volume_err_tcl.SetValue(format_number(dv)) except: self.volume_tcl.SetValue(format_number(None)) self.volume_err_tcl.SetValue(format_number(None)) msg = "Error occurred computing volume " msg += " fraction: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error", type="stop")) def get_surface(self, inv, contrast, porod_const, extrapolation): """ """ if contrast is not None and porod_const is not None: try: s, ds = inv.get_surface_with_error(contrast=contrast, porod_const=porod_const, extrapolation=extrapolation) self.surface_tcl.SetValue(format_number(s)) self.surface_err_tcl.SetValue(format_number(ds)) except: self.surface_tcl.SetValue(format_number(None)) self.surface_err_tcl.SetValue(format_number(None)) msg = "Error occurred computing " msg += "specific surface: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error", type="stop")) def get_total_qstar(self, inv, extrapolation): """ """ try: qstar_total, qstar_total_err = inv.get_qstar_with_error(extrapolation) self.invariant_total_tcl.SetValue(format_number(qstar_total)) self.invariant_total_err_tcl.SetValue(format_number(qstar_total_err)) self.inv_container.qstar_total = qstar_total self.inv_container.qstar_total_err = qstar_total_err except: self.inv_container.qstar_total = "Error" self.inv_container.qstar_total_err = "Error" self.invariant_total_tcl.SetValue(format_number(None)) self.invariant_total_err_tcl.SetValue(format_number(None)) msg = "Error occurred computing invariant using" msg += " extrapolation: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status= msg, type="stop")) def get_low_qstar(self, inv, npts_low, low_q=False): """ """ if low_q: try: qstar_low, qstar_low_err = inv.get_qstar_low() self.inv_container.qstar_low = qstar_low self.inv_container.qstar_low_err = qstar_low_err extrapolated_data = inv.get_extra_data_low(npts_in=npts_low) power_low = inv.get_extrapolation_power(range='low') if self.power_law_low.GetValue(): self.power_low_tcl.SetValue(format_number(power_low)) self._manager.plot_theory(data=extrapolated_data, name="Low-Q extrapolation") except: raise self.inv_container.qstar_low = "ERROR" self.inv_container.qstar_low_err = "ERROR" self._manager.plot_theory(name="Low-Q extrapolation") msg = "Error occurred computing low-Q " msg += "invariant: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, type="stop")) else: try: self._manager.plot_theory(name="Low-Q extrapolation") except: pass def get_high_qstar(self, inv, high_q=False): """ """ if high_q: try: qmax_plot = Q_MAXIMUM_PLOT * max(self._data.x) if qmax_plot > Q_MAXIMUM: qmax_plot = Q_MAXIMUM qstar_high, qstar_high_err = inv.get_qstar_high() self.inv_container.qstar_high = qstar_high self.inv_container.qstar_high_err = qstar_high_err power_high = inv.get_extrapolation_power(range='high') self.power_high_tcl.SetValue(format_number(power_high)) high_out_data = inv.get_extra_data_high(q_end=qmax_plot, npts=500) self._manager.plot_theory(data=high_out_data, name="High-Q extrapolation") except: #raise self.inv_container.qstar_high = "ERROR" self.inv_container.qstar_high_err = "ERROR" self._manager.plot_theory(name="High-Q extrapolation") msg = "Error occurred computing high-Q " msg += "invariant: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, type="stop")) else: try: self._manager.plot_theory(name="High-Q extrapolation") except: pass def get_qstar(self, inv): """ """ qstar, qstar_err = inv.get_qstar_with_error() self.inv_container.qstar = qstar self.inv_container.qstar_err = qstar_err def set_extrapolation_low(self, inv, low_q=False): """ return float value necessary to compute invariant a low q """ #get funtion if self.guinier.GetValue(): function_low = "guinier" # get the function power_low = None #2.0/3.0 if self.power_law_low.GetValue(): function_low = "power_law" if self.fit_enable_low.GetValue(): #set value of power_low to none to allow fitting power_low = None else: power_low = self.power_low_tcl.GetValue().lstrip().rstrip() if check_float(self.power_low_tcl): power_low = float(power_low) else: if low_q : #Raise error only when qstar at low q is requested msg = "Expect float for power at low q, " msg += " got %s" % (power_low) raise ValueError, msg #Get the number of points to extrapolated npts_low = self.npts_low_tcl.GetValue().lstrip().rstrip() if check_float(self.npts_low_tcl): npts_low = float(npts_low) else: if low_q: msg = "Expect float for number of points at low q," msg += " got %s" % (npts_low) raise ValueError, msg #Set the invariant calculator inv.set_extrapolation(range="low", npts=npts_low, function=function_low, power=power_low) return inv, npts_low def set_extrapolation_high(self, inv, high_q=False): """ return float value necessary to compute invariant a high q """ power_high = None #if self.power_law_high.GetValue(): function_high = "power_law" if self.fit_enable_high.GetValue(): #set value of power_high to none to allow fitting power_high = None else: power_high = self.power_high_tcl.GetValue().lstrip().rstrip() if check_float(self.power_high_tcl): power_high = float(power_high) else: if high_q : #Raise error only when qstar at high q is requested msg = "Expect float for power at high q," msg += " got %s" % (power_high) raise ValueError, msg npts_high = self.npts_high_tcl.GetValue().lstrip().rstrip() if check_float(self.npts_high_tcl): npts_high = float(npts_high) else: if high_q: msg = "Expect float for number of points at high q," msg += " got %s" % (npts_high) raise ValueError, msg inv.set_extrapolation(range="high", npts=npts_high, function=function_high, power=power_high) return inv, npts_high def display_details(self, event): """ open another panel for more details on invariant calculation """ panel = InvariantDetailsPanel(parent=self, qstar_container=self.inv_container) panel.ShowModal() panel.Destroy() self.button_calculate.SetFocus() def compute_invariant(self, event=None): """ compute invariant """ if self._data == None: msg = "\n\nData must be loaded first in order" msg += " to perform a compution..." wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) # set a state for this computation for saving elif event != None: self._set_compute_state(state='compute') self._set_bookmark_flag(True) msg= "\n\nStarting a new invariant computation..." wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) if self._data is None: return self.button_details.Enable() #clear outputs textctrl self._reset_output() try: background = self.get_background() scale = self.get_scale() except: msg = "Invariant Error: %s" % (sys.exc_value) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, type="stop")) return low_q = self.enable_low_cbox.GetValue() high_q = self.enable_high_cbox.GetValue() temp_data = copy.deepcopy(self._data) #set invariant calculator inv = invariant.InvariantCalculator(data=temp_data, background=background, scale=scale) try: inv, npts_low = self.set_extrapolation_low(inv=inv, low_q=low_q) inv, npts_high = self.set_extrapolation_high(inv=inv, high_q=high_q) except: msg = "Error occurred computing invariant: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="warning",type="stop")) return #check the type of extrapolation extrapolation = self.get_extrapolation_type(low_q=low_q, high_q=high_q) #Compute invariant bkg_changed = False scale_changed = False try: self.get_qstar(inv=inv) #if scale_changed or bkg_changed: #self._manager.plot_data(data=inv.get_data()) except: msg= "Error occurred computing invariant: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="warning", type="stop")) return #Compute qstar extrapolated to low q range self.get_low_qstar(inv=inv, npts_low=npts_low, low_q=low_q) #Compute qstar extrapolated to high q range self.get_high_qstar(inv=inv, high_q=high_q) #Compute qstar extrapolated to total q range and set value to txtcrtl self.get_total_qstar(inv=inv, extrapolation=extrapolation) # Parse additional parameters porod_const = self.get_porod_const() contrast = self.get_contrast() try: #Compute volume and set value to txtcrtl self.get_volume(inv=inv, contrast=contrast, extrapolation=extrapolation) #compute surface and set value to txtcrtl except: msg = "Error occurred computing invariant: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="warning", type="stop")) try: self.get_surface(inv=inv, contrast=contrast, porod_const=porod_const, extrapolation=extrapolation) except: msg = "Error occurred computing invariant: %s" % sys.exc_value wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="warning", type="stop")) #compute percentage of each invariant self.inv_container.compute_percentage() #display a message self.set_message() # reset power_out to default to get ready for another '_on_text' if self.is_power_out == True: self.state.container = copy.deepcopy(self.inv_container) self.state.timestamp= self._get_time_stamp() msg = self.state.__str__() self.state.set_report_string() self.is_power_out = False wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) #enable the button_ok for more details self._set_preview_flag(True) if event != None: self._set_preview_flag(True) self._set_save_flag(True) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status='\nFinished invariant computation...')) def on_undo(self,event=None): """ Go back to the previous state : param event: undo button event """ if self.state.state_num < 0: return self.is_power_out = True # get the previous state_num pre_state_num = int(self.state.saved_state['state_num']) - 1 self.get_state_by_num(state_num=str(pre_state_num)) if float(pre_state_num) <= 0: self._set_undo_flag(False) else: self._set_undo_flag(True) self._set_redo_flag(True) self.is_power_out = False self._info_state_num() def on_redo(self,event=None): """ Go forward to the previous state : param event: redo button event """ self.is_power_out = True # get the next state_num next_state_num = int(self.state.saved_state['state_num']) + 1 self.get_state_by_num(state_num=str(next_state_num)) if float(next_state_num)+2 > len(self.state.state_list): self._set_redo_flag(False) else: self._set_redo_flag(True) self._set_undo_flag(True) self.is_power_out = False self._info_state_num() def on_preview(self, event=None): """ Invoke report dialog panel : param event: report button event """ from .report_dialog import ReportDialog self.state.set_report_string() report_html_str = self.state.report_str report_text_str = self.state.__str__() report_img = self.state.image report_list = [report_html_str,report_text_str,report_img] dialog = ReportDialog(report_list, None, -1, "") dialog.ShowModal() def get_state_by_num(self,state_num=None): """ Get the state given by number : param state_num: the given state number """ if state_num == None: return backup_state_list = copy.deepcopy(self.state.state_list) # get the previous state try: current_state = copy.deepcopy(self.state.state_list[str(state_num)]) # get the previously computed state number #(computation before the state changes happened) current_compute_num = str(current_state['compute_num']) except : raise #raise ValueError, "No such state exists in history" # get the state at pre_compute_num comp_state = copy.deepcopy(self.state.state_list[current_compute_num]) # set the parameters for key in comp_state: value = comp_state[key] try: exec "self.%s.SetValue(str(%s))" % (key, value) except TypeError: exec "self.%s.SetValue(%s)" % (key, value) except: pass self.compute_invariant(event=None) # set the input params at the state at pre_state_num for key in current_state: # set the inputs and boxes value = current_state[key] try: exec 'self.%s.SetValue(str(%s))' % (key, value) except TypeError: exec 'self.%s.SetValue(%s)' % (key, value) except: pass self._enable_high_q_section(event=None) self._enable_low_q_section(event=None) self.state.state_list = backup_state_list self.state.saved_state = current_state self.state.state_num = state_num def get_bookmark_by_num(self, num=None): """ Get the bookmark state given by number : param num: the given bookmark number """ current_state = {} comp_state = {} backup_state_list = copy.deepcopy(self.state.state_list) # get the previous state try: time,date,current_state,comp_state = self.state.bookmark_list[int(num)] except : raise ValueError, "No such bookmark exists" # set the parameters for key in comp_state: value = comp_state[key] try: exec "self.%s.SetValue(str(%s))" % (key, value) except TypeError: exec "self.%s.SetValue(%s)" % (key, value) except: pass self.compute_invariant(event=None) # set the input params at the state of pre_state_num for key in current_state: value = current_state[key] try: exec 'self.%s.SetValue(str(%s))' % (key, value) except TypeError: exec 'self.%s.SetValue(%s)' % (key, value) except: pass self.state.saved_state = copy.deepcopy(current_state) self._enable_high_q_section(event=None) self._enable_low_q_section(event=None) self.state.state_list = backup_state_list #self.state.saved_state = current_state #self.state.state_num = state_num def reset_panel(self): """ set the panel at its initial state. """ self.background_tcl.SetValue(str(BACKGROUND)) self.scale_tcl.SetValue(str(SCALE)) self.contrast_tcl.SetValue(str(CONTRAST)) self.porod_constant_tcl.SetValue('') self.npts_low_tcl.SetValue(str(NPTS)) self.enable_low_cbox.SetValue(False) self.fix_enable_low.SetValue(True) self.power_low_tcl.SetValue(str(POWER)) self.guinier.SetValue(True) self.power_low_tcl.Disable() self.enable_high_cbox.SetValue(False) self.fix_enable_high.SetValue(True) self.power_high_tcl.SetValue(str(POWER)) self.npts_high_tcl.SetValue(str(NPTS)) self.button_details.Disable() #Change the state of txtcrtl to enable/disable self._enable_low_q_section() #Change the state of txtcrtl to enable/disable self._enable_high_q_section() self._reset_output() self._set_undo_flag(False) self._set_redo_flag(False) self._set_bookmark_flag(False) self._set_preview_flag(False) self._set_save_flag(False) self.button_calculate.SetFocus() #self.SetupScrolling() def _set_state(self, event): """ Set the state list :param event: rb/cb event """ if event == None: return obj = event.GetEventObject() name = str(obj.GetName()) value = str(obj.GetValue()) rb_list = [['power_law_low','guinier'], ['fit_enable_low','fix_enable_low'], ['fit_enable_high','fix_enable_high']] try: if value == None or value.lstrip().rstrip() =='': value = 'None' exec 'self.state.%s = %s' % (name, value) exec "self.state.saved_state['%s'] = %s" % (name, value) # set the count part of radio button clicked #False for the saved_state for title,content in rb_list: if name == title: name = content value = False elif name == content: name = title value = False exec "self.state.saved_state['%s'] = %s" % (name, value) # Instead of changing the future, create a new future. max_state_num = len(self.state.state_list) - 1 self.state.saved_state['state_num'] = max_state_num self.state.saved_state['state_num'] += 1 self.state.state_num = self.state.saved_state['state_num'] self.state.state_list[str(self.state.state_num)] = self.state.clone_state()#copy.deepcopy(self.state.saved_state) except: pass self._set_undo_flag(True) self._set_redo_flag(False) #event.Skip() def _set_compute_state(self,state=None): """ Notify the compute_invariant state to self.state : param state: set 'compute' when the computation is activated by the 'compute' button, else None """ # reset the default if state != 'compute': self.new_state = False self.is_power_out = False else: self.is_power_out = True # Instead of changing the future, create a new future. max_state_num = len(self.state.state_list)-1 self.state.saved_state['state_num'] = max_state_num # A new computation is also A state #copy.deepcopy(self.state.saved_state) temp_saved_states = self.state.clone_state() temp_saved_states['state_num'] += 1 self.state.state_num = temp_saved_states['state_num'] # set the state number of the computation if state == 'compute': temp_saved_states['compute_num'] = self.state.state_num self.state.saved_state= copy.deepcopy(temp_saved_states) #copy.deepcopy(self.state.saved_state) self.state.state_list[str(self.state.state_num)] = self.state.clone_state() # A computation is a new state, so delete the states with any higher # state numbers for i in range(self.state.state_num+1,len(self.state.state_list)): try: del (self.state.state_list[str(i)]) except: pass # Enable the undo button if it was not self._set_undo_flag(True) self._set_redo_flag(False) def _reset_state_list(self, data=None): """ Reset the state_list just before data was loading: Used in 'set_current_data()' """ #if data == None: return #temp_state = self.state.clone_state() #copy.deepcopy(self.state.saved_state) # Clear the list self.state.state_list.clear() self.state.bookmark_list.clear() # Set defaults self.state.saved_state['state_num'] = 0 self.state.saved_state['compute_num'] = 0 if self._data != None: self.state.saved_state['file'] = str(self._data.name) else: self.state.saved_state['file'] = 'None' self.state.file = self.state.saved_state['file'] self.state.state_num = self.state.saved_state['state_num'] self.state.timestamp = "('00:00:00', '00/00/0000')" # Put only the current state in the list #copy.deepcopy(self.state.saved_state) self.state.state_list[str(self.state.state_num)] = self.state.clone_state() self._set_undo_flag(False) self._set_redo_flag(False) self._set_bookmark_flag(False) self._set_preview_flag(False) self._set_save_flag(False) def _on_text(self, event): """ Catch text change event to add the state to the state_list :param event: txtctr event ; assumes not None """ if self._data == None: return # check if this event is from do/undo button if self.state.saved_state['is_time_machine'] or self.new_state: #event.Skip() return # get the object obj = event.GetEventObject() name = str(obj.GetName()) value = str(obj.GetValue()) state_num = self.state.saved_state['state_num'] # text event is a new state, so delete the states with higher state_num # i.e., change the future for i in range(int(state_num)+1,len(self.state.state_list)): try: del (self.state.state_list[str(i)]) except: pass # Instead of changing the future, create a new future. #max_state_num = len(self.state.state_list)-1 #self.state.saved_state['state_num'] = max_state_num # try to add new state of the text changes in the state_list try: if value.strip() == None: value = '' exec "self.state.%s = '%s'" % (name, value) exec "self.state.saved_state['%s'] = '%s'" % (name, value) exec "self.state.input_list['%s'] = '%s'" % (name, value) if not self.is_power_out: if name != 'power_low_tcl' and name !='power_high_tcl': self.state.saved_state['state_num'] += 1 self.state.state_num = self.state.saved_state['state_num'] #copy.deepcopy(self.state.saved_state) self.state.state_list[str(self.state.state_num)] = self.state.clone_state() except: pass #event.Skip() self._set_undo_flag(True) self._set_redo_flag(False) self._set_bookmark_flag(True) self._set_preview_flag(False) def _on_out_text(self, event): """ Catch ouput text change to add the state :param event: txtctr event ; assumes not None """ # get the object obj = event.GetEventObject() name = str(obj.GetName()) value = str(obj.GetValue()) try: exec "self.state.saved_state['%s'] = '%s'" % (name, value) self.state.state_list[str(self.state.state_num)] = self.state.clone_state() except: pass #if event != None: event.Skip() def _get_input_list(self): """ get input_list; called by set_state """ # get state num of the last compute state compute_num = self.state.saved_state['compute_num'] # find values and put into the input list for key1,value1 in self.state.state_list[str(compute_num)].iteritems(): for key,value in self.state.input_list.iteritems(): if key == key1: self.state.input_list[key]=value1 break def _set_bookmark_menu(self): """ Setup 'bookmark' context menu """ ## Create context menu for page self.popUpMenu = wx.Menu() id = wx.NewId() self._bmark = wx.MenuItem(self.popUpMenu,id,"BookMark", " Bookmark the panel to recall it later") self.popUpMenu.AppendItem(self._bmark) self._bmark.Enable(True) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.on_bookmark) self.popUpMenu.AppendSeparator() self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self._on_context_menu) def on_bookmark(self,event): """ Save the panel state in memory and add the list on the popup menu on bookmark context menu event """ if self._data == None: return if event == None: return self.bookmark_num += 1 # date and time of the event #year, month, day,hour,minute,second,tda,ty,tm_isdst= time.localtime() #my_time= str(hour)+" : "+str(minute)+" : "+str(second)+" " #date= str( month)+"/"+str(day)+"/"+str(year) my_time, date = self._get_time_stamp() state_num = self.state.state_num compute_num = self.state.saved_state['compute_num'] # name and message of the bookmark list msg= "State saved at %s on %s"%(my_time, date) ## post help message for the selected model msg +=" Right click on the panel to retrieve this state" #wx.PostEvent(self.parent.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) name = "%d] bookmarked at %s on %s"%(self.bookmark_num, my_time, date) # append it to menu id = wx.NewId() self.popUpMenu.Append(id,name,str(msg)) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._back_to_bookmark) state = self.state.clone_state() comp_state = copy.deepcopy(self.state.state_list[str(compute_num)]) self.state.bookmark_list[self.bookmark_num] = [my_time, date, state,comp_state] self.state.toXML(self, doc=None, entry_node=None) wx.PostEvent(self.parent,StatusEvent(status=msg,info="info")) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, AppendBookmarkEvent(title=name, hint=str(msg), handler=self._back_to_bookmark)) def _back_to_bookmark(self,event): """ Bring the panel back to the state of bookmarked requested by context menu event and set it as a new state """ self._manager.on_perspective(event) menu = event.GetEventObject() ## post help message for the selected model msg = menu.GetHelpString(event.GetId()) msg +=" reloaded" wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) name= menu.GetLabel(event.GetId()) num,time = name.split(']') current_state_num = self.state.state_num self.get_bookmark_by_num(num) state_num = int(current_state_num)+1 self.state.saved_state['state_num'] = state_num #copy.deepcopy(self.state.saved_state) self.state.state_list[str(state_num)] = self.state.clone_state() self.state.state_num = state_num self._set_undo_flag(True) self._info_bookmark_num(event) def _info_bookmark_num(self,event=None): """ print the bookmark number in info : event: popUpMenu event """ if event == None: return # get the object menu = event.GetEventObject() item = menu.FindItemById(event.GetId()) text = item.GetText() num = text.split(']')[0] msg = "bookmark num = %s "% num wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg )) def _info_state_num(self): """ print the current state number in info """ msg = "state num = " msg += self.state.state_num wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status = msg)) def _get_time_stamp(self): """ return time and date stings """ # date and time year, month, day,hour,minute,second,tda,ty,tm_isdst= time.localtime() my_time= str(hour)+":"+str(minute)+":"+str(second) date= str( month)+"/"+str(day)+"/"+str(year) return my_time, date def on_save(self, evt=None): """ Save invariant state into a file """ # Ask the user the location of the file to write to. path = None dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", self._default_save_location, "", "*.inv", wx.SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() self._default_save_location = os.path.dirname(path) else: return None dlg.Destroy() # MAC always needs the extension for saving extens = ".inv" # Make sure the ext included in the file name fName = os.path.splitext(path)[0] + extens self._manager.save_file(filepath=fName, state=self.state) def _show_message(self, mssg='',msg='Warning'): """ Show warning message when resetting data """ # no message for now return True count_bf = self.data_cbbox.GetCount() if count_bf > 1: msg += "Loading a new data set will reset all the work" msg += " done in this panel. \n\r" mssg += "Please make sure to save it first... \n\r" answer = wx.MessageBox(mssg, msg, wx.CANCEL|wx.OK|wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) if answer == wx.OK: return True else: return False else: True def _reset_output(self): """ clear outputs textcrtl """ self.invariant_total_tcl.Clear() self.invariant_total_err_tcl.Clear() self.volume_tcl.Clear() self.volume_err_tcl.Clear() self.surface_tcl.Clear() self.surface_err_tcl.Clear() #prepare a new container to put result of invariant self.inv_container = InvariantContainer() def _on_context_menu(self,event): pos = event.GetPosition() pos = self.ScreenToClient(pos) self.PopupMenu(self.popUpMenu, pos) def _define_structure(self): """ Define main sizers needed for this panel """ ## Box sizers must be defined first before #defining buttons/textctrls (MAC). self.main_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) #Sizer related to outputs outputs_box = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Outputs") self.outputs_sizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(outputs_box, wx.VERTICAL) self.outputs_sizer.SetMinSize((_STATICBOX_WIDTH,-1)) #Sizer related to data data_name_box = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "I(q) Data Source") self.data_name_boxsizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(data_name_box, wx.VERTICAL) self.data_name_boxsizer.SetMinSize((_STATICBOX_WIDTH,-1)) self.hint_msg_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.data_name_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.data_range_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) #Sizer related to inputs self.sizer_input = wx.FlexGridSizer(2, 5, 0, 0) #Sizer related to inputs inputs_box = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Customized Inputs") self.inputs_sizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(inputs_box, wx.VERTICAL) self.inputs_sizer.SetMinSize((_STATICBOX_WIDTH,-1)) #Sizer related to extrapolation extrapolation_box = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Extrapolation") self.extrapolation_sizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(extrapolation_box, wx.VERTICAL) self.extrapolation_sizer.SetMinSize((_STATICBOX_WIDTH,-1)) self.extrapolation_range_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.extrapolation_low_high_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) #Sizer related to extrapolation at low q range low_q_box = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Low Q") self.low_extrapolation_sizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(low_q_box, wx.VERTICAL) self.low_q_sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5,5) #Sizer related to extrapolation at low q range high_q_box = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "High Q") self.high_extrapolation_sizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(high_q_box, wx.VERTICAL) self.high_q_sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5,5) #sizer to define outputs self.volume_surface_sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5,5) #Sizer related to invariant output self.invariant_sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5) #Sizer related to button self.button_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.button_sizer.SetMinSize((_STATICBOX_WIDTH,-1)) #Sizer related to save button self.save_button_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) def _layout_data_name(self): """ Draw widgets related to data's name """ #Sizer hint hint_msg = "" self.hint_msg_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, hint_msg) self.hint_msg_txt.SetForegroundColour("red") msg = "Highlight = mouse the mouse's cursor on the data until" msg += " the plot's color changes to yellow" self.hint_msg_txt.SetToolTipString(msg) self.hint_msg_sizer.Add(self.hint_msg_txt) #Data name [string] data_name_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Name:') self.data_name_tcl = OutputTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH*4, 20), style=0) self.data_name_tcl.SetToolTipString("Data's name.") self.data_name_sizer.AddMany([(data_name_txt, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 10), (self.data_name_tcl, 0, wx.EXPAND)]) #Data range [string] data_range_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Total Q Range (1/A): ') data_min_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Min : ') self.data_min_tcl = OutputTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, 20), style=0, name='data_min_tcl') self.data_min_tcl.SetToolTipString("The minimum value of q range.") data_max_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Max : ') self.data_max_tcl = OutputTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, 20), style=0, name='data_max_tcl') self.data_max_tcl.SetToolTipString("The maximum value of q range.") self.data_range_sizer.AddMany([(data_range_txt, 0, wx.RIGHT, 5), (data_min_txt, 0, wx.RIGHT, 5), (self.data_min_tcl, 0, wx.RIGHT, 20), (data_max_txt, 0, wx.RIGHT, 5), (self.data_max_tcl, 0, wx.RIGHT, 10)]) self.data_name_boxsizer.AddMany([(self.hint_msg_sizer, 0 , wx.ALL, 5), (self.data_name_sizer, 0 , wx.ALL, 10), (self.data_range_sizer, 0 , wx.ALL, 10)]) def _enable_fit_power_law_low(self, event=None): """ Enable and disable the power value editing """ if event != None: self._set_bookmark_flag(True) self._set_preview_flag(False) if self.fix_enable_low.IsEnabled(): if self.fix_enable_low.GetValue(): self.fit_enable_low.SetValue(False) self.power_low_tcl.Enable() else: self.fit_enable_low.SetValue(True) self.power_low_tcl.Disable() self._set_state(event=event) def _enable_low_q_section(self, event=None): """ Disable or enable some button if the user enable low q extrapolation """ if event != None: self._set_bookmark_flag(True) self._set_preview_flag(False) if self.enable_low_cbox.GetValue(): self.npts_low_tcl.Enable() self.fix_enable_low.Enable() self.fit_enable_low.Enable() self.guinier.Enable() self.power_law_low.Enable() else: self.npts_low_tcl.Disable() self.fix_enable_low.Disable() self.fit_enable_low.Disable() self.guinier.Disable() self.power_law_low.Disable() self._enable_power_law_low() self._enable_fit_power_law_low() self._set_state(event=event) self.button_calculate.SetFocus() def _enable_power_law_low(self, event=None): """ Enable editing power law section at low q range """ if event != None: self._set_bookmark_flag(True) self._set_preview_flag(False) if self.guinier.GetValue(): self.power_law_low.SetValue(False) self.fix_enable_low.Disable() self.fit_enable_low.Disable() self.power_low_tcl.Disable() else: self.power_law_low.SetValue(True) self.fix_enable_low.Enable() self.fit_enable_low.Enable() self.power_low_tcl.Enable() self._enable_fit_power_law_low() self._set_state(event=event) def _layout_extrapolation_low(self): """ Draw widgets related to extrapolation at low q range """ self.enable_low_cbox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, "Enable Extrapolate Low Q", name='enable_low_cbox') wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, self.enable_low_cbox.GetId(), self._enable_low_q_section) self.fix_enable_low = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'Fix', (10, 10), style=wx.RB_GROUP, name='fix_enable_low') self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._enable_fit_power_law_low, id=self.fix_enable_low.GetId()) self.fit_enable_low = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'Fit', (10, 10), name='fit_enable_low') self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._enable_fit_power_law_low, id=self.fit_enable_low.GetId()) self.guinier = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'Guinier', (10, 10), style=wx.RB_GROUP, name='guinier') self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._enable_power_law_low, id=self.guinier.GetId()) self.power_law_low = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'Power Law', (10, 10), name='power_law_low') self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._enable_power_law_low, id=self.power_law_low.GetId()) npts_low_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Npts') self.npts_low_tcl = InvTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH*2/3, -1), name='npts_low_tcl') wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.npts_low_tcl.GetId(), self._on_text) msg_hint = "Number of Q points to consider" msg_hint +="while extrapolating the low-Q region" self.npts_low_tcl.SetToolTipString(msg_hint) power_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Power') self.power_low_tcl = InvTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH*2/3, -1), name='power_low_tcl') wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.power_low_tcl.GetId(), self._on_text) power_hint_txt = "Exponent to apply to the Power_law function." self.power_low_tcl.SetToolTipString(power_hint_txt) iy = 0 ix = 0 self.low_q_sizer.Add(self.enable_low_cbox,(iy, ix), (1, 5), wx.TOP|wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) iy += 1 ix = 0 self.low_q_sizer.Add(npts_low_txt,(iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) ix += 1 self.low_q_sizer.Add(self.npts_low_tcl, (iy, ix), (1,1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) iy += 1 ix = 0 self.low_q_sizer.Add(self.guinier,(iy, ix),(1,2), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) iy += 1 ix = 0 self.low_q_sizer.Add(self.power_law_low,(iy, ix), (1, 2), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) # Parameter controls for power law ix = 1 iy += 1 self.low_q_sizer.Add(self.fix_enable_low,(iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) ix += 1 self.low_q_sizer.Add(self.fit_enable_low,(iy, ix),(1,1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) ix = 1 iy += 1 self.low_q_sizer.Add(power_txt,(iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) ix += 1 self.low_q_sizer.Add(self.power_low_tcl, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) self.low_extrapolation_sizer.Add(self.low_q_sizer) def _enable_fit_power_law_high(self, event=None): """ Enable and disable the power value editing """ if event != None: self._set_bookmark_flag(True) self._set_preview_flag(False) if self.fix_enable_high.IsEnabled(): if self.fix_enable_high.GetValue(): self.fit_enable_high.SetValue(False) self.power_high_tcl.Enable() else: self.fit_enable_high.SetValue(True) self.power_high_tcl.Disable() self._set_state(event=event) def _enable_high_q_section(self, event=None): """ Disable or enable some button if the user enable high q extrapolation """ if event != None: self._set_bookmark_flag(True) self._set_preview_flag(False) if self.enable_high_cbox.GetValue(): self.npts_high_tcl.Enable() self.power_law_high.Enable() self.power_high_tcl.Enable() self.fix_enable_high.Enable() self.fit_enable_high.Enable() else: self.npts_high_tcl.Disable() self.power_law_high.Disable() self.power_high_tcl.Disable() self.fix_enable_high.Disable() self.fit_enable_high.Disable() self._enable_fit_power_law_high() self._set_state(event=event) self.button_calculate.SetFocus() def _layout_extrapolation_high(self): """ Draw widgets related to extrapolation at high q range """ self.enable_high_cbox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, "Enable Extrapolate high-Q", name='enable_high_cbox') wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, self.enable_high_cbox.GetId(), self._enable_high_q_section) self.fix_enable_high = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'Fix', (10, 10), style=wx.RB_GROUP, name='fix_enable_high') self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._enable_fit_power_law_high, id=self.fix_enable_high.GetId()) self.fit_enable_high = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'Fit', (10, 10), name='fit_enable_high') self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._enable_fit_power_law_high, id=self.fit_enable_high.GetId()) self.power_law_high = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Power Law') msg_hint ="Check to extrapolate data at high-Q" self.power_law_high.SetToolTipString(msg_hint) npts_high_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Npts') self.npts_high_tcl = InvTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH*2/3, -1), name='npts_high_tcl') wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.npts_high_tcl.GetId(), self._on_text) msg_hint = "Number of Q points to consider" msg_hint += "while extrapolating the high-Q region" self.npts_high_tcl.SetToolTipString(msg_hint) power_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Power') self.power_high_tcl = InvTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH*2/3, -1), name='power_high_tcl') wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.power_high_tcl.GetId(), self._on_text) power_hint_txt = "Exponent to apply to the Power_law function." self.power_high_tcl.SetToolTipString(power_hint_txt) iy = 0 ix = 0 self.high_q_sizer.Add(self.enable_high_cbox, (iy, ix), (1, 5), wx.TOP|wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) iy += 1 ix = 0 self.high_q_sizer.Add(npts_high_txt, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) ix += 1 self.high_q_sizer.Add(self.npts_high_tcl, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) iy += 1 ix = 0 self.high_q_sizer.Add(self.power_law_high, (iy, ix),(1, 2), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) # Parameter controls for power law ix = 1 iy += 1 self.high_q_sizer.Add(self.fix_enable_high,(iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) ix += 1 self.high_q_sizer.Add(self.fit_enable_high,(iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) ix = 1 iy += 1 self.high_q_sizer.Add(power_txt,(iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) ix += 1 self.high_q_sizer.Add(self.power_high_tcl, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) self.high_extrapolation_sizer.Add(self.high_q_sizer, 0, wx.BOTTOM, 20) def _layout_extrapolation(self): """ Draw widgets related to extrapolation """ extra_hint = "Extrapolation \nMaximum Q Range [1/A]:" extra_hint_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, extra_hint) #Extrapolation range [string] extrapolation_min_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Min:') self.extrapolation_min_tcl = OutputTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, 20), style=0, name='extrapolation_min_tcl') self.extrapolation_min_tcl.SetValue(str(Q_MINIMUM)) hint_msg = "The minimum extrapolated q value." self.extrapolation_min_tcl.SetToolTipString(hint_msg) extrapolation_max_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Max:') self.extrapolation_max_tcl = OutputTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, 20), style=0, name='extrapolation_max_tcl') self.extrapolation_max_tcl.SetValue(str(Q_MAXIMUM)) hint_msg = "The maximum extrapolated q value." self.extrapolation_max_tcl.SetToolTipString(hint_msg) self.extrapolation_range_sizer.AddMany([(extra_hint_txt, 0, wx.LEFT, 5), (extrapolation_min_txt, 0, wx.LEFT, 10), (self.extrapolation_min_tcl, 0, wx.LEFT, 5), (extrapolation_max_txt, 0, wx.LEFT, 20), (self.extrapolation_max_tcl, 0, wx.LEFT, 5)]) self._layout_extrapolation_low() self._layout_extrapolation_high() self.extrapolation_low_high_sizer.AddMany([(self.low_extrapolation_sizer, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP, 5), (self.high_extrapolation_sizer, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP, 5)]) self.extrapolation_sizer.AddMany([(self.extrapolation_range_sizer), (self.extrapolation_low_high_sizer)]) def _layout_volume_surface_sizer(self): """ Draw widgets related to volume and surface """ unit_volume = '' unit_surface = '' uncertainty = "+/-" volume_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Volume Fraction') self.volume_tcl = OutputTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, -1), name='volume_tcl') wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.volume_tcl.GetId(), self._on_out_text) self.volume_tcl.SetToolTipString("Volume fraction.") self.volume_err_tcl = OutputTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, -1), name='volume_err_tcl') wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.volume_err_tcl.GetId(), self._on_out_text) hint_msg = "Uncertainty on the volume fraction." self.volume_err_tcl.SetToolTipString(hint_msg) volume_units_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, unit_volume) surface_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Specific Surface') self.surface_tcl = OutputTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, -1), name='surface_tcl') wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.surface_tcl.GetId(), self._on_out_text) self.surface_tcl.SetToolTipString("Specific surface value.") self.surface_err_tcl = OutputTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, -1), name='surface_err_tcl') wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.surface_err_tcl.GetId(), self._on_out_text) hint_msg = "Uncertainty on the specific surface." self.surface_err_tcl.SetToolTipString(hint_msg) surface_units_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, unit_surface) iy = 0 ix = 0 self.volume_surface_sizer.Add(volume_txt, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) ix += 1 self.volume_surface_sizer.Add(self.volume_tcl, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 20) ix += 1 self.volume_surface_sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, uncertainty), (iy, ix),(1,1),wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) ix += 1 self.volume_surface_sizer.Add(self.volume_err_tcl, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) ix += 1 self.volume_surface_sizer.Add(volume_units_txt, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) iy += 1 ix = 0 self.volume_surface_sizer.Add(surface_txt, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) ix += 1 self.volume_surface_sizer.Add(self.surface_tcl, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 20) ix += 1 self.volume_surface_sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, uncertainty), (iy, ix),(1,1),wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) ix += 1 self.volume_surface_sizer.Add(self.surface_err_tcl, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) ix += 1 self.volume_surface_sizer.Add(surface_units_txt, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) static_line = wx.StaticLine(self, -1) iy += 1 ix = 0 def _layout_invariant_sizer(self): """ Draw widgets related to invariant """ uncertainty = "+/-" unit_invariant = '[1/(cm * A)]' invariant_total_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Invariant Total [Q*]') self.invariant_total_tcl = OutputTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH,-1), name='invariant_total_tcl') msg_hint = "Total invariant [Q*], including extrapolated regions." self.invariant_total_tcl.SetToolTipString(msg_hint) self.invariant_total_err_tcl = OutputTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH,-1), name='invariant_total_err_tcl') hint_msg = "Uncertainty on invariant." self.invariant_total_err_tcl.SetToolTipString(hint_msg) invariant_total_units_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, unit_invariant) #Invariant total iy = 0 ix = 0 self.invariant_sizer.Add(invariant_total_txt, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) ix += 1 self.invariant_sizer.Add(self.invariant_total_tcl, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) ix += 1 self.invariant_sizer.Add( wx.StaticText(self, -1, uncertainty), (iy, ix),(1,1),wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) ix += 1 self.invariant_sizer.Add(self.invariant_total_err_tcl, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) ix += 1 self.invariant_sizer.Add(invariant_total_units_txt,(iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) def _layout_inputs_sizer(self): """ Draw widgets related to inputs """ contrast_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Contrast :') self.contrast_tcl = InvTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, 20), style=0,name='contrast_tcl') wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.contrast_tcl.GetId(), self._on_text) contrast_hint_txt = "Contrast" self.contrast_tcl.SetToolTipString(contrast_hint_txt) contrast_unit_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, '[1/A^(2)]') porod_const_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Porod Constant:\n(optional)\n') self.porod_constant_tcl = InvTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, 20), style=0, name='porod_constant_tcl') wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.porod_constant_tcl.GetId(), self._on_text) porod_const_hint_txt = "Porod Constant" self.porod_constant_tcl.SetToolTipString(porod_const_hint_txt) background_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Background : ') self.background_tcl = InvTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, 20), style=0, name='background_tcl') wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.background_tcl.GetId(), self._on_text) background_hint_txt = "Background" self.background_tcl.SetToolTipString(background_hint_txt) background_unit_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, '[1/cm]') scale_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Scale : ') self.scale_tcl = InvTextCtrl(self, -1, size=(_BOX_WIDTH, 20), style=0, name='scale_tcl') wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.scale_tcl.GetId(), self._on_text) scale_hint_txt = "Scale" self.scale_tcl.SetToolTipString(scale_hint_txt) self.sizer_input.AddMany([(background_txt, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM, 5), (self.background_tcl, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM, 5), (background_unit_txt, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM, 5), (scale_txt, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM, 20), (self.scale_tcl, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.RIGHT, 5), (contrast_txt, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM, 5), (self.contrast_tcl, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM, 5), (contrast_unit_txt, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM, 5), (porod_const_txt, 0, wx.LEFT, 20), (self.porod_constant_tcl, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.RIGHT, 5)]) self.inputs_sizer.Add(self.sizer_input) def _layout_outputs_sizer(self): """ Draw widgets related to outputs """ self._layout_volume_surface_sizer() self._layout_invariant_sizer() static_line = wx.StaticLine(self, -1) self.outputs_sizer.AddMany([(self.volume_surface_sizer, 0, wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, 10), (static_line, 0, wx.EXPAND, 0), (self.invariant_sizer, 0, wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, 10)]) def _layout_button(self): """ Do the layout for the button widgets """ #compute button id = wx.NewId() self.button_calculate = wx.Button(self, id, "Compute", name='compute_invariant') self.button_calculate.SetToolTipString("Compute invariant") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.compute_invariant, id=id) #detail button id = wx.NewId() self.button_details = wx.Button(self, id, "Details?") hint_msg = "Details about the results of the computation" self.button_details.SetToolTipString(hint_msg) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.display_details, id=id) details = "Details on Invariant Total Calculations" details_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, details) self.button_sizer.AddMany([(details_txt, 0 , wx.RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP, 10), (self.button_details, 0 , wx.ALL, 10), (self.button_calculate, 0 , wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, 10)]) def _do_layout(self): """ Draw window content """ self._define_structure() self._layout_data_name() self._layout_extrapolation() self._layout_inputs_sizer() self._layout_outputs_sizer() self._layout_button() self.main_sizer.AddMany([(self.data_name_boxsizer,0, wx.ALL, 10), (self.outputs_sizer, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM, 10), (self.button_sizer, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 15), (self.inputs_sizer, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM, 10), (self.extrapolation_sizer, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM, 10)]) self.SetSizer(self.main_sizer) self.SetAutoLayout(True) class InvariantDialog(wx.Dialog): """ """ def __init__(self, parent=None, id=1,graph=None, data=None, title="Invariant",base=None): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=(PANEL_WIDTH, PANEL_HEIGHT)) self.panel = InvariantPanel(self) self.Centre() self.Show(True) class InvariantWindow(wx.Frame): """ """ def __init__(self, parent=None, id=1, graph=None, data=None, title="Invariant", base=None): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=(PANEL_WIDTH +100, PANEL_HEIGHT+100)) from DataLoader.loader import Loader self.loader = Loader() import invariant path = "C:/ECLPS/workspace/trunk/DataLoader/test/ascii_test_3.txt" data= self.loader.load(path) self.panel = InvariantPanel(self) data.name = data.filename self.panel.set_data(data) self.Centre() self.Show(True) class MyApp(wx.App): def OnInit(self): wx.InitAllImageHandlers() frame = InvariantWindow() frame.Show(True) self.SetTopWindow(frame) return True # end of class MyApp if __name__ == "__main__": app = MyApp(0) app.MainLoop()