""" This is a setup.py script partly generated by py2applet Usage: python setup.py py2app NOTES: 12/01/2011: When seeing an error related to pytz.zoneinfo not being found, change the following line in py2app/recipes/matplotlib.py mf.import_hook('pytz.tzinfo', m, ['UTC']) 12/05/2011: Needs macholib >= 1.4.3 and py2app >= 0.6.4 to create a 64-bit app """ from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import string from distutils.util import get_platform from distutils.filelist import findall from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib from setuptools import setup # Need the installer dir on the python path to find helper modules installer_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if installer_dir != os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()): raise RuntimeError("Must run setup_exe from the installers directory") sys.path.append(installer_dir) # put the build directory at the front of the path root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) platform = '%s-%s'%(get_platform(), sys.version[:3]) doc_path = os.path.join(root, 'build', 'lib.'+platform, 'doc') build_path = os.path.join(root, 'sasview-install', 'lib', 'python2.7', 'site-packages') #sys.path.insert(0, build_path) print("build path", build_path) #Extending recursion limit sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) import macholib_patch from sas.sasview import local_config ICON = local_config.SetupIconFile_mac data_files = [] # Include data for supporting packages import periodictable data_files += periodictable.data_files() import sasmodels data_files += sasmodels.data_files() # Data files for the different perspectives from sas.sasgui.perspectives import fitting data_files += fitting.data_files() from sas.sasgui.perspectives import calculator data_files += calculator.data_files() from sas.sasgui.perspectives import invariant data_files += invariant.data_files() from sas.sasgui import guiframe data_files += guiframe.data_files() # Copy the config files sasview_path = os.path.join('..', 'src', 'sas', 'sasview') data_files.append(('.', [os.path.join(sasview_path, 'custom_config.py')])) data_files.append(('config', [os.path.join(sasview_path, 'custom_config.py')])) data_files.append(('.', [os.path.join(sasview_path, 'local_config.py')])) # Copy the logging config sas_path = os.path.join('..', 'src', 'sas') data_files.append(('.', [os.path.join(sas_path, 'logging.ini')])) if os.path.isfile("BUILD_NUMBER"): data_files.append(('.', ["BUILD_NUMBER"])) # Copying the images directory to the distribution directory. data_files.append(("images", findall(local_config.icon_path))) # Copying the HTML help docs data_files.append(("media", findall(local_config.media_path))) # Copying the sample data user data test_dir = local_config.test_path for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(test_dir): target_dir = os.path.join("test", os.path.relpath(dirpath, test_dir)) source_files = [os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames] data_files.append((target_dir, source_files)) # See if the documentation has been built, and if so include it. if os.path.exists(doc_path): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(doc_path): target_dir = os.path.join("doc", os.path.relpath(dirpath, doc_path)) source_files = [os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames] data_files.append((target_dir, source_files)) else: raise Exception("You must first build the documentation before creating an installer.") # Copying opencl include files opencl_source = os.path.join(get_python_lib(), "pyopencl", "cl") opencl_target = os.path.join("includes", "pyopencl") data_files.append((opencl_target, findall(opencl_source))) # Locate libxml2 library lib_locs = ['/usr/local/lib', '/usr/lib'] libxml_path = None for item in lib_locs: libxml_path_test = '%s/libxml2.2.dylib' % item if os.path.isfile(libxml_path_test): libxml_path = libxml_path_test if libxml_path is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not find libxml2 on the system") # locate file extensions def find_extension(): """ Describe the extensions that can be read by the current application """ try: extensions = [] EXCEPTION_LIST = ['*', '.', ''] from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader import Loader wild_cards = Loader().get_wildcards() for item in wild_cards: #['All (*.*)|*.*'] file_type, ext = string.split(item, "|*.", 1) if ext.strip() not in EXCEPTION_LIST and ext.strip() not in extensions: extensions.append(ext) except Exception: pass try: file_type, ext = string.split(local_config.APPLICATION_WLIST, "|*.", 1) if ext.strip() not in EXCEPTION_LIST and ext.strip() not in extensions: extensions.append(ext) except Exception: pass try: for item in local_config.PLUGINS_WLIST: file_type, ext = string.split(item, "|*.", 1) if ext.strip() not in EXCEPTION_LIST and ext.strip() not in extensions: extensions.append(ext) except Exception: pass return extensions EXTENSIONS_LIST = find_extension() plist = dict(CFBundleDocumentTypes=[dict(CFBundleTypeExtensions=EXTENSIONS_LIST, CFBundleTypeIconFile=ICON, CFBundleTypeName="sasview file", CFBundleTypeRole="Shell")],) #Get version - NB nasty hack. Need to find correct way to give path to installed sasview (AJJ) #h5py has been added to packages. It requires hdf5 to be installed separetly # from sas.sasview import __version__ as VERSION APPNAME = "SasView "+VERSION DMGNAME = "SasView-"+VERSION+"-MacOSX" APP = ['sasview_gui.py'] EXCLUDES = ['PyQt4', 'sip', 'QtGui'] OPTIONS = {'argv_emulation': True, 'packages': ['lxml', 'numpy', 'scipy', 'pytz', 'encodings', 'encodings', 'matplotlib', 'periodictable', 'reportlab', 'sasmodels', 'pyopencl', 'h5py', ], 'iconfile': ICON, 'frameworks': [libxml_path], 'resources': [], 'plist': plist, 'excludes' : EXCLUDES, } #import pprint; pprint.pprint(data_files); sys.exit() setup( name=APPNAME, app=APP, data_files=data_files, include_package_data=True, options={'py2app': OPTIONS}, setup_requires=['py2app'], ) #Build dmg DMG = "dist/%s.dmg"%DMGNAME if os.path.exists(DMG): os.unlink(DMG) os.system('cd dist && ../../build_tools/dmgpack.sh "%s" "%s.app"'%(DMGNAME, APPNAME)) os.system('chmod a+r "%s"'%DMG)