import math def toX(x,y=None): """ This function is used to load value on Plottable.View @param x: Float value @return x, """ return x def toX2(x,y=None): """ This function is used to load value on Plottable.View Calculate x^(2) @param x: float value """ return x*x def fromX2(x,y=None): """ This function is used to load value on Plottable.View Calculate square root of x @param x: float value """ if not x >=0 : raise ValueError, "square root of a negative value " else: return math.sqrt(x) def toLogX(x,y=None): """ This function is used to load value on Plottable.View calculate log x @param x: float value """ if not x > 0: raise ValueError, "Log(X)of a negative value " else: return math.log(x) def toOneOverX(x,y=None): if x !=0: return 1/x else: raise ValueError,"cannot divide by zero" def toOneOverSqrtX(y , x=None): if y!=None: if y > 0: return 1/math.sqrt(y) else: raise ValueError,"cannot be computed" def toLogYX2(y,x): if y*(x**2) >0: return math.log(y*(x**2)) else: raise ValueError,"cannot be computed" def toLogYX4(y, x): if math.pow(x,4)*y > 0: return math.log(math.pow(x,4)*y) def toLogXY(y,x): """ This function is used to load value on Plottable.View calculate log x @param x: float value """ if not x*y > 0: raise ValueError, "Log(X*Y)of a negative value " else: return math.log(x*y) def errToX(x,y=None,dx=None,dy=None): """ calculate error of x**2 @param x: float value @param dx: float value """ if dx==None: dx=0 return dx def errToX2(x,y=None,dx=None,dy=None): """ calculate error of x**2 @param x: float value @param dx: float value """ if dx != None: err = 2*x*dx if math.fabs(err) >= math.fabs(x): err = 0.9*x return math.fabs(err) else: return 0.0 def errFromX2(x,y=None,dx=None,dy=None): """ calculate error of sqrt(x) @param x: float value @param dx: float value """ if (x > 0): if(dx != None): err = dx/(2*math.sqrt(x)) else: err = 0 if math.fabs(err) >= math.fabs(x): err = 0.9*x else: err = 0.9*x return math.fabs(err) def errToLogX(x,y=None,dx=None,dy=None): """ calculate error of Log(x) @param x: float value @param dx: float value """ if dx==None: dx = 0 if x!=0: dx = dx/x else: raise ValueError, "errToLogX: divide by zero" if math.fabs(dx) >= math.fabs(x): dx = 0.9*x return dx def errToYX2(x, y, dx=None, dy=None): if dx==None: dx=0 if dy==None: dy=0 err =math.sqrt((2*x*y*dx)**2 +((x**2)*dy)**2) #if err >= math.fabs(x): # err =0.9*x return err def errToLogXY(x,y,dx=None, dy=None): """ calculate error of Log(xy) """ if (x!=0) and (y!=0): if dx == None: dx = 0 if dy == None: dy = 0 err = (dx/x)**2 + (dy/y)**2 #if math.sqrt(math.fabs(err)) >= math.fabs(x): # err= 0.9*x else: raise ValueError, "cannot compute this error" return math.sqrt(math.fabs(err)) def errToLogYX2(x,y,dx=None, dy=None): """ calculate error of Log(yx**2) """ if (x > 0) and (y > 0): if (dx == None): dx = 0 if (dy == None): dy = 0 err = (2*dx/x)**2 + (dy/y)**2 #if math.fabs(err) >= math.fabs(x): # err =0.9*x else: raise ValueError, "cannot compute this error" return math.sqrt(math.fabs(err)) def errOneOverX(x,y=None,dx=None, dy=None): """ calculate error on 1/x """ if (x != 0): if dx ==None: dx= 0 err = -(dx)**2/x**2 else: raise ValueError,"Cannot compute this error" if math.fabs(err)>= math.fabs(x): err= 0.9*x return math.fabs(err) def errOneOverSqrtX(x,y=None, dx=None,dy=None): """ Calculate error on 1/sqrt(x) """ if (x >0): if dx==None: dx =0 err= -1/2*math.pow(x, -3/2)* dx #if math.fabs(err)>= math.fabs(x): # err=0.9*x else: raise ValueError, "Cannot compute this error" return math.fabs(err) def errToLogYX4(x,y=None,dx=None,dy=None): """ error for ln(y*x^(4)) @param x: float value """ if dx==None: dx=0 if dy==None: dy=0 err =math.sqrt((4*dx/x)**2 +(dy/y)**2) #if err >= math.fabs(x): #err =0.9*x return err