import wx from PlotPanel import PlotPanel from plottables import Plottable, Graph, Data1D, Theory1D import sys import numpy import random, math class SANSplotpanel(PlotPanel): def __init__(self, parent, id = -1, color = None,\ dpi = None, **kwargs): PlotPanel.__init__(self, parent, id=id, color=color, dpi=dpi, **kwargs) # Keep track of the parent Frame self.parent = parent # Internal list of plottable names (because graph # doesn't have a dictionary of handles for the plottables) self.plots = {} def add_plottable(self, plot): self.plots[] = plot self.graph.add(plot) self.graph.xaxis('\\rm{q} ', 'A^{-1}') self.graph.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ","cm^{-1}") self.onResetGraph(None) def plottable_selected(self, id): PlotPanel.plottable_selected(self, id) if id is not None: self.parent.SetStatusText("Hovering over %s" % self.graph.selected_plottable) else: self.parent.SetStatusText("") def onContextMenu(self, event): """ Default context menu for a plot panel """ # Slicer plot popup menu id = wx.NewId() slicerpop = wx.Menu() slicerpop.Append(id,'&Save image', 'Save image as PNG') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onSaveImage) slicerpop.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Change scale') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onProperties) id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Reset Graph') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onResetGraph) if self.graph.selected_plottable in self.plots: # Careful here: Message to status bar self.parent.SetStatusText("Fit a line to %s" % self.graph.selected_plottable) id = wx.NewId() slicerpop.AppendSeparator() slicerpop.Append(id, '&Linear Fit to %s' % self.graph.selected_plottable ) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.onFitting) pos = event.GetPosition() pos = self.ScreenToClient(pos) self.PopupMenu(slicerpop, pos) def onFitting(self, event): if self.graph.selected_plottable is not None: if self.plots[self.graph.selected_plottable].__class__.__name__ == 'Data1D': PlotPanel.onFitting(self, event) else: self.parent.SetStatusText("Can't fit a theory curve") class ViewerFrame(wx.Frame): """ Add comment """ def __init__(self, parent, id, title): """ comment @param parent: parent panel/container """ # Initialize the Frame object wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(950,850)) # Panel for 1D plot self.plotpanel = SANSplotpanel(self, -1, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) # Set up the menu self._setup_menus() # Set up the layout self._setup_layout() # Register the close event so it calls our own method wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self._onClose) def _setup_layout(self): """ Set up the layout """ # Status bar = self.CreateStatusBar() self.SetStatusText("This is a data viewer") # Two columns of panels sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(0,0) sizer.Add(self.plotpanel, (0,0), (1,1), flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=0) sizer.AddGrowableRow(0) sizer.AddGrowableCol(0) self.SetSizer(sizer) self.Centre() def _setup_menus(self): """ Set up the application menus """ # Menu menubar = wx.MenuBar() # File menu filemenu = wx.Menu() # Quit id = wx.NewId() filemenu.Append(id,'&Quit', 'Exit') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.Close) # New plot id = wx.NewId() filemenu.Append(id,'&Add data', 'Add a new curve to the plot') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._add_data) # Add sub menus menubar.Append(filemenu, '&File') self.SetMenuBar(menubar) def _onClose(self, event): """ """ wx.Exit() sys.exit() def _add_data(self, event): data_len = 25 x = numpy.zeros(data_len) y = numpy.zeros(data_len) x2 = numpy.zeros(data_len) y2 = numpy.zeros(data_len) dy2 = numpy.zeros(data_len) x3 = numpy.zeros(data_len) y3 = numpy.zeros(data_len) dy3 = numpy.zeros(data_len) for i in range(len(x)): x[i] = i x2[i] = i-0.1+0.2*random.random() x3[i] = i-0.1+0.2*random.random() y[i] = 0.5*(i+random.random()) y2[i] = i+random.random() dy2[i] = math.sqrt(y2[i]) y3[i] = 0.3*(i+random.random()) dy3[i] = math.sqrt(y3[i]) newplot = Theory1D(x=x, y=y) = "Theory curve" self.plotpanel.add_plottable(newplot) newplot = Data1D(x=x2, y=y2, dy=dy2) = "Data set 1" self.plotpanel.add_plottable(newplot) newplot = Data1D(x=x3, y=y3, dy=dy3) = "Data set 2" self.plotpanel.add_plottable(newplot) class ViewApp(wx.App): def OnInit(self): frame = ViewerFrame(None, -1, 'testView') frame.Show(True) self.SetTopWindow(frame) return True if __name__ == "__main__": app = ViewApp(0) app.MainLoop()