#!/usr/bin/python # fitDialog.py import wx from PlotPanel import PlotPanel from plottables import Theory1D import math,pylab,fittings class LinearFit(wx.Dialog): #def __init__(self, parent, id, title): def __init__(self, parent, plottable, push_data,transform, id, title): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=(550, 300)) """ for the fit window """ self.parent = parent self.transform = transform #dialog panel self call function to plot the fitting function self.push_data = push_data #dialog self plottable self.plottable = plottable #Dialog interface panel = wx.Panel(self, -1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5,0) vbox.Add(panel, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) self.tcA = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1,size=(120,20),style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.tcErrA = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1,size=(120,20),style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.tcB = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1,size=(120,20),style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.tcErrB = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1,size=(120,20),style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.tcChi = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1,size=(120,20),style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.tcXmin = wx.TextCtrl(panel,-1,size=(120,20),style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.tcXmax = wx.TextCtrl(panel,-1,size=(120,20),style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) self.btFit =wx.Button(panel,-1,'Fit' ) btClose =wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_CANCEL,'Close' ) ix = 1 iy = 1 sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'y = Ax +B'),(iy, ix)) ix = 1 iy += 2 sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Param A'),(iy, ix)) ix += 1 sizer.Add(self.tcA, (iy, ix)) ix += 1 sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, '+/-'),(iy, ix)) ix += 1 sizer.Add(self.tcErrA, (iy, ix)) iy += 1 ix = 1 sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Param B'),(iy, ix)) ix += 1 sizer.Add(self.tcB, (iy, ix)) ix += 1 sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, '+/-'),(iy, ix)) ix += 1 sizer.Add(self.tcErrB, (iy, ix)) iy += 1 ix = 1 sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Chi ^{2}'),(iy, ix)) ix += 1 sizer.Add(self.tcChi, (iy, ix)) iy += 1 ix = 1 sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Xmin'),(iy, ix)) ix += 2 sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Xmax'),(iy, ix)) iy += 1 ix = 1 sizer.Add(self.tcXmin, (iy, ix)) ix += 2 sizer.Add(self.tcXmax, (iy, ix)) iy += 1 ix = 3 sizer.Add(self.btFit, (iy, ix)) self.btFit.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._onFit) iy +=1 ix = 3 sizer.Add(btClose, (iy, ix)) panel.SetSizer(sizer) self.SetSizer(vbox) self.Centre() # Receives the type of model for the fitting from LineModel import LineModel self.model = LineModel() # new data for the fit self.file_data1 = Theory1D(x=[], y=[], dy=None) self.file_data1.name = "Fit" def _onFit(self ,event): """ Performs the fit. Receive an event when clicking on the button Fit.Computes chisqr , A and B parameters of the best linear fit y=Ax +B Push a plottable to """ temp =[] tempx=[] tempy=[] xmin = self._checkVal(self.tcXmin.GetValue()) xmax = self._checkVal(self.tcXmax.GetValue()) #store the values of View in x,y, dx,dy x,y,dx,dy=self.plottable.returnValuesOfView() self.xtrans,self.ytrans= self.transform() #Display the fittings values default_A = self.model.getParam('A') default_B = self.model.getParam('B') cstA = fittings.Parameter(self.model, 'A', default_A) cstB = fittings.Parameter(self.model, 'B', default_B) if self.ytrans == "Log(y)": for y_i in y: tempy.append(log(y_i)) chisqr, out, cov = fittings.sansfit(self.model, [cstA, cstB],x, tempy,dy,min(x),max(x)) else : chisqr, out, cov = fittings.sansfit(self.model, [cstA, cstB],x, y,dy,min(x),max(x)) #Check that cov and out are iterable before displaying them if cov ==None: errA =0.0 errB =0.0 else: errA= math.sqrt(cov[0][0]) errB= math.sqrt(cov[1][1]) if out==None: cstA=0.0 cstB=0.0 else: cstA=out[0] cstB=out[1] self.model.setParam('A', float(cstA)) self.model.setParam('B', float(cstB)) if x != []: if xmin !=None and xmax != None: for j in range(len(x)): if x[j] > xmin and x[j] < xmax: temp.append(self.model.run(x[j])) else: # x has a default value in case the user doesn't load data for x_i in x: temp.append(self.model.run(x_i)) self.tcXmin.SetValue(str(min(x))) self.tcXmax.SetValue(str(max(x))) xmin = self._checkVal(self.tcXmin.GetValue()) xmax = self._checkVal(self.tcXmax.GetValue()) self.file_data1.x =x # Create new data plottable with result self.file_data1.y =[] self.xtrans, self.ytrans= self.transform() if self.ytrans == "Log(y)": for x_i in x: self.file_data1.y.append(exp(self.model.run(x_i))) else: self.file_data1.y =temp self.file_data1.dx=None self.file_data1.dy=None self.file_data1.reset_view() #Send the data to display to the PlotPanel # self.push_data(self.file_data1) # Display the fitting value on the Fit Dialog self._onsetValues(cstA, cstB, errA,errB,chisqr) def _onsetValues(self,cstA,cstB,errA,errB,Chi): """ Display the value on fit Dialog """ self.tcA.SetValue(str(cstA)) self.tcB.SetValue(str(cstB)) self.tcErrA.SetValue(str(errA)) self.tcErrB.SetValue(str(errB)) self.tcChi.SetValue(str(Chi)) def _returnPlottable(self): return self.file_data1 def _checkVal(self,value): """ Ensure that field parameter contains a value before sending to fit """ try: param = float(value) except: param = None return param if __name__ == "__main__": app = wx.App() dialog=LinearFit(None, -1, 'Fitting') dialog.ShowModal() app.MainLoop()