import wx import sys from copy import deepcopy from danse.common.plottools.plottables import Graph from Plotter1D import ModelPanel1D as PlotPanel from sans.guiframe.dataFitting import Theory1D import pylab DEFAULT_CMAP = _BOX_WIDTH = 76 _STATICBOX_WIDTH = 400 _SCALE = 1e-6 #SLD panel size if sys.platform.count("win32") > 0: _STATICBOX_WIDTH = 570 PANEL_SIZE = 475 FONT_VARIANT = 0 else: _STATICBOX_WIDTH = 610 PANEL_SIZE = 500 FONT_VARIANT = 1 class SLDPanel(wx.Dialog): """ Provides the SLD profile plot panel. """ ## Internal nickname for the window, used by the AUI manager window_name = "SLD Profile" ## Name to appear on the window title bar window_caption = "SLD Profile" ## Flag to tell the AUI manager to put this panel in the center pane CENTER_PANE = True def __init__(self, parent=None, base=None, data=None, axes =['Radius'], id=-1, *args, **kwds): kwds["style"] = wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE kwds["size"] = wx.Size(_STATICBOX_WIDTH, PANEL_SIZE) wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id=id, *args, **kwds) if data != None: #Font size kwds = [] self.SetWindowVariant(variant=FONT_VARIANT) self.SetTitle("Scattering Length Density Profile") self.parent = base = data self.str = ## when 2 data have the same id override the 1 st plotted = # Panel for plot self.plotpanel = SLDplotpanel(self, axes, -1, style=wx.TRANSPARENT_WINDOW) self.cmap = DEFAULT_CMAP ## Create Artist and bind it self.subplot = self.plotpanel.subplot # layout self._setup_layout() # plot data_plot = deepcopy( data_plot.dy = self._set_dy_data() self.newplot = Theory1D(data_plot.x, data_plot.y, data_plot.dy) = 'SLD' self.plotpanel.add_image(self.newplot) self.Centre() self.Layout() def _set_dy_data(self): """ make fake dy data :return dy: """ # set dy as zero dy = [0 for y in] return dy def _setup_layout(self): """ Set up the layout """ # panel sizer sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(self.plotpanel, -1, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 5) sizer.Add((0, 10)) #-----Button------------1 id = wx.NewId() button_reset = wx.Button(self, id, "Close") button_reset.SetToolTipString("Close...") button_reset.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._close, id=button_reset.GetId()) sizer.Add(button_reset, 0, wx.LEFT, _STATICBOX_WIDTH - 80) sizer.Add((0, 10)) self.SetSizerAndFit(sizer) self.Centre() self.Show(True) button_reset.SetFocus() def _close(self, event): """ Close the dialog """ self.Close(True) def _draw_model(self, event): """ on_close, update the model2d plot """ pass def get_context_menu(self, graph=None): """ When the context menu of a plot is rendered, the get_context_menu method will be called to give you a chance to add a menu item to the context menu. :param graph: the Graph object to which we attach the context menu :return: a list of menu items with call-back function """ return [] class SLDplotpanel(PlotPanel): """ Panel """ def __init__(self, parent, axes=[], id=-1, color=None, dpi=None, **kwargs): """ """ PlotPanel.__init__(self, parent, id=id, xtransform='x', ytransform='y', color=color, dpi=dpi, size=(_STATICBOX_WIDTH, PANEL_SIZE-100), **kwargs) # Keep track of the parent Frame self.parent = parent # Internal list of plottable names (because graph # doesn't have a dictionary of handles for the plottables) self.plots = {} self.graph = Graph() self.axes_label = [] for idx in range(0, len(axes)): self.axes_label.append(axes[idx]) def add_image(self, plot): """ Add image(Theory1D) """ self.plots[] = plot #init graph self.gaph = Graph() #add plot self.graph.add(plot) #add axes x1_label = self.axes_label[0] self.graph.xaxis('\\rm{%s} '% x1_label, 'A') self.graph.yaxis('\\rm{SLD} ', 'A^{-2}') #draw self.graph.render(self) self.subplot.figure.canvas.draw_idle() # For latter scale changes self.plots[].xaxis('\\rm{%s} '% x1_label, 'A') self.plots[].yaxis('\\rm{SLD} ', 'A^{-2}') def on_set_focus(self, event): """ send to the parenet the current panel on focus """ #Not implemented pass def on_kill_focus(self, event): """ reset the panel color """ #Not implemented pass class ViewerFrame(wx.Frame): """ Add comment """ def __init__(self, parent, id, title): """ comment :param parent: parent panel/container """ # Initialize the Frame object wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(_STATICBOX_WIDTH, PANEL_SIZE)) # Panel for 1D plot self.plotpanel = SLDplotpanel(self, -1, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) class ViewApp(wx.App): def OnInit(self): frame = ViewerFrame(None, -1, 'testView') frame.Show(True) self.SetTopWindow(frame) return True if __name__ == "__main__": app = ViewApp(0) app.MainLoop()