#TODO: the line slicer should listen to all 2DREFRESH events, get the data and slice it # before pushing a new 1D data update. # #TODO: NEED MAJOR REFACTOR # # Debug printout from config import printEVT from BaseInteractor import _BaseInteractor from copy import deepcopy import math from Plotter1D import AddPlotEvent import SlicerParameters import wx class SectorInteractor(_BaseInteractor): """ Select an annulus through a 2D plot """ def __init__(self,base,axes,color='black', zorder=3): _BaseInteractor.__init__(self, base, axes, color=color) self.markers = [] self.axes = axes self.qmax = self.base.qmax self.connect = self.base.connect ## Number of points on the plot self.nbins = 20 self.theta1= math.pi/4 self.theta2= math.pi/3 self.phi=math.pi/12 #self.theta3= 2*self.theta2 -self.theta1 # Inner circle self.main_line = LineInteractor(self, self.base.subplot,color='blue', zorder=zorder, r=self.qmax, theta= self.theta2) self.main_line.qmax = self.base.qmax #self.left_line = SectionInteractor(self, self.base.subplot, zorder=zorder+1, r=self.qmax, # theta1= self.theta1, theta2= self.theta2) #self.left_line.qmax = self.base.qmax self.right_line= SideInteractor(self, self.base.subplot,color='black', zorder=zorder, r=self.qmax, phi= -1*self.phi, theta2=self.theta2) self.right_line.qmax = self.base.qmax self.left_line= SideInteractor(self, self.base.subplot,color='green', zorder=zorder, r=self.qmax, phi= self.phi, theta2=self.theta2) self.left_line.qmax = self.base.qmax #self.outer_circle.set_cursor(self.base.qmax/1.8, 0) #self.update() self._post_data() # Bind to slice parameter events self.base.parent.Bind(SlicerParameters.EVT_SLICER_PARS, self._onEVT_SLICER_PARS) def _onEVT_SLICER_PARS(self, event): printEVT("AnnulusSlicer._onEVT_SLICER_PARS") event.Skip() if event.type == self.__class__.__name__: #self.set_params(event.params) self.base.update() def update_and_post(self): self.update() self._post_data() def save_data(self, path, image, x, y): output = open(path, 'w') data_x, data_y = self.get_data(image, x, y) output.write(" \n") for i in range(len(data_x)): output.write("%g %g\n" % (data_x[i], data_y[i])) output.close() def set_layer(self, n): self.layernum = n self.update() def clear(self): self.clear_markers() self.outer_circle.clear() self.inner_circle.clear() #self.base.connect.disconnect() self.base.parent.Unbind(SlicerParameters.EVT_SLICER_PARS) def update(self): """ Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets. """ # Update locations #if self.main_line.has_move: #self.main_line.update() #self.right_line.update() #self.left_line.update() if self.main_line.has_move: self.main_line.update() self.right_line.update( delta = self.main_line.get_radius(),mline= self.main_line) self.left_line.update( delta = self.main_line.get_radius() ,mline= self.main_line) print "Main line has moved ---> phi right",math.degrees(self.main_line.theta-self.right_line.theta) print "Main line has moved ---> phi left",math.degrees(self.main_line.theta-self.left_line.theta) if self.left_line.has_move: print "left line has moved --->" self.main_line.update() self.left_line.update(phi=None,delta=None, mline=self.main_line,side=True) #self.right_line.update(-1*delta,linem=self.main_line,linel=self.left_line) self.right_line.update(phi=-1*self.left_line.phi,delta=None, mline=self.main_line,side=True) if self.right_line.has_move: print "right line has moved --->" self.main_line.update() self.right_line.update(phi=None,delta=None, mline=self.main_line,side=True) #self.right_line.update(-1*delta,linem=self.main_line,linel=self.left_line) self.left_line.update(phi=-1*self.right_line.phi,delta=None, mline=self.main_line,side=True) def get_data(self, image, x, y): """ Return a 1D vector corresponding to the slice @param image: data matrix @param x: x matrix @param y: y matrix """ # If we have no data, just return if image == None: return nbins = self.nbins data_x = nbins*[0] data_y = nbins*[0] counts = nbins*[0] length = len(image) print "length x , y , image", len(x), len(y), length for i_x in range(length): for i_y in range(length): q = math.sqrt(x[i_x]*x[i_x] + y[i_y]*y[i_y]) if (q>self.inner_circle._inner_mouse_x \ and qself.outer_circle._inner_mouse_x): i_bin = int(math.ceil(nbins*(math.atan2(y[i_y], x[i_x])+math.pi)/(2.0*math.pi)) - 1) #data_y[i_bin] += math.exp(image[i_x][i_y]) data_y[i_bin] += image[i_y][i_x] counts[i_bin] += 1.0 for i in range(nbins): data_x[i] = (1.0*i+0.5)*2.0*math.pi/nbins if counts[i]>0: data_y[i] = data_y[i]/counts[i] return data_x, data_y def save(self, ev): """ Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc. """ self.base.freeze_axes() self.inner_circle.save(ev) self.outer_circle.save(ev) def _post_data(self): # Compute data data = self.base.get_corrected_data() # If we have no data, just return if data == None: return data_x, data_y = self.get_data(data, self.base.x, self.base.y) name = "Ring" if hasattr(self.base, "name"): name += " %s" % self.base.name wx.PostEvent(self.base.parent, AddPlotEvent(name=name, x = data_x, y = data_y, qmin = self.inner_circle._inner_mouse_x, qmax = self.outer_circle._inner_mouse_x, yscale = 'log', variable = 'ANGLE', ylabel = "\\rm{Intensity} ", yunits = "cm^{-1}", xlabel = "\\rm{\phi}", xunits = "rad", parent = self.base.__class__.__name__)) def moveend(self, ev): self.base.thaw_axes() # Post paramters event = SlicerParameters.SlicerParameterEvent() event.type = self.__class__.__name__ #event.params = self.get_params() wx.PostEvent(self.base.parent, event) self._post_data() def restore(self): """ Restore the roughness for this layer. """ self.inner_circle.restore() self.outer_circle.restore() def move(self, x, y, ev): """ Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed. """ pass def set_cursor(self, x, y): pass def get_params(self): params = {} params["main_phi"] = self.main_line.get_radius() params["left_phi"] = self.left_line.get_radius() params["nbins"] = self.nbins return params def set_params(self, params): main = params["main_phi"] left = params["left_phi"] self.nbins = int(params["nbins"]) #self.main_line.set_cursor(inner, self.inner_circle._inner_mouse_y) #self.outer_circle.set_cursor(outer, self.outer_circle._inner_mouse_y) self._post_data() def freeze_axes(self): self.base.freeze_axes() def thaw_axes(self): self.base.thaw_axes() def draw(self): self.base.draw() class SideInteractor(_BaseInteractor): """ Select an annulus through a 2D plot """ def __init__(self,base,axes,color='black', zorder=5, r=1.0,phi=math.pi/4, theta2= math.pi/3): _BaseInteractor.__init__(self, base, axes, color=color) self.markers = [] self.axes = axes self.save_theta = theta2 + phi self.theta= theta2 + phi self.theta2 = theta2 self.radius = r self.phi = phi self.scale = 10.0 print "init for line side theta2, phi, theta",math.degrees(theta2),math.degrees(phi),math.degrees(self.theta) #raise "Version error", message # Inner circle x1= self.radius*math.cos(self.theta) y1= self.radius*math.sin(self.theta) x2= -1*self.radius*math.cos(self.theta) y2= -1*self.radius*math.sin(self.theta) self.line = self.axes.plot([x1,x2],[y1,y2], linestyle='-', marker='', color=self.color, visible=True)[0] self.npts = 20 self.has_move=False self.connect_markers([self.line]) #self.update() def set_layer(self, n): self.layernum = n self.update() def clear(self): self.clear_markers() try: self.line.remove() except: # Old version of matplotlib for item in range(len(self.axes.lines)): del self.axes.lines[0] def get_radius(self): return self.theta - self.save_theta def update(self,phi=None,delta=None, mline=None,side=False): """ Draw the new roughness on the graph. """ #print "update left or right ", self.has_move if phi !=None: self.phi = phi if delta==None: delta = 0 if side== True: self.theta= mline.theta + self.phi if mline!=None: self.theta2 = mline.theta print "U:for line side theta2, phi, theta",math.degrees(self.theta2),math.degrees(self.phi),math.degrees(self.theta) x1= self.radius*math.cos(self.theta + delta) y1= self.radius*math.sin(self.theta + delta) x2= -1*self.radius*math.cos(self.theta + delta) y2= -1*self.radius*math.sin(self.theta + delta) self.line.set(xdata=[x1,x2], ydata=[y1,y2]) def save(self, ev): """ Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc. """ self.save_theta= self.theta self.base.freeze_axes() def moveend(self, ev): self.has_move=False self.base.moveend(ev) def restore(self): """ Restore the roughness for this layer. """ self.theta = self.save_theta def move(self, x, y, ev): """ Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed. """ self.theta= math.atan2(y,x) self.phi= self.theta2 - self.theta print "move left or right phi ---theta--thetaM", self.phi, self.theta, self.theta2 self.has_move=True self.base.base.update() def set_cursor(self, x, y): self.move(x, y, None) self.update() def get_params(self): params = {} params["radius"] = self.radius params["theta"] = self.theta return params def set_params(self, params): x = params["radius"] self.set_cursor(x, self._inner_mouse_y) class LineInteractor(_BaseInteractor): """ Select an annulus through a 2D plot """ def __init__(self,base,axes,color='black', zorder=5, r=1.0,theta=math.pi/4): _BaseInteractor.__init__(self, base, axes, color=color) self.markers = [] self.axes = axes self.save_theta = theta self.theta= theta self.radius = r self.scale = 10.0 #raise "Version error", message # Inner circle x1= self.radius*math.cos(self.theta) y1= self.radius*math.sin(self.theta) x2= -1*self.radius*math.cos(self.theta) y2= -1*self.radius*math.sin(self.theta) self.line = self.axes.plot([x1,x2],[y1,y2], linestyle='-', marker='', color=self.color, visible=True)[0] self.npts = 20 self.has_move=False self.connect_markers([self.line]) self.update() def set_layer(self, n): self.layernum = n self.update() def clear(self): self.clear_markers() try: self.line.remove() except: # Old version of matplotlib for item in range(len(self.axes.lines)): del self.axes.lines[0] def get_radius(self): return self.theta - self.save_theta def update(self): """ Draw the new roughness on the graph. """ #print "update main line", self.has_move x1= self.radius*math.cos(self.theta) y1= self.radius*math.sin(self.theta) x2= -1*self.radius*math.cos(self.theta) y2= -1*self.radius*math.sin(self.theta) self.line.set(xdata=[x1,x2], ydata=[y1,y2]) def save(self, ev): """ Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc. """ self.save_theta= self.theta self.base.freeze_axes() def moveend(self, ev): self.has_move=False self.base.moveend(ev) def restore(self): """ Restore the roughness for this layer. """ self.theta = self.save_theta def move(self, x, y, ev): """ Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed. """ self.theta= math.atan2(y,x) print "main_line previous theta --- next theta ",math.degrees(self.save_theta),math.degrees(self.theta) self.has_move=True self.base.base.update() def set_cursor(self, x, y): self.move(x, y, None) self.update() def get_params(self): params = {} params["radius"] = self.radius params["theta"] = self.theta return params def set_params(self, params): x = params["radius"] self.set_cursor(x, self._inner_mouse_y)