#TODO: the line slicer should listen to all 2DREFRESH events, get the data and slice it # before pushing a new 1D data update. # #TODO: NEED MAJOR REFACTOR # import math import wx from copy import deepcopy # Debug printout from sans.guicomm.events import NewPlotEvent, StatusEvent,SlicerParameterEvent,EVT_SLICER_PARS from BaseInteractor import _BaseInteractor class AnnulusInteractor(_BaseInteractor): """ Select an annulus through a 2D plot. This interactor is used to average 2D data with the region defined by 2 radius. this class is defined by 2 Ringinterators. """ def __init__(self,base,axes,color='black', zorder=3): _BaseInteractor.__init__(self, base, axes, color=color) self.markers = [] self.axes = axes self.base= base self.qmax = min(math.fabs(self.base.data2D.xmax),math.fabs(self.base.data2D.xmin)) #must be positive self.connect = self.base.connect ## Number of points on the plot self.nbins = 20 #Cursor position of Rings (Left(-1) or Right(1)) self.xmaxd=self.base.data2D.xmax self.xmind=self.base.data2D.xmin if (self.xmaxd+self.xmind)>0: self.sign=1 else: self.sign=-1 # Inner circle self.inner_circle = RingInteractor(self, self.base.subplot, zorder=zorder, r=self.qmax/2.0,sign=self.sign) self.inner_circle.qmax = self.qmax self.outer_circle = RingInteractor(self, self.base.subplot, zorder=zorder+1, r=self.qmax/1.8,sign=self.sign) self.outer_circle.qmax = self.qmax*1.2 self.update() self._post_data() # Bind to slice parameter events self.base.Bind(EVT_SLICER_PARS, self._onEVT_SLICER_PARS) def _onEVT_SLICER_PARS(self, event): """ receive an event containing parameters values to reset the slicer @param event: event of type SlicerParameterEvent with params as attribute """ wx.PostEvent(self.base, StatusEvent(status="AnnulusSlicer._onEVT_SLICER_PARS")) event.Skip() if event.type == self.__class__.__name__: self.set_params(event.params) self.base.update() def set_layer(self, n): """ Allow adding plot to the same panel @param n: the number of layer """ self.layernum = n self.update() def clear(self): """ Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer """ self.clear_markers() self.outer_circle.clear() self.inner_circle.clear() self.base.connect.clearall() self.base.Unbind(EVT_SLICER_PARS) def update(self): """ Respond to changes in the model by recalculating the profiles and resetting the widgets. """ # Update locations self.inner_circle.update() self.outer_circle.update() def save(self, ev): """ Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc. """ self.base.freeze_axes() self.inner_circle.save(ev) self.outer_circle.save(ev) def _post_data(self,nbins=None): """ Uses annulus parameters to plot averaged data into 1D data. @param nbins: the number of points to plot """ #Data to average data = self.base.data2D # If we have no data, just return if data == None: return from DataLoader.manipulations import SectorPhi rmin= min(math.fabs(self.inner_circle.get_radius()), math.fabs(self.outer_circle.get_radius())) rmax = max(math.fabs(self.inner_circle.get_radius()), math.fabs(self.outer_circle.get_radius())) #if the user does not specify the numbers of points to plot # the default number will be nbins= 20 if nbins==None: self.nbins= 20 else: self.nbins = nbins ## create the data1D Q average of data2D sect = SectorPhi(r_min=rmin , r_max= rmax, phi_min=0, phi_max=2*math.pi , nbins=self.nbins) sector = sect(self.base.data2D) from sans.guiframe.dataFitting import Data1D if hasattr(sector,"dxl"): dxl= sector.dxl else: dxl= None if hasattr(sector,"dxw"): dxw= sector.dxw else: dxw= None new_plot = Data1D(x=sector.x,y=sector.y,dy=sector.dy,dxl=dxl,dxw=dxw) new_plot.name = "SectorPhi" +"("+ self.base.data2D.name+")" new_plot.source=self.base.data2D.source #new_plot.info=self.base.data2D.info new_plot.interactive = True new_plot.detector =self.base.data2D.detector # If the data file does not tell us what the axes are, just assume... new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{\phi}", 'degrees') new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ","cm^{-1}") new_plot.group_id = "SectorPhi"+self.base.data2D.name new_plot.id= "SectorPhi"+self.base.data2D.name #new_plot.is_data= True new_plot.xtransform="x" new_plot.ytransform="y" wx.PostEvent(self.base.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title="SectorPhi" )) def moveend(self, ev): """ Called when any dragging motion ends. Post an event (type =SlicerParameterEvent) to plotter 2D with a copy slicer parameters Call _post_data method """ self.base.thaw_axes() # Post parameters to plotter 2D event = SlicerParameterEvent() event.type = self.__class__.__name__ event.params = self.get_params() wx.PostEvent(self.base, event) # create a 1D data plot self._post_data() def restore(self): """ Restore the roughness for this layer. """ self.inner_circle.restore() self.outer_circle.restore() def move(self, x, y, ev): """ Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed. """ pass def set_cursor(self, x, y): pass def get_params(self): """ Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary. @return params: the dictionary created """ params = {} params["inner_radius"] = math.fabs(self.inner_circle._inner_mouse_x) params["outer_radius"] = math.fabs(self.outer_circle._inner_mouse_x) params["nbins"] = self.nbins return params def set_params(self, params): """ Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary. @param params: a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer. """ inner = math.fabs(params["inner_radius"] ) outer = math.fabs(params["outer_radius"] ) self.nbins = int(params["nbins"]) ## Update the picture self.inner_circle.set_cursor(inner, self.inner_circle._inner_mouse_y) self.outer_circle.set_cursor(outer, self.outer_circle._inner_mouse_y) ## Post the data given the nbins entered by the user self._post_data(self.nbins) def freeze_axes(self): self.base.freeze_axes() def thaw_axes(self): self.base.thaw_axes() def draw(self): self.base.draw() class RingInteractor(_BaseInteractor): """ Draw a ring Given a radius @param: the color of the line that defined the ring @param r: the radius of the ring @param sign: the direction of motion the the marker """ def __init__(self,base,axes,color='black', zorder=5, r=1.0,sign=1): _BaseInteractor.__init__(self, base, axes, color=color) self.markers = [] self.axes = axes # Current radius of the ring self._inner_mouse_x = r #Value of the center of the ring self._inner_mouse_y = 0 # previous value of that radius self._inner_save_x = r #Save value of the center of the ring self._inner_save_y = 0 #Class instantiating RingIterator class self.base= base #the direction of the motion of the marker self.sign=sign ## Create a marker try: # Inner circle marker self.inner_marker = self.axes.plot([self.sign*math.fabs(self._inner_mouse_x)],[0], linestyle='', marker='s', markersize=10, color=self.color, alpha=0.6, pickradius=5, label="pick", zorder=zorder, # Prefer this to other lines visible=True)[0] except: self.inner_marker = self.axes.plot([self.sign*math.fabs(self._inner_mouse_x)],[0], linestyle='', marker='s', markersize=10, color=self.color, alpha=0.6, label="pick", visible=True)[0] message = "\nTHIS PROTOTYPE NEEDS THE LATEST VERSION OF MATPLOTLIB\n" message += "Get the SVN version that is at least as recent as June 1, 2007" owner=self.base.base.parent wx.PostEvent(owner, StatusEvent(status="AnnulusSlicer: %s"%message)) # Draw a circle [self.inner_circle] = self.axes.plot([],[], linestyle='-', marker='', color=self.color) # the number of points that make the ring line self.npts = 40 self.connect_markers([self.inner_marker]) self.update() def set_layer(self, n): """ Allow adding plot to the same panel @param n: the number of layer """ self.layernum = n self.update() def clear(self): """ Clear the slicer and all connected events related to this slicer """ self.clear_markers() try: self.inner_marker.remove() self.inner_circle.remove() except: # Old version of matplotlib for item in range(len(self.axes.lines)): del self.axes.lines[0] def get_radius(self): """ @return self._inner_mouse_x: the current radius of the ring """ return self._inner_mouse_x def update(self): """ Draw the new roughness on the graph. """ # Plot inner circle x = [] y = [] for i in range(self.npts): phi = 2.0*math.pi/(self.npts-1)*i xval = 1.0*self._inner_mouse_x*math.cos(phi) yval = 1.0*self._inner_mouse_x*math.sin(phi) x.append(xval) y.append(yval) self.inner_marker.set(xdata=[self.sign*math.fabs(self._inner_mouse_x)],ydata=[0]) self.inner_circle.set_data(x, y) def save(self, ev): """ Remember the roughness for this layer and the next so that we can restore on Esc. """ self._inner_save_x = self._inner_mouse_x self._inner_save_y = self._inner_mouse_y self.base.freeze_axes() def moveend(self, ev): """ Called after a dragging motion """ self.base.moveend(ev) def restore(self): """ Restore the roughness for this layer. """ self._inner_mouse_x = self._inner_save_x self._inner_mouse_y = self._inner_save_y def move(self, x, y, ev): """ Process move to a new position, making sure that the move is allowed. """ self._inner_mouse_x = x self._inner_mouse_y = y self.base.base.update() def set_cursor(self, x, y): """ draw the ring given x, y value """ self.move(x, y, None) self.update() def get_params(self): """ Store a copy of values of parameters of the slicer into a dictionary. @return params: the dictionary created """ params = {} params["radius"] = math.fabs(self._inner_mouse_x) return params def set_params(self, params): """ Receive a dictionary and reset the slicer with values contained in the values of the dictionary. @param params: a dictionary containing name of slicer parameters and values the user assigned to the slicer. """ x = params["radius"] self.set_cursor(x, self._inner_mouse_y)