################################################################################ #This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the #Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) #project funded by the US National Science Foundation. # #See the license text in license.txt # #copyright 2008, University of Tennessee ################################################################################ import wx import wx.aui import os import sys import xml try: # Try to find a local config import imp path = os.getcwd() if(os.path.isfile("%s/%s.py" % (path, 'local_config'))) or \ (os.path.isfile("%s/%s.pyc" % (path, 'local_config'))): fObj, path, descr = imp.find_module('local_config', [path]) config = imp.load_module('local_config', fObj, path, descr) else: # Try simply importing local_config import local_config as config except: # Didn't find local config, load the default import config import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore") import logging from sans.guiframe.events import EVT_STATUS from sans.guiframe.events import EVT_APPEND_BOOKMARK from sans.guiframe.events import EVT_PANEL_ON_FOCUS from sans.guiframe.events import StatusEvent from sans.guiframe.events import NewPlotEvent from sans.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME from sans.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME_ID from sans.guiframe.events import NewLoadedDataEvent from sans.guiframe.data_panel import DataPanel from sans.guiframe.panel_base import PanelBase from sans.guiframe.gui_toolbar import GUIToolBar from DataLoader.loader import Loader PLOPANEL_WIDTH = 400 PLOPANEL_HEIGTH = 400 GUIFRAME_WIDTH = 1000 GUIFRAME_HEIGHT = 800 PROG_SPLASH_SCREEN = "images/danse_logo.png" EXTENSIONS = ['.inv', '.fitv', '.prv', '.svs'] class ViewerFrame(wx.Frame): """ Main application frame """ def __init__(self, parent, title, size=(GUIFRAME_WIDTH, GUIFRAME_HEIGHT), gui_style=GUIFRAME.DEFAULT_STYLE, pos=wx.DefaultPosition): """ Initialize the Frame object """ wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent=parent, title=title, pos=pos,size=size) # Preferred window size self._window_width, self._window_height = size self.__gui_style = gui_style # Logging info logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', filename='sans_app.log', filemode='w') path = os.path.dirname(__file__) temp_path = os.path.join(path,'images') ico_file = os.path.join(temp_path,'ball.ico') if os.path.isfile(ico_file): self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(ico_file, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) else: temp_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'images') ico_file = os.path.join(temp_path,'ball.ico') if os.path.isfile(ico_file): self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(ico_file, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) ## Application manager self.app_manager = None self._mgr = None #add current perpsective self._current_perspective = None self._plotting_plugin = None self._data_plugin = None #Menu bar and item self._menubar = None self._file_menu = None self._data_menu = None self._window_menu = None self._data_panel_menu = None self._help_menu = None self._tool_menu = None self._applications_menu_pos = -1 self._applications_menu_name = None self._applications_menu = None self._edit_menu = None self._toolbar_menu = None self._save_appl_menu = None #tool bar self._toolbar = None ## Find plug-ins # Modify this so that we can specify the directory to look into self.plugins = [] #add local plugin self.plugins += self._get_local_plugins() self.plugins += self._find_plugins() ## List of panels self.panels = {} # Default locations self._default_save_location = os.getcwd() # Welcome panel self.defaultPanel = None #panel on focus self.panel_on_focus = None self.loader = Loader() #data manager from data_manager import DataManager self._data_manager = DataManager() self._data_panel = DataPanel(parent=self) if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self._data_panel.set_panel_on_focus(self.panel_on_focus.window_caption) # Check for update #self._check_update(None) # Register the close event so it calls our own method wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.Close) # Register to status events self.Bind(EVT_STATUS, self._on_status_event) #Register add extra data on the same panel event on load self.Bind(EVT_PANEL_ON_FOCUS, self.set_panel_on_focus) self.Bind(EVT_APPEND_BOOKMARK, self.append_bookmark) def get_data_manager(self): """ """ return self._data_manager def get_toolbar(self): """ """ return self._toolbar def set_panel_on_focus(self, event): """ Store reference to the last panel on focus update the toolbar if available update edit menu if available """ self.panel_on_focus = event.panel panel_name = 'No panel on focus' application_name = 'No Selected Application' if self.panel_on_focus is not None and self._data_panel is not None: panel_name = self.panel_on_focus.window_caption self._data_panel.set_panel_on_focus(panel_name) #update toolbar self._update_toolbar_helper() #update edit menu self.enable_edit_menu() def build_gui(self): """ """ # Set up the layout self._setup_layout() # Set up the menu self._setup_menus() # set tool bar self._setup_tool_bar() #self.Fit() #self._check_update(None) def _setup_layout(self): """ Set up the layout """ # Status bar from gui_statusbar import StatusBar self.sb = StatusBar(self, wx.ID_ANY) self.SetStatusBar(self.sb) # Add panel default_flag = wx.aui.AUI_MGR_DEFAULT| wx.aui.AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE self._mgr = wx.aui.AuiManager(self, flags=default_flag) # Load panels self._load_panels() self.set_default_perspective() self._mgr.Update() def SetStatusText(self, *args, **kwds): """ """ number = self.sb.get_msg_position() wx.Frame.SetStatusText(number=number, *args, **kwds) def PopStatusText(self, *args, **kwds): """ """ field = self.sb.get_msg_position() wx.Frame.PopStatusText(field=field) def PushStatusText(self, *args, **kwds): """ """ field = self.sb.get_msg_position() wx.Frame.PushStatusText(self, field=field, string=string) def add_perspective(self, plugin): """ Add a perspective if it doesn't already exist. """ is_loaded = False for item in self.plugins: if plugin.__class__ == item.__class__: msg = "Plugin %s already loaded" % plugin.__class__.__name__ logging.info(msg) is_loaded = True if not is_loaded: self.plugins.append(plugin) def _get_local_plugins(self): """ get plugins local to guiframe and others """ plugins = [] #import guiframe local plugins #check if the style contain guiframe.dataloader style1 = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.DATALOADER_ON style2 = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.PLOTTING_ON if style1 == GUIFRAME.DATALOADER_ON: try: from sans.guiframe.local_perspectives.data_loader import data_loader self._data_plugin = data_loader.Plugin() plugins.append(self._data_plugin) except: msg = "ViewerFrame._get_local_plugins:" msg += "cannot import dataloader plugin.\n %s" % sys.exc_value logging.error(msg) if style2 == GUIFRAME.PLOTTING_ON: try: from sans.guiframe.local_perspectives.plotting import plotting self._plotting_plugin = plotting.Plugin() plugins.append(self._plotting_plugin) except: msg = "ViewerFrame._get_local_plugins:" msg += "cannot import plotting plugin.\n %s" % sys.exc_value logging.error(msg) return plugins def _find_plugins(self, dir="perspectives"): """ Find available perspective plug-ins :param dir: directory in which to look for plug-ins :return: list of plug-ins """ import imp plugins = [] # Go through files in panels directory try: list = os.listdir(dir) ## the default panel is the panel is the last plugin added for item in list: toks = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item)) name = None if not toks[0] == '__init__': if toks[1] == '.py' or toks[1] == '': name = toks[0] path = [os.path.abspath(dir)] file = None try: if toks[1] == '': mod_path = '.'.join([dir, name]) module = __import__(mod_path, globals(), locals(), [name]) else: (file, path, info) = imp.find_module(name, path) module = imp.load_module( name, file, item, info) if hasattr(module, "PLUGIN_ID"): try: plug = module.Plugin() if plug.set_default_perspective(): self._current_perspective = plug plugins.append(plug) msg = "Found plug-in: %s" % module.PLUGIN_ID logging.info(msg) except: msg = "Error accessing PluginPanel" msg += " in %s\n %s" % (name, sys.exc_value) config.printEVT(msg) except: print sys.exc_value msg = "ViewerFrame._find_plugins: %s" % sys.exc_value logging.error(msg) finally: if not file == None: file.close() except: # Should raise and catch at a higher level and # display error on status bar pass return plugins def set_welcome_panel(self, panel_class): """ Sets the default panel as the given welcome panel :param panel_class: class of the welcome panel to be instantiated """ self.defaultPanel = panel_class(self, -1, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) def _get_panels_size(self, p): """ find the proper size of the current panel get the proper panel width and height """ panel_height_min = self._window_height panel_width_min = self._window_width style = self.__gui_style & (GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON) if self._data_panel is not None and (p == self._data_panel): panel_width_min = self._window_width * 5/25 return panel_width_min, panel_height_min if hasattr(p, "CENTER_PANE") and p.CENTER_PANE: style = self.__gui_style & (GUIFRAME.PLOTTING_ON|GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON) if style == (GUIFRAME.PLOTTING_ON|GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON): panel_width_min = self._window_width * 15/25 return panel_width_min, panel_height_min return panel_width_min, panel_height_min def _load_panels(self): """ Load all panels in the panels directory """ # Look for plug-in panels panels = [] for item in self.plugins: if hasattr(item, "get_panels"): ps = item.get_panels(self) panels.extend(ps) # Show a default panel with some help information # It also sets the size of the application windows #TODO: Use this for slpash screen if self.defaultPanel is None: self.defaultPanel = DefaultPanel(self, -1, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) # add a blank default panel always present self.panels["default"] = self.defaultPanel self._mgr.AddPane(self.defaultPanel, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo(). Name("default"). Center(). CloseButton(False). MinimizeButton(False). # This is where we set the size of # the application window BestSize(wx.Size(self._window_width, self._window_height)). Show()) #add data panel self.panels["data_panel"] = self._data_panel w, h = self._get_panels_size(self._data_panel) self._mgr.AddPane(self._data_panel, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo(). Name(self._data_panel.window_name). Left(). MinimizeButton(). CloseButton(False). TopDockable(False). BottomDockable(False). LeftDockable(True). RightDockable(False). BestSize(wx.Size(w, h)). Hide()) style = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON if style != GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON: self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["data_panel"].window_name).Hide() else: self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["data_panel"].window_name).Show() # Add the panels to the AUI manager for panel_class in panels: p = panel_class id = wx.NewId() w, h = self._get_panels_size(p) # Check whether we need to put this panel # in the center pane if hasattr(p, "CENTER_PANE") and p.CENTER_PANE: if p.CENTER_PANE: self.panels[str(id)] = p self._mgr.AddPane(p, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo(). Name(p.window_name).Caption(p.window_caption). #CenterPane(). Center(). CloseButton(False). MinimizeButton(False). MinSize(wx.Size(w, h)). Hide()) else: self.panels[str(id)] = p self._mgr.AddPane(p, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo(). Name(p.window_name).Caption(p.window_caption). Right(). Dock(). TopDockable(). BottomDockable(). LeftDockable(). RightDockable(). MinimizeButton(). Hide()) def update_data(self, prev_data, new_data): """ """ prev_id, data_state = self._data_manager.update_data(prev_data=prev_data, new_data=new_data) self._data_panel.remove_by_id(prev_id) self._data_panel.load_data_list(data_state) def update_theory(self, data_id, theory, state=None): """ """ data_state = self._data_manager.update_theory(data_id=data_id, theory=theory, state=state) self._data_panel.load_data_list(data_state) def onfreeze(self, theory_id): """ """ data_state_list = self._data_manager.freeze(theory_id) self._data_panel.load_data_list(list=data_state_list) for data_state in data_state_list.values(): new_plot = data_state.get_data() wx.PostEvent(self, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=new_plot.title)) def freeze(self, data_id, theory_id): """ """ data_state_list = self._data_manager.freeze_theory(data_id=data_id, theory_id=theory_id) self._data_panel.load_data_list(list=data_state_list) for data_state in data_state_list.values(): new_plot = data_state.get_data() wx.PostEvent(self, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=new_plot.title)) def delete_data(self, data): """ """ self._current_perspective.delete_data(data) def get_context_menu(self, plotpanel=None): """ Get the context menu items made available by the different plug-ins. This function is used by the plotting module """ if plotpanel is None: return menu_list = [] for item in self.plugins: menu_list.extend(item.get_context_menu(plotpanel=plotpanel)) return menu_list def popup_panel(self, p): """ Add a panel object to the AUI manager :param p: panel object to add to the AUI manager :return: ID of the event associated with the new panel [int] """ ID = wx.NewId() self.panels[str(ID)] = p count = 0 for item in self.panels: if self.panels[item].window_name.startswith(p.window_name): count += 1 windowname = p.window_name caption = p.window_caption if count > 0: windowname += str(count+1) caption += (' '+str(count)) p.window_name = windowname p.window_caption = caption style1 = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.FIXED_PANEL style2 = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.FLOATING_PANEL if style1 == GUIFRAME.FIXED_PANEL: self._mgr.AddPane(p, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo(). Name(windowname).Caption(caption). MinimizeButton(). Resizable(True). # Use a large best size to make sure the AUI # manager takes all the available space BestSize(wx.Size(PLOPANEL_WIDTH, PLOPANEL_HEIGTH))) self._popup_fixed_panel(p) elif style2 == GUIFRAME.FLOATING_PANEL: self._mgr.AddPane(p, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo(). Name(windowname).Caption(caption). MinimizeButton(). Resizable(True). # Use a large best size to make sure the AUI # manager takes all the available space BestSize(wx.Size(PLOPANEL_WIDTH, PLOPANEL_HEIGTH))) self._popup_floating_panel(p) pane = self._mgr.GetPane(windowname) self._mgr.MaximizePane(pane) self._mgr.RestoreMaximizedPane() # Register for showing/hiding the panel wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID, self._on_view) self._mgr.Update() return ID def _setup_menus(self): """ Set up the application menus """ # Menu self._menubar = wx.MenuBar() self._add_menu_file() self._add_menu_data() self._add_menu_application() self._add_menu_edit() self._add_menu_tool() self._add_current_plugin_menu() self._add_menu_window() self._add_help_menu() self.SetMenuBar(self._menubar) def _setup_tool_bar(self): """ add toolbar to the frame """ #set toolbar self._toolbar = GUIToolBar(self, -1) self.SetToolBar(self._toolbar) self._update_toolbar_helper() #self._on_hide_toolbar(event=None) def _update_toolbar_helper(self): """ """ application_name = 'No Selected Application' panel_name = 'No Panel on Focus' self._toolbar.update_toolbar(self.panel_on_focus) if self._current_perspective is not None: application_name = self._current_perspective.sub_menu if self.panel_on_focus is not None: panel_name = self.panel_on_focus.window_caption self._toolbar.update_button(application_name=application_name, panel_name=panel_name) self._toolbar.Realize() def _add_menu_tool(self): """ Tools menu Go through plug-ins and find tools to populate the tools menu """ style = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.TOOL_ON if style == GUIFRAME.TOOL_ON: self._tool_menu = None for item in self.plugins: if hasattr(item, "get_tools"): for tool in item.get_tools(): # Only create a menu if we have at least one tool if self._tool_menu is None: self._tool_menu = wx.Menu() id = wx.NewId() self._tool_menu.Append(id, tool[0], tool[1]) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, tool[2]) if self._tool_menu is not None: self._menubar.Append(self._tool_menu, '&Tools') def _add_current_plugin_menu(self): """ add current plugin menu Look for plug-in menus Add available plug-in sub-menus. """ if (self._menubar is None) or (self._current_perspective is None): return #replace or add a new menu for the current plugin pos = self._menubar.FindMenu(str(self._applications_menu_name)) if pos != -1: menu_list = self._current_perspective.populate_menu(self) if menu_list: for (menu, name) in menu_list: hidden_menu = self._menubar.Replace(pos, menu, name) self._applications_menu_name = name #self._applications_menu_pos = pos else: hidden_menu = self._menubar.Remove(pos) self._applications_menu_name = None #get the position of the menu when it first added self._applications_menu_pos = pos else: menu_list = self._current_perspective.populate_menu(self) if menu_list: for (menu,name) in menu_list: if self._applications_menu_pos == -1: self._menubar.Append(menu, name) else: self._menubar.Insert(self._applications_menu_pos, menu, name) self._applications_menu_name = name def _add_help_menu(self): """ add help menu """ # Help menu self._help_menu = wx.Menu() style = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.WELCOME_PANEL_ON if style == GUIFRAME.WELCOME_PANEL_ON: # add the welcome panel menu item if self.defaultPanel is not None: id = wx.NewId() self._help_menu.Append(id, '&Welcome', '') self._help_menu.AppendSeparator() wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.show_welcome_panel) # Look for help item in plug-ins for item in self.plugins: if hasattr(item, "help"): id = wx.NewId() self._help_menu.Append(id,'&%s help' % item.sub_menu, '') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, item.help) if config._do_aboutbox: id = wx.NewId() self._help_menu.Append(id,'&About', 'Software information') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onAbout) # Checking for updates needs major refactoring to work with py2exe # We need to make sure it doesn't hang the application if the server # is not up. We also need to make sure there's a proper executable to # run if we spawn a new background process. #id = wx.NewId() #self._help_menu.Append(id,'&Check for update', #'Check for the latest version of %s' % config.__appname__) #wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._check_update) self._menubar.Append(self._help_menu, '&Help') def _add_menu_window(self): """ add a menu window to the menu bar Window menu Attach a menu item for each panel in our panel list that also appears in a plug-in. Only add the panel menu if there is only one perspective and it has more than two panels. Note: the first plug-in is always the plotting plug-in. The first application #plug-in is always the second one in the list. """ self._window_menu = wx.Menu() if self._plotting_plugin is not None: for (menu, name) in self._plotting_plugin.populate_menu(self): self._window_menu.AppendSubMenu(menu, name) self._menubar.Append(self._window_menu, '&Window') style = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON id = wx.NewId() self._data_panel_menu = self._window_menu.Append(id, '&Data Explorer ON', '') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.show_data_panel) if style == GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON: self._data_panel_menu.SetText('Data Explorer OFF') else: self._data_panel_menu.SetText('Data Explorer ON') style = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.PLOTTING_ON if style == GUIFRAME.PLOTTING_ON: self._window_menu.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() preferences_menu = wx.Menu() hint = "Plot panels will floating" preferences_menu.Append(id, '&Floating Plot Panel', hint) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.set_plotpanel_floating) id = wx.NewId() hint = "Plot panels will displayed within the frame" preferences_menu.Append(id, '&Fixed Plot Panel', hint) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.set_plotpanel_fixed) id = wx.NewId() style1 = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.MULTIPLE_APPLICATIONS if style1 == GUIFRAME.MULTIPLE_APPLICATIONS: id = wx.NewId() self._toolbar_menu = preferences_menu.Append(id,'&Hide Toolbar', '') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._on_hide_toolbar) self._window_menu.AppendSubMenu(preferences_menu,'&Preferences') if self._window_menu.GetMenuItemCount() == 0: pos = self._menubar.FindMenu('Window') self._menubar.Remove(pos) #wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.show_preferences_panel) """ if len(self.plugins) == 2: plug = self.plugins[1] pers = plug.get_perspective() if len(pers) > 1: self._window_menu = wx.Menu() for item in self.panels: if item == 'default': continue panel = self.panels[item] if panel.window_name in pers: self._window_menu.Append(int(item), panel.window_caption, "Show %s window" % panel.window_caption) wx.EVT_MENU(self, int(item), self._on_view) self._menubar.Append(self._window_menu, '&Window') """ def _add_menu_application(self): """ # Attach a menu item for each defined perspective or application. # Only add the perspective menu if there are more than one perspectives add menu application """ style = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.MULTIPLE_APPLICATIONS if style == GUIFRAME.MULTIPLE_APPLICATIONS: plug_data_count = False plug_no_data_count = False self._applications_menu = wx.Menu() separator = self._applications_menu.AppendSeparator() for plug in self.plugins: if len(plug.get_perspective()) > 0: id = wx.NewId() if plug.use_data(): self._applications_menu.InsertCheckItem(0, id, plug.sub_menu, "Switch to application: %s" % plug.sub_menu) plug_data_count = True else: plug_no_data_count = True self._applications_menu.AppendCheckItem(id, plug.sub_menu, "Switch to application: %s" % plug.sub_menu) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, plug.on_perspective) if not (plug_data_count and plug_no_data_count): self._applications_menu.RemoveItem(separator) self._menubar.Append(self._applications_menu, '&Applications') self._check_applications_menu() def _add_menu_file(self): """ add menu file """ # File menu self._file_menu = wx.Menu() style = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.DATALOADER_ON if style == GUIFRAME.DATALOADER_ON: # some menu of plugin to be seen under file menu hint_load_file = "Read state's files and load" hint_load_file += " them into the application" id = wx.NewId() self._save_appl_menu = self._file_menu.Append(id, '&Open State from File', hint_load_file) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._on_open_state) id = wx.NewId() self._save_appl_menu = self._file_menu.Append(id, '&Save Application', 'Save state of the current active application') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._on_save_application) id = wx.NewId() self._file_menu.Append(id, '&Save Project', 'Save the state of the whole application') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._on_save_project) self._file_menu.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() self._file_menu.Append(id, '&Quit', 'Exit') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.Close) # Add sub menus self._menubar.Append(self._file_menu, '&File') def _add_menu_edit(self): """ add menu edit """ # Edit Menu self._edit_menu = wx.Menu() self._edit_menu.Append(GUIFRAME_ID.UNDO_ID, '&Undo', 'Undo the previous action') wx.EVT_MENU(self, GUIFRAME_ID.UNDO_ID, self.on_undo_panel) self._edit_menu.Append(GUIFRAME_ID.REDO_ID, '&Redo', 'Redo the previous action') wx.EVT_MENU(self, GUIFRAME_ID.REDO_ID, self.on_redo_panel) self._edit_menu.AppendSeparator() self._edit_menu.Append(GUIFRAME_ID.PREVIEW_ID, '&Report', 'Preview current panel') wx.EVT_MENU(self, GUIFRAME_ID.PREVIEW_ID, self.on_preview_panel) self._edit_menu.Append(GUIFRAME_ID.PRINT_ID, '&Print', 'Print current panel') wx.EVT_MENU(self, GUIFRAME_ID.PRINT_ID, self.on_print_panel) self._edit_menu.Append(GUIFRAME_ID.RESET_ID, '&Reset', 'Reset current panel') wx.EVT_MENU(self, GUIFRAME_ID.RESET_ID, self.on_reset_panel) self._menubar.Append(self._edit_menu, '&Edit') self.enable_edit_menu() def get_style(self): """ """ return self.__gui_style def _add_menu_data(self): """ Add menu item item data to menu bar """ if self._data_plugin is not None: menu_list = self._data_plugin.populate_menu(self) if menu_list: for (menu, name) in menu_list: self._menubar.Append(menu, name) def _on_hide_toolbar(self, event=None): """ hide or show toolbar """ if self._toolbar is None: return if self._toolbar.IsShown(): if self._toolbar_menu is not None: self._toolbar_menu.SetItemLabel('Show Toolbar') self._toolbar.Hide() else: if self._toolbar_menu is not None: self._toolbar_menu.SetItemLabel('Hide Toolbar') self._toolbar.Show() self._toolbar.Realize() def _on_status_event(self, evt): """ Display status message """ self.sb.set_status(event=evt) def _on_view(self, evt): """ A panel was selected to be shown. If it's not already shown, display it. :param evt: menu event """ self.show_panel(evt.GetId()) def on_close_welcome_panel(self): """ Close the welcome panel """ if self.defaultPanel is None: return self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["default"].window_name).Hide() self._mgr.Update() # set a default perspective self.set_default_perspective() def show_welcome_panel(self, event): """ Display the welcome panel """ if self.defaultPanel is None: return for id in self.panels.keys(): if id == 'default': # Show default panel if not self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["default"].window_name).IsShown(): self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["default"].window_name).Show(True) elif id == "data_panel": flag = self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["data_panel"].window_name).IsShown() self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["data_panel"].window_name).Show(flag) else: self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[id].window_name).IsShown() self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[id].window_name).Hide() self._mgr.Update() def show_panel(self, uid): """ Shows the panel with the given id :param uid: unique ID number of the panel to show """ ID = str(uid) config.printEVT("show_panel: %s" % ID) if ID in self.panels.keys(): if not self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[ID].window_name).IsShown(): self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[ID].window_name).Show() # Hide default panel self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["default"].window_name).Hide() self._mgr.Update() def hide_panel(self, uid): """ hide panel """ ID = str(uid) config.printEVT("hide_panel: %s" % ID) if ID in self.panels.keys(): if self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[ID].window_name).IsShown(): self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[ID].window_name).Hide() # Hide default panel self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["default"].window_name).Hide() self._mgr.Update() def delete_panel(self, uid): """ delete panel given uid """ ID = str(uid) config.printEVT("delete_panel: %s" % ID) if ID in self.panels.keys(): panel = self.panels[ID] self._plotting_plugin.delete_panel(panel.group_id) self._mgr.DetachPane(panel) panel.Destroy() del self.panels[ID] self._mgr.Update() def clear_panel(self): """ """ for item in self.panels: try: self.panels[item].clear_panel() except: pass def create_gui_data(self, data, path=None): """ """ return self._data_manager.create_gui_data(data, path) def get_data(self, path): """ """ message = "" log_msg = '' output = [] error_message = "" basename = os.path.basename(path) root, extension = os.path.splitext(basename) if extension.lower() not in EXTENSIONS: log_msg = "File Loader cannot " log_msg += "load: %s\n" % str(basename) log_msg += "Try Data opening...." logging.info(log_msg) self.load_complete(output=output, error_message=error_message, message=log_msg, path=path) return #reading a state file for plug in self.plugins: reader, ext = plug.get_extensions() if reader is not None: #read the state of the single plugin if extension == ext: reader.read(path) return elif extension == '.svs': reader.read(path) style = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON if style == GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON: if self._data_panel is not None: data_state = self._data_manager.get_selected_data() self._data_panel.load_data_list(data_state) self._mgr.GetPane(self._data_panel.window_name).Show(True) def _on_open_state(self, event): """ """ path = None if self._default_save_location == None: self._default_save_location = os.getcwd() wlist = ['SansView files (*.svs)|*.svs', 'P(r) files (*.prv)|*.prv', 'Fitting files (*.fitv)|*.fitv', 'Invariant files (*.inv)|*.inv'] wlist = '|'.join(wlist) dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", self._default_save_location, "", wlist) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() if path is not None: self._default_save_location = os.path.dirname(path) dlg.Destroy() if path and os.path.isfile(path): basename = os.path.basename(path) if basename.endswith('.svs'): #remove panels for new states for plug in self.plugins: plug.clear_panel() self.panel_on_focus = None self.get_data(path) if self.defaultPanel is not None and \ self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["default"].window_name).IsShown(): self.on_close_welcome_panel() def _on_save_application(self, event): """ save the state of the current active application """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self.panel_on_focus.on_save(event) def _on_save_project(self, event): """ save the state of the current active application """ ## Default file location for save self._default_save_location = os.getcwd() if self._current_perspective is None: return reader, ext = self._current_perspective.get_extensions() path = None dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Save Project file", self._default_save_location, "", '.svs', wx.SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() self._default_save_location = os.path.dirname(path) else: return None dlg.Destroy() if path is None: return # default cansas xml doc doc = None for panel in self.panels.values(): doc = self.on_save_helper(doc, reader, panel, path) def on_save_helper(self, doc, reader, panel, path): """ Save state into a file """ try: data = panel.get_data() state = panel.get_state() if reader is not None: if data is not None: new_doc = reader.write_toXML(data, state) if hasattr(doc, "firstChild"): child = new_doc.firstChild.firstChild doc.firstChild.appendChild(child) else: doc = new_doc except: raise #pass # Write the XML document if doc != None: fd = open(path, 'w') fd.write(doc.toprettyxml()) fd.close() else: raise #print "Nothing to save..." #raise RuntimeError, "%s is not a SansView (.svs) file..." % path return doc def quit_guiframe(self): """ Pop up message to make sure the user wants to quit the application """ message = "Do you really want to quit \n" message += "this application?" dial = wx.MessageDialog(self, message, 'Question', wx.YES_NO|wx.YES_DEFAULT|wx.ICON_QUESTION) if dial.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: return True else: return False def Close(self, event=None): """ Quit the application """ #flag = self.quit_guiframe() if True: wx.Exit() sys.exit() def _check_update(self, event=None): """ Check with the deployment server whether a new version of the application is available. A thread is started for the connecting with the server. The thread calls a call-back method when the current version number has been obtained. """ if hasattr(config, "__update_URL__"): import version checker = version.VersionThread(config.__update_URL__, self._process_version, baggage=event==None) checker.start() def _process_version(self, version, standalone=True): """ Call-back method for the process of checking for updates. This methods is called by a VersionThread object once the current version number has been obtained. If the check is being done in the background, the user will not be notified unless there's an update. :param version: version string :param standalone: True of the update is being checked in the background, False otherwise. """ try: if cmp(version, config.__version__) > 0: msg = "Version %s is available! See the Help " msg += "menu to download it." % version self.SetStatusText(msg) if not standalone: import webbrowser webbrowser.open(config.__download_page__) else: if not standalone: msg = "You have the latest version" msg += " of %s" % config.__appname__ self.SetStatusText(msg) except: msg = "guiframe: could not get latest application" msg += " version number\n %s" % sys.exc_value logging.error(msg) if not standalone: msg = "Could not connect to the application server." msg += " Please try again later." self.SetStatusText(msg) def _onAbout(self, evt): """ Pop up the about dialog :param evt: menu event """ if config._do_aboutbox: import aboutbox dialog = aboutbox.DialogAbout(None, -1, "") dialog.ShowModal() def set_manager(self, manager): """ Sets the application manager for this frame :param manager: frame manager """ self.app_manager = manager def post_init(self): """ This initialization method is called after the GUI has been created and all plug-ins loaded. It calls the post_init() method of each plug-in (if it exists) so that final initialization can be done. """ for item in self.plugins: if hasattr(item, "post_init"): item.post_init() def set_default_perspective(self): """ Choose among the plugin the first plug-in that has "set_default_perspective" method and its return value is True will be as a default perspective when the welcome page is closed """ for item in self.plugins: if hasattr(item, "set_default_perspective"): if item.set_default_perspective(): item.on_perspective(event=None) return def set_perspective(self, panels): """ Sets the perspective of the GUI. Opens all the panels in the list, and closes all the others. :param panels: list of panels """ for item in self.panels: # Check whether this is a sticky panel if hasattr(self.panels[item], "ALWAYS_ON"): if self.panels[item].ALWAYS_ON: continue if self.panels[item].window_name in panels: if not self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[item].window_name).IsShown(): self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[item].window_name).Show() else: # always show the data panel if enable style = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON if (style == GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON) and self.panels[item] == self._data_panel: if 'data_panel' in self.panels.keys(): flag = self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels['data_panel'].window_name).IsShown() self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels['data_panel'].window_name).Show(flag) else: if self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[item].window_name).IsShown(): self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[item].window_name).Hide() self._mgr.Update() def show_data_panel(self, event=None): """ show the data panel """ label = self._data_panel_menu.GetText() if label == 'Data Explorer ON': pane = self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["data_panel"].window_name) #if not pane.IsShown(): pane.Show(True) self._mgr.Update() self.__gui_style = self.__gui_style | GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON self._data_panel_menu.SetText('Data Explorer OFF') else: pane = self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["data_panel"].window_name) #if not pane.IsShown(): pane.Show(False) self._mgr.Update() self.__gui_style = self.__gui_style & (~GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON) self._data_panel_menu.SetText('Data Explorer ON') def add_data_helper(self, data_list): """ """ if self._data_manager is not None: self._data_manager.add_data(data_list) def add_data(self, data_list): """ receive a dictionary of data from loader store them its data manager if possible send to data the current active perspective if the data panel is not active. :param data_list: dictionary of data's ID and value Data """ #Store data into manager self.add_data_helper(data_list) # set data in the data panel if self._data_panel is not None: data_state = self._data_manager.get_data_state(data_list.keys()) self._data_panel.load_data_list(data_state) #if the data panel is shown wait for the user to press a button #to send data to the current perspective. if the panel is not #show automatically send the data to the current perspective style = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON if style == GUIFRAME.MANAGER_ON: #wait for button press from the data panel to set_data if self._data_panel is not None: self._mgr.GetPane(self._data_panel.window_name).Show(True) self._mgr.Update() else: #automatically send that to the current perspective self.set_data(data_id=data_list.keys()) def set_data(self, data_id): """ set data to current perspective """ list_data, _ = self._data_manager.get_by_id(data_id) if self._current_perspective is not None: self._current_perspective.set_data(list_data.values()) else: msg = "Guiframe does not have a current perspective" logging.info(msg) def set_theory(self, state_id, theory_id=None): """ """ _, list_theory = self._data_manager.get_by_id(theory_id) if self._current_perspective is not None: try: self._current_perspective.set_theory(list_theory.values()) except: msg = "Guiframe set_theory: \n" + str(sys.exc_value) logging.info(msg) wx.PostEvent(self, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error")) else: msg = "Guiframe does not have a current perspective" logging.info(msg) def plot_data(self, state_id, data_id=None, theory_id=None, append=False): """ send a list of data to plot """ total_plot_list = [] data_list, _ = self._data_manager.get_by_id(data_id) _, temp_list_theory = self._data_manager.get_by_id(theory_id) total_plot_list = data_list.values() for item in temp_list_theory.values(): theory_data, theory_state = item total_plot_list.append(theory_data) GROUP_ID = wx.NewId() for new_plot in total_plot_list: if append: if self.panel_on_focus is None: message = "cannot append plot. No plot panel on focus!" message += "please click on any available plot to set focus" wx.PostEvent(self, StatusEvent(status=message, info='warning')) return else: if self.enable_add_data(new_plot): new_plot.group_id = self.panel_on_focus.group_id else: message = "Only 1D Data can be append to plot panel\n" message += "%s will be plot separetly\n" %str(new_plot.name) wx.PostEvent(self, StatusEvent(status=message, info='warning')) else: #if not append then new plot new_plot.group_id = GROUP_ID title = "PLOT " + str(new_plot.title) wx.PostEvent(self, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=title)) def remove_data(self, data_id, theory_id=None): """ Delete data state if data_id is provide delete theory created with data of id data_id if theory_id is provide if delete all true: delete the all state else delete theory """ for plug in self.plugins: plug.delete_data(data_id) total_plot_list = [] data_list, _ = self._data_manager.get_by_id(data_id) _, temp_list_theory = self._data_manager.get_by_id(theory_id) total_plot_list = data_list.values() for item in temp_list_theory.values(): theory_data, theory_state = item total_plot_list.append(theory_data) for new_plot in total_plot_list: id = new_plot.id for group_id in new_plot.list_group_id: wx.PostEvent(self, NewPlotEvent(id=id, group_id=group_id, action='remove')) self._data_manager.delete_data(data_id=data_id, theory_id=theory_id) def set_current_perspective(self, perspective): """ set the current active perspective """ self._current_perspective = perspective name = "No current Application selected" if self._current_perspective is not None: self._add_current_plugin_menu() for panel in self.panels.values(): if hasattr(panel, 'CENTER_PANE') and panel.CENTER_PANE: for name in self._current_perspective.get_perspective(): if name == panel.window_name: panel.on_set_focus(event=None) break name = self._current_perspective.sub_menu if self._data_panel is not None: self._data_panel.set_active_perspective(name) self._check_applications_menu() def _check_applications_menu(self): """ check the menu of the current application """ if self._applications_menu is not None: for menu in self._applications_menu.GetMenuItems(): if self._current_perspective is not None: name = self._current_perspective.sub_menu if menu.IsCheckable(): if menu.GetLabel() == name: menu.Check(True) else: menu.Check(False) def set_plotpanel_floating(self, event=None): """ make the plot panel floatable """ self.__gui_style &= (~GUIFRAME.FIXED_PANEL) self.__gui_style |= GUIFRAME.FLOATING_PANEL for p in self.panels.values(): plot_panel = self._plotting_plugin.plot_panels.values() for p in self.panels.values(): if p in plot_panel: self._popup_floating_panel(p) def set_plotpanel_fixed(self, event=None): """ make the plot panel fixed """ self.__gui_style &= (~GUIFRAME.FLOATING_PANEL) self.__gui_style |= GUIFRAME.FIXED_PANEL plot_panel = [] if self._plotting_plugin is not None: plot_panel = self._plotting_plugin.plot_panels.values() for p in self.panels.values(): if p in plot_panel: self._popup_fixed_panel(p) def _popup_fixed_panel(self, p): """ """ style = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.FIXED_PANEL if style == GUIFRAME.FIXED_PANEL: self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).Floatable() self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).Right() self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).TopDockable(False) self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).BottomDockable(False) self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).LeftDockable(False) self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).RightDockable(True) flag = self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).IsShown() self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).Show(flag) self._mgr.Update() def _popup_floating_panel(self, p): """ """ style = self.__gui_style & GUIFRAME.FLOATING_PANEL if style == GUIFRAME.FLOATING_PANEL: self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).Floatable(True) self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).Float() self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).Dockable(False) flag = self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).IsShown() self._mgr.GetPane(p.window_name).Show(flag) self._mgr.Update() def enable_add_data(self, new_plot): """ Enable append data on a plot panel """ if self.panel_on_focus not in self._plotting_plugin.plot_panels.values(): return is_theory = len(self.panel_on_focus.plots) <= 1 and \ self.panel_on_focus.plots.values()[0].__class__.__name__ == "Theory1D" is_data2d = hasattr(new_plot, 'data') is_data1d = self.panel_on_focus.__class__.__name__ == "ModelPanel1D"\ and self.panel_on_focus.group_id is not None has_meta_data = hasattr(new_plot, 'meta_data') #disable_add_data if the data is being recovered from a saved state file. is_state_data = False if has_meta_data: if 'invstate' in new_plot.meta_data: is_state_data = True if 'prstate' in new_plot.meta_data: is_state_data = True if 'fitstate' in new_plot.meta_data: is_state_data = True return is_data1d and not is_data2d and not is_theory and not is_state_data def enable_edit_menu(self): """ enable menu item under edit menu depending on the panel on focus """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None and self._edit_menu is not None: flag = self.panel_on_focus.get_undo_flag() self._edit_menu.Enable(GUIFRAME_ID.UNDO_ID, flag) flag = self.panel_on_focus.get_redo_flag() self._edit_menu.Enable(GUIFRAME_ID.REDO_ID, flag) flag = self.panel_on_focus.get_print_flag() self._edit_menu.Enable(GUIFRAME_ID.PRINT_ID, flag) flag = self.panel_on_focus.get_preview_flag() self._edit_menu.Enable(GUIFRAME_ID.PREVIEW_ID, flag) flag = self.panel_on_focus.get_reset_flag() self._edit_menu.Enable(GUIFRAME_ID.RESET_ID, flag) else: flag = False self._edit_menu.Enable(GUIFRAME_ID.UNDO_ID, flag) self._edit_menu.Enable(GUIFRAME_ID.REDO_ID, flag) self._edit_menu.Enable(GUIFRAME_ID.PRINT_ID, flag) self._edit_menu.Enable(GUIFRAME_ID.PREVIEW_ID, flag) self._edit_menu.Enable(GUIFRAME_ID.RESET_ID, flag) def on_undo_panel(self, event=None): """ undo previous action of the last panel on focus if possible """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self.panel_on_focus.on_undo(event) def on_redo_panel(self, event=None): """ redo the last cancel action done on the last panel on focus """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self.panel_on_focus.on_redo(event) def on_bookmark_panel(self, event=None): """ bookmark panel """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self.panel_on_focus.on_bookmark(event) def append_bookmark(self, event=None): """ Bookmark available information of the panel on focus """ self._toolbar.append_bookmark(event) def on_save_panel(self, event=None): """ save possible information on the current panel """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self.panel_on_focus.on_save(event) def on_preview_panel(self, event=None): """ preview information on the panel on focus """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self.panel_on_focus.on_preview(event) def on_print_panel(self, event=None): """ print available information on the last panel on focus """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self.panel_on_focus.on_print(event) def on_zoom_panel(self, event=None): """ zoom on the current panel if possible """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self.panel_on_focus.on_zoom(event) def on_zoom_in_panel(self, event=None): """ zoom in of the panel on focus """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self.panel_on_focus.on_zoom_in(event) def on_zoom_out_panel(self, event=None): """ zoom out on the panel on focus """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self.panel_on_focus.on_zoom_out(event) def on_drag_panel(self, event=None): """ drag apply to the panel on focus """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self.panel_on_focus.on_drag(event) def on_reset_panel(self, event=None): """ reset the current panel """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self.panel_on_focus.on_reset(event) def enable_undo(self): """ enable undo related control """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self._toolbar.enable_undo(self.panel_on_focus) def enable_redo(self): """ enable redo """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self._toolbar.enable_redo(self.panel_on_focus) def enable_bookmark(self): """ Bookmark """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self._toolbar.enable_bookmark(self.panel_on_focus) def enable_save(self): """ save """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self._toolbar.enable_save(self.panel_on_focus) def enable_preview(self): """ preview """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self._toolbar.enable_preview(self.panel_on_focus) def enable_print(self): """ print """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self._toolbar.enable_print(self.panel_on_focus) def enable_zoom(self): """ zoom """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self._toolbar.enable_zoom(self.panel_on_focus) def enable_zoom_in(self): """ zoom in """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self._toolbar.enable_zoom_in(self.panel_on_focus) def enable_zoom_out(self): """ zoom out """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self._toolbar.enable_zoom_out(self.panel_on_focus) def enable_drag(self, event=None): """ drag """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self._toolbar.enable_drag(self.panel_on_focus) def enable_reset(self): """ reset the current panel """ if self.panel_on_focus is not None: self._toolbar.enable_reset(self.panel_on_focus) class DefaultPanel(wx.Panel, PanelBase): """ Defines the API for a panels to work with the GUI manager """ ## Internal nickname for the window, used by the AUI manager window_name = "default" ## Name to appear on the window title bar window_caption = "Welcome panel" ## Flag to tell the AUI manager to put this panel in the center pane CENTER_PANE = True def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds) PanelBase.__init__(self, parent) # Toy application to test this Frame class ViewApp(wx.App): """ """ SIZE = (GUIFRAME_WIDTH,GUIFRAME_HEIGHT) TITLE = config.__appname__ PROG_SPLASH_PATH = PROG_SPLASH_SCREEN STYLE = GUIFRAME.SINGLE_APPLICATION SPLASH_WIDTH = 500 SPLASH_HEIGHT = 300 SPLASH_MAX_DISPLAY_TIME = 3000 #3 sec def OnInit(self): """ """ pos, size = self.window_placement(self.SIZE) self.frame = ViewerFrame(parent=None, title=self.TITLE, pos=pos, gui_style = self.STYLE, size=size) # Display a splash screen on top of the frame. if len(sys.argv) > 1 and '--time' in sys.argv[1:]: log_time("Starting to display the splash screen") if self.PROG_SPLASH_PATH is not None and \ os.path.isfile(self.PROG_SPLASH_PATH): try: s_screen = self.display_splash_screen(parent=self.frame, path=self.PROG_SPLASH_PATH) except: try: self.frame.Show() except: msg = "Cannot display splash screen\n" msg += str (sys.exc_value) #raise logging.error(msg) else: self.frame.Show() if hasattr(self.frame, 'special'): self.frame.special.SetCurrent() self.SetTopWindow(self.frame) import time return True def set_manager(self, manager): """ Sets a reference to the application manager of the GUI manager (Frame) """ self.frame.set_manager(manager) def build_gui(self): """ Build the GUI """ self.frame.build_gui() self.frame.post_init() def set_welcome_panel(self, panel_class): """ Set the welcome panel :param panel_class: class of the welcome panel to be instantiated """ self.frame.set_welcome_panel(panel_class) def add_perspective(self, perspective): """ Manually add a perspective to the application GUI """ self.frame.add_perspective(perspective) def window_placement(self, size): """ Determines the position and size of the application frame such that it fits on the user's screen without obstructing (or being obstructed by) the Windows task bar. The maximum initial size in pixels is bounded by WIDTH x HEIGHT. For most monitors, the application will be centered on the screen; for very large monitors it will be placed on the left side of the screen. """ window_width, window_height = size screen_size = wx.GetDisplaySize() window_height = window_height if screen_size[1]>window_height else screen_size[1]-50 window_width = window_width if screen_size[0]> window_width else screen_size[0]-50 xpos = ypos = 0 # Note that when running Linux and using an Xming (X11) server on a PC # with a dual monitor configuration, the reported display size may be # that of both monitors combined with an incorrect display count of 1. # To avoid displaying this app across both monitors, we check for # screen 'too big'. If so, we assume a smaller width which means the # application will be placed towards the left hand side of the screen. _, _, x, y = wx.Display().GetClientArea() # size excludes task bar if len(sys.argv) > 1 and '--platform' in sys.argv[1:]: w, h = wx.DisplaySize() # size includes task bar area if x > 1920: x = 1280 # display on left side, not centered on screen if x > window_width: xpos = (x - window_width)/2 if y > window_height: ypos = (y - window_height)/2 # Return the suggested position and size for the application frame. return (xpos, ypos), (min(x, window_width), min(y, window_height)) def display_splash_screen(self, parent, path=PROG_SPLASH_SCREEN): """Displays the splash screen. It will exactly cover the main frame.""" # Prepare the picture. On a 2GHz intel cpu, this takes about a second. x, y = parent.GetSizeTuple() image = wx.Image(path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) image.Rescale(self.SPLASH_WIDTH, self.SPLASH_HEIGHT, wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH) bm = image.ConvertToBitmap() # Create and show the splash screen. It will disappear only when the # program has entered the event loop AND either the timeout has expired # or the user has left clicked on the screen. Thus any processing # performed in this routine (including sleeping) or processing in the # calling routine (including doing imports) will prevent the splash # screen from disappearing. # # Note that on Linux, the timeout appears to occur immediately in which # case the splash screen disappears upon entering the event loop. s_screen = wx.SplashScreen(bitmap=bm, splashStyle=(wx.SPLASH_TIMEOUT| wx.SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN), style=(wx.SIMPLE_BORDER| wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR| wx.STAY_ON_TOP), milliseconds=self.SPLASH_MAX_DISPLAY_TIME, parent=parent, id=wx.ID_ANY) s_screen.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_close_splash_screen) s_screen.Show() return s_screen def on_close_splash_screen(self, event): """ """ self.frame.Show(True) event.Skip() if __name__ == "__main__": app = ViewApp(0) app.MainLoop()