################################################################################ #This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the #Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) #project funded by the US National Science Foundation. # #See the license text in license.txt # #copyright 2008, University of Tennessee ################################################################################ import wx import wx.aui import os import sys import xml try: # Try to find a local config import imp path = os.getcwd() if(os.path.isfile("%s/%s.py" % (path, 'local_config'))) or \ (os.path.isfile("%s/%s.pyc" % (path, 'local_config'))): fObj, path, descr = imp.find_module('local_config', [path]) config = imp.load_module('local_config', fObj, path, descr) else: # Try simply importing local_config import local_config as config except: # Didn't find local config, load the default import config import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore") import logging #from sans.guicomm.events import NewLoadedDataEvent from sans.guicomm.events import EVT_STATUS #from sans.guicomm.events import EVT_NEW_PLOT #from sans.guicomm.events import EVT_SLICER_PARS_UPDATE from sans.guicomm.events import EVT_ADD_MANY_DATA #from data_manager import DataManager STATE_FILE_EXT = ['.inv', '.fitv', '.prv'] class ViewerFrame(wx.Frame): """ Main application frame """ def __init__(self, parent, id, title, window_height=300, window_width=300): """ Initialize the Frame object """ wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, wx.DefaultPosition, size=(window_width, window_height)) # Preferred window size self._window_height = window_height self._window_width = window_width # Logging info logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', filename='sans_app.log', filemode='w') path = os.path.dirname(__file__) temp_path = os.path.join(path,'images') ico_file = os.path.join(temp_path,'ball.ico') if os.path.isfile(ico_file): self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(ico_file, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) else: temp_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'images') ico_file = os.path.join(temp_path,'ball.ico') if os.path.isfile(ico_file): self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(ico_file, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) ## Application manager self.app_manager = None self._mgr = None self.file_menu = None ## Find plug-ins # Modify this so that we can specify the directory to look into self.plugins = [] #add local plugin from sans.guiframe.local_perspectives.plotting import plotting from sans.guiframe.local_perspectives.data_loader import data_loader self.plugins.append(plotting.Plugin()) self.plugins.append(data_loader.Plugin()) self.plugins += self._find_plugins() ## List of panels self.panels = {} ## Next available ID for wx gui events #TODO: No longer used - remove all calls to this self.next_id = 20000 # Default locations self._default_save_location = os.getcwd() # Welcome panel self.defaultPanel = None #panel on focus self.panel_on_focus = None # Check for update #self._check_update(None) ## maximum number of opened files' paths to store self.n_maxfileopen = 2 ## number of file open self.n_fileOpen = 0 ## list of path of open files self.filePathList = [] ## list of open file with name form menu #self._saveOpenData() ## Dictionary of open file where keys are filename and # values are number of copy of data plotted ## using the same loaded file self.indice_load_data = {} # Register the close event so it calls our own method wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self._onClose) # Register to status events self.Bind(EVT_STATUS, self._on_status_event) #Register add extra data on the same panel event on load self.Bind(EVT_ADD_MANY_DATA, self.set_panel_on_focus) def set_panel_on_focus(self, event): """ Store reference to the last panel on focus """ self.panel_on_focus = event.panel def build_gui(self): """ """ # Set up the layout self._setup_layout() # Set up the menu self._setup_menus() #self.Fit() #self._check_update(None) def _setup_layout(self): """ Set up the layout """ # Status bar from statusbar import StatusBar self.sb = StatusBar(self, wx.ID_ANY) self.SetStatusBar(self.sb) # Add panel self._mgr = wx.aui.AuiManager(self) self._mgr.SetDockSizeConstraint(0.5, 0.5) # Load panels self._load_panels() self._mgr.Update() def SetStatusText(self, *args, **kwds): """ """ number = self.sb.get_msg_position() wx.Frame.SetStatusText(number=number, *args, **kwds) def PopStatusText(self, *args, **kwds): """ """ field = self.sb.get_msg_position() wx.Frame.PopStatusText(field=field) def PushStatusText(self, *args, **kwds): """ """ field = self.sb.get_msg_position() wx.Frame.PushStatusText(self, field=field, string=string) def add_perspective(self, plugin): """ Add a perspective if it doesn't already exist. """ is_loaded = False for item in self.plugins: if plugin.__class__ == item.__class__: #print "Plugin %s already loaded" % plugin.__class__.__name__ is_loaded = True if not is_loaded: self.plugins.append(plugin) def _find_plugins(self, dir="perspectives"): """ Find available perspective plug-ins :param dir: directory in which to look for plug-ins :return: list of plug-ins """ import imp plugins = [] # Go through files in panels directory try: list = os.listdir(dir) ## the default panel is the panel is the last plugin added for item in list: toks = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item)) name = None if not toks[0] == '__init__': if toks[1] == '.py' or toks[1] == '': name = toks[0] path = [os.path.abspath(dir)] file = None try: if toks[1] == '': mod_path = '.'.join([dir, name]) module = __import__(mod_path, globals(), locals(), [name]) else: (file, path, info) = imp.find_module(name, path) module = imp.load_module( name, file, item, info) if hasattr(module, "PLUGIN_ID"): try: plugins.append(module.Plugin()) msg = "Found plug-in: %s" % module.PLUGIN_ID logging.info(msg) except: msg = "Error accessing PluginPanel" msg += " in %s\n %s" % (name, sys.exc_value) config.printEVT(msg) except: #print sys.exc_value msg = "ViewerFrame._find_plugins: %s" % sys.exc_value logging.error(msg) finally: if not file == None: file.close() except: # Should raise and catch at a higher level and # display error on status bar pass return plugins def set_welcome_panel(self, panel_class): """ Sets the default panel as the given welcome panel :param panel_class: class of the welcome panel to be instantiated """ self.defaultPanel = panel_class(self, -1, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) def _load_panels(self): """ Load all panels in the panels directory """ # Look for plug-in panels panels = [] for item in self.plugins: if hasattr(item, "get_panels"): ps = item.get_panels(self) panels.extend(ps) # Show a default panel with some help information # It also sets the size of the application windows #TODO: Use this for slpash screen if self.defaultPanel is None: self.defaultPanel = DefaultPanel(self, -1, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) self.panels["default"] = self.defaultPanel self._mgr.AddPane(self.defaultPanel, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo(). Name("default"). CenterPane(). # This is where we set the size of # the application window BestSize(wx.Size(self._window_width, self._window_height)). #MinSize(wx.Size(self._window_width, #self._window_height)). Show()) # Add the panels to the AUI manager for panel_class in panels: p = panel_class id = wx.NewId() # Check whether we need to put this panel # in the center pane if hasattr(p, "CENTER_PANE") and p.CENTER_PANE: if p.CENTER_PANE: self.panels[str(id)] = p self._mgr.AddPane(p, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo(). Name(p.window_name).Caption(p.window_caption). CenterPane(). #BestSize(wx.Size(550,600)). #MinSize(wx.Size(500,500)). Hide()) else: self.panels[str(id)] = p self._mgr.AddPane(p, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo(). Name(p.window_name).Caption(p.window_caption). Right(). Dock(). TopDockable(). BottomDockable(). LeftDockable(). RightDockable(). MinimizeButton(). Hide()) #BestSize(wx.Size(550,600))) #MinSize(wx.Size(500,500))) def get_context_menu(self, graph=None): """ Get the context menu items made available by the different plug-ins. This function is used by the plotting module """ menu_list = [] for item in self.plugins: if hasattr(item, "get_context_menu"): menu_list.extend(item.get_context_menu(graph)) return menu_list def popup_panel(self, p): """ Add a panel object to the AUI manager :param p: panel object to add to the AUI manager :return: ID of the event associated with the new panel [int] """ ID = wx.NewId() self.panels[str(ID)] = p count = 0 for item in self.panels: if self.panels[item].window_name.startswith(p.window_name): count += 1 windowname = p.window_name caption = p.window_caption if count > 0: windowname += str(count+1) caption += (' '+str(count)) p.window_name = windowname p.window_caption = caption self._mgr.AddPane(p, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo(). Name(windowname).Caption(caption). Floatable(). #Float(). Right(). Dock(). TopDockable(). BottomDockable(). LeftDockable(). RightDockable(). MinimizeButton(). #Hide(). #Show(). Resizable(True). # Use a large best size to make sure the AUI manager # takes all the available space BestSize(wx.Size(400,400))) pane = self._mgr.GetPane(windowname) self._mgr.MaximizePane(pane) self._mgr.RestoreMaximizedPane() # Register for showing/hiding the panel wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID, self._on_view) self._mgr.Update() return ID def _populate_file_menu(self): """ Insert menu item under file menu """ for plugin in self.plugins: if len(plugin.populate_file_menu()) > 0: for item in plugin.populate_file_menu(): m_name, m_hint, m_handler = item id = wx.NewId() self.filemenu.Append(id, m_name, m_hint) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, m_handler) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() def _setup_menus(self): """ Set up the application menus """ # Menu self._menubar = wx.MenuBar() # File menu self.filemenu = wx.Menu() # some menu of plugin to be seen under file menu self._populate_file_menu() id = wx.NewId() self.filemenu.Append(id, '&Save', 'Save project as a SanaView (svs) file') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._on_save) #self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() id = wx.NewId() self.filemenu.Append(id, '&Quit', 'Exit') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.Close) # Add sub menus self._menubar.Append(self.filemenu, '&File') # Window menu # Attach a menu item for each panel in our # panel list that also appears in a plug-in. # Only add the panel menu if there is only one perspective and # it has more than two panels. # Note: the first plug-in is always the plotting plug-in. #The first application # plug-in is always the second one in the list. if len(self.plugins) == 2: plug = self.plugins[1] pers = plug.get_perspective() if len(pers) > 1: viewmenu = wx.Menu() for item in self.panels: if item == 'default': continue panel = self.panels[item] if panel.window_name in pers: viewmenu.Append(int(item), panel.window_caption, "Show %s window" % panel.window_caption) wx.EVT_MENU(self, int(item), self._on_view) self._menubar.Append(viewmenu, '&Window') # Perspective # Attach a menu item for each defined perspective. # Only add the perspective menu if there are more than one perspectives n_perspectives = 0 for plug in self.plugins: if len(plug.get_perspective()) > 0: n_perspectives += 1 if n_perspectives > 1: p_menu = wx.Menu() for plug in self.plugins: if len(plug.get_perspective()) > 0: id = wx.NewId() p_menu.Append(id, plug.sub_menu, "Switch to %s perspective" % plug.sub_menu) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, plug.on_perspective) self._menubar.Append(p_menu, '&Perspective') # Tools menu # Go through plug-ins and find tools to populate the tools menu toolsmenu = None for item in self.plugins: if hasattr(item, "get_tools"): for tool in item.get_tools(): # Only create a menu if we have at least one tool if toolsmenu is None: toolsmenu = wx.Menu() id = wx.NewId() toolsmenu.Append(id, tool[0], tool[1]) wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, tool[2]) if toolsmenu is not None: self._menubar.Append(toolsmenu, '&Tools') # Help menu helpmenu = wx.Menu() # add the welcome panel menu item if self.defaultPanel is not None: id = wx.NewId() helpmenu.Append(id, '&Welcome', '') helpmenu.AppendSeparator() wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self.show_welcome_panel) # Look for help item in plug-ins for item in self.plugins: if hasattr(item, "help"): id = wx.NewId() helpmenu.Append(id,'&%s help' % item.sub_menu, '') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, item.help) if config._do_aboutbox: id = wx.NewId() helpmenu.Append(id,'&About', 'Software information') wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._onAbout) # Checking for updates needs major refactoring to work with py2exe # We need to make sure it doesn't hang the application if the server # is not up. We also need to make sure there's a proper executable to # run if we spawn a new background process. #id = wx.NewId() #helpmenu.Append(id,'&Check for update', #'Check for the latest version of %s' % config.__appname__) #wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, self._check_update) # Look for plug-in menus # Add available plug-in sub-menus. for item in self.plugins: if hasattr(item, "populate_menu"): for (self.next_id, menu, name) in \ item.populate_menu(self.next_id, self): self._menubar.Append(menu, name) self._menubar.Append(helpmenu, '&Help') self.SetMenuBar(self._menubar) def _on_status_event(self, evt): """ Display status message """ self.sb.set_status(event=evt) def _on_view(self, evt): """ A panel was selected to be shown. If it's not already shown, display it. :param evt: menu event """ self.show_panel(evt.GetId()) def on_close_welcome_panel(self): """ Close the welcome panel """ if self.defaultPanel is None: return self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["default"].window_name).Hide() self._mgr.Update() # set a default perspective self.set_default_perspective() def show_welcome_panel(self, event): """ Display the welcome panel """ if self.defaultPanel is None: return for id in self.panels.keys(): if self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[id].window_name).IsShown(): self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[id].window_name).Hide() # Show default panel if not self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["default"].window_name).IsShown(): self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["default"].window_name).Show() self._mgr.Update() def show_panel(self, uid): """ Shows the panel with the given id :param uid: unique ID number of the panel to show """ ID = str(uid) config.printEVT("show_panel: %s" % ID) if ID in self.panels.keys(): if not self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[ID].window_name).IsShown(): self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[ID].window_name).Show() # Hide default panel self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["default"].window_name).Hide() self._mgr.Update() def _on_open(self, event): """ """ path = self.choose_file() if path is None: return from data_loader import plot_data from sans.perspectives import invariant if path and os.path.isfile(path): basename = os.path.basename(path) if basename.endswith('.svs'): #remove panels for new states for item in self.panels: try: self.panels[item].clear_panel() except: pass #reset states and plot data for item in STATE_FILE_EXT: exec "plot_data(self, path,'%s')" % str(item) else: plot_data(self, path) if self.defaultPanel is not None and \ self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels["default"].window_name).IsShown(): self.on_close_welcome_panel() def _on_save(self, event): """ Save state into a file """ # Ask the user the location of the file to write to. ## Default file location for save self._default_save_location = os.getcwd() path = None dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", self._default_save_location, "", "*.svs", wx.SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() self._default_save_location = os.path.dirname(path) else: return None dlg.Destroy() if path is None: return # default cansas xml doc doc = None for item in self.panels: try: if self.panels[item].window_name == 'Invariant': data = self.panels[item]._data if data != None: state = self.panels[item].state manager = self.panels[item]._manager new_doc = manager.state_reader.write_toXML(data, state) if hasattr(doc, "firstChild"): child = new_doc.firstChild.firstChild doc.firstChild.appendChild(child) else: doc = new_doc elif self.panels[item].window_name == 'pr_control': data = self.panels[item].manager.current_plottable if data != None: state = self.panels[item].get_state() manager = self.panels[item].manager new_doc = manager.state_reader.write_toXML(data, state) if hasattr(doc, "firstChild"): child = new_doc.firstChild.firstChild doc.firstChild.appendChild(child) else: doc = new_doc elif self.panels[item].window_name == 'Fit panel': for index in range(self.panels[item].GetPageCount()): selected_page = self.panels[item].GetPage(index) if hasattr(selected_page,"get_data"): data = selected_page.get_data() state = selected_page.state reader = selected_page.manager.state_reader new_doc = reader.write_toXML(data, state) if doc != None and hasattr(doc, "firstChild"): child = new_doc.firstChild.firstChild doc.firstChild.appendChild(child) else: doc = new_doc except: pass # Write the XML document if doc != None: fd = open(path, 'w') fd.write(doc.toprettyxml()) fd.close() else: #print "Nothing to save..." raise RuntimeError, "%s is not a SansView (.svs) file..." % path def _onClose(self, event): """ Store info to retrieve in xml before closing the application """ wx.Exit() sys.exit() def quit_guiframe(self): """ Pop up message to make sure the user wants to quit the application """ message = "Do you really want to quit \n" message += "this application?" dial = wx.MessageDialog(self, message, 'Question', wx.YES_NO|wx.YES_DEFAULT|wx.ICON_QUESTION) if dial.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: return True else: return False def Close(self, event=None): """ Quit the application """ flag = self.quit_guiframe() if flag: #import sys wx.Frame.Close(self) wx.Exit() sys.exit() def _check_update(self, event=None): """ Check with the deployment server whether a new version of the application is available. A thread is started for the connecting with the server. The thread calls a call-back method when the current version number has been obtained. """ if hasattr(config, "__update_URL__"): import version checker = version.VersionThread(config.__update_URL__, self._process_version, baggage=event==None) checker.start() def _process_version(self, version, standalone=True): """ Call-back method for the process of checking for updates. This methods is called by a VersionThread object once the current version number has been obtained. If the check is being done in the background, the user will not be notified unless there's an update. :param version: version string :param standalone: True of the update is being checked in the background, False otherwise. """ try: if cmp(version, config.__version__) > 0: msg = "Version %s is available! See the Help " msg += "menu to download it." % version self.SetStatusText(msg) if not standalone: import webbrowser webbrowser.open(config.__download_page__) else: if not standalone: msg = "You have the latest version" msg += " of %s" % config.__appname__ self.SetStatusText(msg) except: msg = "guiframe: could not get latest application" msg += " version number\n %s" % sys.exc_value logging.error(msg) if not standalone: msg = "Could not connect to the application server." msg += " Please try again later." self.SetStatusText(msg) def _onAbout(self, evt): """ Pop up the about dialog :param evt: menu event """ if config._do_aboutbox: import aboutbox dialog = aboutbox.DialogAbout(None, -1, "") dialog.ShowModal() def _onreloaFile(self, event): """ load a data previously opened """ from .data_loader import plot_data for item in self.filePathList: id, _, path, _ = item if id == event.GetId(): if path and os.path.isfile(path): plot_data(self, path) break def set_manager(self, manager): """ Sets the application manager for this frame :param manager: frame manager """ self.app_manager = manager def post_init(self): """ This initialization method is called after the GUI has been created and all plug-ins loaded. It calls the post_init() method of each plug-in (if it exists) so that final initialization can be done. """ for item in self.plugins: if hasattr(item, "post_init"): item.post_init() def set_default_perspective(self): """ Choose among the plugin the first plug-in that has "set_default_perspective" method and its return value is True will be as a default perspective when the welcome page is closed """ for item in self.plugins: if hasattr(item, "set_default_perspective"): if item.set_default_perspective(): item.on_perspective(event=None) return def set_perspective(self, panels): """ Sets the perspective of the GUI. Opens all the panels in the list, and closes all the others. :param panels: list of panels """ for item in self.panels: # Check whether this is a sticky panel if hasattr(self.panels[item], "ALWAYS_ON"): if self.panels[item].ALWAYS_ON: continue if self.panels[item].window_name in panels: if not self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[item].window_name).IsShown(): self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[item].window_name).Show() else: if self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[item].window_name).IsShown(): self._mgr.GetPane(self.panels[item].window_name).Hide() self._mgr.Update() def choose_file(self, path=None): """ Functionality that belongs elsewhere Should add a hook to specify the preferred file type/extension. """ #TODO: clean this up from .data_loader import choose_data_file # Choose a file path if path == None: path = choose_data_file(self, self._default_save_location) if not path == None: try: self._default_save_location = os.path.dirname(path) except: pass return path class DefaultPanel(wx.Panel): """ Defines the API for a panels to work with the GUI manager """ ## Internal nickname for the window, used by the AUI manager window_name = "default" ## Name to appear on the window title bar window_caption = "Welcome panel" ## Flag to tell the AUI manager to put this panel in the center pane CENTER_PANE = True # Toy application to test this Frame class ViewApp(wx.App): """ """ def OnInit(self): """ """ self.frame = ViewerFrame(None, -1, config.__appname__) self.frame.Show(True) if hasattr(self.frame, 'special'): self.frame.special.SetCurrent() self.SetTopWindow(self.frame) return True def set_manager(self, manager): """ Sets a reference to the application manager of the GUI manager (Frame) """ self.frame.set_manager(manager) def build_gui(self): """ Build the GUI """ self.frame.build_gui() self.frame.post_init() def set_welcome_panel(self, panel_class): """ Set the welcome panel :param panel_class: class of the welcome panel to be instantiated """ self.frame.set_welcome_panel(panel_class) def add_perspective(self, perspective): """ Manually add a perspective to the application GUI """ self.frame.add_perspective(perspective) if __name__ == "__main__": app = ViewApp(0) app.MainLoop()