################################################################################ #This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the #Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) #project funded by the US National Science Foundation. # #See the license text in license.txt # #copyright 2010, University of Tennessee ################################################################################ """ This module provides Graphic interface for the data_manager module. """ import os import wx import sys import warnings import logging from wx.lib.scrolledpanel import ScrolledPanel import wx.lib.agw.customtreectrl as CT from sans.guiframe.dataFitting import Data1D from sans.guiframe.dataFitting import Data2D from sans.guiframe.panel_base import PanelBase from sans.guiframe.events import StatusEvent from sans.guiframe.events import EVT_DELETE_PLOTPANEL from sans.guiframe.events import NewLoadDataEvent from sans.guiframe.events import NewPlotEvent from sans.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME from DataLoader.loader import Loader try: # Try to find a local config import imp path = os.getcwd() if(os.path.isfile("%s/%s.py" % (path, 'local_config'))) or \ (os.path.isfile("%s/%s.pyc" % (path, 'local_config'))): fObj, path, descr = imp.find_module('local_config', [path]) config = imp.load_module('local_config', fObj, path, descr) else: # Try simply importing local_config import local_config as config except: # Didn't find local config, load the default import config extension_list = [] if config.APPLICATION_STATE_EXTENSION is not None: extension_list.append(config.APPLICATION_STATE_EXTENSION) EXTENSIONS = config.PLUGIN_STATE_EXTENSIONS + extension_list PLUGINS_WLIST = config.PLUGINS_WLIST APPLICATION_WLIST = config.APPLICATION_WLIST #Control panel width if sys.platform.count("win32") > 0: PANEL_WIDTH = 235 PANEL_HEIGHT = 700 CBOX_WIDTH = 140 BUTTON_WIDTH = 80 FONT_VARIANT = 0 else: PANEL_WIDTH = 255 PANEL_HEIGHT = 750 CBOX_WIDTH = 155 BUTTON_WIDTH = 100 FONT_VARIANT = 1 STYLE_FLAG =wx.RAISED_BORDER|CT.TR_HAS_BUTTONS| CT.TR_HIDE_ROOT|\ wx.WANTS_CHARS|CT.TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT class DataTreeCtrl(CT.CustomTreeCtrl): """ Check list control to be used for Data Panel """ def __init__(self, parent,*args, **kwds): #agwstyle is introduced in wx.2.8.11 but is not working for mac if sys.platform.count("darwin") != 0: try: kwds['style'] = STYLE_FLAG CT.CustomTreeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds) except: del kwds['style'] CT.CustomTreeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds) else: #agwstyle is introduced in wx.2.8.11 .argument working only for windows try: kwds['agwStyle'] = STYLE_FLAG CT.CustomTreeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds) except: try: del kwds['agwStyle'] kwds['style'] = STYLE_FLAG CT.CustomTreeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds) except: del kwds['style'] CT.CustomTreeCtrl.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds) self.root = self.AddRoot("Available Data") class DataPanel(ScrolledPanel, PanelBase): """ This panel displays data available in the application and widgets to interact with data. """ ## Internal name for the AUI manager window_name = "Data Panel" ## Title to appear on top of the window window_caption = "Data Explorer" #type of window window_type = "Data Panel" ## Flag to tell the GUI manager that this panel is not # tied to any perspective #ALWAYS_ON = True def __init__(self, parent, list=None, size=(PANEL_WIDTH, PANEL_HEIGHT), list_of_perspective=None, manager=None, *args, **kwds): kwds['size']= size kwds['style'] = STYLE_FLAG ScrolledPanel.__init__(self, parent=parent, *args, **kwds) PanelBase.__init__(self) self.SetupScrolling() #Set window's font size self.SetWindowVariant(variant=FONT_VARIANT) self.loader = Loader() #Default location self._default_save_location = None self.all_data1d = True self.parent = parent self.manager = manager if list is None: list = [] self.list_of_data = list if list_of_perspective is None: list_of_perspective = [] self.list_of_perspective = list_of_perspective self.list_rb_perspectives= [] self.list_cb_data = {} self.list_cb_theory = {} self.tree_ctrl = None self.tree_ctrl_theory = None self.perspective_cbox = None self.owner = None self.do_layout() self.fill_cbox_analysis(self.list_of_perspective) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SHOW, self.on_close_page) if self.parent is not None: self.parent.Bind(EVT_DELETE_PLOTPANEL, self._on_delete_plot_panel) def do_layout(self): """ """ self.define_panel_structure() self.layout_selection() self.layout_data_list() self.layout_button() #self.layout_batch() def define_panel_structure(self): """ Define the skeleton of the panel """ w, h = self.parent.GetSize() self.vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer1.SetMinSize((w/13, h*2/5)) self.sizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer3 = wx.FlexGridSizer(7, 2, 4, 1) self.sizer4 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.sizer5 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer5, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,1) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer1, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,0) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer2, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,1) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer3, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,5) self.vbox.Add(self.sizer4, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,5) self.SetSizer(self.vbox) def layout_selection(self): """ """ select_txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Selection Options') select_txt.SetForegroundColour('blue') self.selection_cbox = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, style=wx.CB_READONLY) list_of_options = ['Select all Data', 'Unselect all Data', 'Select all Data 1D', 'Unselect all Data 1D', 'Select all Data 2D', 'Unselect all Data 2D' ] for option in list_of_options: self.selection_cbox.Append(str(option)) self.selection_cbox.SetValue('Select all Data') wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self.selection_cbox,-1, self._on_selection_type) self.sizer5.AddMany([(select_txt,0, wx.ALL,5), (self.selection_cbox,0, wx.ALL,5)]) self.enable_selection() def _on_selection_type(self, event): """ Select data according to patterns """ list_of_options = ['Select all Data', 'Unselect all Data', 'Select all Data 1D', 'Unselect all Data 1D', 'Select all Data 2D', 'Unselect all Data 2D' ] option = self.selection_cbox.GetValue() pos = self.selection_cbox.GetSelection() if pos == wx.NOT_FOUND: return option = self.selection_cbox.GetString(pos) for item in self.list_cb_data.values(): data_ctrl, _, _, _,_, _ = item data_id, data_class, _ = self.tree_ctrl.GetItemPyData(data_ctrl) if option == 'Select all Data': self.tree_ctrl.CheckItem(data_ctrl, True) elif option == 'Unselect all Data': self.tree_ctrl.CheckItem(data_ctrl, False) elif option == 'Select all Data 1D': if data_class == 'Data1D': self.tree_ctrl.CheckItem(data_ctrl, True) elif option == 'Unselect all Data 1D': if data_class == 'Data1D': self.tree_ctrl.CheckItem(data_ctrl, False) elif option == 'Select all Data 1D': if data_class == 'Data1D': self.tree_ctrl.CheckItem(data_ctrl, True) elif option == 'Select all Data 2D': if data_class == 'Data2D': self.tree_ctrl.CheckItem(data_ctrl, True) elif option == 'Unselect all Data 2D': if data_class == 'Data2D': self.tree_ctrl.CheckItem(data_ctrl, False) self.enable_append() self.enable_freeze() self.enable_plot() self.enable_import() self.enable_remove() def layout_button(self): """ Layout widgets related to buttons """ w, _ = self.GetSize() self.bt_add = wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), "Load Data", size=(BUTTON_WIDTH, -1)) self.bt_add.SetToolTipString("Load data files") wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.bt_add.GetId(), self._load_data) self.bt_remove = wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), "Delete Data", size=(BUTTON_WIDTH, -1)) self.bt_remove.SetToolTipString("Delete data from the application") wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.bt_remove.GetId(), self.on_remove) self.bt_import = wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), "Send To", size=(BUTTON_WIDTH, -1)) self.bt_import.SetToolTipString("Send set of Data to active perspective") wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.bt_import.GetId(), self.on_import) self.perspective_cbox = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, style=wx.CB_READONLY) #self.perspective_cbox.SetMinSize((CBOX_WIDTH, -1)) wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self.perspective_cbox,-1, self._on_perspective_selection) self.bt_append_plot = wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), "Append Plot To", size=(BUTTON_WIDTH, -1)) self.bt_append_plot.SetToolTipString("Plot the selected data in the active panel") wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.bt_append_plot.GetId(), self.on_append_plot) self.bt_plot = wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), "New Plot", size=(BUTTON_WIDTH, -1)) self.bt_plot.SetToolTipString("To trigger plotting") wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.bt_plot.GetId(), self.on_plot) self.bt_freeze = wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), "Freeze Theory", size=(BUTTON_WIDTH, -1)) self.bt_freeze.SetToolTipString("To trigger freeze a theory") wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.bt_freeze.GetId(), self.on_freeze) #hide plot #self.bt_close_plot = wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), "Delete Plot", # size=(BUTTON_WIDTH, -1)) #self.bt_close_plot.SetToolTipString("Delete the plot panel on focus") #wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.bt_close_plot.GetId(), self.on_close_plot) self.cb_plotpanel = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_SORT) #self.cb_plotpanel.SetMinSize((CBOX_WIDTH, -1)) wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self.cb_plotpanel,-1, self._on_plot_selection) self.cb_plotpanel.Disable() self.sizer3.AddMany([(self.bt_add), ((10, 10)), (self.bt_remove), ((10, 10)), (self.bt_import, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.RIGHT, 5), (self.perspective_cbox, wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 5), (self.bt_append_plot), (self.cb_plotpanel, wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 5), (self.bt_plot), ((10, 10)), (self.bt_freeze), #((10, 10)), #(self.bt_close_plot), ((10, 10))]) self.sizer3.AddGrowableCol(1, 1) self.show_data_button() self.enable_remove() self.enable_import() self.enable_plot() self.enable_append() self.enable_freeze() self.enable_remove_plot() def layout_batch(self): """ """ self.rb_single_mode = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'Single Mode', style=wx.RB_GROUP) self.rb_batch_mode = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, 'Batch Mode') self.rb_single_mode.SetValue(True) self.rb_batch_mode.SetValue(False) self.sizer4.AddMany([(self.rb_single_mode,0, wx.ALL,5), (self.rb_batch_mode,0, wx.ALL,5)]) def layout_data_list(self): """ Add a listcrtl in the panel """ tree_ctrl_label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Data") tree_ctrl_label.SetForegroundColour('blue') self.tree_ctrl = DataTreeCtrl(parent=self) self.tree_ctrl.Bind(CT.EVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKING, self.on_check_item) tree_ctrl_theory_label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Theory") tree_ctrl_theory_label.SetForegroundColour('blue') self.tree_ctrl_theory = DataTreeCtrl(parent=self) self.tree_ctrl_theory.Bind(CT.EVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKING, self.on_check_item) self.sizer1.Add(tree_ctrl_label, 0, wx.LEFT, 10) self.sizer1.Add(self.tree_ctrl, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) self.sizer1.Add(tree_ctrl_theory_label, 0, wx.LEFT, 10) self.sizer1.Add(self.tree_ctrl_theory, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) def onContextMenu(self, event): """ Retrieve the state selected state """ # Skipping the save state functionality for release 0.9.0 #return pos = event.GetPosition() pos = self.ScreenToClient(pos) self.PopupMenu(self.popUpMenu, pos) def on_check_item(self, event): """ """ item = event.GetItem() item.Check(not item.IsChecked()) self.enable_append() self.enable_freeze() self.enable_plot() self.enable_import() self.enable_remove() event.Skip() def fill_cbox_analysis(self, plugin): """ fill the combobox with analysis name """ self.list_of_perspective = plugin if self.parent is None or \ not hasattr(self.parent, "get_current_perspective") or \ len(self.list_of_perspective) == 0: return if self.parent is not None and self.perspective_cbox is not None: for plug in self.list_of_perspective: if plug.get_perspective(): self.perspective_cbox.Append(plug.sub_menu, plug) curr_pers = self.parent.get_current_perspective() self.perspective_cbox.SetStringSelection(curr_pers.sub_menu) self.enable_import() def load_data_list(self, list): """ add need data with its theory under the tree """ if list: for state_id, dstate in list.iteritems(): data = dstate.get_data() theory_list = dstate.get_theory() if data is not None: data_name = data.name data_class = data.__class__.__name__ path = dstate.get_path() process_list = data.process data_id = data.id if state_id not in self.list_cb_data: #new state data_c = self.tree_ctrl.InsertItem(self.tree_ctrl.root,0, data_name, ct_type=1, data=(data_id, data_class, state_id)) data_c.Check(True) d_i_c = self.tree_ctrl.AppendItem(data_c, 'Info') i_c_c = self.tree_ctrl.AppendItem(d_i_c, 'Type: %s' % data_class) p_c_c = self.tree_ctrl.AppendItem(d_i_c, 'Path: %s' % str(path)) d_p_c = self.tree_ctrl.AppendItem(d_i_c, 'Process') for process in process_list: i_t_c = self.tree_ctrl.AppendItem(d_p_c, process.__str__()) theory_child = self.tree_ctrl.AppendItem(data_c, "THEORIES") self.list_cb_data[state_id] = [data_c, d_i_c, i_c_c, p_c_c, d_p_c, theory_child] else: data_ctrl_list = self.list_cb_data[state_id] #This state is already display replace it contains data_c, d_i_c, i_c_c, p_c_c, d_p_c, t_c = data_ctrl_list self.tree_ctrl.SetItemText(data_c, data_name) temp = (data_id, data_class, state_id) self.tree_ctrl.SetItemPyData(data_c, temp) self.tree_ctrl.SetItemText(i_c_c, 'Type: %s' % data_class) self.tree_ctrl.SetItemText(p_c_c, 'Path: %s' % str(path)) self.tree_ctrl.DeleteChildren(d_p_c) for process in process_list: i_t_c = self.tree_ctrl.AppendItem(d_p_c, process.__str__()) self.append_theory(state_id, theory_list) self.enable_remove() self.enable_import() self.enable_plot() self.enable_freeze() self.enable_selection() def _uncheck_all(self): """ Uncheck all check boxes """ for item in self.list_cb_data.values(): data_ctrl, _, _, _,_, _ = item self.tree_ctrl.CheckItem(data_ctrl, False) self.enable_append() self.enable_freeze() self.enable_plot() self.enable_import() self.enable_remove() def append_theory(self, state_id, theory_list): """ append theory object under data from a state of id = state_id replace that theory if already displayed """ if not theory_list: return if state_id not in self.list_cb_data.keys(): root = self.tree_ctrl_theory.root tree = self.tree_ctrl_theory else: item = self.list_cb_data[state_id] data_c, _, _, _, _, _ = item root = data_c tree = self.tree_ctrl if root is not None: self.append_theory_helper(tree=tree, root=root, state_id=state_id, theory_list=theory_list) def append_theory_helper(self, tree, root, state_id, theory_list): """ """ if state_id in self.list_cb_theory.keys(): #update current list of theory for this data theory_list_ctrl = self.list_cb_theory[state_id] for theory_id, item in theory_list.iteritems(): theory_data, theory_state = item if theory_data is None: name = "Unknown" theory_class = "Unknown" theory_id = "Unknown" temp = (None, None, None) else: name = theory_data.name theory_class = theory_data.__class__.__name__ theory_id = theory_data.id #if theory_state is not None: # name = theory_state.model.name temp = (theory_id, theory_class, state_id) if theory_id not in theory_list_ctrl: #add new theory t_child = tree.AppendItem(root, name, ct_type=1, data=temp) t_i_c = tree.AppendItem(t_child, 'Info') i_c_c = tree.AppendItem(t_i_c, 'Type: %s' % theory_class) t_p_c = tree.AppendItem(t_i_c, 'Process') for process in theory_data.process: i_t_c = tree.AppendItem(t_p_c, process.__str__()) theory_list_ctrl[theory_id] = [t_child, i_c_c, t_p_c] else: #replace theory t_child, i_c_c, t_p_c = theory_list_ctrl[theory_id] tree.SetItemText(t_child, name) tree.SetItemPyData(t_child, temp) tree.SetItemText(i_c_c, 'Type: %s' % theory_class) tree.DeleteChildren(t_p_c) for process in theory_data.process: i_t_c = tree.AppendItem(t_p_c, process.__str__()) else: #data didn't have a theory associated it before theory_list_ctrl = {} for theory_id, item in theory_list.iteritems(): theory_data, theory_state = item if theory_data is not None: name = theory_data.name theory_class = theory_data.__class__.__name__ theory_id = theory_data.id #if theory_state is not None: # name = theory_state.model.name temp = (theory_id, theory_class, state_id) t_child = tree.AppendItem(root, name, ct_type=1, data=(theory_data.id, theory_class, state_id)) t_i_c = tree.AppendItem(t_child, 'Info') i_c_c = tree.AppendItem(t_i_c, 'Type: %s' % theory_class) t_p_c = tree.AppendItem(t_i_c, 'Process') for process in theory_data.process: i_t_c = tree.AppendItem(t_p_c, process.__str__()) theory_list_ctrl[theory_id] = [t_child, i_c_c, t_p_c] #self.list_cb_theory[data_id] = theory_list_ctrl self.list_cb_theory[state_id] = theory_list_ctrl def set_data_helper(self): """ """ data_to_plot = [] state_to_plot = [] theory_to_plot = [] for value in self.list_cb_data.values(): item, _, _, _, _, _ = value if item.IsChecked(): data_id, _, state_id = self.tree_ctrl.GetItemPyData(item) data_to_plot.append(data_id) if state_id not in state_to_plot: state_to_plot.append(state_id) for theory_dict in self.list_cb_theory.values(): for key, value in theory_dict.iteritems(): item, _, _ = value if item.IsChecked(): theory_id, _, state_id = self.tree_ctrl.GetItemPyData(item) theory_to_plot.append(theory_id) if state_id not in state_to_plot: state_to_plot.append(state_id) return data_to_plot, theory_to_plot, state_to_plot def remove_by_id(self, id): """ """ for item in self.list_cb_data.values(): data_c, _, _, _, _, theory_child = item data_id, _, state_id = self.tree_ctrl.GetItemPyData(data_c) if id == data_id: self.tree_ctrl.Delete(data_c) del self.list_cb_data[state_id] del self.list_cb_theory[data_id] def load_error(self, error=None): """ Pop up an error message. :param error: details error message to be displayed """ if error is not None or str(error).strip() != "": dial = wx.MessageDialog(self.parent, str(error), 'Error Loading File', wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) dial.ShowModal() def _load_data(self, event): """ send an event to the parent to trigger load from plugin module """ if self.parent is not None: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewLoadDataEvent()) def on_remove(self, event): """ Get a list of item checked and remove them from the treectrl Ask the parent to remove reference to this item """ data_to_remove, theory_to_remove, _ = self.set_data_helper() data_key = [] theory_key = [] #remove data from treectrl for d_key, item in self.list_cb_data.iteritems(): data_c, d_i_c, i_c_c, p_c_c, d_p_c, t_c = item if data_c.IsChecked(): self.tree_ctrl.Delete(data_c) data_key.append(d_key) if d_key in self.list_cb_theory.keys(): theory_list_ctrl = self.list_cb_theory[d_key] theory_to_remove += theory_list_ctrl.keys() # Remove theory from treectrl for t_key, theory_dict in self.list_cb_theory.iteritems(): for key, value in theory_dict.iteritems(): item, _, _ = value if item.IsChecked(): try: self.tree_ctrl.Delete(item) except: pass theory_key.append(key) #Remove data and related theory references for key in data_key: del self.list_cb_data[key] if key in theory_key: del self.list_cb_theory[key] #remove theory references independently of data for key in theory_key: for t_key, theory_dict in self.list_cb_theory.iteritems(): if key in theory_dict: for key, value in theory_dict.iteritems(): item, _, _ = value if item.IsChecked(): try: self.tree_ctrl_theory.Delete(item) except: pass del theory_dict[key] self.parent.remove_data(data_id=data_to_remove, theory_id=theory_to_remove) self.enable_remove() self.enable_freeze() self.enable_remove_plot() def on_import(self, event=None): """ Get all select data and set them to the current active perspetive """ data_id, theory_id, state_id = self.set_data_helper() temp = data_id + state_id self.parent.set_data(data_id=temp, theory_id=theory_id) def on_append_plot(self, event=None): """ append plot to plot panel on focus """ self._on_plot_selection() data_id, theory_id, state_id = self.set_data_helper() self.parent.plot_data(data_id=data_id, state_id=state_id, theory_id=theory_id, append=True) def on_plot(self, event=None): """ Send a list of data names to plot """ data_id, theory_id, state_id = self.set_data_helper() self.parent.plot_data(data_id=data_id, state_id=state_id, theory_id=theory_id, append=False) self.enable_remove_plot() def on_close_page(self, event=None): """ On close """ if event != None: event.Skip() # send parent to update menu with no show nor hide action self.parent.show_data_panel(action=False) def on_freeze(self, event): """ """ _, theory_id, state_id = self.set_data_helper() self.parent.freeze(data_id=state_id, theory_id=theory_id) def set_active_perspective(self, name): """ set the active perspective """ self.perspective_cbox.SetStringSelection(name) self.enable_import() def _on_delete_plot_panel(self, event): """ get an event with attribute name and caption to delete existing name from the combobox of the current panel """ name = event.name caption = event.caption if self.cb_plotpanel is not None: pos = self.cb_plotpanel.FindString(str(caption)) if pos != wx.NOT_FOUND: self.cb_plotpanel.Delete(pos) self.enable_append() def set_panel_on_focus(self, name=None): """ set the plot panel on focus """ for key, value in self.parent.plot_panels.iteritems(): name_plot_panel = str(value.window_caption) if name_plot_panel not in self.cb_plotpanel.GetItems(): self.cb_plotpanel.Append(name_plot_panel, value) if name != None and name == name_plot_panel: self.cb_plotpanel.SetStringSelection(name_plot_panel) break self.enable_append() self.enable_remove_plot() def _on_perspective_selection(self, event=None): """ select the current perspective for guiframe """ selection = self.perspective_cbox.GetSelection() if self.perspective_cbox.GetValue() != 'None': perspective = self.perspective_cbox.GetClientData(selection) perspective.on_perspective(event=None) def _on_plot_selection(self, event=None): """ On source combobox selection """ if event != None: combo = event.GetEventObject() event.Skip() else: combo = self.cb_plotpanel selection = combo.GetSelection() if combo.GetValue() != 'None': panel = combo.GetClientData(selection) self.parent.on_set_plot_focus(panel) def on_close_plot(self, event): """ clseo the panel on focus """ self.enable_append() selection = self.cb_plotpanel.GetSelection() if self.cb_plotpanel.GetValue() != 'None': panel = self.cb_plotpanel.GetClientData(selection) if self.parent is not None and panel is not None: wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(group_id=panel.group_id, action="delete")) self.enable_remove_plot() def enable_remove_plot(self): """ enable remove plot button if there is a plot panel on focus """ pass #if self.cb_plotpanel.GetCount() == 0: # self.bt_close_plot.Disable() #else: # self.bt_close_plot.Enable() def enable_remove(self): """ enable or disable remove button """ n_t = self.tree_ctrl.GetCount() n_t_t = self.tree_ctrl_theory.GetCount() if n_t + n_t_t <= 0: self.bt_remove.Disable() else: self.bt_remove.Enable() def enable_import(self): """ enable or disable send button """ n_t = 0 if self.tree_ctrl != None: n_t = self.tree_ctrl.GetCount() if n_t > 0 and len(self.list_of_perspective) > 0: self.bt_import.Enable() else: self.bt_import.Disable() if len(self.list_of_perspective) <= 0 or \ self.perspective_cbox.GetValue() in ["None", "No Active Application"]: self.perspective_cbox.Disable() else: self.perspective_cbox.Enable() def enable_plot(self): """ enable or disable plot button """ n_t = 0 n_t_t = 0 if self.tree_ctrl != None: n_t = self.tree_ctrl.GetCount() if self.tree_ctrl_theory != None: n_t_t = self.tree_ctrl_theory.GetCount() if n_t + n_t_t <= 0: self.bt_plot.Disable() else: self.bt_plot.Enable() self.enable_append() def enable_append(self): """ enable or disable append button """ n_t = 0 n_t_t = 0 if self.tree_ctrl != None: n_t = self.tree_ctrl.GetCount() if self.tree_ctrl_theory != None: n_t_t = self.tree_ctrl_theory.GetCount() if n_t + n_t_t <= 0: self.bt_append_plot.Disable() self.cb_plotpanel.Disable() elif self.cb_plotpanel.GetCount() <= 0: self.cb_plotpanel.Disable() self.bt_append_plot.Disable() else: self.bt_append_plot.Enable() self.cb_plotpanel.Enable() def check_theory_to_freeze(self): """ """ def enable_freeze(self): """ enable or disable the freeze button """ n_t_t = 0 n_l = 0 if self.tree_ctrl_theory != None: n_t_t = self.tree_ctrl_theory.GetCount() n_l = len(self.list_cb_theory) if (n_t_t + n_l > 0): self.bt_freeze.Enable() else: self.bt_freeze.Disable() def enable_selection(self): """ enable or disable combobo box selection """ n_t = 0 n_t_t = 0 if self.tree_ctrl != None: n_t = self.tree_ctrl.GetCount() if self.tree_ctrl_theory != None: n_t_t = self.tree_ctrl_theory.GetCount() if n_t + n_t_t > 0 and self.selection_cbox != None: self.selection_cbox.Enable() else: self.selection_cbox.Disable() def show_data_button(self): """ show load data and remove data button if dataloader on else hide them """ try: gui_style = self.parent.get_style() style = gui_style & GUIFRAME.DATALOADER_ON if style == GUIFRAME.DATALOADER_ON: #self.bt_remove.Show(True) self.bt_add.Show(True) else: #self.bt_remove.Hide() self.bt_add.Hide() except: #self.bt_remove.Hide() self.bt_add.Hide() WIDTH = 400 HEIGHT = 300 class DataDialog(wx.Dialog): """ Allow file selection at loading time """ def __init__(self, data_list, parent=None, text='', *args, **kwds): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds) self.SetTitle("Data Selection") self.SetSize((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) self.list_of_ctrl = [] if not data_list: return self._sizer_main = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self._sizer_txt = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self._sizer_button = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5) self._panel = ScrolledPanel(self, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER, size=(WIDTH-20, HEIGHT-50)) self._panel.SetupScrolling() self.__do_layout(data_list, text=text) def __do_layout(self, data_list, text=''): """ layout the dialog """ if not data_list or len(data_list) <= 1: return #add text text = "Deleting these file reset some panels.\n" text += "Do you want to proceed?\n" text_ctrl = wx.StaticText(self, -1, str(text)) self._sizer_txt.Add(text_ctrl) iy = 0 ix = 0 data_count = 0 for (data_name, in_use, sub_menu) in range(len(data_list)): if in_use == True: ctrl_name = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, str(data_name)) ctrl_in_use = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, " is used by ") plug_name = str(sub_menu) + "\n" ctrl_sub_menu = wx.StaticBox(self, -1, plug_name) self.sizer.Add(ctrl_name, (iy, ix), (1, 1), wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 15) ix += 1 self._sizer_button.Add(ctrl_in_use, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) ix += 1 self._sizer_button.Add(plug_name, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) iy += 1 self._panel.SetSizer(self.sizer) #add sizer self._sizer_button.Add((20, 20), 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0) button_cancel = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, "Cancel") self._sizer_button.Add(button_cancel, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) button_OK = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, "Ok") button_OK.SetFocus() self._sizer_button.Add(button_OK, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 10) static_line = wx.StaticLine(self, -1) self._sizer_txt.Add(self._panel, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 5) self._sizer_main.Add(self._sizer_txt, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) self._sizer_main.Add(self._data_text_ctrl, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 10) self._sizer_main.Add(static_line, 0, wx.EXPAND, 0) self._sizer_main.Add(self._sizer_button, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) self.SetSizer(self._sizer_main) self.Layout() def get_data(self): """ return the selected data """ temp = [] for item in self.list_of_ctrl: cb, data = item if cb.GetValue(): temp.append(data) return temp def _count_selected_data(self, event): """ count selected data """ if event.GetEventObject().GetValue(): self._nb_selected_data += 1 else: self._nb_selected_data -= 1 select_data_text = " %s Data selected.\n" % str(self._nb_selected_data) self._data_text_ctrl.SetLabel(select_data_text) if self._nb_selected_data <= self._max_data: self._data_text_ctrl.SetForegroundColour('blue') else: self._data_text_ctrl.SetForegroundColour('red') class DataFrame(wx.Frame): ## Internal name for the AUI manager window_name = "Data Panel" ## Title to appear on top of the window window_caption = "Data Panel" ## Flag to tell the GUI manager that this panel is not # tied to any perspective ALWAYS_ON = True def __init__(self, parent=None, owner=None, manager=None,size=(300, 800), list_of_perspective=[],list=[], *args, **kwds): kwds['size'] = size kwds['id'] = -1 kwds['title']= "Loaded Data" wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent=parent, *args, **kwds) self.parent = parent self.owner = owner self.manager = manager self.panel = DataPanel(parent=self, #size=size, list_of_perspective=list_of_perspective) def load_data_list(self, list=[]): """ Fill the list inside its panel """ self.panel.load_data_list(list=list) from dataFitting import Data1D from dataFitting import Data2D, Theory1D from data_state import DataState import sys class State(): def __init__(self): self.msg = "" def __str__(self): self.msg = "model mane : model1\n" self.msg += "params : \n" self.msg += "name value\n" return msg def set_data_state(data=None, path=None, theory=None, state=None): dstate = DataState(data=data) dstate.set_path(path=path) dstate.set_theory(theory, state) return dstate """' data_list = [1:('Data1', 'Data1D', '07/01/2010', "theory1d", "state1"), ('Data2', 'Data2D', '07/03/2011', "theory2d", "state1"), ('Data3', 'Theory1D', '06/01/2010', "theory1d", "state1"), ('Data4', 'Theory2D', '07/01/2010', "theory2d", "state1"), ('Data5', 'Theory2D', '07/02/2010', "theory2d", "state1")] """ if __name__ == "__main__": app = wx.App() try: list_of_perspective = [('perspective2', False), ('perspective1', True)] data_list = {} # state 1 data = Data2D() data.name = "data2" data.id = 1 data.append_empty_process() process = data.process[len(data.process)-1] process.data = "07/01/2010" theory = Data2D() theory.id = 34 theory.name = "theory1" path = "path1" state = State() data_list['1']=set_data_state(data, path,theory, state) #state 2 data = Data2D() data.name = "data2" data.id = 76 theory = Data2D() theory.id = 78 theory.name = "CoreShell 07/24/25" path = "path2" #state3 state = State() data_list['2']=set_data_state(data, path,theory, state) data = Data1D() data.id = 3 data.name = "data2" theory = Theory1D() theory.name = "CoreShell" theory.id = 4 theory.append_empty_process() process = theory.process[len(theory.process)-1] process.description = "this is my description" path = "path3" data.append_empty_process() process = data.process[len(data.process)-1] process.data = "07/22/2010" data_list['4']=set_data_state(data, path,theory, state) #state 4 temp_data_list = {} data.name = "data5 erasing data2" temp_data_list['4'] = set_data_state(data, path,theory, state) #state 5 data = Data2D() data.name = "data3" data.id = 5 data.append_empty_process() process = data.process[len(data.process)-1] process.data = "07/01/2010" theory = Theory1D() theory.name = "Cylinder" path = "path2" state = State() dstate= set_data_state(data, path,theory, state) theory = Theory1D() theory.id = 6 theory.name = "CoreShell" dstate.set_theory(theory) theory = Theory1D() theory.id = 6 theory.name = "CoreShell replacing coreshell in data3" dstate.set_theory(theory) data_list['3'] = dstate #state 6 data_list['6']=set_data_state(None, path,theory, state) data_list['6']=set_data_state(theory=theory, state=None) theory = Theory1D() theory.id = 7 data_list['6']=set_data_state(theory=theory, state=None) data_list['7']=set_data_state(theory=theory, state=None) window = DataFrame(list=data_list) window.load_data_list(list=data_list) window.Show(True) window.load_data_list(list=temp_data_list) except: #raise print "error",sys.exc_value app.MainLoop()