import os, sys,numpy import wx import re from dataFitting import Data1D from dataFitting import Data2D from DataLoader.loader import Loader from load_thread import DataReader from import NewPlotEvent, StatusEvent def enable_add_data(existing_panel, new_plot): """ Enable append data on a plot panel """ is_theory = len(existing_panel.plots)<= 1 and \ existing_panel.plots.values()[0].__class__.__name__=="Theory1D" is_data2d = hasattr(new_plot, 'data') is_data1d = existing_panel.__class__.__name__ == "ModelPanel1D"\ and existing_panel.group_id is not None return is_data1d and not is_data2d and not is_theory def parse_name(name, expression): """ remove "_" in front of a name """ if re.match(expression, name) is not None: word = re.split(expression, name, 1) for item in word: if item.lstrip().rstrip() != '': return item else: return name def choose_data_file(parent, location=None): """ """ path = None if location == None: location = os.getcwd() l = Loader() cards = l.get_wildcards() wlist = '|'.join(cards) dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent, "Choose a file", location, "", wlist, wx.OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() mypath = os.path.basename(path) dlg.Destroy() return path def open_dialog_append_data(panel_name, data_name): """ Pop up an error message. :param panel_name: the name of the current panel :param data_name: the name of the current data """ message = " Do you want to append %s data\n in "%(str(data_name)) message += " %s panel?\n\n"%(str(panel_name)) dial = wx.MessageDialog(None, message, 'Question', wx.YES_NO|wx.NO_DEFAULT|wx.ICON_QUESTION) if dial.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: return True else: return False def load_ascii_1D(path): """ Load a 1D ascii file, with errors """ if path and os.path.isfile(path): file_x = numpy.zeros(0) file_y = numpy.zeros(0) file_dy = numpy.zeros(0) file_dx = numpy.zeros(0) input_f = open(path,'r') buff = lines = buff.split('\n') has_dy = False has_dx = False for line in lines: try: toks = line.split() x = float(toks[0]) y = float(toks[1]) if len(toks)==3: has_dy = True errdy = float(toks[2]) else: errdy = 0.0 if len(toks) == 4: has_dx = True errdx = float(toks[3]) else: errdx = 0.0 file_x = numpy.append(file_x, x) file_y = numpy.append(file_y, y) file_dy = numpy.append(file_dy, dyerr) file_dx = numpy.append(file_dx, dxerr) except: print "READ ERROR", line if has_dy == False: file_dy = None if has_dx == False: file_dx = None return file_x, file_y, file_dy, file_dx return None, None, None, None def load_error(error=None): """ Pop up an error message. :param error: details error message to be displayed """ message = "You had to try this, didn't you?\n\n" message += "The data file you selected could not be loaded.\n" message += "Make sure the content of your file is properly formatted.\n\n" if error is not None: message += "When contacting the DANSE team, mention the following:\n%s" % str(error) dial = wx.MessageDialog(None, message, 'Error Loading File', wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) dial.ShowModal() def on_load_error(parent): """ """ wx.PostEvent(parent, StatusEvent(status="Load cancel..", info="warning", type="stop")) def plot_data(parent, path): """ Use the DataLoader loader to created data to plot. :param path: the path of the data to load """ from import NewPlotEvent, StatusEvent from DataLoader.loader import Loader # Instantiate a loader L = Loader() # Load data try: output = L.load(path) except: load_error(sys.exc_value) return # Notify user if the loader completed the load but no data came out if output == None: load_error("The data file appears to be empty.") return filename = os.path.basename(path) if not output.__class__.__name__ == "list": ## Creating a Data2D with output if hasattr(output,'data'): msg = "Loading 2D data: %s"%output.filename wx.PostEvent(parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="info", type="stop")) new_plot = Data2D(image=None, err_image=None) else: msg = "Loading 1D data: %s"%output.filename wx.PostEvent(parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="info", type="stop")) new_plot = Data1D(x=[], y=[], dx=None, dy=None) new_plot.copy_from_datainfo(output) output.clone_without_data(clone=new_plot) ## data 's name if output.filename is None or output.filename == "": output.filename = str(filename) ## name of the data allow to differentiate data when plotted name = parse_name(name=output.filename, expression="_") if not name in parent.indice_load_data.keys(): parent.indice_load_data[name] = 0 else: ## create a copy of the loaded data parent.indice_load_data[name] += 1 name = name +"[%i]"%parent.indice_load_data[name] = name ## allow to highlight data when plotted new_plot.interactive = True ## when 2 data have the same id override the 1 st plotted = name ##group_id specify on which panel to plot this data new_plot.group_id = name new_plot.is_data = True ##post data to plot title = output.filename if hasattr(new_plot,"title"): title = str(new_plot.title.lstrip().rstrip()) if title == "": title = str(name) else: title = str(name) if hasattr(parent, "panel_on_focus") and not(parent.panel_on_focus is None): existing_panel = parent.panel_on_focus panel_name = existing_panel.window_caption data_name = if enable_add_data(existing_panel, new_plot): if open_dialog_append_data(panel_name, data_name): #add this plot the an existing panel new_plot.group_id = existing_panel.group_id wx.PostEvent(parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=title)) ## the output of the loader is a list , some xml files contain more than one data else: i=1 for item in output: msg = "Loading 1D data: %s"%str([0]) wx.PostEvent(parent, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="info", type="stop")) try: dx = item.dx dxl = item.dxl dxw = item.dxw except: dx = None dxl = None dxw = None new_plot = Data1D(x=item.x,y=item.y,dx=dx,dy=item.dy) new_plot.copy_from_datainfo(item) item.clone_without_data(clone=new_plot) new_plot.dxl = dxl new_plot.dxw = dxw name = parse_name(name=str([0]), expression="_") if not name in parent.indice_load_data.keys(): parent.indice_load_data[name] = 0 else: ## create a copy of the loaded data #TODO: this is a very annoying feature. We should make this # an option. Excel doesn't do this. Why should we? # What is the requirement for this feature, and are the # counter arguments stronger? Is this feature developed # to please at least 80% of the users or a special few? parent.indice_load_data[name] += 1 name = name + "(copy %i)"%parent.indice_load_data[name] = name new_plot.interactive = True new_plot.group_id = name = name new_plot.is_data = True if hasattr(item,"title"): title = item.title.lstrip().rstrip() if title == "": title = str(name) else: title = name if hasattr(parent, "panel_on_focus") and not(parent.panel_on_focus is None): existing_panel = parent.panel_on_focus panel_name = existing_panel.window_caption data_name = if enable_add_data(existing_panel, new_plot): if open_dialog_append_data(panel_name, data_name): #add this plot the an existing panel new_plot.group_id = existing_panel.group_id wx.PostEvent(parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=str(title))) i+=1