#!/usr/bin/env python """ Functions for building sphinx docs. For more information on the invocation of sphinx see: http://sphinx-doc.org/invocation.html """ import subprocess import os import sys import fnmatch import shutil import imp from glob import glob from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree from distutils.util import get_platform from shutil import copy from os import listdir platform = '.%s-%s'%(get_platform(),sys.version[:3]) CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) run = imp.load_source('run', os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, '..', '..', 'run.py')) run.prepare() SASVIEW_SRC = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "src") SASVIEW_BUILD = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "build", "lib"+platform)) SASVIEW_DOCS = os.path.join(SASVIEW_BUILD, "doc") SASVIEW_TEST = os.path.join(SASVIEW_SRC, "..", "sasview", "test", "media") # Need to slurp in the new sasmodels model definitions to replace the old model_functions.rst # We are currently here: #/sasview-local-trunk/docs/sphinx-docs/build_sphinx.py SASMODELS_SOURCE_PROLOG = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..", "sasmodels", "doc") SASMODELS_SOURCE_REF_MODELS = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..", "sasmodels", "doc", "ref", "models") SASMODELS_SOURCE_MODELS = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..", "sasmodels", "doc", "model") SASMODELS_SOURCE_IMG = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..", "sasmodels", "doc", "model", "img") SASMODELS_SOURCE_AUTOIMG = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..", "sasmodels", "doc", "_build", "html","_images") SASMODELS_DEST_PROLOG = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "source") SASMODELS_DEST_REF_MODELS = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "source", "user") SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "source", "user", "models") SASMODELS_DEST_IMG = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "source", "user", "model-imgs", "new-models") SASMODELS_DEST_BUILDIMG = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "source", "user", "models", "img") #if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_SOURCE_PROLOG): # print "Found models prolog folder at ", SASMODELS_SOURCE_PROLOG #if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_SOURCE_REF_MODELS): # print "Found models ref folder at ", SASMODELS_SOURCE_REF_MODELS #if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_SOURCE_MODELS): # print "Found models folder at ", SASMODELS_SOURCE_MODELS #if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_SOURCE_IMG): # print "Found img folder at ", SASMODELS_SOURCE_IMG #if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_DEST_REF_MODELS): # print "Found models ref folder at ", SASMODELS_DEST_REF_MODELS #if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS): # print "Found models folder at ", SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS #if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_DEST_IMG): # print "Found img folder at ", SASMODELS_DEST_IMG #sys.exit() SPHINX_BUILD = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "build") SPHINX_SOURCE = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "source") SPHINX_SOURCE_API = os.path.join(SPHINX_SOURCE, "dev", "api") SPHINX_SOURCE_GUIFRAME = os.path.join(SPHINX_SOURCE, "user", "sasgui", "guiframe") SPHINX_SOURCE_MODELS = os.path.join(SPHINX_SOURCE, "user", "models") SPHINX_SOURCE_PERSPECTIVES = os.path.join(SPHINX_SOURCE, "user", "sasgui", "perspectives") SPHINX_SOURCE_TEST = os.path.join(SPHINX_SOURCE, "test") BUMPS_DOCS = os.path.join(CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..", "bumps", "doc", "guide") BUMPS_TARGET = os.path.join(SPHINX_SOURCE_PERSPECTIVES, "fitting") def inplace_change(filename, old_string, new_string): # Thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4128144/replace-string-within-file-contents s=open(filename).read() if old_string in s: print 'Changing "{old_string}" to "{new_string}"'.format(**locals()) s=s.replace(old_string, new_string) f=open(filename, 'w') f.write(s) f.flush() f.close() else: print 'No occurences of "{old_string}" found.'.format(**locals()) def _remove_dir(dir_path): """Removes the given directory.""" if os.path.isdir(dir_path): print "Removing \"%s\"... " % dir_path shutil.rmtree(dir_path) def clean(): """ Clean the sphinx build directory. """ print "=== Cleaning Sphinx Build ===" _remove_dir(SASVIEW_DOCS) _remove_dir(SPHINX_BUILD) _remove_dir(SPHINX_SOURCE_GUIFRAME) _remove_dir(SPHINX_SOURCE_MODELS) _remove_dir(SPHINX_SOURCE_PERSPECTIVES) _remove_dir(SPHINX_SOURCE_TEST) def retrieve_user_docs(): """ Copies across the contents of any media/ directories in src/, and puts them in an appropriately named directory of docs/sphinx-docs/source/. For example: sas/../[MODULE]/media/dir/A.rst sas/../[MODULE]/media/B.rst gets copied to a new location: docs/sphinx-docs/source/user/[MODULE]/dir/A.rst docs/sphinx-docs/source/user/[MODULE]/B.rst so that Sphinx may pick it up when generating the documentation. """ print "=== Retrieve User Docs ===" # Copy documentation files from their "source" to their "destination". for root, dirnames, _ in os.walk(SASVIEW_SRC): for dirname in fnmatch.filter(dirnames, 'media'): docs = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, dirname)) print "Found docs folder at \"%s\"." % docs dest_dir_part = os.path.dirname(os.path.relpath(docs, SASVIEW_SRC)) if os.sep in dest_dir_part: dest_dir_part = dest_dir_part[dest_dir_part.index(os.sep) + 1:] dest_dir = os.path.join(SPHINX_SOURCE, "user", dest_dir_part) copy_tree(docs, dest_dir) # Now pickup testdata_help.rst # print os.path.abspath(SASVIEW_TEST) # print os.path.abspath(SPHINX_SOURCE_TEST) print "=== Including Test Data Docs ===" if os.path.exists(SASVIEW_TEST): print "Found docs folder at ", SASVIEW_TEST shutil.copytree(SASVIEW_TEST, SPHINX_SOURCE_TEST) print "=== And the Sasmodels Docs ===" # Make sure we have the relevant images for the new sasmodels documentation # First(!) we'll make a local reference copy for SasView (/new-models will be cleaned each build) if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_SOURCE_IMG): print "Found img folder SASMODELS_SOURCE_IMG at ", SASMODELS_SOURCE_IMG if not os.path.exists(SASMODELS_DEST_IMG): print "Missing docs folder SASMODELS_DEST_IMG at ", SASMODELS_DEST_IMG os.makedirs(SASMODELS_DEST_IMG) print "created SASMODELS_DEST_BUILDIMG at ", SASMODELS_DEST_BUILDIMG else: print "Found img folder SASMODELS_DEST_IMG at ", SASMODELS_DEST_IMG print "Copying sasmodels model image files..." for files in os.listdir(SASMODELS_SOURCE_IMG): fromhere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_SOURCE_IMG,files) tohere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_DEST_IMG,files) shutil.copy(fromhere,tohere) else: print "cannot find SASMODELS_SOURCE_IMG", SASMODELS_SOURCE_IMG if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_SOURCE_AUTOIMG): print "Found img folder SASMODELS_SOURCE_AUTOIMG at ", SASMODELS_SOURCE_AUTOIMG if not os.path.exists(SASMODELS_DEST_IMG): print "Missing docs folder SASMODELS_DEST_IMG at ", ASMODELS_DEST_IMG os.makedirs(SASMODELS_DEST_BUILDIMG) print "created SASMODELS_DEST_BUILDIMG at ", SASMODELS_DEST_BUILDIMG print "Copying sasmodels model auto-generated image files..." for files in os.listdir(SASMODELS_SOURCE_AUTOIMG): fromhere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_SOURCE_AUTOIMG,files) tohere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_DEST_IMG,files) shutil.copy(fromhere,tohere) else: print "no source directorty",SASMODELS_SOURCE_AUTOIMG ,"was found" # And the rst prolog with the unit substitutions if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_SOURCE_PROLOG): print "Found prolog folder SASMODELS_SOURCE_PROLOG at ", SASMODELS_SOURCE_PROLOG if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_DEST_PROLOG): print "Found docs folder SASMODELS_DEST_PROLOG at ", SASMODELS_DEST_PROLOG print "Copying sasmodels rst_prolog file..." for files in os.listdir(SASMODELS_SOURCE_PROLOG): if files.startswith("rst"): fromhere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_SOURCE_PROLOG,files) tohere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_DEST_PROLOG,files) shutil.copy(fromhere,tohere) if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_SOURCE_REF_MODELS): print "Found docs folder SASMODELS_SOURCE_REF_MODELS at ", SASMODELS_SOURCE_REF_MODELS if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_DEST_REF_MODELS): print "Found docs folder SASMODELS_DEST_REF_MODELS at ", SASMODELS_DEST_REF_MODELS print "Copying sasmodels model toctree files..." for files in os.listdir(SASMODELS_SOURCE_REF_MODELS): if files.endswith(".rst"): fromhere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_SOURCE_REF_MODELS,files) tohere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_DEST_REF_MODELS,files) shutil.copy(fromhere,tohere) # But need to change the path to the model docs in the tocs for files in os.listdir(SASMODELS_DEST_REF_MODELS): # print files if files.startswith("shape"): print "Changing toc paths in", files inplace_change(os.path.join(SASMODELS_DEST_REF_MODELS,files), "../../model/", "models/") if files.startswith("sphere"): print "Changing toc paths in", files inplace_change(os.path.join(SASMODELS_DEST_REF_MODELS,files), "../../model/", "models/") if files.startswith("custom"): print "Changing toc paths in", files inplace_change(os.path.join(SASMODELS_DEST_REF_MODELS,files), "../../model/", "models/") if files.startswith("structure"): print "Changing toc paths in", files inplace_change(os.path.join(SASMODELS_DEST_REF_MODELS,files), "../../model/", "models/") if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_SOURCE_MODELS): print "Found docs folder SASMODELS_SOURCE_MODELS at ", SASMODELS_SOURCE_MODELS if os.path.exists(SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS): print "Found docs folder SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS at ", SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS print "Copying sasmodels model files..." for files in os.listdir(SASMODELS_SOURCE_MODELS): if files.endswith(".rst"): fromhere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_SOURCE_MODELS,files) tohere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS,files) shutil.copy(fromhere,tohere) else: print "Missing docs folder SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS at ", SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS os.makedirs(SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS) if not os.path.exists(SASMODELS_DEST_BUILDIMG): os.makedirs(SASMODELS_DEST_BUILDIMG) print "Created docs folder SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS at ", SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS print "Copying model files for build..." for files in os.listdir(SASMODELS_SOURCE_MODELS): if files.endswith(".rst"): fromhere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_SOURCE_MODELS,files) tohere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_DEST_MODELS,files) shutil.copy(fromhere,tohere) # No choice but to do this because model files are all coded for images in /models/img print "Copying image files for build..." for files in os.listdir(SASMODELS_DEST_IMG): fromhere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_DEST_IMG,files) tohere=os.path.join(SASMODELS_DEST_BUILDIMG,files) shutil.copy(fromhere,tohere) def retrieve_bumps_docs(): """ Copies select files from the bumps documentation into fitting perspective """ if os.path.exists(BUMPS_DOCS): print "=== Retrieve BUMPS Docs ===" filenames = [os.path.join(BUMPS_DOCS, "optimizer.rst")] filenames += glob(os.path.join(BUMPS_DOCS, "dream-*.png")) filenames += glob(os.path.join(BUMPS_DOCS, "fit-*.png")) for f in filenames: print "Copying file", f shutil.copy(f, BUMPS_TARGET) else: print """ *** Error *** missing directory %s The documentation will not include the optimizer selection section. Checkout the bumps source tree and rebuild the docs. """ % BUMPS_DOCS def apidoc(): """ Runs sphinx-apidoc to generate .rst files from the docstrings in .py files in the SasView build directory. """ print "=== Generate API Rest Files ===" # Clean directory before generating a new version. _remove_dir(SPHINX_SOURCE_API) subprocess.call(["sphinx-apidoc", "-o", SPHINX_SOURCE_API, # Output dir. "-d", "8", # Max depth of TOC. SASVIEW_BUILD]) def build(): """ Runs sphinx-build. Reads in all .rst files and spits out the final html. """ print "=== Build HTML Docs from Rest Files ===" subprocess.call(["sphinx-build", "-b", "html", # Builder name. TODO: accept as arg to setup.py. "-d", os.path.join(SPHINX_BUILD, "doctrees"), SPHINX_SOURCE, os.path.join(SPHINX_BUILD, "html")]) print "=== Copy HTML Docs to Build Directory ===" html = os.path.join(SPHINX_BUILD, "html") copy_tree(html, SASVIEW_DOCS) def rebuild(): clean() retrieve_user_docs() retrieve_bumps_docs() apidoc() build() print "=== Done ===" if __name__ == "__main__": rebuild()