""" This module implements invariant and its related computations. @author: Gervaise B. Alina/UTK """ import math import numpy from DataLoader.data_info import Data1D as LoaderData1D from DataLoader.qsmearing import smear_selection # The minimum q-value to be used when extrapolating Q_MINIMUM = 1e-5 # The maximum q-value to be used when extrapolating Q_MAXIMUM = 10 # Number of steps in the extrapolation INTEGRATION_NSTEPS = 1000 def guinier(x, scale=1, radius=0.1): """ Compute a F(x) = scale* e-((radius*x)**2/3). @param x: a vector of q values @param scale: the scale value @param radius: the guinier radius value @return F(x) """ value = numpy.array([math.exp(-((radius * i)**2/3)) for i in x ]) return scale * value def power_law(x, scale=1, power=4): """ F(x) = scale* (x)^(-power) when power= 4. the model is porod else power_law The model has three parameters: @param x: a vector of q values @param power: power of the function @param scale : scale factor value @param F(x) """ value = numpy.array([ math.pow(i, -power) for i in x ]) return scale * value class FitFunctor: """ compute f(x) """ def __init__(self, data): """ Determine a and b given a linear equation y = ax + b @param Data: data containing x and y such as y = ax + b """ self.data = data x_len = len(self.data.x) -1 #fitting range self.qmin = self.data.x[0] if self.qmin == 0: self.qmin = Q_MINIMUM self.qmax = self.data.x[x_len] #Unsmeared q range self._qmin_unsmeared = 0 self._qmax_unsmeared = self.data.x[x_len] #bin for smear data self._first_unsmeared_bin = 0 self._last_unsmeared_bin = x_len # Identify the bin range for the unsmeared and smeared spaces self.idx = (self.data.x >= self.qmin) & (self.data.x <= self.qmax) self.idx_unsmeared = (self.data.x >= self._qmin_unsmeared) \ & (self.data.x <= self._qmax_unsmeared) #get the smear object of data self.smearer = smear_selection( self.data ) def set_fit_range(self ,qmin=None, qmax=None): """ to set the fit range""" if qmin is not None: self.qmin = qmin if qmax is not None: self.qmax = qmax # Determine the range needed in unsmeared-Q to cover # the smeared Q range self._qmin_unsmeared = self.qmin self._qmax_unsmeared = self.qmax self._first_unsmeared_bin = 0 self._last_unsmeared_bin = len(self.data.x)-1 if self.smearer!=None: self._first_unsmeared_bin, self._last_unsmeared_bin = self.smearer.get_bin_range(self.qmin, self.qmax) self._qmin_unsmeared = self.data.x[self._first_unsmeared_bin] self._qmax_unsmeared = self.data.x[self._last_unsmeared_bin] # Identify the bin range for the unsmeared and smeared spaces self.idx = (self.data.x >= self.qmin) & (self.data.x <= self.qmax) self.idx_unsmeared = (self.data.x >= self._qmin_unsmeared) \ & (self.data.x <= self._qmax_unsmeared) def fit(self): """ Fit data for y = ax + b return a and b """ # Compute theory data f(x) fx = numpy.zeros(len(self.data.x)) fx = self.data.y[self.idx_unsmeared ] ## Smear theory data if self.smearer is not None: fx = self.smearer(fx, self._first_unsmeared_bin,self._last_unsmeared_bin) A = numpy.vstack([ self.data.x[self.idx], numpy.ones(len(self.data.x[self.idx]))]).T a, b = numpy.linalg.lstsq(A, fx)[0] return a, b class InvariantCalculator(object): """ Compute invariant if data is given. Can provide volume fraction and surface area if the user provides Porod constant and contrast values. @precondition: the user must send a data of type DataLoader.Data1D the user provide background and scale values. @note: Some computations depends on each others. """ def __init__(self, data, background=0, scale=1 ): """ Initialize variables @param data: data must be of type DataLoader.Data1D @param contrast: contrast value of type float @param pConst: Porod Constant of type float """ # Background and scale should be private data member if the only way to # change them are by instantiating a new object. self._background = background self._scale = scale # The data should be private self._data = self._get_data(data) # Since there are multiple variants of Q*, you should force the # user to use the get method and keep Q* a private data member self._qstar = None # You should keep the error on Q* so you can reuse it without # recomputing the whole thing. self._qstar_err = 0 # Extrapolation parameters self._low_extrapolation_npts = 4 self._low_extrapolation_function = guinier self._low_extrapolation_power = 4 self._high_extrapolation_npts = 4 self._high_extrapolation_function = power_law self._high_extrapolation_power = 4 def set_extrapolation(self, range, npts=4, function=None, power=4): """ Set the extrapolation parameters for the high or low Q-range. Note that this does not turn extrapolation on or off. @param range: a keyword set the type of extrapolation . type string @param npts: the numbers of q points of data to consider for extrapolation @param function: a keyword to select the function to use for extrapolation. of type string. @param power: an power to apply power_low function """ range = range.lower() if range not in ['high', 'low']: raise ValueError, "Extrapolation range should be 'high' or 'low'" function = function.lower() if function not in ['power_law', 'guinier']: raise ValueError, "Extrapolation function should be 'guinier' or 'power_law'" if range == 'high': if function != 'power_law': raise ValueError, "Extrapolation only allows a power law at high Q" self._high_extrapolation_npts = npts self._high_extrapolation_power = power else: if function == 'power_law': self._low_extrapolation_function = power_law else: self._low_extrapolation_function = guinier self._low_extrapolation_npts = npts self._low_extrapolation_power = power def _get_data(self, data): """ @note this function must be call before computing any type of invariant @return data= self._scale *data - self._background """ if not issubclass(data.__class__, LoaderData1D): #Process only data that inherited from DataLoader.Data_info.Data1D raise ValueError,"Data must be of type DataLoader.Data1D" new_data = self._scale * data - self._background new_data.dxl = data.dxl new_data.dxw = data.dxw return new_data def _fit(self, function, qmin=Q_MINIMUM, qmax=Q_MAXIMUM): """ fit data with function using data= self._get_data() fx= Functor(data , function) y = data.y slope, constant = linalg.lstsq(y,fx) @param qmin: data first q value to consider during the fit @param qmax: data last q value to consider during the fit @param function: the function to use during the fit @return a: the scale of the function @return b: the other parameter of the function for guinier will be radius for power_law will be the power value """ if function.__name__ == "guinier": fit_x = numpy.array([x * x for x in self._data.x]) qmin = qmin**2 qmax = qmax**2 fit_y = numpy.array([math.log(y) for y in self._data.y]) elif function.__name__ == "power_law": fit_x = numpy.array([math.log(x) for x in self._data.x]) qmin = math.log(qmin) qmax = math.log(qmax) fit_y = numpy.array([math.log(y) for y in self._data.y]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown function used to fit %s"%function.__name__) fit_data = LoaderData1D(x=fit_x, y=fit_y) fit_data.dxl = self._data.dxl fit_data.dxw = self._data.dxw functor = FitFunctor(data=fit_data) functor.set_fit_range(qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax) b, a = functor.fit() if function.__name__ == "guinier": # b is the radius value of the guinier function b = math.sqrt(-3 * b) if function.__name__ == "power_law": b = -1 * b # a is the scale of the guinier function a = math.exp(a) return a, b def _get_qstar(self, data): """ Compute invariant for data @param data: data to use to compute invariant. """ if data is None: return 0 if data.is_slit_smeared(): return self._get_qstar_smear(data) else: return self._get_qstar_unsmear(data) def get_qstar(self, extrapolation=None): """ Compute the invariant of the local copy of data. Implementation: if slit smear: qstar_0 = self._get_qstar_smear() else: qstar_0 = self._get_qstar_unsmear() if extrapolation is None: return qstar_0 if extrapolation==low: return qstar_0 + self._get_qstar_low() elif extrapolation==high: return qstar_0 + self._get_qstar_high() elif extrapolation==both: return qstar_0 + self._get_qstar_low() + self._get_qstar_high() @param extrapolation: string to apply optional extrapolation @return q_star: invariant of the data within data's q range @warning: When using setting data to Data1D , the user is responsible of checking that the scale and the background are properly apply to the data @warning: if error occur self._get_qstar_low() or self._get_qstar_low() their returned value will be ignored """ qstar_0 = self._get_qstar(data=self._data) if extrapolation is None: self._qstar = qstar_0 return self._qstar # Compute invariant plus invaraint of extrapolated data extrapolation = extrapolation.lower() if extrapolation == "low": self._qstar = qstar_0 + self._get_qstar_low() return self._qstar elif extrapolation == "high": self._qstar = qstar_0 + self._get_qstar_high() return self._qstar elif extrapolation == "both": self._qstar = qstar_0 + self._get_qstar_low() + self._get_qstar_high() return self._qstar def _get_qstar_unsmear(self, data): """ Compute invariant for pinhole data. This invariant is given by: q_star = x0**2 *y0 *dx0 +x1**2 *y1 *dx1 + ..+ xn**2 *yn *dxn where n >= len(data.x)-1 dxi = 1/2*(xi+1 - xi) + (xi - xi-1) dx0 = (x1 - x0)/2 dxn = (xn - xn-1)/2 @param data: the data to use to compute invariant. @return q_star: invariant value for pinhole data. q_star > 0 """ if len(data.x) <= 1 or len(data.y) <= 1 or len(data.x)!= len(data.y): msg = "Length x and y must be equal" msg += " and greater than 1; got x=%s, y=%s"%(len(data.x), len(data.y)) raise ValueError, msg else: n = len(data.x)- 1 #compute the first delta q dx0 = (data.x[1] - data.x[0])/2 #compute the last delta q dxn = (data.x[n] - data.x[n-1])/2 sum = 0 sum += data.x[0] * data.x[0] * data.y[0] * dx0 sum += data.x[n] * data.x[n] * data.y[n] * dxn if len(data.x) == 2: return sum else: #iterate between for element different from the first and the last for i in xrange(1, n-1): dxi = (data.x[i+1] - data.x[i-1])/2 sum += data.x[i] * data.x[i] * data.y[i] * dxi return sum def _get_qstar_smear(self, data): """ Compute invariant for slit-smeared data. This invariant is given by: q_star = x0*dxl *y0*dx0 + x1*dxl *y1 *dx1 + ..+ xn*dxl *yn *dxn where n >= len(data.x)-1 dxi = 1/2*(xi+1 - xi) + (xi - xi-1) dx0 = (x1 - x0)/2 dxn = (xn - xn-1)/2 dxl: slit smear value @return q_star: invariant value for slit smeared data. """ if not data.is_slit_smeared(): msg = "_get_qstar_smear need slit smear data " msg += "Hint :dxl= %s , dxw= %s"%(str(data.dxl), str(data.dxw)) raise ValueError, msg if len(data.x) <= 1 or len(data.y) <= 1 or len(data.x) != len(data.y)\ or len(data.x)!= len(data.dxl): msg = "x, dxl, and y must be have the same length and greater than 1" raise ValueError, msg else: n = len(data.x)-1 #compute the first delta dx0 = (data.x[1] - data.x[0])/2 #compute the last delta dxn = (data.x[n] - data.x[n-1])/2 sum = 0 sum += data.x[0] * data.dxl[0] * data.y[0] * dx0 sum += data.x[n] * data.dxl[n] * data.y[n] * dxn if len(data.x)==2: return sum else: #iterate between for element different from the first and the last for i in xrange(1, n-1): dxi = (data.x[i+1] - data.x[i-1])/2 sum += data.x[i] * data.dxl[i] * data.y[i] * dxi return sum def _get_qstar_uncertainty(self, data=None): """ Compute uncertainty of invariant value Implementation: if data is None: data = self.data if data.slit smear: return self._get_qstar_smear_uncertainty(data) else: return self._get_qstar_unsmear_uncertainty(data) @param: data use to compute the invariant which allow uncertainty computation. @return: uncertainty """ if data is None: data = self.data if data.is_slit_smeared(): return self._get_qstar_smear_uncertainty(data) else: return self._get_qstar_unsmear_uncertainty(data) def _get_qstar_unsmear_uncertainty(self, data=None): """ Compute invariant uncertainty with with pinhole data. This uncertainty is given as follow: dq_star = math.sqrt[(x0**2*(dy0)*dx0)**2 + (x1**2 *(dy1)*dx1)**2 + ..+ (xn**2 *(dyn)*dxn)**2 ] where n >= len(data.x)-1 dxi = 1/2*(xi+1 - xi) + (xi - xi-1) dx0 = (x1 - x0)/2 dxn = (xn - xn-1)/2 dyn: error on dy @param data: note: if data doesn't contain dy assume dy= math.sqrt(data.y) """ if data is None: data = self.data if len(data.x) <= 1 or len(data.y) <= 1 or \ len(self.data.x) != len(self.data.y): msg = "Length of data.x and data.y must be equal" msg += " and greater than 1; got x=%s, y=%s"%(len(data.x), len(data.y)) raise ValueError, msg else: #Create error for data without dy error if (data.dy is None) or (not data.dy): dy = math.sqrt(y) else: dy = data.dy n = len(data.x) - 1 #compute the first delta dx0 = (data.x[1] - data.x[0])/2 #compute the last delta dxn= (data.x[n] - data.x[n-1])/2 sum = 0 sum += (data.x[0] * data.x[0] * dy[0] * dx0)**2 sum += (data.x[n] * data.x[n] * dy[n] * dxn)**2 if len(data.x) == 2: return math.sqrt(sum) else: #iterate between for element different from the first and the last for i in xrange(1, n-1): dxi = (data.x[i+1] - data.x[i-1])/2 sum += (data.x[i] * data.x[i] * dy[i] * dxi)**2 return math.sqrt(sum) def _get_qstar_smear_uncertainty(self): """ Compute invariant uncertainty with slit smeared data. This uncertainty is given as follow: dq_star = x0*dxl *dy0 *dx0 + x1*dxl *dy1 *dx1 + ..+ xn*dxl *dyn *dxn where n >= len(data.x)-1 dxi = 1/2*(xi+1 - xi) + (xi - xi-1) dx0 = (x1 - x0)/2 dxn = (xn - xn-1)/2 dxl: slit smearing value dyn : error on dy @param data: data of type Data1D where the scale is applied and the background is subtracted. note: if data doesn't contain dy assume dy= math.sqrt(data.y) """ if data is None: data = self._data if not data.is_slit_smeared(): msg = "_get_qstar_smear_uncertainty need slit smear data " msg += "Hint :dxl= %s , dxw= %s"%(str(data.dxl), str(data.dxw)) raise ValueError, msg if len(data.x) <= 1 or len(data.y) <= 1 or len(data.x) != len(data.y)\ or len(data.x) != len(data.dxl): msg = "x, dxl, and y must be have the same length and greater than 1" raise ValueError, msg else: #Create error for data without dy error if (data.dy is None) or (not data.dy): dy = math.sqrt(y) else: dy = data.dy n = len(data.x) - 1 #compute the first delta dx0 = (data.x[1] - data.x[0])/2 #compute the last delta dxn = (data.x[n] - data.x[n-1])/2 sum = 0 sum += (data.x[0] * data.dxl[0] * dy[0] * dx0)**2 sum += (data.x[n] * data.dxl[n] * dy[n] * dxn)**2 if len(data.x) == 2: return math.sqrt(sum) else: #iterate between for element different from the first and the last for i in xrange(1, n-1): dxi = (data.x[i+1] - data.x[i-1])/2 sum += (data.x[i] * data.dxl[i] * dy[i] * dxi)**2 return math.sqrt(sum) def get_surface(self,contrast, porod_const): """ Compute the surface of the data. Implementation: V= self.get_volume_fraction(contrast) Compute the surface given by: surface = (2*pi *V(1- V)*porod_const)/ q_star @param contrast: contrast value to compute the volume @param porod_const: Porod constant to compute the surface @return: specific surface """ #Check whether we have Q star if self._qstar is None: self._qstar = self.get_star() if self._qstar == 0: raise RuntimeError("Cannot compute surface, invariant value is zero") # Compute the volume volume = self.get_volume_fraction(contrast) return 2 * math.pi * volume *(1 - volume) * float(porod_const)/self._qstar def get_volume_fraction(self, contrast): """ Compute volume fraction is deduced as follow: q_star = 2*(pi*contrast)**2* volume( 1- volume) for k = 10^(-8)*q_star/(2*(pi*|contrast|)**2) we get 2 values of volume: with 1 - 4 * k >= 0 volume1 = (1- sqrt(1- 4*k))/2 volume2 = (1+ sqrt(1- 4*k))/2 q_star: the invariant value included extrapolation is applied unit 1/A^(3)*1/cm q_star = self.get_qstar() the result returned will be 0<= volume <= 1 @param contrast: contrast value provides by the user of type float. contrast unit is 1/A^(2)= 10^(16)cm^(2) @return: volume fraction @note: volume fraction must have no unit """ if contrast < 0: raise ValueError, "contrast must be greater than zero" if self._qstar is None: self._qstar = self.get_qstar() if self._qstar < 0: raise RuntimeError, "invariant must be greater than zero" # Compute intermediate constant k = 1.e-8 * self._qstar/(2 * (math.pi * math.fabs(float(contrast)))**2) #Check discriminant value discrim = 1 - 4 * k # Compute volume fraction if discrim < 0: raise RuntimeError, "could not compute the volume fraction: negative discriminant" elif discrim == 0: return 1/2 else: volume1 = 0.5 * (1 - math.sqrt(discrim)) volume2 = 0.5 * (1 + math.sqrt(discrim)) if 0 <= volume1 and volume1 <= 1: return volume1 elif 0 <= volume2 and volume2 <= 1: return volume2 raise RuntimeError, "could not compute the volume fraction: inconsistent results" def _get_qstar_low(self): """ Compute the invariant for extrapolated data at low q range. Implementation: data = self.get_extra_data_low() return self._get_qstar() @return q_star: the invariant for data extrapolated at low q. """ data = self._get_extra_data_low() return self._get_qstar(data=data) def _get_qstar_high(self): """ Compute the invariant for extrapolated data at high q range. Implementation: data = self.get_extra_data_high() return self._get_qstar() @return q_star: the invariant for data extrapolated at high q. """ data = self._get_extra_data_high() return self._get_qstar(data=data) def _get_extra_data_low(self): """ This method creates a new data set from the invariant calculator. It will use the extrapolation parameters kept as private data members. self._low_extrapolation_npts is the number of data points to use in to fit. self._low_extrapolation_function will be used as the fit function. It takes npts first points of data, fits them with a given model then uses the new parameters resulting from the fit to create a new data set. The new data first point is Q_MINIMUM. The last point of the new data is the first point of the original data. the number of q points of this data is INTEGRATION_NSTEPS. @return: a new data of type Data1D """ # Data boundaries for fiiting qmin = self._data.x[0] qmax = self._data.x[self._low_extrapolation_npts - 1] try: # fit the data with a model to get the appropriate parameters a, b = self._fit(function=self._low_extrapolation_function, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax) except: return None #q_start point q_start = Q_MINIMUM if Q_MINIMUM >= qmin: q_start = qmin/10 #create new Data1D to compute the invariant new_x = numpy.linspace(start=q_start, stop=qmin, num=INTEGRATION_NSTEPS, endpoint=True) new_y = self._low_extrapolation_function(x=new_x, scale=a, radius=b) dxl = None dxw = None if self._data.dxl is not None: dxl = numpy.ones(INTEGRATION_NSTEPS) dxl = dxl * self._data.dxl[0] if self._data.dxw is not None: dxw = numpy.ones(INTEGRATION_NSTEPS) dxw = dxw * self._data.dxw[0] data_min = LoaderData1D(x=new_x, y=new_y) data_min.dxl = dxl data_min.dxw = dxw self._data.clone_without_data( clone= data_min) return data_min def _get_extra_data_high(self): """ This method creates a new data from the invariant calculator. It takes npts last points of data, fits them with a given model (for this function only power_law will be use), then uses the new parameters resulting from the fit to create a new data set. The first point is the last point of data. The last point of the new data is Q_MAXIMUM. The number of q points of this data is INTEGRATION_NSTEPS. @return: a new data of type Data1D """ # Data boundaries for fiiting x_len = len(self._data.x) - 1 qmin = self._data.x[x_len - (self._high_extrapolation_npts - 1)] qmax = self._data.x[x_len] try: # fit the data with a model to get the appropriate parameters a, b = self._fit(function=self._high_extrapolation_function, qmin=qmin, qmax=qmax) except: return None #create new Data1D to compute the invariant new_x = numpy.linspace(start=qmax, stop=Q_MAXIMUM, num=INTEGRATION_NSTEPS, endpoint=True) new_y = self._high_extrapolation_function(x=new_x, scale=a, power=b) dxl = None dxw = None if self._data.dxl is not None: dxl = numpy.ones(INTEGRATION_NSTEPS) dxl = dxl * self._data.dxl[0] if self._data.dxw is not None: dxw = numpy.ones(INTEGRATION_NSTEPS) dxw = dxw * self._data.dxw[0] data_max = LoaderData1D(x=new_x, y=new_y) data_max.dxl = dxl data_max.dxw = dxw self._data.clone_without_data(clone=data_max) return data_max def get_qstar_with_error(self, extrapolation=None): """ Compute the invariant uncertainty. This uncertainty computation depends on whether or not the data is smeared. @return: invariant, the invariant uncertainty return self._get_qstar(), self._get_qstar_smear_uncertainty() """ if self._qstar is None: self._qstar = self.get_qstar(extrapolation=extrapolation) if self._qstar_err is None: self._qstar_err = self._get_qstar_smear_uncertainty() return self._qstar, self._qstar_err def get_volume_fraction_with_error(self, contrast): """ Compute uncertainty on volume value as well as the volume fraction This uncertainty is given by the following equation: dV = 0.5 * (4*k* dq_star) /(2* math.sqrt(1-k* q_star)) for k = 10^(-8)*q_star/(2*(pi*|contrast|)**2) q_star: the invariant value including extrapolated value if existing dq_star: the invariant uncertainty dV: the volume uncertainty @param contrast: contrast value @return: V, dV = self.get_volume_fraction_with_error(contrast), dV """ self._qstar, self._qstar_err = self.get_qstar_with_error() volume = self.get_volume_fraction(contrast) if self._qstar < 0: raise ValueError, "invariant must be greater than zero" k = 1.e-8 * self._qstar /(2 * (math.pi* math.fabs(float(contrast)))**2) #check value inside the sqrt function value = 1 - k * self._qstar if (value) <= 0: raise ValueError, "Cannot compute incertainty on volume" # Compute uncertainty uncertainty = (0.5 * 4 * k * self._qstar_err)/(2 * math.sqrt(1 - k * self._qstar)) return volume, math.fabs(uncertainty) def get_surface_with_error(self, contrast, porod_const): """ Compute uncertainty of the surface value as well as thesurface value this uncertainty is given as follow: dS = porod_const *2*pi[( dV -2*V*dV)/q_star + dq_star(v-v**2) q_star: the invariant value including extrapolated value if existing dq_star: the invariant uncertainty V: the volume fraction value dV: the volume uncertainty @param contrast: contrast value @param porod_const: porod constant value @return S, dS: the surface, with its uncertainty """ v, dv = self.get_volume_fraction_with_error(contrast) self._qstar, self._qstar_err = self.get_qstar_with_error() if self._qstar <= 0: raise ValueError, "invariant must be greater than zero" ds = porod_const * 2 * math.pi * (( dv - 2 * v * dv)/ self._qstar\ + self._qstar_err * ( v - v**2)) s = self.get_surface(contrast=contrast, porod_const=porod_const) return s, ds