import math,logging class Reader: """ Example data manipulation """ ## File type type = [] ## Extension ext = ['tif', 'jpg', '.png', 'jpeg', '.tiff', 'gif', 'bmp'] def read(self, filename=None): import Image print "in tiff" """ Open and read the data in a file @param file: path of the file """ read_it = False for item in self.ext: if filename.lower().find(item)>=0: read_it = True if read_it: import Image import pylab import copy import numpy wavelength, distance, center_x, center_y, pixel = 10.0, 11.0, 65, 65, 1.0 # Initialize x_vals = [] y_vals = [] ymin = None ymax = None xmin = None xmax = None Z = None try: im = except : raise RuntimeError,"cannot open %s"%(filename) # Detector size should be 128x128, the file is 190x190 print "-> Image size:", im.size, im.format, im.mode data = im.getdata() x = numpy.zeros(im.size[0]) y = numpy.zeros(im.size[1]) X, Y = pylab.meshgrid(x, y) Z = copy.deepcopy(X) itot = 0 i_x = 0 i_y = 0 # Qx and Qy vectors for i_x in range(im.size[0]): theta = (i_x-center_x+1)*pixel / distance / 100.0 qx = 4.0*math.pi/wavelength * math.sin(theta/2.0) x_vals.append(qx) if xmin==None or qxxmax: xmax = qx ymin = None ymax = None for i_y in range(im.size[1]): theta = (i_y-center_y+1)*pixel / distance / 100.0 qy = 4.0*math.pi/wavelength * math.sin(theta/2.0) y_vals.append(qy) if ymin==None or qyymax: ymax = qy for val in data: try: value = float(val) except: continue # Get bin number if math.fmod(itot, im.size[0])==0: i_x = 0 i_y += 1 else: i_x += 1 Z[im.size[1]-1-i_y][i_x] = value itot += 1 from readInfo import ReaderInfo output = ReaderInfo() output.wavelength = wavelength output.xbins = im.size[0] output.ybins = im.size[1] output.center_x = center_x output.center_y = center_y output.distance = distance output.x_vals = x_vals output.y_vals = y_vals output.xmin = xmin output.xmax = xmax output.ymin = ymin output.ymax = ymax output.image = Z output.pixel_size = pixel output.x = x_vals output.y = y_vals output.type ="2D""tiff_reader reading %s"%(filename)) return output return None