""" This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) project funded by the US National Science Foundation. See the license text in license.txt copyright 2008, University of Tennessee """ import numpy import os from DataLoader.data_info import Data1D # Check whether we have a converter available has_converter = True try: from data_util.nxsunit import Converter except: has_converter = False class Reader: """ Class to load ascii files (2, 3 or 4 columns) """ ## File type type_name = "ASCII" ## Wildcards type = ["ASCII files (*.txt)|*.txt", "ASCII files (*.dat)|*.dat", "ASCII files (*.abs)|*.abs"] ## List of allowed extensions ext=['.txt', '.TXT', '.dat', '.DAT', '.abs', '.ABS'] def read(self, path): """ Load data file @param path: file path @return: Data1D object, or None @raise RuntimeError: when the file can't be opened @raise ValueError: when the length of the data vectors are inconsistent """ if os.path.isfile(path): basename = os.path.basename(path) root, extension = os.path.splitext(basename) if extension.lower() in self.ext: try: input_f = open(path,'r') except : raise RuntimeError, "ascii_reader: cannot open %s" % path buff = input_f.read() lines = buff.split('\n') #Jae could not find python universal line spliter: keep the below for now # some ascii data has \r line separator, try it when the data is on only one long line if len(lines) < 2 : lines = buff.split('\r') x = numpy.zeros(0) y = numpy.zeros(0) dy = numpy.zeros(0) dx = numpy.zeros(0) #temp. space to sort data tx = numpy.zeros(0) ty = numpy.zeros(0) tdy = numpy.zeros(0) tdx = numpy.zeros(0) output = Data1D(x, y, dy=dy, dx=dx) self.filename = output.filename = basename data_conv_q = None data_conv_i = None if has_converter == True and output.x_unit != '1/A': data_conv_q = Converter('1/A') # Test it data_conv_q(1.0, output.x_unit) if has_converter == True and output.y_unit != '1/cm': data_conv_i = Converter('1/cm') # Test it data_conv_i(1.0, output.y_unit) # The first good line of data will define whether # we have 2-column or 3-column ascii has_error_dx = None has_error_dy = None #Initialize counters for data lines and header lines. is_data = False #Has more than 3 lines mum_data_lines = 10 # More than "3" lines of data is considered as actual data unless that is the only data i=-1 # To count # of current data candidate lines i1=-1 # To count total # of previous data candidate lines j=-1 # To count # of header lines j1=-1 # Helps to count # of header lines lentoks = 2 # minimum required number of columns of data; ( <= 4). for line in lines: toks = line.split() try: _x = float(toks[0]) _y = float(toks[1]) #Reset the header line counters if j == j1: j = 0 j1 = 0 if i > 1: is_data = True if data_conv_q is not None: _x = data_conv_q(_x, units=output.x_unit) if data_conv_i is not None: _y = data_conv_i(_y, units=output.y_unit) # If we have an extra token, check # whether it can be interpreted as a # third column. _dy = None if len(toks)>2: try: _dy = float(toks[2]) if data_conv_i is not None: _dy = data_conv_i(_dy, units=output.y_unit) except: # The third column is not a float, skip it. pass # If we haven't set the 3rd column # flag, set it now. if has_error_dy == None: has_error_dy = False if _dy == None else True #Check for dx _dx = None if len(toks)>3: try: _dx = float(toks[3]) if data_conv_i is not None: _dx = data_conv_i(_dx, units=output.x_unit) except: # The 4th column is not a float, skip it. pass # If we haven't set the 3rd column # flag, set it now. if has_error_dx == None: has_error_dx = False if _dx == None else True #After talked with PB, we decided to take care of only 4 columns of data for now. #number of columns in the current line if len(toks)>= 4: new_lentoks = 4 else: new_lentoks = len(toks) #If the previous columns not equal to the current, mark the previous as non-data and reset the dependents. if lentoks != new_lentoks : if is_data == True: break else: i = -1 i1 = 0 j = -1 j1 = -1 #Delete the previously stored lines of data candidates if is not data. if i < 0 and -1< i1 < mum_data_lines and is_data == False: try: x= numpy.zeros(0) y= numpy.zeros(0) except: pass x = numpy.append(x, _x) y = numpy.append(y, _y) if has_error_dy == True: #Delete the previously stored lines of data candidates if is not data. if i < 0 and -1< i1 < mum_data_lines and is_data== False: try: dy = numpy.zeros(0) except: pass dy = numpy.append(dy, _dy) if has_error_dx == True: #Delete the previously stored lines of data candidates if is not data. if i < 0 and -1< i1 < mum_data_lines and is_data== False: try: dx = numpy.zeros(0) except: pass dx = numpy.append(dx, _dx) #Same for temp. #Delete the previously stored lines of data candidates if is not data. if i < 0 and -1< i1 < mum_data_lines and is_data== False: try: tx = numpy.zeros(0) ty = numpy.zeros(0) except: pass tx = numpy.append(tx, _x) ty = numpy.append(ty, _y) if has_error_dy == True: #Delete the previously stored lines of data candidates if is not data. if i < 0 and -1= 4: lentoks = 4 else: lentoks = len(toks) #Reset # of header lines and counts # of data candidate lines if j == 0 and j1 ==0: i1 = i + 1 i+=1 except: # It is data and meet non - number, then stop reading if is_data == True: break lentoks = 2 #Counting # of header lines j+=1 if j == j1+1: j1 = j else: j = -1 #Reset # of lines of data candidates i = -1 # Couldn't parse this line, skip it pass # Sanity check if has_error_dy == True and not len(y) == len(dy): raise RuntimeError, "ascii_reader: y and dy have different length" if has_error_dx == True and not len(x) == len(dx): raise RuntimeError, "ascii_reader: y and dy have different length" # If the data length is zero, consider this as # though we were not able to read the file. if len(x)==0: raise RuntimeError, "ascii_reader: could not load file" #Let's re-order the data to make cal. curve look better some cases ind = numpy.lexsort((ty,tx)) for i in ind: x[i] = tx[ind[i]] y[i] = ty[ind[i]] if has_error_dy == True: dy[i] = tdy[ind[i]] if has_error_dx == True: dx[i] = tdx[ind[i]] #Data output.x = x output.y = y output.dy = dy if has_error_dy == True else None output.dx = dx if has_error_dx == True else None if data_conv_q is not None: output.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", output.x_unit) else: output.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", 'A^{-1}') if data_conv_i is not None: output.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity}", output.y_unit) else: output.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity}","cm^{-1}") return output else: raise RuntimeError, "%s is not a file" % path return None if __name__ == "__main__": reader = Reader() #print reader.read("../test/test_3_columns.txt") print reader.read("../test/empty.txt")