""" IGOR 2D reduced file reader """ """ This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) project funded by the US National Science Foundation. If you use DANSE applications to do scientific research that leads to publication, we ask that you acknowledge the use of the software with the following sentence: "This work benefited from DANSE software developed under NSF award DMR-0520547." copyright 2008, University of Tennessee """ import os, sys import numpy import math, logging from DataLoader.data_info import Data2D, Detector # Look for unit converter has_converter = True try: from data_util.nxsunit import Converter except: has_converter = False class Reader: """ Simple data reader for Igor data files """ ## File type type = ["IGOR 2D files (*.ASC)|*.ASC"] ## Extension ext=['.ASC', '.asc'] def read(self,filename=None): """ Read file """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise ValueError, \ "Specified file %s is not a regular file" % filename # Read file f = open(filename,'r') buf = f.read() # Instantiate data object output = Data2D() output.filename = os.path.basename(filename) detector = Detector() if len(output.detector)>0: print str(output.detector[0]) output.detector.append(detector) # Get content dataStarted = False lines = buf.split('\n') itot = 0 x = [] y = [] ncounts = 0 xmin = None xmax = None ymin = None ymax = None i_x = 0 i_y = -1 i_tot_row = 0 isInfo = False isCenter = False data_conv_q = None data_conv_i = None if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A': data_conv_q = Converter('1/A') # Test it data_conv_q(1.0, output.Q_unit) if has_converter == True and output.I_unit != '1/cm': data_conv_i = Converter('1/cm') # Test it data_conv_i(1.0, output.I_unit) for line in lines: # Find setup info line if isInfo: isInfo = False line_toks = line.split() # Wavelength in Angstrom try: wavelength = float(line_toks[1]) except: raise ValueError,"IgorReader: can't read this file, missing wavelength" #Find # of bins in a row assuming the detector is square. if dataStarted == True: try: value = float(line) except: # Found a non-float entry, skip it continue # Get total bin number i_tot_row += 1 i_tot_row=math.ceil(math.sqrt(i_tot_row))-1 #print "i_tot", i_tot_row size_x = i_tot_row#192#128 size_y = i_tot_row#192#128 output.data = numpy.zeros([size_x,size_y]) output.err_data = numpy.zeros([size_x,size_y]) #Read Header and 2D data for line in lines: # Find setup info line if isInfo: isInfo = False line_toks = line.split() # Wavelength in Angstrom try: wavelength = float(line_toks[1]) except: raise ValueError,"IgorReader: can't read this file, missing wavelength" # Distance in meters try: distance = float(line_toks[3]) except: raise ValueError,"IgorReader: can't read this file, missing distance" # Distance in meters try: transmission = float(line_toks[4]) except: raise ValueError,"IgorReader: can't read this file, missing transmission" if line.count("LAMBDA")>0: isInfo = True # Find center info line if isCenter: isCenter = False line_toks = line.split() # Center in bin number center_x = float(line_toks[0])-1 center_y = float(line_toks[1])-1 if line.count("BCENT")>0: isCenter = True # Find data start if line.count("***")>0: dataStarted = True # Check that we have all the info if wavelength == None \ or distance == None \ or center_x == None \ or center_y == None: raise ValueError, "IgorReader:Missing information in data file" if dataStarted == True: try: value = float(line) except: # Found a non-float entry, skip it continue # Get bin number if math.fmod(itot, i_tot_row)==0: i_x = 0 i_y += 1 else: i_x += 1 output.data[i_y][i_x] = value ncounts += 1 # Det 640 x 640 mm # Q = 4pi/lambda sin(theta/2) # Bin size is 0.5 cm theta = (i_x-center_x+1)*0.5 / distance / 100.0 qx = 4.0*math.pi/wavelength * math.sin(theta/2.0) if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A': qx = data_conv_q(qx, units=output.Q_unit) if xmin==None or qxxmax: xmax = qx theta = (i_y-center_y+1)*0.5 / distance / 100.0 qy = 4.0*math.pi/wavelength * math.sin(theta/2.0) if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A': qy = data_conv_q(qy, units=output.Q_unit) if ymin==None or qyymax: ymax = qy if not qx in x: x.append(qx) if not qy in y: y.append(qy) itot += 1 theta = 0.25 / distance / 100.0 xstep = 4.0*math.pi/wavelength * math.sin(theta/2.0) theta = 0.25 / distance / 100.0 ystep = 4.0*math.pi/wavelength * math.sin(theta/2.0) # Store all data ###################################### # Store wavelength if has_converter==True and output.source.wavelength_unit != 'A': conv = Converter('A') wavelength = conv(wavelength, units=output.source.wavelength_unit) output.source.wavelength = wavelength # Store distance if has_converter==True and detector.distance_unit != 'm': conv = Converter('m') distance = conv(distance, units=detector.distance_unit) detector.distance = distance # Store transmission output.sample.transmission = transmission # Store pixel size pixel = 5.0 if has_converter==True and detector.pixel_size_unit != 'mm': conv = Converter('mm') pixel = conv(pixel, units=detector.pixel_size_unit) detector.pixel_size.x = pixel detector.pixel_size.y = pixel # Store beam center in distance units detector.beam_center.x = center_x*pixel detector.beam_center.y = center_y*pixel # Store limits of the image (2D array) xmin =xmin-xstep/2.0 xmax =xmax+xstep/2.0 ymin =ymin-ystep/2.0 ymax =ymax+ystep/2.0 if has_converter == True and output.Q_unit != '1/A': xmin = data_conv_q(xmin, units=output.Q_unit) xmax = data_conv_q(xmax, units=output.Q_unit) ymin = data_conv_q(ymin, units=output.Q_unit) ymax = data_conv_q(ymax, units=output.Q_unit) output.xmin = xmin output.xmax = xmax output.ymin = ymin output.ymax = ymax # Store x and y axis bin centers output.x_bins = x output.y_bins = y # Units if data_conv_q is not None: output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", output.Q_unit) output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", output.Q_unit) else: output.xaxis("\\rm{Q_{x}}", 'A^{-1}') output.yaxis("\\rm{Q_{y}}", 'A^{-1}') if data_conv_i is not None: output.zaxis("\\{I(Q)}", output.I_unit) else: output.zaxis("\\rm{I(Q)}","cm^{-1}") return output if __name__ == "__main__": reader = Reader() print reader.read("../test/MAR07232_rest.ASC")