""" Data manipulations for 2D data sets. Using the meta data information, various types of averaging are performed in Q-space """ """ This software was developed by the University of Tennessee as part of the Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering Experiments (DANSE) project funded by the US National Science Foundation. See the license text in license.txt copyright 2008, University of Tennessee """ #TODO: copy the meta data from the 2D object to the resulting 1D object from data_info import plottable_2D, Data1D import math import numpy def get_q(dx, dy, det_dist, wavelength): """ @param dx: x-distance from beam center [mm] @param dy: y-distance from beam center [mm] @return: q-value at the given position """ # Distance from beam center in the plane of detector plane_dist = math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) # Half of the scattering angle theta = 0.5*math.atan(plane_dist/det_dist) return (4.0*math.pi/wavelength)*math.sin(theta) def get_q_compo(dx, dy, det_dist, wavelength,compo=None): #This reduces tiny error at very large q. #Implementation of this func is not started yet.<--ToDo if dy==0: if dx>=0: angle_xy=0 else: angle_xy=math.pi else: angle_xy=math.atan(dx/dy) if compo=="x": out=get_q(dx, dy, det_dist, wavelength)*cos(angle_xy) elif compo=="y": out=get_q(dx, dy, det_dist, wavelength)*sin(angle_xy) else: out=get_q(dx, dy, det_dist, wavelength) return out def flip_phi(phi): """ Correct phi to within the 0 <= to <= 2pi range @return: phi in >=0 and <=2Pi """ Pi = math.pi if phi < 0: phi_out = phi + 2*Pi elif phi > 2*Pi: phi_out = phi - 2*Pi else: phi_out = phi return phi_out def reader2D_converter(data2d=None): """ convert old 2d format opened by IhorReader or danse_reader to new Data2D format @param data2d: 2d array of Data2D object @return: 1d arrays of Data2D object """ if data2d.data==None or data2d.x_bins==None or data2d.y_bins==None: raise ValueError,"Can't convert this data: data=None..." from DataLoader.data_info import Data2D new_x = numpy.tile(data2d.x_bins, (len(data2d.y_bins),1)) new_y = numpy.tile(data2d.y_bins, (len(data2d.x_bins),1)) new_y = new_y.swapaxes(0,1) new_data = data2d.data.flatten() new_err_data = data2d.err_data.flatten() qx_data = new_x.flatten() qy_data = new_y.flatten() q_data = numpy.sqrt(qx_data*qx_data+qy_data*qy_data) mask = numpy.ones(len(new_data), dtype = bool) output = Data2D() output = data2d output.data = new_data output.err_data = new_err_data output.qx_data = qx_data output.qy_data = qy_data output.q_data = q_data output.mask = mask return output class _Slab(object): """ Compute average I(Q) for a region of interest """ def __init__(self, x_min=0.0, x_max=0.0, y_min=0.0, y_max=0.0, bin_width=0.001): # Minimum Qx value [A-1] self.x_min = x_min # Maximum Qx value [A-1] self.x_max = x_max # Minimum Qy value [A-1] self.y_min = y_min # Maximum Qy value [A-1] self.y_max = y_max # Bin width (step size) [A-1] self.bin_width = bin_width # If True, I(|Q|) will be return, otherwise, negative q-values are allowed self.fold = False def __call__(self, data2D): return NotImplemented def _avg(self, data2D, maj): """ Compute average I(Q_maj) for a region of interest. The major axis is defined as the axis of Q_maj. The minor axis is the axis that we average over. @param data2D: Data2D object @param maj_min: min value on the major axis @return: Data1D object """ if len(data2D.detector) != 1: raise RuntimeError, "_Slab._avg: invalid number of detectors: %g" % len(data2D.detector) # Get data data = data2D.data q_data = data2D.q_data err_data = data2D.err_data qx_data = data2D.qx_data qy_data = data2D.qy_data # Build array of Q intervals if maj=='x': if self.fold: x_min = 0 else: x_min = self.x_min nbins = int(math.ceil((self.x_max-x_min)/self.bin_width)) qbins = self.bin_width*numpy.arange(nbins)+ x_min elif maj=='y': if self.fold: y_min = 0 else: y_min = self.y_min nbins = int(math.ceil((self.y_max-y_min)/self.bin_width)) qbins = self.bin_width*numpy.arange(nbins)+ y_min else: raise RuntimeError, "_Slab._avg: unrecognized axis %s" % str(maj) x = numpy.zeros(nbins) y = numpy.zeros(nbins) err_y = numpy.zeros(nbins) y_counts = numpy.zeros(nbins) # Average pixelsize in q space for npts in range(len(data)): # default frac frac_x = 0 frac_y = 0 # get ROI if self.x_min <= qx_data[npts] and self.x_max > qx_data[npts]: frac_x = 1 if self.y_min <= qy_data[npts] and self.y_max > qy_data[npts]: frac_y = 1 frac = frac_x * frac_y if frac == 0: continue # binning: find axis of q if maj=='x': q_value = qx_data[npts] min = x_min if maj=='y': q_value = qy_data[npts] min = y_min if self.fold and q_value<0: q_value = -q_value # bin i_q = int(math.ceil((q_value-min)/self.bin_width)) - 1 # skip outside of max bins if i_q<0 or i_q>=nbins: continue # give it full weight #frac = 1 #TODO: find better definition of x[i_q] based on q_data x[i_q] = min +(i_q+1)*self.bin_width/2.0 y[i_q] += frac * data[npts] if err_data == None or err_data[npts]==0.0: err_y[i_q] += frac * frac * math.fabs(data[npts]) else: err_y[i_q] += frac * frac * err_data[npts] * err_data[npts] y_counts[i_q] += frac # Average the sums for n in range(nbins): err_y[n] = math.sqrt(err_y[n]) err_y = err_y/y_counts y = y/y_counts idx = (numpy.isfinite(y)& numpy.isfinite(x)) if not idx.any(): raise ValueError, "Average Error: No points inside ROI to average..." elif len(y[idx])!= nbins: print "resulted",nbins- len(y[idx]),"empty bin(s) due to tight binning..." return Data1D(x=x[idx], y=y[idx], dy=err_y[idx]) class SlabY(_Slab): """ Compute average I(Qy) for a region of interest """ def __call__(self, data2D): """ Compute average I(Qy) for a region of interest @param data2D: Data2D object @return: Data1D object """ return self._avg(data2D, 'y') class SlabX(_Slab): """ Compute average I(Qx) for a region of interest """ def __call__(self, data2D): """ Compute average I(Qx) for a region of interest @param data2D: Data2D object @return: Data1D object """ return self._avg(data2D, 'x') class Boxsum(object): """ Perform the sum of counts in a 2D region of interest. """ def __init__(self, x_min=0.0, x_max=0.0, y_min=0.0, y_max=0.0): # Minimum Qx value [A-1] self.x_min = x_min # Maximum Qx value [A-1] self.x_max = x_max # Minimum Qy value [A-1] self.y_min = y_min # Maximum Qy value [A-1] self.y_max = y_max def __call__(self, data2D): """ Perform the sum in the region of interest @param data2D: Data2D object @return: number of counts, error on number of counts """ y, err_y, y_counts = self._sum(data2D) # Average the sums counts = 0 if y_counts==0 else y error = 0 if y_counts==0 else math.sqrt(err_y) return counts, error def _sum(self, data2D): """ Perform the sum in the region of interest @param data2D: Data2D object @return: number of counts, error on number of counts, number of entries summed """ if len(data2D.detector) != 1: raise RuntimeError, "Circular averaging: invalid number of detectors: %g" % len(data2D.detector) # Get data data = data2D.data q_data = data2D.q_data err_data = data2D.err_data qx_data = data2D.qx_data qy_data = data2D.qy_data y = 0.0 err_y = 0.0 y_counts = 0.0 # Average pixelsize in q space for npts in range(len(data)): # default frac frac_x = 0 frac_y = 0 # get min and max at each points qx = qx_data[npts] qy = qy_data[npts] # get the ROI if self.x_min <= qx and self.x_max > qx: frac_x = 1 if self.y_min <= qy and self.y_max > qy: frac_y = 1 #Find the fraction along each directions frac = frac_x * frac_y if frac == 0: continue y += frac * data[npts] if err_data == None or err_data[npts]==0.0: err_y += frac * frac * math.fabs(data[npts]) else: err_y += frac * frac * err_data[npts] * err_data[npts] y_counts += frac return y, err_y, y_counts class Boxavg(Boxsum): """ Perform the average of counts in a 2D region of interest. """ def __init__(self, x_min=0.0, x_max=0.0, y_min=0.0, y_max=0.0): super(Boxavg, self).__init__(x_min=x_min, x_max=x_max, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max) def __call__(self, data2D): """ Perform the sum in the region of interest @param data2D: Data2D object @return: average counts, error on average counts """ y, err_y, y_counts = self._sum(data2D) # Average the sums counts = 0 if y_counts==0 else y/y_counts error = 0 if y_counts==0 else math.sqrt(err_y)/y_counts return counts, error def get_pixel_fraction_square(x, xmin, xmax): """ Return the fraction of the length from xmin to x. A B +-----------+---------+ xmin x xmax @param x: x-value @param xmin: minimum x for the length considered @param xmax: minimum x for the length considered @return: (x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin) when xmin < x < xmax """ if x<=xmin: return 0.0 if x>xmin and x= self.r_max: raise ValueError, "Limit Error: min > max ???" if self.r_min <= q_value and q_value <= self.r_max: frac = 1 if frac == 0: continue i_q = int(math.floor((q_value-self.r_min)/self.bin_width)) # Take care of the edge case at phi = 2pi. if i_q == nbins: i_q = nbins -1 y[i_q] += frac * data_n if err_data == None or err_data[npt]==0.0: err_y[i_q] += frac * frac * math.fabs(data_n) else: err_y[i_q] += frac * frac * err_data[npt] * err_data[npt] y_counts[i_q] += frac ## x should be the center value of each bins x = qbins+self.bin_width/2 # Average the sums for n in range(nbins): err_y[n] = math.sqrt(err_y[n]) err_y = err_y/y_counts y = y/y_counts idx = (numpy.isfinite(y))&(numpy.isfinite(x)) if not idx.any(): raise ValueError, "Average Error: No points inside ROI to average..." elif len(y[idx])!= nbins: print "resulted",nbins- len(y[idx]),"empty bin(s) due to tight binning..." return Data1D(x=x[idx], y=y[idx], dy=err_y[idx]) class Ring(object): """ Defines a ring on a 2D data set. The ring is defined by r_min, r_max, and the position of the center of the ring. The data returned is the distribution of counts around the ring as a function of phi. Phi_min and phi_max should be defined between 0 and 2*pi in anti-clockwise starting from the x- axis on the left-hand side """ #Todo: remove center. def __init__(self, r_min=0, r_max=0, center_x=0, center_y=0,nbins=20 ): # Minimum radius self.r_min = r_min # Maximum radius self.r_max = r_max # Center of the ring in x self.center_x = center_x # Center of the ring in y self.center_y = center_y # Number of angular bins self.nbins_phi = nbins def __call__(self, data2D): """ Apply the ring to the data set. Returns the angular distribution for a given q range @param data2D: Data2D object @return: Data1D object """ if data2D.__class__.__name__ not in ["Data2D", "plottable_2D"]: raise RuntimeError, "Ring averaging only take plottable_2D objects" Pi = math.pi # Get data data = data2D.data err_data = data2D.err_data q_data = data2D.q_data qx_data = data2D.qx_data qy_data = data2D.qy_data q_data_max = numpy.max(q_data) # Set space for 1d outputs phi_bins = numpy.zeros(self.nbins_phi) phi_counts = numpy.zeros(self.nbins_phi) phi_values = numpy.zeros(self.nbins_phi) phi_err = numpy.zeros(self.nbins_phi) for npt in range(len(data)): frac = 0 # q-value at the point (npt) q_value = q_data[npt] data_n = data[npt] # phi-value at the point (npt) phi_value=math.atan2(qy_data[npt],qx_data[npt])+Pi if self.r_min <= q_value and q_value <= self.r_max: frac = 1 if frac == 0: continue # binning i_phi = int(math.floor((self.nbins_phi)*phi_value/(2*Pi))) # Take care of the edge case at phi = 2pi. if i_phi == self.nbins_phi: i_phi = self.nbins_phi -1 phi_bins[i_phi] += frac * data[npt] if err_data == None or err_data[npt] ==0.0: phi_err[i_phi] += frac * frac * math.fabs(data_n) else: phi_err[i_phi] += frac * frac *err_data[npt]*err_data[npt] phi_counts[i_phi] += frac for i in range(self.nbins_phi): phi_bins[i] = phi_bins[i] / phi_counts[i] phi_err[i] = math.sqrt(phi_err[i]) / phi_counts[i] phi_values[i] = 2.0*math.pi/self.nbins_phi*(1.0*i + 0.5) idx = (numpy.isfinite(phi_bins)) if not idx.any(): raise ValueError, "Average Error: No points inside ROI to average..." elif len(phi_bins[idx])!= self.nbins_phi: print "resulted",self.nbins_phi- len(phi_bins[idx]),"empty bin(s) due to tight binning..." return Data1D(x=phi_values[idx], y=phi_bins[idx], dy=phi_err[idx]) def get_pixel_fraction(qmax, q_00, q_01, q_10, q_11): """ Returns the fraction of the pixel defined by the four corners (q_00, q_01, q_10, q_11) that has q < qmax. q_01 q_11 y=1 +--------------+ | | | | | | y=0 +--------------+ q_00 q_10 x=0 x=1 """ # y side for x = minx x_0 = get_intercept(qmax, q_00, q_01) # y side for x = maxx x_1 = get_intercept(qmax, q_10, q_11) # x side for y = miny y_0 = get_intercept(qmax, q_00, q_10) # x side for y = maxy y_1 = get_intercept(qmax, q_01, q_11) # surface fraction for a 1x1 pixel frac_max = 0 if x_0 and x_1: frac_max = (x_0+x_1)/2.0 elif y_0 and y_1: frac_max = (y_0+y_1)/2.0 elif x_0 and y_0: if q_00 < q_10: frac_max = x_0*y_0/2.0 else: frac_max = 1.0-x_0*y_0/2.0 elif x_0 and y_1: if q_00 < q_10: frac_max = x_0*y_1/2.0 else: frac_max = 1.0-x_0*y_1/2.0 elif x_1 and y_0: if q_00 > q_10: frac_max = x_1*y_0/2.0 else: frac_max = 1.0-x_1*y_0/2.0 elif x_1 and y_1: if q_00 < q_10: frac_max = 1.0 - (1.0-x_1)*(1.0-y_1)/2.0 else: frac_max = (1.0-x_1)*(1.0-y_1)/2.0 # If we make it here, there is no intercept between # this pixel and the constant-q ring. We only need # to know if we have to include it or exclude it. elif (q_00+q_01+q_10+q_11)/4.0 < qmax: frac_max = 1.0 return frac_max def get_intercept(q, q_0, q_1): """ Returns the fraction of the side at which the q-value intercept the pixel, None otherwise. The values returned is the fraction ON THE SIDE OF THE LOWEST Q. A B +-----------+--------+ 0 1 <--- pixel size Q_0 -------- Q ----- Q_1 <--- equivalent Q range if Q_1 > Q_0, A is returned if Q_1 < Q_0, B is returned if Q is outside the range of [Q_0, Q_1], None is returned """ if q_1 > q_0: if (q > q_0 and q <= q_1): return (q-q_0)/(q_1 - q_0) else: if (q > q_1 and q <= q_0): return (q-q_1)/(q_0 - q_1) return None class _Sector: """ Defines a sector region on a 2D data set. The sector is defined by r_min, r_max, phi_min, phi_max, and the position of the center of the ring where phi_min and phi_max are defined by the right and left lines wrt central line and phi_max could be less than phi_min. Phi is defined between 0 and 2*pi in anti-clockwise starting from the x- axis on the left-hand side """ def __init__(self, r_min, r_max, phi_min=0, phi_max=2*math.pi,nbins=20): self.r_min = r_min self.r_max = r_max self.phi_min = phi_min self.phi_max = phi_max self.nbins = nbins def _agv(self, data2D, run='phi'): """ Perform sector averaging. @param data2D: Data2D object @param run: define the varying parameter ('phi' , 'q' , or 'q2') @return: Data1D object """ if data2D.__class__.__name__ not in ["Data2D", "plottable_2D"]: raise RuntimeError, "Ring averaging only take plottable_2D objects" Pi = math.pi # Get the all data & info data = data2D.data err_data = data2D.err_data qx_data = data2D.qx_data qy_data = data2D.qy_data q_data = data2D.q_data #set space for 1d outputs x = numpy.zeros(self.nbins) y = numpy.zeros(self.nbins) y_err = numpy.zeros(self.nbins) y_counts = numpy.zeros(self.nbins) # Get the min and max into the region: 0 <= phi < 2Pi phi_min = flip_phi(self.phi_min) phi_max = flip_phi(self.phi_max) q_data_max = numpy.max(q_data) for n in range(len(data)): frac = 0 # q-value at the pixel (j,i) q_value = q_data[n] data_n = data[n] # Is pixel within range? is_in = False # phi-value of the pixel (j,i) phi_value=math.atan2(qy_data[n],qx_data[n])+Pi ## No need to calculate the frac when all data are within range if self.r_min <= q_value and q_value <= self.r_max: frac = 1 if frac == 0: continue #In case of two ROIs (symmetric major and minor regions)(for 'q2') if run.lower()=='q2': ## For minor sector wing # Calculate the minor wing phis phi_min_minor = flip_phi(phi_min-Pi) phi_max_minor = flip_phi(phi_max-Pi) # Check if phis of the minor ring is within 0 to 2pi if phi_min_minor > phi_max_minor: is_in = (phi_value > phi_min_minor or phi_value < phi_max_minor) else: is_in = (phi_value > phi_min_minor and phi_value < phi_max_minor) #For all cases(i.e.,for 'q', 'q2', and 'phi') #Find pixels within ROI if phi_min > phi_max: is_in = is_in or (phi_value > phi_min or phi_value < phi_max) else: is_in = is_in or (phi_value>= phi_min and phi_value 0. The number of bin in Q also has to be defined. """ def __call__(self, data2D): """ Perform sector average and return I(Q). @param data2D: Data2D object @return: Data1D object """ return self._agv(data2D, 'q2') if __name__ == "__main__": from loader import Loader d = Loader().load('test/MAR07232_rest.ASC') #d = Loader().load('test/MP_New.sans') r = SectorQ(r_min=.000001, r_max=.01, phi_min=0.0, phi_max=2*math.pi) o = r(d) s = Ring(r_min=.000001, r_max=.01) p = s(d) for i in range(len(o.x)): print o.x[i], o.y[i], o.dy[i]