""" SAS distributions for polydispersity. """ # TODO: include dispersion docs with the disperser models from math import sqrt import numpy as np from scipy.special import gammaln class Dispersion(object): """ Base dispersion object. Subclasses should define *_weights(center, sigma, lb, ub)* which returns the x points and their corresponding weights. """ type = "base disperser" default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=3) def __init__(self, npts=None, width=None, nsigmas=None): self.npts = self.default['npts'] if npts is None else npts self.width = self.default['width'] if width is None else width self.nsigmas = self.default['nsigmas'] if nsigmas is None else nsigmas def get_pars(self): pars = {'type': self.type} pars.update(self.__dict__) return pars def set_weights(self, values, weights): raise RuntimeError("set_weights is only available for ArrayDispersion") def get_weights(self, center, lb, ub, relative): """ Return the weights for the distribution. *center* is the center of the distribution *lb*,*ub* are the min and max allowed values *relative* is True if the distribution width is proportional to the center value instead of absolute. For polydispersity use relative. For orientation parameters use absolute. """ sigma = self.width * center if relative else self.width if sigma == 0 or self.npts < 2: if lb <= center <= ub: return np.array([center], 'd'), np.array([1.], 'd') else: return np.array([], 'd'), np.array([], 'd') return self._weights(center, sigma, lb, ub) def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): """actual work of computing the weights""" raise NotImplementedError def _linspace(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): """helper function to provide linear spaced weight points within range""" npts, nsigmas = self.npts, self.nsigmas x = center + np.linspace(-nsigmas*sigma, +nsigmas*sigma, npts) x = x[(x >= lb) & (x <= ub)] return x class GaussianDispersion(Dispersion): type = "gaussian" default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=3) def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): x = self._linspace(center, sigma, lb, ub) px = np.exp((x-center)**2 / (-2.0 * sigma * sigma)) return x, px class RectangleDispersion(Dispersion): type = "rectangle" default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=1.70325) def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): x = self._linspace(center, sigma*sqrt(3.0), lb, ub) px = np.ones_like(x) return x, px class LogNormalDispersion(Dispersion): type = "lognormal" default = dict(npts=80, width=0, nsigmas=8) def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): x = self._linspace(center, sigma, max(lb,1e-8), max(ub,1e-8)) px = np.exp(-0.5*(np.log(x)-center)**2)/sigma**2/(x*sigma) return x, px class SchulzDispersion(Dispersion): type = "schulz" default = dict(npts=80, width=0, nsigmas=8) def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): x = self._linspace(center, sigma, max(lb,1e-8), max(ub,1e-8)) R= x/center z = (center/sigma)**2 arg = z*np.log(z) + (z-1)*np.log(R) - R*z - np.log(center) - gammaln(z) px = np.exp(arg) return x, px class ArrayDispersion(Dispersion): type = "array" default = dict(npts=35, width=0, nsigmas=1) def __init__(self, npts=None, width=None, nsigmas=None): Dispersion.__init__(self, npts, width, nsigmas) self.values = np.array([0.], 'd') self.weights = np.array([1.], 'd') def set_weights(self, values, weights): self.values = np.ascontiguousarray(values, 'd') self.weights = np.ascontiguousarray(weights, 'd') self.npts = len(values) def _weights(self, center, sigma, lb, ub): # TODO: interpolate into the array dispersion using npts x = center + self.values*sigma idx = (x>=lb)&(x<=ub) x = x[idx] px = self.weights[idx] return x, px # dispersion name -> disperser lookup table. models = dict((d.type,d) for d in ( GaussianDispersion, RectangleDispersion, ArrayDispersion, SchulzDispersion, LogNormalDispersion )) def get_weights(disperser, n, width, nsigmas, value, limits, relative): """ Return the set of values and weights for a polydisperse parameter. *disperser* is the name of the disperser. *n* is the number of points in the weight vector. *width* is the width of the disperser distribution. *nsigmas* is the number of sigmas to span for the dispersion convolution. *value* is the value of the parameter in the model. *limits* is [lb, ub], the lower and upper bound of the weight value. *relative* is true if *width* is defined in proportion to the value of the parameter, and false if it is an absolute width. Returns *(value,weight)*, where *value* and *weight* are vectors. """ cls = models[disperser] obj = cls(n, width, nsigmas) v,w = obj.get_weights(value, limits[0], limits[1], relative) return v,w # Hack to allow sasview dispersion objects to interoperate with sasmodels dispersers = dict((v.__name__,k) for k,v in models.items()) dispersers['DispersionModel'] = RectangleDispersion.type