""" Conversion of scattering cross section from SANS in absolute units into SESANS using a Hankel transformation Everything is in units of metres except specified otherwise Wim Bouwman (w.g.bouwman@tudelft.nl), June 2013 """ from __future__ import division import numpy as np from numpy import pi, exp from scipy.special import jv as besselj def make_q(q_zmax, Rmax): q_min = dq = 0.1 * 2*pi / Rmax #q_min = 0.00003 return np.arange(q_min, q_zmax, dq) # TODO: dead code; for now the call to the hankel transform happens in BumpsModel class SesansCalculator: def __init__(self, kernel, q_zmax, Rmax, SElength, wavelength, thickness): self._set_kernel(kernel, q_zmax, Rmax) self.SElength = SElength self.wavelength = wavelength self.thickness = thickness def _set_kernel(self, kernel, q_zmax, Rmax): kernel_input = kernel.make_input([make_q(q_zmax, Rmax)]) self.sans_calculator = kernel(kernel_input) def __call__(self, pars, pd_pars, cutoff=1e-5): Iq = self.sans_calculator(pars, pd_pars, cutoff) P = hankel(self.SElength, self.wavelength, self.thickness, self.q, Iq) self.Iq = Iq return P def hankel(SElength, wavelength, thickness, q, Iq): """ Compute the expected SESANS polarization for a given SANS pattern. Uses the hankel transform followed by the exponential. The values for zz (or spin echo length, or delta), wavelength and sample thickness information should come from the dataset. *q* should be chosen such that the oscillations in *I(q)* are well sampled (e.g., 5*2*pi/d_max). *SElength* [A] is the set of z points at which to compute the hankel transform *wavelength* [m] is the wavelength of each individual point *zz* *thickness* [cm] is the sample thickness. *q* [A^{-1}] is the set of q points at which the model has been computed. These should be equally spaced. *I* [cm^{-1}] is the value of the SANS model at *q* """ G = np.zeros(len(SElength), 'd') for i in range(len(SElength)): integr = besselj(0,q*SElength[i])*Iq*q G[i] = np.sum(integr) dq=(q[1]-q[0])*1e10 # [m^-1] step size in q, needed for integration G *= dq*1e10*2*pi # integr step, conver q into [m**-1] and 2 pi circle integr P = exp(thickness*wavelength**2/(4*pi**2)*(G-G[0])) return P