r""" Convert a restructured text document to html. Inline math markup can uses the *math* directive, or it can use latex style *\$expression\$*. Math can be rendered using simple html and unicode, or with mathjax. """ import re from contextlib import contextmanager # CRUFT: locale.getlocale() fails on some versions of OS X # See https://bugs.python.org/issue18378 import locale if hasattr(locale, '_parse_localename'): try: locale._parse_localename('UTF-8') except ValueError: _old_parse_localename = locale._parse_localename def _parse_localename(localename): code = locale.normalize(localename) if code == 'UTF-8': return None, code else: return _old_parse_localename(localename) locale._parse_localename = _parse_localename from docutils.core import publish_parts from docutils.writers.html4css1 import HTMLTranslator from docutils.nodes import SkipNode def rst2html(rst, part="whole", math_output="mathjax"): r""" Convert restructured text into simple html. Valid *math_output* formats for formulas include: - html - mathml - mathjax See `http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/config.html#math-output`_ for details. The following *part* choices are available: - whole: the entire html document - html_body: document division with title and contents and footer - body: contents only There are other parts, but they don't make sense alone: subtitle, version, encoding, html_prolog, header, meta, html_title, title, stylesheet, html_subtitle, html_body, body, head, body_suffix, fragment, docinfo, html_head, head_prefix, body_prefix, footer, body_pre_docinfo, whole """ # Ick! mathjax doesn't work properly with math-output, and the # others don't work properly with math_output! if math_output == "mathjax": settings = {"math_output": math_output} else: settings = {"math-output": math_output} # TODO: support stylesheets #html_root = "/full/path/to/_static/" #sheets = [html_root+s for s in ["basic.css","classic.css"]] #settings["embed_styesheet"] = True #settings["stylesheet_path"] = sheets # math2html and mathml do not support \frac12 rst = replace_compact_fraction(rst) # mathml, html do not support \tfrac if math_output in ("mathml", "html"): rst = rst.replace(r'\tfrac', r'\frac') rst = replace_dollar(rst) with suppress_html_errors(): parts = publish_parts(source=rst, writer_name='html', settings_overrides=settings) return parts[part] @contextmanager def suppress_html_errors(): r""" Context manager for keeping error reports out of the generated HTML. Within the context, system message nodes in the docutils parse tree will be ignored. After the context, the usual behaviour will be restored. """ visit_system_message = HTMLTranslator.visit_system_message HTMLTranslator.visit_system_message = _skip_node yield None HTMLTranslator.visit_system_message = visit_system_message def _skip_node(self, node): raise SkipNode _compact_fraction = re.compile(r"(\\[cdt]?frac)([0-9])([0-9])") def replace_compact_fraction(content): r""" Convert \frac12 to \frac{1}{2} for broken latex parsers """ return _compact_fraction.sub(r"\1{\2}{\3}", content) _dollar = re.compile(r"(?:^|(?<=\s|[(]))[$]([^\n]*?)(?