r""" The Benoit model for a simple star polymer, with Gaussian coils arms from a common point. Definition ---------- For a star with $f$ arms the scattering intensity $I(q)$ is calculated as .. math:: I(q) = \frac{2}{fv^2}\left[ v-1+exp(-v)+\frac{f-1}{2} \left[ 1-exp(-v)\right]^2\right] where .. math:: v=\frac{u^2f}{(3f-2)} and .. math:: u = \left\langle R_{g}^2\right\rangle q^2 contains the square of the ensemble average radius-of-gyration of an arm. Note that when there is only one arm, $f$ = 1, the Debye Gaussian coil equation is recovered. Star polymers in solutions tend to have strong interparticle and osmotic effects, so the Benoit equation may not work well. At small q the Guinier term and hence I(q=0) is the same as for $f$ arms of radius of gyration $R_g$, as described for the :ref:`mono_gauss_coil `. References ---------- H Benoit *J. Polymer Science*, 11, 596-599 (1953) """ from numpy import inf name = "star_polymer" title = "Star polymer model with Gaussian statistics" description = """ Benoit 'Star polymer with Gaussian statistics' with P(q) = 2/{fv^2} * (v - (1-exp(-v)) + {f-1}/2 * (1-exp(-v))^2) where - v = u^2f/(3f-2) - u = q^2, where is the ensemble average radius of gyration squared of an arm - f is the number of arms on the star """ category = "shape-independent" single = False # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace, line-too-long # ["name", "units", default, [lower, upper], "type","description"], parameters = [["rg_squared", "Ang^2", 100.0, [0.0, inf], "", "Ensemble radius of gyration SQUARED of an arm"], ["arms", "", 3, [1.0, 6.0], "", "Number of arms in the model"], ] # pylint: enable=bad-whitespace, line-too-long source = ["star_polymer.c"] demo = dict(scale=1, background=0, rg_squared=100.0, arms=3.0) tests = [[{'rg_squared': 2.0, 'arms': 3.3, }, 0.5, 0.851646091108], [{'rg_squared': 1.0, 'arms': 2.0, 'background': 1.8, }, 1.0, 2.53575888234], ] # 23Mar2016 RKH edited docs, would this better use rg not rg^2 ? Numerical noise at extremely small q.rg