#mono_gauss_coil model #conversion of DebyeModel.py #converted by Steve King, Mar 2016 r""" This Debye Gaussian coil model strictly describes the scattering from *monodisperse* polymer chains in theta solvents or polymer melts, conditions under which the distances between segments follow a Gaussian distribution. Provided the number of segments is large (ie, high molecular weight polymers) the single-chain form factor P(Q) is that described by Debye (1947). To describe the scattering from *polydisperse* polymer chains see the :ref:`poly_gauss_coil ` model. Definition ---------- *I(q)* = *scale* |cdot| *I* \ :sub:`0` |cdot| *P(q)* + *background* where *I*\ :sub:`0` = |phi|\ :sub:`poly` |cdot| *V* |cdot| (|rho|\ :sub:`poly` - |rho|\ :sub:`solv`)\ :sup:`2` *P(q)* = 2 [exp(-Z) + Z - 1] / Z \ :sup:`2` *Z* = (*q R* \ :sub:`g`)\ :sup:`2` and *V* = *M* / (*N*\ :sub:`A` |delta|) Here, |phi|\ :sub:`poly` is the volume fraction of polymer, *V* is the volume of a polymer coil, *M* is the molecular weight of the polymer, *N*\ :sub:`A` is Avogadro's Number, |delta| is the bulk density of the polymer, |rho|\ :sub:`poly` is the sld of the polymer, |rho|\ :sub:`solv` is the sld of the solvent, and *R*\ :sub:`g` is the radius of gyration of the polymer coil. The 2D scattering intensity is calculated in the same way as the 1D, but where the *q* vector is redefined as .. math:: q = \sqrt{q_x^2 + q_y^2} References ---------- P Debye, *J. Phys. Colloid. Chem.*, 51 (1947) 18. R J Roe, *Methods of X-Ray and Neutron Scattering in Polymer Science*, Oxford University Press, New York (2000). http://www.ncnr.nist.gov/staff/hammouda/distance_learning/chapter_28.pdf """ from numpy import inf, sqrt, exp name = "mono_gauss_coil" title = "Scattering from monodisperse polymer coils" description = """ Evaluates the scattering from monodisperse polymer chains. """ category = "shape-independent" # ["name", "units", default, [lower, upper], "type", "description"], parameters = [["i_zero", "1/cm", 70.0, [0.0, inf], "", "Intensity at q=0"], ["radius_gyration", "Ang", 75.0, [0.0, inf], "", "Radius of gyration"]] # NB: Scale and Background are implicit parameters on every model def Iq(q, i_zero, radius_gyration): # pylint: disable = missing-docstring z = (q * radius_gyration) * (q * radius_gyration) if (q == 0).any(): inten = i_zero else: inten = i_zero * 2.0 * (exp(-z) + z - 1.0 ) / (z * z) return inten #Iq.vectorized = True # Iq accepts an array of q values def Iqxy(qx, qy, *args): # pylint: disable = missing-docstring return Iq(sqrt(qx ** 2 + qy ** 2), *args) #Iqxy.vectorized = True # Iqxy accepts an array of qx, qy values demo = dict(scale = 1.0, i_zero = 70.0, radius_gyration = 75.0, background = 0.0) oldname = "DebyeModel" oldpars = dict(scale = 'scale', radius_gyration = 'rg', background = 'background') # these unit test values taken from SasView 3.1.2 tests = [ [{'scale': 1.0, 'i_zero': 70.0, 'radius_gyration': 75.0, 'background': 0.0}, [0.0106939, 0.469418], [57.1241, 0.112859]], ]