/* Functions for WRC implementation of flexible cylinders */ static double Rgsquare(double L, double b) { const double x = L/b; // Use Horner's method to evaluate Pedersen eq 15: // alpha^2 = [1.0 + (x/3.12)^2 + (x/8.67)^3] ^ (0.176/3) const double alphasq = pow(1.0 + x*x*(1.027284681130835e-01 + 1.534414548417740e-03*x), 5.866666666666667e-02); return alphasq*L*b/6.0; } static double Rgsquareshort(double L, double b) { const double r = b/L; // = 1/n_b in Pedersen ref. return Rgsquare(L, b) * (1.0 + r*(-1.5 + r*(1.5 + r*0.75*expm1(-2.0/r)))); } static double w_WR(double x) { // Pedersen eq. 16: // w = 1 - [1 + tanh((x-C4)/C5)]/2 const double C4 = 1.523; const double C5 = 0.1477; return 0.5 + 0.5*tanh((x - C4)/C5); } static double Sdebye(double qsq) { #if FLOAT_SIZE>4 # define DEBYE_CUTOFF 0.25 // 1e-15 error #else # define DEBYE_CUTOFF 1.0 // 4e-7 error #endif if (qsq < DEBYE_CUTOFF) { const double x = qsq; // mathematica: PadeApproximant[2*Exp[-x^2] + x^2-1)/x^4, {x, 0, 8}] const double A1=1./15., A2=1./60, A3=0., A4=1./75600.; const double B1=2./5., B2=1./15., B3=1./180., B4=1./5040.; return ((((A4*x + A3)*x + A2)*x + A1)*x + 1.) / ((((B4*x + B3)*x + B2)*x + B1)*x + 1.); } else { return 2.*(expm1(-qsq) + qsq)/(qsq*qsq); } } static double a_long(double qp, double L, double b/*, double p1, double p2, double q0*/) { const double p1 = 4.12; const double p2 = 4.42; const double q0 = 3.1; // Constants C1, ..., C5 derived from least squares fit (Pedersen, eq 13,16) const double C1 = 1.22; const double C2 = 0.4288; const double C3 = -1.651; const double C4 = 1.523; const double C5 = 0.1477; const double miu = 0.585; const double C = (L/b>10.0 ? 3.06*pow(L/b, -0.44) : 1.0); const double r2 = Rgsquare(L,b); const double r = sqrt(r2); const double qr_b = q0*r/b; const double qr_b_sq = qr_b*qr_b; const double qr_b_4 = qr_b_sq*qr_b_sq; const double qr_b_miu = pow(qr_b, -1.0/miu); const double em1_qr_b_sq = expm1(-qr_b_sq); const double sech2 = 1.0/square(cosh((qr_b-C4)/C5)); const double w = w_WR(qr_b); const double t1 = pow(q0, 1.0 + p1 + p2)/(b*(p1-p2)); const double t2 = C/(15.0*L) * ( + 14.0*b*b*em1_qr_b_sq/(q0*qr_b_sq) + 2.0*q0*r2*exp(-qr_b_sq)*(11.0 + 7.0/qr_b_sq)); const double t11 = ((C3*qr_b_miu + C2)*qr_b_miu + C1)*qr_b_miu; const double t3 = r*sech2/(2.*C5)*t11; const double t4 = r*(em1_qr_b_sq + qr_b_sq)*sech2 / (C5*qr_b_4); const double t5 = -4.0*r*qr_b*em1_qr_b_sq/qr_b_4 * (1.0 - w); const double t10 = 2.0*(em1_qr_b_sq + qr_b_sq)/qr_b_4 * (1.0 - w); //=Sdebye*(1-w) const double t6 = 4.0*b/q0 * t10; const double t7 = r*((-3.0*C3*qr_b_miu -2.0*C2)*qr_b_miu -1.0*C1)*qr_b_miu/(miu*qr_b); const double t9 = C*b/L * (4.0 - exp(-qr_b_sq) * (11.0 + 7.0/qr_b_sq) + 7.0/qr_b_sq)/15.0; const double t12 = b*b*M_PI/(L*q0*q0) + t2 + t3 - t4 + t5 - t6 + t7*w; const double t13 = -b*M_PI/(L*q0) + t9 + t10 + t11*w; const double a1 = pow(q0,p1)*t13 - t1*pow(q0,-p2)*(t12 + b*p1/q0*t13); const double a2 = t1*pow(q0,-p1)*(t12 + b*p1/q0*t13); const double ans = a1*pow(qp*b, -p1) + a2*pow(qp*b, -p2) + M_PI/(qp*L); return ans; } static double _short(double r2, double exp_qr_b, double L, double b, double p1short, double p2short, double q0) { const double qr2 = q0*q0 * r2; const double b3 = b*b*b; const double q0p = pow(q0, -4.0 + p1short); double yy = 1.0/(L*r2*r2) * b/exp_qr_b*q0p * (8.0*b3*L - 8.0*b3*exp_qr_b*L + 2.0*b3*exp_qr_b*L*p2short - 2.0*b*exp_qr_b*L*p2short*qr2 + 4.0*b*exp_qr_b*L*qr2 - 2.0*b3*L*p2short + 4.0*b*L*qr2 - M_PI*exp_qr_b*qr2*q0*r2 + M_PI*exp_qr_b*p2short*qr2*q0*r2); return yy; } static double a_short(double qp, double L, double b /*double p1short, double p2short*/, double q0) { const double p1short = 5.36; const double p2short = 5.62; const double r2 = Rgsquareshort(L,b); const double exp_qr_b = exp(r2*square(q0/b)); const double pdiff = p1short - p2short; const double a1 = _short(r2,exp_qr_b,L,b,p1short,p2short,q0)/pdiff; const double a2= -_short(r2,exp_qr_b,L,b,p2short,p1short,q0)/pdiff; const double ans = a1*pow(qp*b, -p1short) + a2*pow(qp*b, -p2short) + M_PI/(qp*L); return ans; } static double Sexv(double q, double L, double b) { // Pedersen eq 13, corrected by Chen eq A.5, swapping w and 1-w const double C1=1.22; const double C2=0.4288; const double C3=-1.651; const double miu = 0.585; const double qr = q*sqrt(Rgsquare(L,b)); const double qr_miu = pow(qr, -1.0/miu); const double w = w_WR(qr); const double t10 = qr*Sdebye(qr*qr)*(1.0 - w); const double t11 = ((C3*qr_miu + C2)*qr_miu + C1)*qr_miu; return t10 + w*t11; } // Modified by Yun on Oct. 15, static double Sexv_new(double q, double L, double b) { const double qr = q*sqrt(Rgsquare(L,b)); const double qr2 = qr*qr; const double C = (L/b > 10.0) ? 3.06*pow(L/b, -0.44) : 1.0; const double t9 = C*b/L * (4.0 - exp(-qr2) * (11.0 + 7.0/qr2) + 7.0/qr2)/15.0; const double Sexv_orig = Sexv(q, L, b); // calculating the derivative to decide on the correction (cutoff) term? // Note: this is modified from WRs original code const double del=1.05; const double qdel = (Sexv(q*del,L,b) - Sexv_orig)/(q*(del - 1.0)); if (qdel < 0) { return t9 + Sexv_orig; } else { const double w = w_WR(qr); const double t10 = Sdebye(qr*qr)*(1.0 - w); return t9 + t10; } } static double Sk_WR(double q, double L, double b) { const double Rg_short = sqrt(Rgsquareshort(L, b)); double q0short = fmax(1.9/Rg_short, 3.0); double ans; if( L > 4*b ) { // L > 4*b : Longer Chains if (q*b <= 3.1) { ans = Sexv_new(q, L, b); } else { //q(i)*b > 3.1 ans = a_long(q, L, b /*, p1, p2, q0*/); } } else { // L <= 4*b : Shorter Chains if (q*b <= q0short) { // q*b <= fmax(1.9/Rg_short, 3) // 2017-10-01 pkienzle: moved low q approximation into Sdebye() ans = Sdebye(square(q*Rg_short)); } else { // q*b > max(1.9/Rg_short, 3) ans = a_short(q, L, b /*, p1short, p2short*/, q0short); } } return ans; }