double Si(double x); // integral of sin(x)/x Taylor series approximated to w/i 0.1% double Si(double x) { double out; if (x >= M_PI*6.2/4.0){ double out_sin = 0.0; double out_cos = 0.0; out = M_PI/2.0; // Explicitly writing factorial values triples the speed of the calculation out_cos = 1./x - 2./pow(x,3) + 24./pow(x,5) - 720./pow(x,7); out_sin = 1./pow(x,2) - 6./pow(x,4) + 120./pow(x,6) - 5040./pow(x,8); out -= cos(x) * out_cos; out -= sin(x) * out_sin; return out; } // Explicitly writing factorial values triples the speed of the calculation out = x - pow(x, 3)/18. + pow(x,5)/600. - pow(x,7)/35280. + pow(x,9)/3265920. - pow(x,11)/439084800.; return out; }