static double form_volume(double length_a, double length_b, double length_c, double thick_rim_a, double thick_rim_b, double thick_rim_c) { //return length_a * length_b * length_c; return length_a * length_b * length_c + 2.0 * thick_rim_a * length_b * length_c + 2.0 * thick_rim_b * length_a * length_c + 2.0 * thick_rim_c * length_a * length_b; } static double Iq(double q, double core_sld, double arim_sld, double brim_sld, double crim_sld, double solvent_sld, double length_a, double length_b, double length_c, double thick_rim_a, double thick_rim_b, double thick_rim_c) { // Code converted from functions CSPPKernel and CSParallelepiped in libCylinder.c_scaled // Did not understand the code completely, it should be rechecked (Miguel Gonzalez) //Code is rewritten,the code is compliant with Diva Singhs thesis now (Dirk Honecker) const double mu = 0.5 * q * length_b; //calculate volume before rescaling (in original code, but not used) //double vol = form_volume(length_a, length_b, length_c, thick_rim_a, thick_rim_b, thick_rim_c); //double vol = length_a * length_b * length_c + // 2.0 * thick_rim_a * length_b * length_c + // 2.0 * thick_rim_b * length_a * length_c + // 2.0 * thick_rim_c * length_a * length_b; // Scale sides by B const double a_scaled = length_a / length_b; const double c_scaled = length_c / length_b; double ta = a_scaled + 2.0*thick_rim_a/length_b; // incorrect ta = (a_scaled + 2.0*thick_rim_a)/length_b; double tb = 1+ 2.0*thick_rim_b/length_b; // incorrect tb = (a_scaled + 2.0*thick_rim_b)/length_b; double tc = c_scaled + 2.0*thick_rim_c/length_b; //not present double Vin = length_a * length_b * length_c; //double Vot = (length_a * length_b * length_c + // 2.0 * thick_rim_a * length_b * length_c + // 2.0 * length_a * thick_rim_b * length_c + // 2.0 * length_a * length_b * thick_rim_c); double V1 = (2.0 * thick_rim_a * length_b * length_c); // incorrect V1 (aa*bb*cc+2*ta*bb*cc) double V2 = (2.0 * length_a * thick_rim_b * length_c); // incorrect V2(aa*bb*cc+2*aa*tb*cc) double V3 = (2.0 * length_a * length_b * thick_rim_c); //not present // Scale factors (note that drC is not used later) const double drho0 = (core_sld-solvent_sld); const double drhoA = (arim_sld-solvent_sld); const double drhoB = (brim_sld-solvent_sld); const double drhoC = (crim_sld-solvent_sld); // incorrect const double drC_Vot = (crim_sld-solvent_sld)*Vot; // Precompute scale factors for combining cross terms from the shape const double scale23 = drhoA*V1; const double scale14 = drhoB*V2; const double scale24 = drhoC*V3; const double scale11 = drho0*Vin; const double scale12 = drho0*Vin - scale23 - scale14 - scale24; // outer integral (with gauss points), integration limits = 0, 1 double outer_total = 0; //initialize integral for( int i=0; i<76; i++) { double sigma = 0.5 * ( Gauss76Z[i] + 1.0 ); double mu_proj = mu * sqrt(1.0-sigma*sigma); // inner integral (with gauss points), integration limits = 0, 1 double inner_total = 0.0; double inner_total_crim = 0.0; for(int j=0; j<76; j++) { const double uu = 0.5 * ( Gauss76Z[j] + 1.0 ); double sin_uu, cos_uu; SINCOS(M_PI_2*uu, sin_uu, cos_uu); const double si1 = sas_sinx_x(mu_proj * sin_uu * a_scaled); const double si2 = sas_sinx_x(mu_proj * cos_uu ); const double si3 = sas_sinx_x(mu_proj * sin_uu * ta); const double si4 = sas_sinx_x(mu_proj * cos_uu * tb); // Expression in libCylinder.c (neither drC nor Vot are used) const double form = scale12*si1*si2 + scale23*si2*si3 + scale14*si1*si4; const double form_crim = scale11*si1*si2; // correct FF : sum of square of phase factors inner_total += Gauss76Wt[j] * form * form; inner_total_crim += Gauss76Wt[j] * form_crim * form_crim; } inner_total *= 0.5; inner_total_crim *= 0.5; // now sum up the outer integral const double si = sas_sinx_x(mu * c_scaled * sigma); const double si_crim = sas_sinx_x(mu * tc * sigma); outer_total += Gauss76Wt[i] * (inner_total * si * si + inner_total_crim * si_crim * si_crim); } outer_total *= 0.5; //convert from [1e-12 A-1] to [cm-1] return 1.0e-4 * outer_total; } static double Iqxy(double qa, double qb, double qc, double core_sld, double arim_sld, double brim_sld, double crim_sld, double solvent_sld, double length_a, double length_b, double length_c, double thick_rim_a, double thick_rim_b, double thick_rim_c) { // cspkernel in csparallelepiped recoded here const double dr0 = core_sld-solvent_sld; const double drA = arim_sld-solvent_sld; const double drB = brim_sld-solvent_sld; const double drC = crim_sld-solvent_sld; double Vin = length_a * length_b * length_c; double V1 = 2.0 * thick_rim_a * length_b * length_c; // incorrect V1(aa*bb*cc+2*ta*bb*cc) double V2 = 2.0 * length_a * thick_rim_b * length_c; // incorrect V2(aa*bb*cc+2*aa*tb*cc) double V3 = 2.0 * length_a * length_b * thick_rim_c; // As for the 1D case, Vot is not used //double Vot = (length_a * length_b * length_c + // 2.0 * thick_rim_a * length_b * length_c + // 2.0 * length_a * thick_rim_b * length_c + // 2.0 * length_a * length_b * thick_rim_c); // The definitions of ta, tb, tc are not the same as in the 1D case because there is no // the scaling by B. double ta = length_a + 2.0*thick_rim_a; double tb = length_b + 2.0*thick_rim_b; double tc = length_c + 2.0*thick_rim_c; //handle arg=0 separately, as sin(t)/t -> 1 as t->0 double siA = sas_sinx_x(0.5*length_a*qa); double siB = sas_sinx_x(0.5*length_b*qb); double siC = sas_sinx_x(0.5*length_c*qc); double siAt = sas_sinx_x(0.5*ta*qa); double siBt = sas_sinx_x(0.5*tb*qb); double siCt = sas_sinx_x(0.5*tc*qc); // f uses Vin, V1, V2, and V3 and it seems to have more sense than the value computed // in the 1D code, but should be checked! double f = ( dr0*siA*siB*siC*Vin + drA*(siAt-siA)*siB*siC*V1 + drB*siA*(siBt-siB)*siC*V2 + drC*siA*siB*(siCt-siC)*V3); return 1.0e-4 * f * f; }