r""" An alternative version of $P(q)$ for the core_shell_ellipsoid having as parameters the core axial ratio X and a shell thickness, which are more often what we would like to determine. This model is also better behaved when polydispersity is applied than the four independent radii in core_shell_ellipsoid model. Definition ---------- .. figure:: img/core_shell_ellipsoid_geometry.png The geometric parameters of this model are *equat_core =* equatorial core radius *= R_minor_core* *X_core = polar_core / equat_core = Rmajor_core / Rminor_core* *T_shell = equat_outer - equat_core = Rminor_outer - Rminor_core* *XpolarShell = Tpolar_shell / T_shell = (Rmajor_outer - Rmajor_core)/ (Rminor_outer - Rminor_core)* In terms of the original radii *polar_core = equat_core * X_core* *equat_shell = equat_core + T_shell* *polar_shell = equat_core * X_core + T_shell * XpolarShell* (where we note that "shell" perhaps confusingly, relates to the outer radius) When *X_core < 1* the core is oblate; when *X_core > 1* it is prolate. *X_core = 1* is a spherical core. For a fixed shell thickness *XpolarShell = 1*, to scale the shell thickness pro-rata with the radius *XpolarShell = X_core*. When including an $S(q)$, the radius in $S(q)$ is calculated to be that of a sphere with the same 2nd virial coefficient of the outer surface of the ellipsoid. This may have some undesirable effects if the aspect ratio of the ellipsoid is large (ie, if $X << 1$ or $X >> 1$ ), when the $S(q)$ - which assumes spheres - will not in any case be valid. If SAS data are in absolute units, and the SLDs are correct, then scale should be the total volume fraction of the "outer particle". When $S(q)$ is introduced this moves to the $S(q)$ volume fraction, and scale should then be 1.0, or contain some other units conversion factor (for example, if you have SAXS data). References ---------- R K Heenan, 2015, reparametrised the core_shell_ellipsoid model """ from numpy import inf, sin, cos, pi name = "core_shell_ellipsoid_xt" title = "Form factor for an spheroid ellipsoid particle with a core shell structure." description = """ [core_shell_ellipsoid_xt] Calculates the form factor for an spheroid ellipsoid particle with a core_shell structure. The form factor is averaged over all possible orientations of the ellipsoid such that P(q) = scale*/Vol + bkg, where f is the single particle scattering amplitude. [Parameters]: equat_core = equatorial radius of core, x_core = ratio of core polar/equatorial radii, t_shell = equatorial radius of outer surface, x_polar_shell = ratio of polar shell thickness to equatorial shell thickness, sld_core = SLD_core sld_shell = SLD_shell sld_solvent = SLD_solvent background = Incoherent bkg scale =scale Note:It is the users' responsibility to ensure that shell radii are larger than core radii. oblate: polar radius < equatorial radius prolate : polar radius > equatorial radius - this new model will make this easier and polydispersity integrals more logical (as previously the shell could disappear). """ category = "shape:ellipsoid" # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace, line-too-long # ["name", "units", default, [lower, upper], "type", "description"], parameters = [ ["equat_core", "Ang", 20, [0, inf], "volume", "Equatorial radius of core"], ["x_core", "None", 3, [0, inf], "volume", "axial ratio of core, X = r_polar/r_equatorial"], ["t_shell", "Ang", 30, [0, inf], "volume", "thickness of shell at equator"], ["x_polar_shell", "", 1, [0, inf], "volume", "ratio of thickness of shell at pole to that at equator"], ["sld_core", "1e-6/Ang^2", 2, [-inf, inf], "", "Core scattering length density"], ["sld_shell", "1e-6/Ang^2", 1, [-inf, inf], "", "Shell scattering length density"], ["sld_solvent", "1e-6/Ang^2", 6.3, [-inf, inf], "", "Solvent scattering length density"], ["theta", "degrees", 0, [-inf, inf], "orientation", "Oblate orientation wrt incoming beam"], ["phi", "degrees", 0, [-inf, inf], "orientation", "Oblate orientation in the plane of the detector"], ] # pylint: enable=bad-whitespace, line-too-long source = ["lib/sph_j1c.c", "lib/gfn.c", "lib/gauss76.c", "core_shell_ellipsoid_xt.c"] demo = dict(scale=0.05, background=0.001, equat_core=20.0, x_core=3.0, t_shell=30.0, x_polar_shell=1.0, sld_core=2.0, sld_shell=1.0, sld_solvent=6.3, theta=0, phi=0) oldname = 'CoreShellEllipsoidXTModel' oldpars = dict(x_polar_shell='XpolarShell', x_core='X_core', t_shell='T_shell', sld_core='sld_core', sld_shell='sld_shell', sld_solvent='sld_solvent', theta='axis_theta', phi='axis_phi') q = 0.1 phi = pi/6 qx = q*cos(phi) qy = q*sin(phi) tests = [ # Accuracy tests based on content in test/utest_coreshellellipsoidXTmodel.py [{'equat_core': 200.0, 'x_core': 0.1, 't_shell': 50.0, 'x_polar_shell': 0.2, 'sld_core': 2.0, 'sld_shell': 1.0, 'sld_solvent': 6.3, 'background': 0.001, 'scale': 1.0, }, 1.0, 0.00189402], # Additional tests with larger range of parameters [{'background': 0.01}, 0.1, 11.6915], [{'equat_core': 20.0, 'x_core': 200.0, 't_shell': 54.0, 'x_polar_shell': 3.0, 'sld_core': 20.0, 'sld_shell': 10.0, 'sld_solvent': 6.0, 'background': 0.0, 'scale': 1.0, }, 0.01, 8688.53], [{'background': 0.001}, (0.4, 0.5), 0.00690673], [{'equat_core': 20.0, 'x_core': 200.0, 't_shell': 54.0, 'x_polar_shell': 3.0, 'sld_core': 20.0, 'sld_shell': 10.0, 'sld_solvent': 6.0, 'background': 0.01, 'scale': 0.01, }, (qx, qy), 0.0100002], ]