r""" This model calculates the structure factor of a polyelectrolyte solution with the RPA expression derived by Borue and Erukhimovich. Definition ---------- The scattering intensity $I(q)$ is calculated as .. math:: I(q) = K\frac{q^2+k^2}{4\pi L\alpha ^2} \frac{1}{1+r_{0}^2(q^2+k^2)(q^2-12hC_a/b^2)} + background k^2 = 4\pi L(2C_s + \alpha C_a) r_{0}^2 = \frac{1}{\alpha \sqrt{C_a} \left( b/\sqrt{48\pi L_b}\right)} where $K$ is the contrast factor for the polymer, $L_b$ is the Bjerrum length, $h$ is the virial parameter, $b$ is the monomer length, $C_s$ is the concentration of monovalent salt, $\alpha$ is the ionization degree, $C_a$ is the polymer molar concentration, and $background$ is the incoherent background. For 2D data the scattering intensity is calculated in the same way as 1D, where the $q$ vector is defined as .. math:: q = \sqrt{q_x^2 + q_y^2} .. figure:: img/be_polyelectrolyte_1d.jpg 1D plot using the default values (w/500 data point). NB: $1 barn = 10^{-24} cm^2$ References ---------- V Y Borue, I Y Erukhimovich, *Macromolecules*, 21 (1988) 3240 J F Joanny, L Leibler, *Journal de Physique*, 51 (1990) 545 A Moussaid, F Schosseler, J P Munch, S Candau, *J. Journal de Physique II France*, 3 (1993) 573 E Raphael, J F Joanny, *Europhysics Letters*, 11 (1990) 179 """ from numpy import inf, power, pi, sqrt name = "be_polyelectrolyte" title = "Polyelectrolyte with the RPA expression derived by Borue and Erukhimovich" description = """ Evaluate F(x) = K 1/(4 pi Lb (alpha)^(2)) (q^(2)+k2)/(1+(r02)^(2)) (q^(2)+k2) (q^(2)-(12 h C/b^(2))) has 3 internal parameters : The inverse Debye Length: K2 = 4 pi Lb (2 Cs+alpha C) r02 =1/alpha/Ca^(0.5) (B/(48 pi Lb)^(0.5)) Ca = 6.022136e-4 C """ category = "shape-independent" # ["name", "units", default, [lower, upper], "type", "description"], parameters = [["contrast_factor", "barns", 10.0, [-inf, inf], "", "Contrast factor of the polymer"], ["bjerrum_length", "Ang", 7.1, [0, inf], "", "Bjerrum length"], ["virial_param", "1/Ang^2", 12.0, [-inf, inf], "", "Virial parameter"], ["monomer_length", "Ang", 10.0, [0, inf], "", "Monomer length"], ["salt_concentration", "mol/L", 0.0, [-inf, inf], "", "Concentration of monovalent salt"], ["ionization_degree", "", 0.05, [0, inf], "", "Degree of ionization"], ["polymer_concentration", "mol/L", 0.7, [0, inf], "", "Polymer molar concentration"], ] def Iq(q, contrast_factor, bjerrum_length, virial_param, monomer_length, salt_concentration, ionization_degree, polymer_concentration): concentration = polymer_concentration * 6.022136e-4 k_square = 4.0 * pi * bjerrum_length * (2*salt_concentration + ionization_degree * concentration) r0_square = 1.0/ionization_degree/sqrt(concentration) * \ (monomer_length/sqrt((48.0*pi*bjerrum_length))) term1 = contrast_factor/(4.0 * pi * bjerrum_length * ionization_degree**2) * (q**2 + k_square) term2 = 1.0 + r0_square**2 * (q**2 + k_square) * \ (q**2 - (12.0 * virial_param * concentration/(monomer_length**2))) return term1/term2 Iq.vectorized = True # Iq accepts an array of q values def Iqxy(qx, qy, *args): iq = Iq(sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2), *args) return iq Iqxy.vectorized = True # Iqxy accepts an array of qx, qy values demo = dict(scale=1, background=0.1, contrast_factor=10.0, bjerrum_length=7.1, virial_param=12.0, monomer_length=10.0, salt_concentration=0.0, ionization_degree=0.05, polymer_concentration=0.7) oldname = "BEPolyelectrolyte" oldpars = dict(background='background', contrast_factor='k', bjerrum_length='lb', virial_param='h', monomer_length='b', salt_concentration='cs', ionization_degree='alpha', polymer_concentration='c') tests = [ # Accuracy tests based on content in test/utest_other_models.py [{'contrast_factor': 10.0, 'bjerrum_length': 7.1, 'virial_param': 12.0, 'monomer_length': 10.0, 'salt_concentration': 0.0, 'ionization_degree': 0.05, 'polymer_concentration': 0.7, 'background': 0.001, }, 0.001, 0.0948379], # Additional tests with larger range of parameters [{'contrast_factor': 10.0, 'bjerrum_length': 100.0, 'virial_param': 3.0, 'monomer_length': 1.0, 'salt_concentration': 10.0, 'ionization_degree': 2.0, 'polymer_concentration': 10.0, }, 0.1, -3.75693800588], [{'contrast_factor': 10.0, 'bjerrum_length': 100.0, 'virial_param': 3.0, 'monomer_length': 1.0, 'salt_concentration': 10.0, 'ionization_degree': 2.0, 'polymer_concentration': 10.0, 'background': 100.0 }, 5.0, 100.029142149], [{'contrast_factor': 100.0, 'bjerrum_length': 10.0, 'virial_param': 180.0, 'monomer_length': 1.0, 'salt_concentration': 0.1, 'ionization_degree': 0.5, 'polymer_concentration': 0.1, }, 200., 1.80664667511e-06], ]