double form_volume(double bell_radius, double radius, double length); double Iq(double q, double sld, double solvent_sld, double bell_radius, double radius, double length); double Iqxy(double qx, double qy, double sld, double solvent_sld, double bell_radius, double radius, double length, double theta, double phi); //barbell kernel - same as dumbell double _bell_kernel(double q, double h, double bell_radius, double length, double sin_alpha, double cos_alpha); double _bell_kernel(double q, double h, double bell_radius, double length, double sin_alpha, double cos_alpha) { const double upper = 1.0; const double lower = -1.0*h/bell_radius; double total = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 76; i++){ const double t = 0.5*(Gauss76Z[i]*(upper-lower)+upper+lower); const double arg1 = q*cos_alpha*(bell_radius*t+h+length*0.5); const double arg2 = q*bell_radius*sin_alpha*sqrt(1.0-t*t); const double be = (arg2 == 0.0 ? 0.5 :J1(arg2)/arg2); const double Fq = cos(arg1)*(1.0-t*t)*be; total += Gauss76Wt[i] * Fq; } const double integral = 0.5*(upper-lower)*total; return 4.0*M_PI*bell_radius*bell_radius*bell_radius*integral; } double form_volume(double bell_radius, double radius, double length) { // bell radius should never be less than radius when this is called const double hdist = sqrt(bell_radius*bell_radius - radius*radius); const double p1 = 2.0*bell_radius*bell_radius*bell_radius/3.0; const double p2 = bell_radius*bell_radius*hdist; const double p3 = hdist*hdist*hdist/3.0; return M_PI*radius*radius*length + 2.0*M_PI*(p1+p2-p3); } double Iq(double q, double sld, double solvent_sld, double bell_radius, double radius, double length) { double sn, cn; // slots to hold sincos function output if (bell_radius < radius) return NAN; const double lower = 0.0; const double upper = M_PI_2; const double h = sqrt(bell_radius*bell_radius-radius*radius); double total = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 76; i++){ const double alpha= 0.5*(Gauss76Z[i]*(upper-lower) + upper + lower); SINCOS(alpha, sn, cn); const double bell_Fq = _bell_kernel(q, h, bell_radius, length, sn, cn); const double arg1 = q*length*0.5*cn; const double arg2 = q*radius*sn; // lim_{x->0} J1(x)/x = 1/2, lim_{x->0} sin(x)/x = 1 const double be = (arg2 == 0.0 ? 0.5 :J1(arg2)/arg2); const double si = (arg1 == 0.0 ? 1.0 :sin(arg1)/arg1); const double cyl_Fq = M_PI*radius*radius*length*si*2.0*be; const double Aq = cyl_Fq + bell_Fq; total += Gauss76Wt[i] * Aq * Aq * sn; } const double form = total*(upper-lower)*0.5; //Contrast and volume normalization const double s = (sld - solvent_sld); return form*1.0e-4*s*s; //form_volume(bell_radius,radius,length); } double Iqxy(double qx, double qy, double sld, double solvent_sld, double bell_radius, double radius, double length, double theta, double phi) { double sn, cn; // slots to hold sincos function output // Exclude invalid inputs. if (bell_radius < radius) return NAN; // Compute angle alpha between q and the cylinder axis SINCOS(theta*M_PI_180, sn, cn); // # The following correction factor exists in sasview, but it can't be // # right, so we are leaving it out for now. const double q = sqrt(qx*qx+qy*qy); const double cos_val = cn*cos(phi*M_PI_180)*qx + sn*qy; const double alpha = acos(cos_val); // rod angle relative to q SINCOS(alpha, sn, cn); const double h = sqrt(bell_radius*bell_radius - radius*radius); // negative h const double bell_Fq = _bell_kernel(q, h, bell_radius, length, sn, cn)/sn; const double besarg = q*radius*sn; const double siarg = q*0.5*length*cn; // lim_{x->0} J1(x)/x = 1/2, lim_{x->0} sin(x)/x = 1 const double bj = (besarg == 0.0 ? 0.5 : J1(besarg)/besarg); const double si = (siarg == 0.0 ? 1.0 : sin(siarg)/siarg); const double cyl_Fq = M_PI*radius*radius*length*2.0*bj*si; // Volume weighted average F(q) const double Aq = cyl_Fq + bell_Fq; // Multiply by contrast^2, normalize by cylinder volume and convert to cm-1 const double s = (sld - solvent_sld); return 1.0e-4 * Aq * Aq * s * s; // form_volume(radius, cap_radius, length); }