import numpy as np from numpy import pi, sin, cos, sqrt from .generate import F32, F64 class PyModel(object): def __init__(self, info): = info def __call__(self, input): kernel =['Iqxy'] if input.is_2D else['Iq'] return PyKernel(kernel,, input) def make_input(self, q_vectors): return PyInput(q_vectors, dtype=F64) def release(self): pass class PyInput(object): """ Make q data available to the gpu. *q_vectors* is a list of q vectors, which will be *[q]* for 1-D data, and *[qx, qy]* for 2-D data. Internally, the vectors will be reallocated to get the best performance on OpenCL, which may involve shifting and stretching the array to better match the memory architecture. Additional points will be evaluated with *q=1e-3*. *dtype* is the data type for the q vectors. The data type should be set to match that of the kernel, which is an attribute of :class:`GpuProgram`. Note that not all kernels support double precision, so even if the program was created for double precision, the *GpuProgram.dtype* may be single precision. Call :meth:`release` when complete. Even if not called directly, the buffer will be released when the data object is freed. """ def __init__(self, q_vectors, dtype): self.nq = q_vectors[0].size self.dtype = dtype self.is_2D = (len(q_vectors) == 2) self.q_vectors = [np.ascontiguousarray(q,self.dtype) for q in q_vectors] self.q_pointers = [ for q in q_vectors] def release(self): self.q_vectors = [] class PyKernel(object): """ Callable SAS kernel. *kernel* is the DllKernel object to call. *info* is the module information *input* is the DllInput q vectors at which the kernel should be evaluated. The resulting call method takes the *pars*, a list of values for the fixed parameters to the kernel, and *pd_pars*, a list of (value,weight) vectors for the polydisperse parameters. *cutoff* determines the integration limits: any points with combined weight less than *cutoff* will not be calculated. Call :meth:`release` when done with the kernel instance. """ def __init__(self, kernel, info, input): = info self.input = input self.res = np.empty(input.nq, input.dtype) dim = '2d' if input.is_2D else '1d' # Loop over q unless user promises that the kernel is vectorized by # taggining it with vectorized=True if not getattr(kernel, 'vectorized', False): if dim == '2d': def vector_kernel(qx, qy, *args): return np.array([kernel(qxi,qyi,*args) for qxi,qyi in zip(qx,qy)]) else: def vector_kernel(q, *args): return np.array([kernel(qi,*args) for qi in q]) self.kernel = vector_kernel else: self.kernel = kernel fixed_pars = info['partype']['fixed-'+dim] pd_pars = info['partype']['pd-'+dim] vol_pars = info['partype']['volume'] # First two fixed pars are scale and background pars = [p[0] for p in info['parameters'][2:]] offset = len(self.input.q_vectors) self.args = self.input.q_vectors + [None]*len(pars) self.fixed_index = np.array([pars.index(p)+offset for p in fixed_pars[2:] ]) self.pd_index = np.array([pars.index(p)+offset for p in pd_pars]) self.vol_index = np.array([pars.index(p)+offset for p in vol_pars]) try: self.theta_index = pars.index('theta')+offset except ValueError: self.theta_index = -1 # Caller needs fixed_pars and pd_pars self.fixed_pars = fixed_pars self.pd_pars = pd_pars def __call__(self, fixed, pd, cutoff=1e-5): #print "fixed",fixed #print "pd", pd args = self.args[:] # grab a copy of the args form, form_volume = self.kernel,['form_volume'] # First two fixed scale, background = fixed[:2] for index,value in zip(self.fixed_index, fixed[2:]): args[index] = float(value) res = _loops(form, form_volume, cutoff, scale, background, args, pd, self.pd_index, self.vol_index, self.theta_index) return res def release(self): self.input = None def _loops(form, form_volume, cutoff, scale, background, args, pd, pd_index, vol_index, theta_index): """ *form* is the name of the form function, which should be vectorized over q, but otherwise have an interface like the opencl kernels, with the q parameters first followed by the individual parameters in the order given in model.parameters (see :mod:`sasmodels.generate`). *form_volume* calculates the volume of the shape. *vol_index* gives the list of volume parameters *cutoff* ignores the corners of the dispersion hypercube *scale*, *background* multiplies the resulting form and adds an offset *args* is the prepopulated set of arguments to the form function, starting with the q vectors, and including slots for all the parameters. The values for the parameters will be substituted with values from the dispersion functions. *pd* is the list of dispersion parameters *pd_index* are the indices of the dispersion parameters in *args* *vol_index* are the indices of the volume parameters in *args* *theta_index* is the index of the theta parameter for the sasview spherical correction, or -1 if there is no angular dispersion """ ################################################################ # # # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # # !! !! # # !! KEEP THIS CODE CONSISTENT WITH KERNEL_TEMPLATE.C !! # # !! !! # # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # # # ################################################################ weight = np.empty(len(pd), 'd') if weight.size > 0: # weight vector, to be populated by polydispersity loops # identify which pd parameters are volume parameters vol_weight_index = np.array([(index in vol_index) for index in pd_index]) # Sort parameters in decreasing order of pd length Npd = np.array([len(pdi[0]) for pdi in pd], 'i') order = np.argsort(Npd)[::-1] stride = np.cumprod(Npd[order]) pd = [pd[index] for index in order] pd_index = pd_index[order] vol_weight_index = vol_weight_index[order] fast_value = pd[0][0] fast_weight = pd[0][1] else: stride = np.array([1]) vol_weight_index = slice(None, None) # keep lint happy fast_value = [None] fast_weight = [None] ret = np.zeros_like(args[0]) norm = np.zeros_like(ret) vol = np.zeros_like(ret) vol_norm = np.zeros_like(ret) for k in range(stride[-1]): # update polydispersity parameter values fast_index = k%stride[0] if fast_index == 0: # bottom loop complete ... check all other loops if weight.size > 0: for i,index, in enumerate(k%stride): args[pd_index[i]] = pd[i][0][index] weight[i] = pd[i][1][index] else: args[pd_index[0]] = fast_value[fast_index] weight[0] = fast_weight[fast_index] # This computes the weight, and if it is sufficient, calls the scattering # function and adds it to the total. If there is a volume normalization, # it will also be added here. # Note: make sure this is consistent with the code in PY_LOOP_BODY!! # Note: can precompute w1*w2*...*wn w = if w > cutoff: I = form(*args) positive = (I>=0.0) # Note: can precompute spherical correction if theta_index is not the fast index # Correction factor for spherical integration p(theta) I(q) sin(theta) dtheta #spherical_correction = abs(sin(pi*args[theta_index])) if theta_index>=0 else 1.0 spherical_correction = abs(cos(pi*args[theta_index]))*pi/2 if theta_index>=0 else 1.0 #spherical_correction = 1.0 ret += w*I*spherical_correction*positive norm += w*positive # Volume normalization. # If there are "volume" polydispersity parameters, then these will be used # to call the form_volume function from the user supplied kernel, and accumulate # a normalized weight. # Note: can precompute volume norm if the fast index is not a volume index if form_volume: vol_args = [args[index] for index in vol_index] vol_weight =[vol_weight_index]) vol += vol_weight*form_volume(*vol_args)*positive vol_norm += vol_weight*positive positive = (vol*vol_norm != 0.0) ret[positive] *= vol_norm[positive] / vol[positive] result = scale*ret/norm+background return result