""" Python driver for python kernels Calls the kernel with a vector of $q$ values for a single parameter set. Polydispersity is supported by looping over different parameter sets and summing the results. The interface to :class:`PyModel` matches those for :class:`kernelcl.GpuModel` and :class:`kerneldll.DllModel`. """ from __future__ import division, print_function import numpy as np # type: ignore from numpy import pi, sin, cos #type: ignore from . import details from .generate import F64 from .kernel import KernelModel, Kernel try: from typing import Union, Callable except: pass else: DType = Union[None, str, np.dtype] class PyModel(KernelModel): """ Wrapper for pure python models. """ def __init__(self, model_info): # Make sure Iq and Iqxy are available and vectorized _create_default_functions(model_info) self.info = model_info def make_kernel(self, q_vectors): q_input = PyInput(q_vectors, dtype=F64) kernel = self.info.Iqxy if q_input.is_2d else self.info.Iq return PyKernel(kernel, self.info, q_input) def release(self): """ Free resources associated with the model. """ pass class PyInput(object): """ Make q data available to the gpu. *q_vectors* is a list of q vectors, which will be *[q]* for 1-D data, and *[qx, qy]* for 2-D data. Internally, the vectors will be reallocated to get the best performance on OpenCL, which may involve shifting and stretching the array to better match the memory architecture. Additional points will be evaluated with *q=1e-3*. *dtype* is the data type for the q vectors. The data type should be set to match that of the kernel, which is an attribute of :class:`GpuProgram`. Note that not all kernels support double precision, so even if the program was created for double precision, the *GpuProgram.dtype* may be single precision. Call :meth:`release` when complete. Even if not called directly, the buffer will be released when the data object is freed. """ def __init__(self, q_vectors, dtype): self.nq = q_vectors[0].size self.dtype = dtype self.is_2d = (len(q_vectors) == 2) if self.is_2d: self.q = np.empty((self.nq, 2), dtype=dtype) self.q[:, 0] = q_vectors[0] self.q[:, 1] = q_vectors[1] else: self.q = np.empty(self.nq, dtype=dtype) self.q[:self.nq] = q_vectors[0] def release(self): """ Free resources associated with the model inputs. """ self.q = None class PyKernel(Kernel): """ Callable SAS kernel. *kernel* is the DllKernel object to call. *model_info* is the module information *q_input* is the DllInput q vectors at which the kernel should be evaluated. The resulting call method takes the *pars*, a list of values for the fixed parameters to the kernel, and *pd_pars*, a list of (value,weight) vectors for the polydisperse parameters. *cutoff* determines the integration limits: any points with combined weight less than *cutoff* will not be calculated. Call :meth:`release` when done with the kernel instance. """ def __init__(self, kernel, model_info, q_input): # type: (callable, ModelInfo, List[np.ndarray]) -> None self.dtype = np.dtype('d') self.info = model_info self.q_input = q_input self.res = np.empty(q_input.nq, q_input.dtype) self.kernel = kernel self.dim = '2d' if q_input.is_2d else '1d' partable = model_info.parameters kernel_parameters = (partable.iqxy_parameters if q_input.is_2d else partable.iq_parameters) volume_parameters = partable.form_volume_parameters # Create an array to hold the parameter values. There will be a # single array whose values are updated as the calculator goes # through the loop. Arguments to the kernel and volume functions # will use views into this vector, relying on the fact that a # an array of no dimensions acts like a scalar. parameter_vector = np.empty(len(partable.call_parameters)-2, 'd') # Create views into the array to hold the arguments offset = 0 kernel_args, volume_args = [], [] for p in partable.kernel_parameters: if p.length == 1: # Scalar values are length 1 vectors with no dimensions. v = parameter_vector[offset:offset+1].reshape(()) else: # Vector values are simple views. v = parameter_vector[offset:offset+p.length] offset += p.length if p in kernel_parameters: kernel_args.append(v) if p in volume_parameters: volume_args.append(v) # Hold on to the parameter vector so we can use it to call kernel later. # This may also be required to preserve the views into the vector. self._parameter_vector = parameter_vector # Generate a closure which calls the kernel with the views into the # parameter array. if q_input.is_2d: form = model_info.Iqxy qx, qy = q_input.q[:, 0], q_input.q[:, 1] self._form = lambda: form(qx, qy, *kernel_args) else: form = model_info.Iq q = q_input.q self._form = lambda: form(q, *kernel_args) # Generate a closure which calls the form_volume if it exists. form_volume = model_info.form_volume self._volume = ((lambda: form_volume(*volume_args)) if form_volume else (lambda: 1.0)) def __call__(self, call_details, values, cutoff, magnetic): # type: (CallDetails, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float, bool) -> np.ndarray if magnetic: raise NotImplementedError("Magnetism not implemented for pure python models") #print("Calling python kernel") #call_details.show(values) res = _loops(self._parameter_vector, self._form, self._volume, self.q_input.nq, call_details, values, cutoff) return res def release(self): # type: () -> None """ Free resources associated with the kernel. """ self.q_input.release() self.q_input = None def _loops(parameters, form, form_volume, nq, call_details, values, cutoff): # type: (np.ndarray, Callable[[], np.ndarray], Callable[[], float], int, details.CallDetails, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float) -> None ################################################################ # # # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # # !! !! # # !! KEEP THIS CODE CONSISTENT WITH KERNEL_TEMPLATE.C !! # # !! !! # # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # # # ################################################################ n_pars = len(parameters) parameters[:] = values[2:n_pars+2] if call_details.num_active == 0: pd_norm = float(form_volume()) scale = values[0]/(pd_norm if pd_norm != 0.0 else 1.0) background = values[1] return scale*form() + background pd_value = values[2+n_pars:2+n_pars + call_details.num_weights] pd_weight = values[2+n_pars + call_details.num_weights:] pd_norm = 0.0 spherical_correction = 1.0 partial_weight = np.NaN weight = np.NaN p0_par = call_details.pd_par[0] p0_is_theta = (p0_par == call_details.theta_par) p0_length = call_details.pd_length[0] p0_index = p0_length p0_offset = call_details.pd_offset[0] pd_par = call_details.pd_par[:call_details.num_active] pd_offset = call_details.pd_offset[:call_details.num_active] pd_stride = call_details.pd_stride[:call_details.num_active] pd_length = call_details.pd_length[:call_details.num_active] total = np.zeros(nq, 'd') for loop_index in range(call_details.num_eval): # update polydispersity parameter values if p0_index == p0_length: pd_index = (loop_index//pd_stride)%pd_length parameters[pd_par] = pd_value[pd_offset+pd_index] partial_weight = np.prod(pd_weight[pd_offset+pd_index][1:]) if call_details.theta_par >= 0: cor = sin(pi / 180 * parameters[call_details.theta_par]) spherical_correction = max(abs(cor), 1e-6) p0_index = loop_index%p0_length weight = partial_weight * pd_weight[p0_offset + p0_index] parameters[p0_par] = pd_value[p0_offset + p0_index] if p0_is_theta: cor = cos(pi/180 * parameters[p0_par]) spherical_correction = max(abs(cor), 1e-6) p0_index += 1 if weight > cutoff: # Call the scattering function # Assume that NaNs are only generated if the parameters are bad; # exclude all q for that NaN. Even better would be to have an # INVALID expression like the C models, but that is too expensive. Iq = np.asarray(form(), 'd') if np.isnan(Iq).any(): continue # update value and norm weight *= spherical_correction total += weight * Iq pd_norm += weight * form_volume() scale = values[0]/(pd_norm if pd_norm != 0.0 else 1.0) background = values[1] return scale*total + background def _create_default_functions(model_info): """ Autogenerate missing functions, such as Iqxy from Iq. This only works for Iqxy when Iq is written in python. :func:`make_source` performs a similar role for Iq written in C. This also vectorizes any functions that are not already marked as vectorized. """ _create_vector_Iq(model_info) _create_vector_Iqxy(model_info) # call create_vector_Iq() first def _create_vector_Iq(model_info): """ Define Iq as a vector function if it exists. """ Iq = model_info.Iq if callable(Iq) and not getattr(Iq, 'vectorized', False): #print("vectorizing Iq") def vector_Iq(q, *args): """ Vectorized 1D kernel. """ return np.array([Iq(qi, *args) for qi in q]) vector_Iq.vectorized = True model_info.Iq = vector_Iq def _create_vector_Iqxy(model_info): """ Define Iqxy as a vector function if it exists, or default it from Iq(). """ Iq, Iqxy = model_info.Iq, model_info.Iqxy if callable(Iqxy): if not getattr(Iqxy, 'vectorized', False): #print("vectorizing Iqxy") def vector_Iqxy(qx, qy, *args): """ Vectorized 2D kernel. """ return np.array([Iqxy(qxi, qyi, *args) for qxi, qyi in zip(qx, qy)]) vector_Iqxy.vectorized = True model_info.Iqxy = vector_Iqxy elif callable(Iq): #print("defaulting Iqxy") # Iq is vectorized because create_vector_Iq was already called. def default_Iqxy(qx, qy, *args): """ Default 2D kernel. """ return Iq(np.sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2), *args) default_Iqxy.vectorized = True model_info.Iqxy = default_Iqxy