""" GPU driver for C kernels (with CUDA) To select cuda, use SAS_OPENCL=cuda, or SAS_OPENCL=cuda:n for a particular device number. If no device number is specified, then look for CUDA_DEVICE=n or a file ~/.cuda-device containing n for the device number. Otherwise, try all available device numbers. TODO: docs are out of date There should be a single GPU environment running on the system. This environment is constructed on the first call to :func:`env`, and the same environment is returned on each call. After retrieving the environment, the next step is to create the kernel. This is done with a call to :meth:`GpuEnvironment.make_kernel`, which returns the type of data used by the kernel. Next a :class:`GpuData` object should be created with the correct kind of data. This data object can be used by multiple kernels, for example, if the target model is a weighted sum of multiple kernels. The data should include any extra evaluation points required to compute the proper data smearing. This need not match the square grid for 2D data if there is an index saying which q points are active. Together the GpuData, the program, and a device form a :class:`GpuKernel`. This kernel is used during fitting, receiving new sets of parameters and evaluating them. The output value is stored in an output buffer on the devices, where it can be combined with other structure factors and form factors and have instrumental resolution effects applied. In order to use OpenCL for your models, you will need OpenCL drivers for your machine. These should be available from your graphics card vendor. Intel provides OpenCL drivers for CPUs as well as their integrated HD graphics chipsets. AMD also provides drivers for Intel CPUs, but as of this writing the performance is lacking compared to the Intel drivers. NVidia combines drivers for CUDA and OpenCL in one package. The result is a bit messy if you have multiple drivers installed. You can see which drivers are available by starting python and running: import pyopencl as cl cl.create_some_context(interactive=True) Once you have done that, it will show the available drivers which you can select. It will then tell you that you can use these drivers automatically by setting the SAS_OPENCL environment variable, which is PYOPENCL_CTX equivalent but not conflicting with other pyopnecl programs. Some graphics cards have multiple devices on the same card. You cannot yet use both of them concurrently to evaluate models, but you can run the program twice using a different device for each session. OpenCL kernels are compiled when needed by the device driver. Some drivers produce compiler output even when there is no error. You can see the output by setting PYOPENCL_COMPILER_OUTPUT=1. It should be harmless, albeit annoying. """ from __future__ import print_function import os import warnings import logging import time import re import atexit import numpy as np # type: ignore # Attempt to setup CUDA. This may fail if the pycuda package is not # installed or if it is installed but there are no devices available. try: import pycuda.driver as cuda # type: ignore from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule from pycuda.tools import make_default_context, clear_context_caches # Ask CUDA for the default context (so that we know that one exists) # then immediately throw it away in case the user doesn't want it. # Note: cribbed from pycuda.autoinit cuda.init() context = make_default_context() context.pop() clear_context_caches() del context HAVE_CUDA = True CUDA_ERROR = "" except Exception as exc: HAVE_CUDA = False CUDA_ERROR = str(exc) from . import generate from .kernel import KernelModel, Kernel # pylint: disable=unused-import try: from typing import Tuple, Callable, Any from .modelinfo import ModelInfo from .details import CallDetails except ImportError: pass # pylint: enable=unused-import # The max loops number is limited by the amount of local memory available # on the device. You don't want to make this value too big because it will # waste resources, nor too small because it may interfere with users trying # to do their polydispersity calculations. A value of 1024 should be much # larger than necessary given that cost grows as npts^k where k is the number # of polydisperse parameters. MAX_LOOPS = 2048 def use_cuda(): sas_opencl = os.environ.get("SAS_OPENCL", "CUDA").lower() return HAVE_CUDA and sas_opencl.startswith("cuda") ENV = None def reset_environment(): """ Call to create a new OpenCL context, such as after a change to SAS_OPENCL. """ global ENV # Free any previous allocated context. if ENV is not None and ENV.context is not None: ENV.release() ENV = GpuEnvironment() if use_cuda() else None def environment(): # type: () -> "GpuEnvironment" """ Returns a singleton :class:`GpuEnvironment`. This provides an OpenCL context and one queue per device. """ if ENV is None: if not HAVE_CUDA: raise RuntimeError("CUDA startup failed with ***" + CUDA_ERROR + "***; using C compiler instead") reset_environment() if ENV is None: raise RuntimeError("SAS_OPENCL=None in environment") return ENV # PyTest is not freeing ENV, so make sure it gets freed. atexit.register(lambda: ENV.release() if ENV is not None else None) def has_type(dtype): # type: (np.dtype) -> bool """ Return true if device supports the requested precision. """ # Assume the NVIDIA card supports 32-bit and 64-bit floats. # TODO: Check if pycuda support F16. return dtype in (generate.F32, generate.F64) FUNCTION_PATTERN = re.compile(r"""^ (?P\s*) # Initial space. (?P^(?:\s*\b\w+\b\s*)+) # One or more qualifiers before function. (?P\s*\b\w+\b\s*[(]) # Function name plus open parens. """, re.VERBOSE|re.MULTILINE) MARKED_PATTERN = re.compile(r""" \b(return|else|kernel|device|__device__)\b """, re.VERBOSE|re.MULTILINE) def _add_device_tag(match): # type: (None) -> str # Note: Should be re.Match, but that isn't a simple type. """ replace qualifiers with __device__ qualifiers if needed """ qualifiers = match.group("qualifiers") if MARKED_PATTERN.search(qualifiers): start, end = match.span() return match.string[start:end] else: function = match.group("function") space = match.group("space") return "".join((space, "__device__ ", qualifiers, function)) def mark_device_functions(source): # type: (str) -> str """ Mark all function declarations as __device__ functions (except kernel). """ return FUNCTION_PATTERN.sub(_add_device_tag, source) def show_device_functions(source): # type: (str) -> str """ Show all discovered function declarations, but don't change any. """ for match in FUNCTION_PATTERN.finditer(source): print(match.group('qualifiers').replace('\n',r'\n'), match.group('function'), '(') return source def compile_model(source, dtype, fast=False): # type: (str, np.dtype, bool) -> SourceModule """ Build a model to run on the gpu. Returns the compiled program and its type. The returned type will be float32 even if the desired type is float64 if any of the devices in the context do not support the cl_khr_fp64 extension. """ dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if not has_type(dtype): raise RuntimeError("%s not supported for devices"%dtype) source_list = [generate.convert_type(source, dtype)] source_list.insert(0, "#define USE_SINCOS\n") source = "\n".join(source_list) #source = show_device_functions(source) source = mark_device_functions(source) #with open('/tmp/kernel.cu', 'w') as fd: fd.write(source) #print(source) #options = ['--verbose', '-E'] options = ['--use_fast_math'] if fast else None program = SourceModule(source, no_extern_c=True, options=options) #, include_dirs=[...]) #print("done with "+program) return program # For now, this returns one device in the context. # TODO: Create a context that contains all devices on all platforms. class GpuEnvironment(object): """ GPU context for CUDA. """ context = None # type: cuda.Context def __init__(self, devnum=None): # type: (int) -> None env = os.environ.get("SAS_OPENCL", "").lower() if devnum is None and env.startswith("cuda:"): devnum = int(env[5:]) # Set the global context to the particular device number if one is # given, otherwise use the default context. Perhaps this will be set # by an environment variable within autoinit. if devnum is not None: self.context = cuda.Device(devnum).make_context() else: self.context = make_default_context() ## Byte boundary for data alignment. #self.data_boundary = max(d.min_data_type_align_size # for d in self.context.devices) # Cache for compiled programs, and for items in context. self.compiled = {} def release(self): if self.context is not None: self.context.pop() self.context = None def __del__(self): self.release() def has_type(self, dtype): # type: (np.dtype) -> bool """ Return True if all devices support a given type. """ return has_type(dtype) def compile_program(self, name, source, dtype, fast, timestamp): # type: (str, str, np.dtype, bool, float) -> cl.Program """ Compile the program for the device in the given context. """ # Note: PyCuda (probably) caches but I'll do so as well just to # save some data munging time. tag = generate.tag_source(source) key = "%s-%s-%s%s"%(name, dtype, tag, ("-fast" if fast else "")) # Check timestamp on program. program, program_timestamp = self.compiled.get(key, (None, np.inf)) if program_timestamp < timestamp: del self.compiled[key] if key not in self.compiled: logging.info("building %s for CUDA", key) program = compile_model(str(source), dtype, fast) self.compiled[key] = (program, timestamp) return program class GpuModel(KernelModel): """ GPU wrapper for a single model. *source* and *model_info* are the model source and interface as returned from :func:`generate.make_source` and :func:`generate.make_model_info`. *dtype* is the desired model precision. Any numpy dtype for single or double precision floats will do, such as 'f', 'float32' or 'single' for single and 'd', 'float64' or 'double' for double. Double precision is an optional extension which may not be available on all devices. Half precision ('float16','half') may be available on some devices. Fast precision ('fast') is a loose version of single precision, indicating that the compiler is allowed to take shortcuts. """ info = None # type: ModelInfo source = "" # type: str dtype = None # type: np.dtype fast = False # type: bool _program = None # type: SourceModule _kernels = None # type: Dict[str, cuda.Function] def __init__(self, source, model_info, dtype=generate.F32, fast=False): # type: (Dict[str,str], ModelInfo, np.dtype, bool) -> None self.info = model_info self.source = source self.dtype = dtype self.fast = fast def __getstate__(self): # type: () -> Tuple[ModelInfo, str, np.dtype, bool] return self.info, self.source, self.dtype, self.fast def __setstate__(self, state): # type: (Tuple[ModelInfo, str, np.dtype, bool]) -> None self.info, self.source, self.dtype, self.fast = state self._program = self._kernels = None def make_kernel(self, q_vectors): # type: (List[np.ndarray]) -> "GpuKernel" return GpuKernel(self, q_vectors) def get_function(self, name): # type: (str) -> cuda.Function """ Fetch the kernel from the environment by name, compiling it if it does not already exist. """ if self._program is None: self._prepare_program() return self._kernels[name] def _prepare_program(self): # type: (str) -> None env = environment() timestamp = generate.ocl_timestamp(self.info) program = env.compile_program( self.info.name, self.source['opencl'], self.dtype, self.fast, timestamp) variants = ['Iq', 'Iqxy', 'Imagnetic'] names = [generate.kernel_name(self.info, k) for k in variants] functions = [program.get_function(k) for k in names] self._kernels = {k: v for k, v in zip(variants, functions)} # Keep a handle to program so GC doesn't collect. self._program = program # TODO: Check that we don't need a destructor for buffers which go out of scope. class GpuInput(object): """ Make q data available to the gpu. *q_vectors* is a list of q vectors, which will be *[q]* for 1-D data, and *[qx, qy]* for 2-D data. Internally, the vectors will be reallocated to get the best performance on OpenCL, which may involve shifting and stretching the array to better match the memory architecture. Additional points will be evaluated with *q=1e-3*. *dtype* is the data type for the q vectors. The data type should be set to match that of the kernel, which is an attribute of :class:`GpuProgram`. Note that not all kernels support double precision, so even if the program was created for double precision, the *GpuProgram.dtype* may be single precision. Call :meth:`release` when complete. Even if not called directly, the buffer will be released when the data object is freed. """ def __init__(self, q_vectors, dtype=generate.F32): # type: (List[np.ndarray], np.dtype) -> None # TODO: Do we ever need double precision q? self.nq = q_vectors[0].size self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) self.is_2d = (len(q_vectors) == 2) # TODO: Stretch input based on get_warp(). # Not doing it now since warp depends on kernel, which is not known # at this point, so instead using 32, which is good on the set of # architectures tested so far. if self.is_2d: width = ((self.nq+15)//16)*16 self.q = np.empty((width, 2), dtype=dtype) self.q[:self.nq, 0] = q_vectors[0] self.q[:self.nq, 1] = q_vectors[1] else: width = ((self.nq+31)//32)*32 self.q = np.empty(width, dtype=dtype) self.q[:self.nq] = q_vectors[0] self.global_size = [self.q.shape[0]] #print("creating inputs of size", self.global_size) # Transfer input value to GPU. self.q_b = cuda.to_device(self.q) def release(self): # type: () -> None """ Free the buffer associated with the q value. """ if self.q_b is not None: self.q_b.free() self.q_b = None def __del__(self): # type: () -> None self.release() class GpuKernel(Kernel): """ Callable SAS kernel. *model* is the GpuModel object to call The kernel is derived from :class:`Kernel`, providing the :meth:`call_kernel` method to evaluate the kernel for a given set of parameters. Because of the need to move the q values to the GPU before evaluation, the kernel is instantiated for a particular set of q vectors, and can be called many times without transfering q each time. Call :meth:`release` when done with the kernel instance. """ #: SAS model information structure. info = None # type: ModelInfo #: Kernel precision. dtype = None # type: np.dtype #: Kernel dimensions (1d or 2d). dim = "" # type: str #: Calculation results, updated after each call to :meth:`_call_kernel`. result = None # type: np.ndarray def __init__(self, model, q_vectors): # type: (GpuModel, List[np.ndarray]) -> None dtype = model.dtype self.q_input = GpuInput(q_vectors, dtype) self._model = model # Attributes accessed from the outside. self.dim = '2d' if self.q_input.is_2d else '1d' self.info = model.info self.dtype = dtype # Converter to translate input to target type. self._as_dtype = np.float64 if dtype == generate.F64 else np.float32 # Holding place for the returned value. nout = 2 if self.info.have_Fq and self.dim == '1d' else 1 extra_q = 4 # Total weight, form volume, shell volume and R_eff. self.result = np.empty(self.q_input.nq*nout + extra_q, dtype) # Allocate result value on GPU. width = ((self.result.size+31)//32)*32 * self.dtype.itemsize self._result_b = cuda.mem_alloc(width) def _call_kernel(self, call_details, values, cutoff, magnetic, effective_radius_type): # type: (CallDetails, np.ndarray, float, bool, int) -> np.ndarray # Arrange data transfer to card. details_b = cuda.to_device(call_details.buffer) values_b = cuda.to_device(values) # Setup kernel function and arguments. name = 'Iq' if self.dim == '1d' else 'Imagnetic' if magnetic else 'Iqxy' kernel = self._model.get_function(name) kernel_args = [ np.uint32(self.q_input.nq), # Number of inputs. None, # Placeholder for pd_start. None, # Placeholder for pd_stop. details_b, # Problem definition. values_b, # Parameter values. self.q_input.q_b, # Q values. self._result_b, # Result storage. self._as_dtype(cutoff), # Probability cutoff. np.uint32(effective_radius_type), # R_eff mode. ] grid = partition(self.q_input.nq) # Call kernel and retrieve results. #print("Calling CUDA") #call_details.show(values) last_nap = time.clock() step = 100000000//self.q_input.nq + 1 #step = 1000000000 for start in range(0, call_details.num_eval, step): stop = min(start + step, call_details.num_eval) #print("queuing",start,stop) kernel_args[1:3] = [np.int32(start), np.int32(stop)] kernel(*kernel_args, **grid) if stop < call_details.num_eval: sync() # Allow other processes to run. current_time = time.clock() if current_time - last_nap > 0.5: time.sleep(0.001) last_nap = current_time sync() cuda.memcpy_dtoh(self.result, self._result_b) #print("result", self.result) details_b.free() values_b.free() def release(self): # type: () -> None """ Release resources associated with the kernel. """ self.q_input.release() if self._result_b is not None: self._result_b.free() self._result_b = None def __del__(self): # type: () -> None self.release() def sync(): """ Overview: Waits for operation in the current context to complete. Note: Maybe context.synchronize() is sufficient. """ # Create an event with which to synchronize. done = cuda.Event() # Schedule an event trigger on the GPU. done.record() # Make sure we don't hog resource while waiting to sync. while not done.query(): time.sleep(0.01) # Block until the GPU executes the kernel. done.synchronize() # Clean up the event; I don't think they can be reused. del done def partition(n): ''' Overview: Auto grids the thread blocks to achieve some level of calculation efficiency. ''' max_gx, max_gy = 65535, 65535 blocksize = 32 #max_gx, max_gy = 5, 65536 #blocksize = 3 block = (blocksize, 1, 1) num_blocks = int((n+blocksize-1)/blocksize) if num_blocks < max_gx: grid = (num_blocks, 1) else: gx = max_gx gy = (num_blocks + max_gx - 1) / max_gx if gy >= max_gy: raise ValueError("vector is too large") grid = (gx, gy) #print("block", block, "grid", grid) #print("waste", block[0]*block[1]*block[2]*grid[0]*grid[1] - n) return dict(block=block, grid=grid)