""" SAS model constructor. Small angle scattering models are defined by a set of kernel functions: *Iq(q, p1, p2, ...)* returns the scattering at q for a form with particular dimensions averaged over all orientations. *Iqxy(qx, qy, p1, p2, ...)* returns the scattering at qx, qy for a form with particular dimensions for a single orientation. *Imagnetic(qx, qy, result[], p1, p2, ...)* returns the scattering for the polarized neutron spin states (up-up, up-down, down-up, down-down) for a form with particular dimensions for a single orientation. *form_volume(p1, p2, ...)* returns the volume of the form with particular dimension. *ER(p1, p2, ...)* returns the effective radius of the form with particular dimensions. *VR(p1, p2, ...)* returns the volume ratio for core-shell style forms. #define INVALID(v) (expr) returns False if v.parameter is invalid for some parameter or other (e.g., v.bell_radius < v.radius). If necessary, the expression can call a function. These functions are defined in a kernel module .py script and an associated set of .c files. The model constructor will use them to create models with polydispersity across volume and orientation parameters, and provide scale and background parameters for each model. *Iq*, *Iqxy*, *Imagnetic* and *form_volume* should be stylized C-99 functions written for OpenCL. All functions need prototype declarations even if the are defined before they are used. OpenCL does not support *#include* preprocessor directives, so instead the list of includes needs to be given as part of the metadata in the kernel module definition. The included files should be listed using a path relative to the kernel module, or if using "lib/file.c" if it is one of the standard includes provided with the sasmodels source. The includes need to be listed in order so that functions are defined before they are used. Floating point values should be declared as *double*. For single precision calculations, *double* will be replaced by *float*. The single precision conversion will also tag floating point constants with "f" to make them single precision constants. When using integral values in floating point expressions, they should be expressed as floating point values by including a decimal point. This includes 0., 1. and 2. OpenCL has a *sincos* function which can improve performance when both the *sin* and *cos* values are needed for a particular argument. Since this function does not exist in C99, all use of *sincos* should be replaced by the macro *SINCOS(value, sn, cn)* where *sn* and *cn* are previously declared *double* variables. When compiled for systems without OpenCL, *SINCOS* will be replaced by *sin* and *cos* calls. If *value* is an expression, it will appear twice in this case; whether or not it will be evaluated twice depends on the quality of the compiler. If the input parameters are invalid, the scattering calculator should return a negative number. Particularly with polydispersity, there are some sets of shape parameters which lead to nonsensical forms, such as a capped cylinder where the cap radius is smaller than the cylinder radius. The polydispersity calculation will ignore these points, effectively chopping the parameter weight distributions at the boundary of the infeasible region. The resulting scattering will be set to background. This will work correctly even when polydispersity is off. *ER* and *VR* are python functions which operate on parameter vectors. The constructor code will generate the necessary vectors for computing them with the desired polydispersity. The available kernel parameters are defined as a list, with each parameter defined as a sublist with the following elements: *name* is the name that will be used in the call to the kernel function and the name that will be displayed to the user. Names should be lower case, with words separated by underscore. If acronyms are used, the whole acronym should be upper case. *units* should be one of *degrees* for angles, *Ang* for lengths, *1e-6/Ang^2* for SLDs. *default value* will be the initial value for the model when it is selected, or when an initial value is not otherwise specified. *limits = [lb, ub]* are the hard limits on the parameter value, used to limit the polydispersity density function. In the fit, the parameter limits given to the fit are the limits on the central value of the parameter. If there is polydispersity, it will evaluate parameter values outside the fit limits, but not outside the hard limits specified in the model. If there are no limits, use +/-inf imported from numpy. *type* indicates how the parameter will be used. "volume" parameters will be used in all functions. "orientation" parameters will be used in *Iqxy* and *Imagnetic*. "magnetic* parameters will be used in *Imagnetic* only. If *type* is the empty string, the parameter will be used in all of *Iq*, *Iqxy* and *Imagnetic*. "sld" parameters can automatically be promoted to magnetic parameters, each of which will have a magnitude and a direction, which may be different from other sld parameters. *description* is a short description of the parameter. This will be displayed in the parameter table and used as a tool tip for the parameter value in the user interface. The kernel module must set variables defining the kernel meta data: *id* is an implicit variable formed from the filename. It will be a valid python identifier, and will be used as the reference into the html documentation, with '_' replaced by '-'. *name* is the model name as displayed to the user. If it is missing, it will be constructed from the id. *title* is a short description of the model, suitable for a tool tip, or a one line model summary in a table of models. *description* is an extended description of the model to be displayed while the model parameters are being edited. *parameters* is the list of parameters. Parameters in the kernel functions must appear in the same order as they appear in the parameters list. Two additional parameters, *scale* and *background* are added to the beginning of the parameter list. They will show up in the documentation as model parameters, but they are never sent to the kernel functions. Note that *effect_radius* and *volfraction* must occur first in structure factor calculations. *category* is the default category for the model. The category is two level structure, with the form "group:section", indicating where in the manual the model will be located. Models are alphabetical within their section. *source* is the list of C-99 source files that must be joined to create the OpenCL kernel functions. The files defining the functions need to be listed before the files which use the functions. *ER* is a python function defining the effective radius. If it is not present, the effective radius is 0. *VR* is a python function defining the volume ratio. If it is not present, the volume ratio is 1. *form_volume*, *Iq*, *Iqxy*, *Imagnetic* are strings containing the C source code for the body of the volume, Iq, and Iqxy functions respectively. These can also be defined in the last source file. *Iq* and *Iqxy* also be instead be python functions defining the kernel. If they are marked as *Iq.vectorized = True* then the kernel is passed the entire *q* vector at once, otherwise it is passed values one *q* at a time. The performance improvement of this step is significant. *demo* is a dictionary of parameter=value defining a set of parameters to use by default when *compare* is called. Any parameter not set in *demo* gets the initial value from the parameter list. *demo* is mostly needed to set the default polydispersity values for tests. *oldname* is the name of the model in sasview before sasmodels was split into its own package, and *oldpars* is a dictionary of *parameter: old_parameter* pairs defining the new names for the parameters. This is used by *compare* to check the values of the new model against the values of the old model before you are ready to add the new model to sasmodels. An *model_info* dictionary is constructed from the kernel meta data and returned to the caller. The model evaluator, function call sequence consists of q inputs and the return vector, followed by the loop value/weight vector, followed by the values for the non-polydisperse parameters, followed by the lengths of the polydispersity loops. To construct the call for 1D models, the categories *fixed-1d* and *pd-1d* list the names of the parameters of the non-polydisperse and the polydisperse parameters respectively. Similarly, *fixed-2d* and *pd-2d* provide parameter names for 2D models. The *pd-rel* category is a set of those parameters which give polydispersitiy as a portion of the value (so a 10% length dispersity would use a polydispersity value of 0.1) rather than absolute dispersity such as an angle plus or minus 15 degrees. The *volume* category lists the volume parameters in order for calls to volume within the kernel (used for volume normalization) and for calls to ER and VR for effective radius and volume ratio respectively. The *orientation* and *magnetic* categories list the orientation and magnetic parameters. These are used by the sasview interface. The blank category is for parameters such as scale which don't have any other marking. The doc string at the start of the kernel module will be used to construct the model documentation web pages. Embedded figures should appear in the subdirectory "img" beside the model definition, and tagged with the kernel module name to avoid collision with other models. Some file systems are case-sensitive, so only use lower case characters for file names and extensions. The function :func:`make` loads the metadata from the module and returns the kernel source. The function :func:`make_doc` extracts the doc string and adds the parameter table to the top. The function :func:`model_sources` returns a list of files required by the model. Code follows the C99 standard with the following extensions and conditions:: M_PI_180 = pi/180 M_4PI_3 = 4pi/3 square(x) = x*x cube(x) = x*x*x sinc(x) = sin(x)/x, with sin(0)/0 -> 1 all double precision constants must include the decimal point all double declarations may be converted to half, float, or long double FLOAT_SIZE is the number of bytes in the converted variables """ from __future__ import print_function # TODO: identify model files which have changed since loading and reload them. import sys from os.path import abspath, dirname, join as joinpath, exists, basename, \ splitext, getmtime import re import string import warnings from collections import namedtuple import numpy as np # TODO: promote Parameter and model_info to classes PARAMETER_FIELDS = ['name', 'units', 'default', 'limits', 'type', 'description'] Parameter = namedtuple('Parameter', PARAMETER_FIELDS) #TODO: determine which functions are useful outside of generate #__all__ = ["model_info", "make_doc", "make_source", "convert_type"] TEMPLATE_ROOT = dirname(__file__) MAX_PD = 4 F16 = np.dtype('float16') F32 = np.dtype('float32') F64 = np.dtype('float64') try: # CRUFT: older numpy does not support float128 F128 = np.dtype('float128') except TypeError: F128 = None # Scale and background, which are parameters common to every form factor COMMON_PARAMETERS = [ ["scale", "", 1, [0, np.inf], "", "Source intensity"], ["background", "1/cm", 1e-3, [0, np.inf], "", "Source background"], ] # Conversion from units defined in the parameter table for each model # to units displayed in the sphinx documentation. RST_UNITS = { "Ang": "|Ang|", "1/Ang": "|Ang^-1|", "1/Ang^2": "|Ang^-2|", "1e-6/Ang^2": "|1e-6Ang^-2|", "degrees": "degree", "1/cm": "|cm^-1|", "Ang/cm": "|Ang*cm^-1|", "g/cm3": "|g/cm^3|", "mg/m2": "|mg/m^2|", "": "None", } # Headers for the parameters tables in th sphinx documentation PARTABLE_HEADERS = [ "Parameter", "Description", "Units", "Default value", ] # Minimum width for a default value (this is shorter than the column header # width, so will be ignored). PARTABLE_VALUE_WIDTH = 10 # Documentation header for the module, giving the model name, its short # description and its parameter table. The remainder of the doc comes # from the module docstring. DOC_HEADER = """.. _%(id)s: %(name)s ======================================================= %(title)s %(parameters)s %(returns)s %(docs)s """ def format_units(units): """ Convert units into ReStructured Text format. """ return "string" if isinstance(units, list) else RST_UNITS.get(units, units) def make_partable(pars): """ Generate the parameter table to include in the sphinx documentation. """ column_widths = [ max(len(p.name) for p in pars), max(len(p.description) for p in pars), max(len(format_units(p.units)) for p in pars), PARTABLE_VALUE_WIDTH, ] column_widths = [max(w, len(h)) for w, h in zip(column_widths, PARTABLE_HEADERS)] sep = " ".join("="*w for w in column_widths) lines = [ sep, " ".join("%-*s" % (w, h) for w, h in zip(column_widths, PARTABLE_HEADERS)), sep, ] for p in pars: lines.append(" ".join([ "%-*s" % (column_widths[0], p.name), "%-*s" % (column_widths[1], p.description), "%-*s" % (column_widths[2], format_units(p.units)), "%*g" % (column_widths[3], p.default), ])) lines.append(sep) return "\n".join(lines) def _search(search_path, filename): """ Find *filename* in *search_path*. Raises ValueError if file does not exist. """ for path in search_path: target = joinpath(path, filename) if exists(target): return target raise ValueError("%r not found in %s" % (filename, search_path)) def model_sources(model_info): """ Return a list of the sources file paths for the module. """ search_path = [dirname(model_info['filename']), abspath(joinpath(dirname(__file__), 'models'))] return [_search(search_path, f) for f in model_info['source']] def convert_type(source, dtype): """ Convert code from double precision to the desired type. Floating point constants are tagged with 'f' for single precision or 'L' for long double precision. """ if dtype == F16: fbytes = 2 source = _convert_type(source, "float", "f") elif dtype == F32: fbytes = 4 source = _convert_type(source, "float", "f") elif dtype == F64: fbytes = 8 # no need to convert if it is already double elif dtype == F128: fbytes = 16 source = _convert_type(source, "long double", "L") else: raise ValueError("Unexpected dtype in source conversion: %s"%dtype) return ("#define FLOAT_SIZE %d\n"%fbytes)+source def _convert_type(source, type_name, constant_flag): """ Replace 'double' with *type_name* in *source*, tagging floating point constants with *constant_flag*. """ # Convert double keyword to float/long double/half. # Accept an 'n' # parameter for vector # values, where n is 2, 4, 8 or 16. # Assume complex numbers are represented as cdouble which is typedef'd # to double2. source = re.sub(r'(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]c?)double(([248]|16)?($|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]))', r'\1%s\2'%type_name, source) # Convert floating point constants to single by adding 'f' to the end, # or long double with an 'L' suffix. OS/X complains if you don't do this. source = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z_](\d*[.]\d+|\d+[.]\d*)([eE][+-]?\d+)?', r'\g<0>%s'%constant_flag, source) return source def kernel_name(model_info, is_2d): """ Name of the exported kernel symbol. """ return model_info['name'] + "_" + ("Iqxy" if is_2d else "Iq") def indent(s, depth): """ Indent a string of text with *depth* additional spaces on each line. """ spaces = " "*depth sep = "\n" + spaces return spaces + sep.join(s.split("\n")) _template_cache = {} def load_template(filename): path = joinpath(TEMPLATE_ROOT, filename) mtime = getmtime(path) if filename not in _template_cache or mtime > _template_cache[filename][0]: with open(path) as fid: _template_cache[filename] = (mtime, fid.read(), path) return _template_cache[filename][1] def model_templates(): # TODO: fails DRY; templates are listed in two places. # should instead have model_info contain a list of paths return [joinpath(TEMPLATE_ROOT, filename) for filename in ('kernel_header.c', 'kernel_iq.c')] _FN_TEMPLATE = """\ double %(name)s(%(pars)s); double %(name)s(%(pars)s) { %(body)s } """ def _gen_fn(name, pars, body): """ Generate a function given pars and body. Returns the following string:: double fn(double a, double b, ...); double fn(double a, double b, ...) { .... } """ par_decl = ', '.join('double ' + p for p in pars) if pars else 'void' return _FN_TEMPLATE % {'name': name, 'body': body, 'pars': par_decl} def _call_pars(prefix, pars): """ Return a list of *prefix.parameter* from parameter items. """ prefix += "." return [prefix+p for p in pars] _IQXY_PATTERN = re.compile("^((inline|static) )? *(double )? *Iqxy *([(]|$)", flags=re.MULTILINE) def _have_Iqxy(sources): """ Return true if any file defines Iqxy. Note this is not a C parser, and so can be easily confused by non-standard syntax. Also, it will incorrectly identify the following as having Iqxy:: /* double Iqxy(qx, qy, ...) { ... fill this in later ... } */ If you want to comment out an Iqxy function, use // on the front of the line instead. """ for code in sources: if _IQXY_PATTERN.search(code): return True else: return False def make_source(model_info): """ Generate the OpenCL/ctypes kernel from the module info. Uses source files found in the given search path. """ if callable(model_info['Iq']): return None # TODO: need something other than volume to indicate dispersion parameters # No volume normalization despite having a volume parameter. # Thickness is labelled a volume in order to trigger polydispersity. # May want a separate dispersion flag, or perhaps a separate category for # disperse, but not volume. Volume parameters also use relative values # for the distribution rather than the absolute values used by angular # dispersion. Need to be careful that necessary parameters are available # for computing volume even if we allow non-disperse volume parameters. # kernel_iq assumes scale and background are the first parameters; # they should be first for 1d and 2d parameter lists as well. assert model_info['parameters'][0].name == 'scale' assert model_info['parameters'][1].name == 'background' # Identify parameter types iq_parameters = model_info['par_type']['1d'][2:] iqxy_parameters = model_info['par_type']['2d'][2:] vol_parameters = model_info['par_type']['volume'] # Load templates and user code kernel_header = load_template('kernel_header.c') kernel_code = load_template('kernel_iq.c') user_code = [open(f).read() for f in model_sources(model_info)] # Build initial sources source = [kernel_header] + user_code # Generate form_volume function, etc. from body only if model_info['form_volume'] is not None: pnames = [p for p in vol_parameters] source.append(_gen_fn('form_volume', pnames, model_info['form_volume'])) if model_info['Iq'] is not None: pnames = ['q'] + [p for p in iq_parameters] source.append(_gen_fn('Iq', pnames, model_info['Iq'])) if model_info['Iqxy'] is not None: pnames = ['qx', 'qy'] + [p for p in iqxy_parameters] source.append(_gen_fn('Iqxy', pnames, model_info['Iqxy'])) # Define the parameter table source.append("#define PARAMETER_TABLE \\") source.append("\\\n ".join("double %s;"%p.name for p in model_info['parameters'][2:])) # Define the function calls if vol_parameters: refs = ",".join(_call_pars("v", vol_parameters)) call_volume = "#define CALL_VOLUME(v) form_volume(%s)"%refs else: # Model doesn't have volume. We could make the kernel run a little # faster by not using/transferring the volume normalizations, but # the ifdef's reduce readability more than is worthwhile. call_volume = "#define CALL_VOLUME(v) 0.0" source.append(call_volume) refs = ["q[i]"] + _call_pars("v", iq_parameters) call_iq = "#define CALL_IQ(q,i,v) Iq(%s)" % (",".join(refs)) if _have_Iqxy(user_code): # Call 2D model refs = ["q[2*i]", "q[2*i+1]"] + _call_pars("v", iqxy_parameters) call_iqxy = "#define CALL_IQ(q,i,v) Iqxy(%s)" % (",".join(refs)) else: # Call 1D model with sqrt(qx^2 + qy^2) warnings.warn("Creating Iqxy = Iq(sqrt(qx^2 + qy^2))") # still defined:: refs = ["q[i]"] + _call_pars("v", iq_parameters) pars_sqrt = ["sqrt(q[2*i]*q[2*i]+q[2*i+1]*q[2*i+1])"] + refs[1:] call_iqxy = "#define CALL_IQ(q,i,v) Iq(%s)" % (",".join(pars_sqrt)) # Fill in definitions for numbers of parameters source.append("#define MAX_PD %s"%model_info['max_pd']) source.append("#define NPARS %d"%(len(model_info['parameters'])-2)) # TODO: allow mixed python/opencl kernels? # define the Iq kernel source.append("#define KERNEL_NAME %s_Iq"%model_info['name']) source.append(call_iq) source.append(kernel_code) source.append("#undef CALL_IQ") source.append("#undef KERNEL_NAME") # define the Iqxy kernel from the same source with different #defines source.append("#define KERNEL_NAME %s_Iqxy"%model_info['name']) source.append(call_iqxy) source.append(kernel_code) source.append("#undef CALL_IQ") source.append("#undef KERNEL_NAME") return '\n'.join(source) def categorize_parameters(pars): """ Categorize the parameters by use: * *pd* list of polydisperse parameters in order; gui should test whether they are in *2d* or *magnetic* as appropriate for the data * *1d* set of parameters that are used to compute 1D patterns * *2d* set of parameters that are used to compute 2D patterns (which includes all 1D parameters) * *magnetic* set of parameters that are used to compute magnetic patterns (which includes all 1D and 2D parameters) * *pd_relative* is the set of parameters with relative distribution width (e.g., radius +/- 10%) rather than absolute distribution width (e.g., theta +/- 6 degrees). * *theta_par* is the index of the polar angle polydispersion parameter or -1 if no such parameter exists """ par_set = {} par_set['1d'] = [p.name for p in pars if p.type not in ('orientation', 'magnetic')] par_set['2d'] = [p.name for p in pars if p.type != 'magnetic'] par_set['magnetic'] = [p.name for p in pars] par_set['pd'] = [p.name for p in pars if p.type in ('volume', 'orientation')] par_set['pd_relative'] = [p.name for p in pars if p.type == 'volume'] if 'theta' in par_set['2d']: # find id of theta in parameter set (or whatever variable is # used for spherical normalization during polydispersity... par_set['theta_par'] = [k for k,p in enumerate(pars) if p.name=='theta'][0] else: par_set['theta_par'] = -1 return par_set def collect_types(pars): """ Build parameter categories out of the the parameter definitions. Returns a dictionary of categories. Note: these categories are subject to change, depending on the needs of the UI and the needs of the kernel calling function. The categories are as follows: * *volume* list of volume parameter names * *orientation* list of orientation parameters * *magnetic* list of magnetic parameters * *sld* list of parameters that have no type info * *other* list of parameters that have no type info Each parameter is in one and only one category. """ par_type = { 'volume': [], 'orientation': [], 'magnetic': [], 'sld': [], 'other': [], } for p in pars: par_type[p.type if p.type else 'other'].append(p.name) return par_type def process_parameters(model_info): """ Process parameter block, precalculating parameter details. """ # convert parameters into named tuples for p in model_info['parameters']: if p[4] == '' and (p[0].startswith('sld') or p[0].endswith('sld')): p[4] = 'sld' # TODO: make sure all models explicitly label their sld parameters #raise ValueError("%s.%s needs to be explicitly set to type 'sld'" %(model_info['id'], p[0])) pars = [Parameter(*p) for p in model_info['parameters']] # Fill in the derived attributes par_type = collect_types(pars) par_type.update(categorize_parameters(pars)) model_info['parameters'] = pars model_info['par_type'] = par_type if model_info.get('demo', None) is None: model_info['demo'] = dict((p.name, p.default) for p in pars) model_info['has_2d'] = par_type['orientation'] or par_type['magnetic'] # Don't use more polydisperse parameters than are available in the model # Note: we can do polydispersity on arbitrary parameters, so it is not # clear that this is a good idea; it does however make the poly_details # code easier to write, so we will leave it in for now. model_info['max_pd'] = min(len(par_type['pd']), MAX_PD) def mono_details(model_info): max_pd = model_info['max_pd'] npars = len(model_info['parameters']) - 2 p = 5*max_pd c = p + 3*npars details = np.zeros(c + 2, 'int32') details[0*max_pd:1*max_pd] = range(max_pd) # pd_par: arbitrary order; use first details[1*max_pd:2*max_pd] = [1]*max_pd # pd_length: only one element details[2*max_pd:3*max_pd] = range(max_pd) # pd_offset: consecutive 1.0 weights details[3*max_pd:4*max_pd] = [1]*max_pd # pd_stride: vectors of length 1 details[4*max_pd:5*max_pd] = [0]*max_pd # pd_isvol: doens't matter if no norm details[p+0*npars:p+1*npars] = range(2, npars+2) # par_offset: skip scale and background details[p+1*npars:p+2*npars] = [0]*npars # no coordination #details[p+npars] = 1 # par_coord[0] is coordinated with the first par? details[p+2*npars:p+3*npars] = 0 # fast coord with 0 details[c] = 1 # fast_coord_count: one fast index details[c+1] = -1 # theta_par: None return details def poly_details(model_info, weights): pars = model_info['parameters'][2:] # skip scale and background max_pd = model_info['max_pd'] npars = len(pars) # scale and background already removed par_offset = 5*max_pd constants_offset = par_offset + 3*npars # Decreasing list of polydispersity lengths # Note: the reversing view, x[::-1], does not require a copy pd_length = np.array([len(w) for w in weights]) print (pd_length) pd_offset = np.cumsum(np.hstack((0, pd_length))) pd_isvol = np.array([p.type=='volume' for p in pars]) idx = np.argsort(pd_length)[::-1][:max_pd] print (idx) pd_stride = np.cumprod(np.hstack((1, pd_length[idx][:-1]))) par_offsets = np.cumsum(np.hstack((2, pd_length)))[:-1] theta_par = -1 if 'theta_par' in model_info: theta_par = model_info['theta_par'] if theta_par >= 0 and pd_length[theta_par] <= 1: theta_par = -1 details = np.empty(constants_offset + 2, 'int32') details[0*max_pd:1*max_pd] = idx # pd_par details[1*max_pd:2*max_pd] = pd_length[idx] details[2*max_pd:3*max_pd] = pd_offset[idx] details[3*max_pd:4*max_pd] = pd_stride details[4*max_pd:5*max_pd] = pd_isvol[idx] details[par_offset+0*npars:par_offset+1*npars] = par_offsets details[par_offset+1*npars:par_offset+2*npars] = 0 # no coordination for most details[par_offset+2*npars:par_offset+3*npars] = 0 # no fast coord with 0 coord_offset = par_offset+1*pars for k,parameter_num in enumerate(idx): details[coord_offset+parameter_num] = 2**k details[constants_offset] = 1 # fast_coord_count: one fast index details[constants_offset+1] = theta_par print ("details",details) return details def constrained_poly_details(model_info, weights, constraints): # Need to find the independently varying pars and sort them # Need to build a coordination list for the dependent variables # Need to generate a constraints function which takes values # and weights, returning par blocks raise NotImplementedError("Can't handle constraints yet") def create_default_functions(model_info): """ Autogenerate missing functions, such as Iqxy from Iq. This only works for Iqxy when Iq is written in python. :func:`make_source` performs a similar role for Iq written in C. """ if model_info['Iq'] is not None and model_info['Iqxy'] is None: if model_info['par_type']['1d'] != model_info['par_type']['2d']: raise ValueError("Iqxy model is missing") Iq = model_info['Iq'] def Iqxy(qx, qy, **kw): return Iq(np.sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2), **kw) model_info['Iqxy'] = Iqxy def make_model_info(kernel_module): """ Interpret the model definition file, categorizing the parameters. The module can be loaded with a normal python import statement if you know which module you need, or with __import__('sasmodels.model.'+name) if the name is in a string. The *model_info* structure contains the following fields: * *id* is the id of the kernel * *name* is the display name of the kernel * *filename* is the full path to the module defining the file (if any) * *title* is a short description of the kernel * *description* is a long description of the kernel (this doesn't seem very useful since the Help button on the model page brings you directly to the documentation page) * *docs* is the docstring from the module. Use :func:`make_doc` to * *category* specifies the model location in the docs * *parameters* is the model parameter table * *single* is True if the model allows single precision * *structure_factor* is True if the model is useable in a product * *variant_info* contains the information required to select between model variants (e.g., the list of cases) or is None if there are no model variants * *par_type* categorizes the model parameters. See :func:`categorize_parameters` for details. * *demo* contains the *{parameter: value}* map used in compare (and maybe for the demo plot, if plots aren't set up to use the default values). If *demo* is not given in the file, then the default values will be used. * *tests* is a set of tests that must pass * *source* is the list of library files to include in the C model build * *Iq*, *Iqxy*, *form_volume*, *ER*, *VR* and *sesans* are python functions implementing the kernel for the module, or None if they are not defined in python * *oldname* is the model name in pre-4.0 Sasview * *oldpars* is the *{new: old}* parameter translation table from pre-4.0 Sasview * *composition* is None if the model is independent, otherwise it is a tuple with composition type ('product' or 'mixture') and a list of *model_info* blocks for the composition objects. This allows us to build complete product and mixture models from just the info. * *max_pd* is the max polydispersity dimension. This is constant and should not be reset. You may be able to change it when the program starts by setting *sasmodels.generate.MAX_PD*. """ # TODO: maybe turn model_info into a class ModelDefinition parameters = COMMON_PARAMETERS + kernel_module.parameters filename = abspath(kernel_module.__file__) kernel_id = splitext(basename(filename))[0] name = getattr(kernel_module, 'name', None) if name is None: name = " ".join(w.capitalize() for w in kernel_id.split('_')) model_info = dict( id=kernel_id, # string used to load the kernel filename=abspath(kernel_module.__file__), name=name, title=kernel_module.title, description=kernel_module.description, parameters=parameters, composition=None, docs=kernel_module.__doc__, category=getattr(kernel_module, 'category', None), single=getattr(kernel_module, 'single', True), structure_factor=getattr(kernel_module, 'structure_factor', False), variant_info=getattr(kernel_module, 'invariant_info', None), demo=getattr(kernel_module, 'demo', None), source=getattr(kernel_module, 'source', []), oldname=getattr(kernel_module, 'oldname', None), oldpars=getattr(kernel_module, 'oldpars', {}), tests=getattr(kernel_module, 'tests', []), ) process_parameters(model_info) # Check for optional functions functions = "ER VR form_volume Iq Iqxy shape sesans".split() model_info.update((k, getattr(kernel_module, k, None)) for k in functions) create_default_functions(model_info) # Precalculate the monodisperse parameters # TODO: make this a lazy evaluator # make_model_info is called for every model on sasview startup model_info['mono_details'] = mono_details(model_info) return model_info section_marker = re.compile(r'\A(?P[%s])(?P=first)*\Z' %re.escape(string.punctuation)) def _convert_section_titles_to_boldface(lines): """ Do the actual work of identifying and converting section headings. """ prior = None for line in lines: if prior is None: prior = line elif section_marker.match(line): if len(line) >= len(prior): yield "".join(("**", prior, "**")) prior = None else: yield prior prior = line else: yield prior prior = line if prior is not None: yield prior def convert_section_titles_to_boldface(s): """ Use explicit bold-face rather than section headings so that the table of contents is not polluted with section names from the model documentation. Sections are identified as the title line followed by a line of punctuation at least as long as the title line. """ return "\n".join(_convert_section_titles_to_boldface(s.split('\n'))) def make_doc(model_info): """ Return the documentation for the model. """ Iq_units = "The returned value is scaled to units of |cm^-1| |sr^-1|, absolute scale." Sq_units = "The returned value is a dimensionless structure factor, $S(q)$." docs = convert_section_titles_to_boldface(model_info['docs']) subst = dict(id=model_info['id'].replace('_', '-'), name=model_info['name'], title=model_info['title'], parameters=make_partable(model_info['parameters']), returns=Sq_units if model_info['structure_factor'] else Iq_units, docs=docs) return DOC_HEADER % subst def demo_time(): """ Show how long it takes to process a model. """ from .models import cylinder import datetime tic = datetime.datetime.now() make_source(make_model_info(cylinder)) toc = (datetime.datetime.now() - tic).total_seconds() print("time: %g"%toc) def main(): """ Program which prints the source produced by the model. """ if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("usage: python -m sasmodels.generate modelname") else: name = sys.argv[1] import sasmodels.models __import__('sasmodels.models.' + name) model = getattr(sasmodels.models, name) model_info = make_model_info(model) source = make_source(model_info) print(source) if __name__ == "__main__": main()