""" SAS model constructor. Small angle scattering models are defined by a set of kernel functions: *Iq(q, p1, p2, ...)* returns the scattering at q for a form with particular dimensions averaged over all orientations. *Iqac(qab, qc, p1, p2, ...)* returns the scattering at qab, qc for a rotationally symmetric form with particular dimensions. qab, qc are determined from shape orientation and scattering angles. This call is used if the shape has orientation parameters theta and phi. *Iqabc(qa, qb, qc, p1, p2, ...)* returns the scattering at qa, qb, qc for a form with particular dimensions. qa, qb, qc are determined from shape orientation and scattering angles. This call is used if the shape has orientation parameters theta, phi and psi. *Iqxy(qx, qy, p1, p2, ...)* returns the scattering at qx, qy. Use this to create an arbitrary 2D theory function, needed for q-dependent background functions and for models with non-uniform magnetism. *form_volume(p1, p2, ...)* returns the volume of the form with particular dimension, or 1.0 if no volume normalization is required. *ER(p1, p2, ...)* returns the effective radius of the form with particular dimensions. *VR(p1, p2, ...)* returns the volume ratio for core-shell style forms. #define INVALID(v) (expr) returns False if v.parameter is invalid for some parameter or other (e.g., v.bell_radius < v.radius). If necessary, the expression can call a function. These functions are defined in a kernel module .py script and an associated set of .c files. The model constructor will use them to create models with polydispersity across volume and orientation parameters, and provide scale and background parameters for each model. C code should be stylized C-99 functions written for OpenCL. All functions need prototype declarations even if the are defined before they are used. Although OpenCL supports *#include* preprocessor directives, the list of includes should be given as part of the metadata in the kernel module definition. The included files should be listed using a path relative to the kernel module, or if using "lib/file.c" if it is one of the standard includes provided with the sasmodels source. The includes need to be listed in order so that functions are defined before they are used. Floating point values should be declared as *double*. For single precision calculations, *double* will be replaced by *float*. The single precision conversion will also tag floating point constants with "f" to make them single precision constants. When using integral values in floating point expressions, they should be expressed as floating point values by including a decimal point. This includes 0., 1. and 2. OpenCL has a *sincos* function which can improve performance when both the *sin* and *cos* values are needed for a particular argument. Since this function does not exist in C99, all use of *sincos* should be replaced by the macro *SINCOS(value, sn, cn)* where *sn* and *cn* are previously declared *double* variables. When compiled for systems without OpenCL, *SINCOS* will be replaced by *sin* and *cos* calls. If *value* is an expression, it will appear twice in this case; whether or not it will be evaluated twice depends on the quality of the compiler. If the input parameters are invalid, the scattering calculator should return a negative number. Particularly with polydispersity, there are some sets of shape parameters which lead to nonsensical forms, such as a capped cylinder where the cap radius is smaller than the cylinder radius. The polydispersity calculation will ignore these points, effectively chopping the parameter weight distributions at the boundary of the infeasible region. The resulting scattering will be set to background. This will work correctly even when polydispersity is off. *ER* and *VR* are python functions which operate on parameter vectors. The constructor code will generate the necessary vectors for computing them with the desired polydispersity. The kernel module must set variables defining the kernel meta data: *id* is an implicit variable formed from the filename. It will be a valid python identifier, and will be used as the reference into the html documentation, with '_' replaced by '-'. *name* is the model name as displayed to the user. If it is missing, it will be constructed from the id. *title* is a short description of the model, suitable for a tool tip, or a one line model summary in a table of models. *description* is an extended description of the model to be displayed while the model parameters are being edited. *parameters* is the list of parameters. Parameters in the kernel functions must appear in the same order as they appear in the parameters list. Two additional parameters, *scale* and *background* are added to the beginning of the parameter list. They will show up in the documentation as model parameters, but they are never sent to the kernel functions. Note that *effect_radius* and *volfraction* must occur first in structure factor calculations. *category* is the default category for the model. The category is two level structure, with the form "group:section", indicating where in the manual the model will be located. Models are alphabetical within their section. *source* is the list of C-99 source files that must be joined to create the OpenCL kernel functions. The files defining the functions need to be listed before the files which use the functions. *ER* is a python function defining the effective radius. If it is not present, the effective radius is 0. *VR* is a python function defining the volume ratio. If it is not present, the volume ratio is 1. *form_volume*, *Iq*, *Iqac*, *Iqabc* are strings containing the C source code for the body of the volume, Iq, and Iqac functions respectively. These can also be defined in the last source file. *Iq*, *Iqac*, *Iqabc* also be instead be python functions defining the kernel. If they are marked as *Iq.vectorized = True* then the kernel is passed the entire *q* vector at once, otherwise it is passed values one *q* at a time. The performance improvement of this step is significant. *demo* is a dictionary of parameter=value defining a set of parameters to use by default when *compare* is called. Any parameter not set in *demo* gets the initial value from the parameter list. *demo* is mostly needed to set the default polydispersity values for tests. A :class:`modelinfo.ModelInfo` structure is constructed from the kernel meta data and returned to the caller. The doc string at the start of the kernel module will be used to construct the model documentation web pages. Embedded figures should appear in the subdirectory "img" beside the model definition, and tagged with the kernel module name to avoid collision with other models. Some file systems are case-sensitive, so only use lower case characters for file names and extensions. Code follows the C99 standard with the following extensions and conditions:: M_PI_180 = pi/180 M_4PI_3 = 4pi/3 square(x) = x*x cube(x) = x*x*x sas_sinx_x(x) = sin(x)/x, with sin(0)/0 -> 1 all double precision constants must include the decimal point all double declarations may be converted to half, float, or long double FLOAT_SIZE is the number of bytes in the converted variables :func:`load_kernel_module` loads the model definition file and :func:`modelinfo.make_model_info` parses it. :func:`make_source` converts C-based model definitions to C source code, including the polydispersity integral. :func:`model_sources` returns the list of source files the model depends on, and :func:`timestamp` returns the latest time stamp amongst the source files (so you can check if the model needs to be rebuilt). The function :func:`make_doc` extracts the doc string and adds the parameter table to the top. *make_figure* in *sasmodels/doc/genmodel* creates the default figure for the model. [These two sets of code should mignrate into docs.py so docs can be updated in one place]. """ from __future__ import print_function # TODO: determine which functions are useful outside of generate #__all__ = ["model_info", "make_doc", "make_source", "convert_type"] import sys from os import environ from os.path import abspath, dirname, join as joinpath, exists, getmtime, sep import re import string from zlib import crc32 from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo import logging import numpy as np # type: ignore from .modelinfo import Parameter from .custom import load_custom_kernel_module # pylint: disable=unused-import try: from typing import Tuple, Sequence, Iterator, Dict from .modelinfo import ModelInfo except ImportError: pass # pylint: enable=unused-import logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # jitter projection to use in the kernel code. See explore/jitter.py # for details. To change it from a program, set generate.PROJECTION. PROJECTION = 1 def get_data_path(external_dir, target_file): path = abspath(dirname(__file__)) if exists(joinpath(path, target_file)): return path # check next to exe/zip file exepath = dirname(sys.executable) path = joinpath(exepath, external_dir) if exists(joinpath(path, target_file)): return path # check in py2app Contents/Resources path = joinpath(exepath, '..', 'Resources', external_dir) if exists(joinpath(path, target_file)): return abspath(path) raise RuntimeError('Could not find '+joinpath(external_dir, target_file)) EXTERNAL_DIR = 'sasmodels-data' DATA_PATH = get_data_path(EXTERNAL_DIR, 'kernel_iq.c') MODEL_PATH = joinpath(DATA_PATH, 'models') F16 = np.dtype('float16') F32 = np.dtype('float32') F64 = np.dtype('float64') try: # CRUFT: older numpy does not support float128 F128 = np.dtype('float128') except TypeError: F128 = None # Conversion from units defined in the parameter table for each model # to units displayed in the sphinx documentation. # This section associates the unit with the macro to use to produce the LaTex # code. The macro itself needs to be defined in sasmodels/doc/rst_prolog. # # NOTE: there is an RST_PROLOG at the end of this file which is NOT # used for the bundled documentation. Still as long as we are defining the macros # in two places any new addition should define the macro in both places. RST_UNITS = { "Ang": "|Ang|", "1/Ang": "|Ang^-1|", "1/Ang^2": "|Ang^-2|", "Ang^3": "|Ang^3|", "Ang^2": "|Ang^2|", "1e15/cm^3": "|1e15cm^3|", "Ang^3/mol": "|Ang^3|/mol", "1e-6/Ang^2": "|1e-6Ang^-2|", "degrees": "degree", "1/cm": "|cm^-1|", "Ang/cm": "|Ang*cm^-1|", "g/cm^3": "|g/cm^3|", "mg/m^2": "|mg/m^2|", "": "None", } # Headers for the parameters tables in th sphinx documentation PARTABLE_HEADERS = [ "Parameter", "Description", "Units", "Default value", ] # Minimum width for a default value (this is shorter than the column header # width, so will be ignored). PARTABLE_VALUE_WIDTH = 10 # Documentation header for the module, giving the model name, its short # description and its parameter table. The remainder of the doc comes # from the module docstring. DOC_HEADER = """.. _%(id)s: %(name)s ======================================================= %(title)s %(parameters)s %(returns)s %(docs)s """ def set_integration_size(info, n): # type: (ModelInfo, int) -> None """ Update the model definition, replacing the gaussian integration with a gaussian integration of a different size. Note: this really ought to be a method in modelinfo, but that leads to import loops. """ if (info.source and any(lib.startswith('lib/gauss') for lib in info.source)): import os.path from .gengauss import gengauss path = os.path.join(MODEL_PATH, "lib", "gauss%d.c"%n) if not os.path.exists(path): gengauss(n, path) info.source = ["lib/gauss%d.c"%n if lib.startswith('lib/gauss') else lib for lib in info.source] def format_units(units): # type: (str) -> str """ Convert units into ReStructured Text format. """ return "string" if isinstance(units, list) else RST_UNITS.get(units, units) def make_partable(pars): # type: (List[Parameter]) -> str """ Generate the parameter table to include in the sphinx documentation. """ column_widths = [ max(len(p.name) for p in pars), max(len(p.description) for p in pars), max(len(format_units(p.units)) for p in pars), PARTABLE_VALUE_WIDTH, ] column_widths = [max(w, len(h)) for w, h in zip(column_widths, PARTABLE_HEADERS)] sep = " ".join("="*w for w in column_widths) lines = [ sep, " ".join("%-*s" % (w, h) for w, h in zip(column_widths, PARTABLE_HEADERS)), sep, ] for p in pars: lines.append(" ".join([ "%-*s" % (column_widths[0], p.name), "%-*s" % (column_widths[1], p.description), "%-*s" % (column_widths[2], format_units(p.units)), "%*g" % (column_widths[3], p.default), ])) lines.append(sep) return "\n".join(lines) def _search(search_path, filename): # type: (List[str], str) -> str """ Find *filename* in *search_path*. Raises ValueError if file does not exist. """ for path in search_path: target = joinpath(path, filename) if exists(target): return target raise ValueError("%r not found in %s" % (filename, search_path)) def model_sources(model_info): # type: (ModelInfo) -> List[str] """ Return a list of the sources file paths for the module. """ search_path = [dirname(model_info.filename), MODEL_PATH] return [_search(search_path, f) for f in model_info.source] def dll_timestamp(model_info): # type: (ModelInfo) -> int """ Return a timestamp for the model corresponding to the most recently changed file or dependency. """ # TODO: fails DRY; templates appear two places. model_templates = [joinpath(DATA_PATH, filename) for filename in ('kernel_header.c', 'kernel_iq.c')] source_files = (model_sources(model_info) + model_templates + [model_info.filename]) # Note: file may not exist when it is a standard model from library.zip times = [getmtime(f) for f in source_files if exists(f)] newest = max(times) if times else 0 return newest def ocl_timestamp(model_info): # type: (ModelInfo) -> int """ Return a timestamp for the model corresponding to the most recently changed file or dependency. Note that this does not look at the time stamps for the OpenCL header information since that need not trigger a recompile of the DLL. """ # TODO: fails DRY; templates appear two places. model_templates = [joinpath(DATA_PATH, filename) for filename in ('kernel_header.c', 'kernel_iq.c')] source_files = (model_sources(model_info) + model_templates + [model_info.filename]) # Note: file may not exist when it is a standard model from library.zip times = [getmtime(f) for f in source_files if exists(f)] newest = max(times) if times else 0 return newest def tag_source(source): # type: (str) -> str """ Return a unique tag for the source code. """ # Note: need 0xffffffff&val to force an unsigned 32-bit number try: source = source.encode('utf8') except AttributeError: # bytes has no encode attribute in python 3 pass return "%08X"%(0xffffffff&crc32(source)) def convert_type(source, dtype): # type: (str, np.dtype) -> str """ Convert code from double precision to the desired type. Floating point constants are tagged with 'f' for single precision or 'L' for long double precision. """ source = _fix_tgmath_int(source) if dtype == F16: fbytes = 2 source = _convert_type(source, "half", "f") elif dtype == F32: fbytes = 4 source = _convert_type(source, "float", "f") elif dtype == F64: fbytes = 8 # no need to convert if it is already double elif dtype == F128: fbytes = 16 source = _convert_type(source, "long double", "L") else: raise ValueError("Unexpected dtype in source conversion: %s" % dtype) return ("#define FLOAT_SIZE %d\n" % fbytes)+source def _convert_type(source, type_name, constant_flag): # type: (str, str, str) -> str """ Replace 'double' with *type_name* in *source*, tagging floating point constants with *constant_flag*. """ # Convert double keyword to float/long double/half. # Accept an 'n' # parameter for vector # values, where n is 2, 4, 8 or 16. # Assume complex numbers are represented as cdouble which is typedef'd # to double2. source = re.sub(r'(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]c?)double(([248]|16)?($|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]))', r'\1%s\2'%type_name, source) source = _tag_float(source, constant_flag) return source TGMATH_INT_RE = re.compile(r""" (?: # Non-capturing match; not lookbehind since pattern length is variable \b # word boundary # various math functions (a?(sin|cos|tan)h? | atan2 | erfc? | tgamma | exp(2|10|m1)? | log(2|10|1p)? | pow[nr]? | sqrt | rsqrt | rootn | fabs | fmax | fmin ) \s*[(]\s* # open parenthesis ) [+-]?(0|[1-9]\d*) # integer (?= # lookahead match: don't want to move from end of int \s*[,)] # comma or close parenthesis for end of argument ) # end lookahead """, re.VERBOSE) def _fix_tgmath_int(source): # type: (str) -> str """ Replace f(integer) with f(integer.) for sin, cos, pow, etc. OS X OpenCL complains that it can't resolve the type generic calls to the standard math functions when they are called with integer constants, but this does not happen with the Windows Intel driver for example. To avoid confusion on the matrix marketplace, automatically promote integers to floats if we recognize them in the source. The specific functions we look for are: trigonometric: sin, asin, sinh, asinh, etc., and atan2 exponential: exp, exp2, exp10, expm1, log, log2, log10, logp1 power: pow, pown, powr, sqrt, rsqrt, rootn special: erf, erfc, tgamma float: fabs, fmin, fmax Note that we don't convert the second argument of dual argument functions: atan2, fmax, fmin, pow, powr. This could potentially be a problem for pow(x, 2), but that case seems to work without change. """ out = TGMATH_INT_RE.sub(r'\g<0>.', source) return out # Floating point regular expression # # Define parts: # # E = [eE][+-]?\d+ : Exponent # P = [.] : Decimal separator # N = [1-9]\d* : Natural number, no leading zeros # Z = 0 : Zero # F = \d+ : Fractional number, maybe leading zeros # F? = \d* : Optional fractional number # # We want to reject bare natural numbers and bare decimal points, so we # need to tediously outline the cases where we have either a fraction or # an exponent: # # ( ZP | ZPF | ZE | ZPE | ZPFE | NP | NPF | NE | NPE | NPFE | PF | PFE ) # # # We can then join cases by making parts optional. The following are # some ways to do this: # # ( (Z|N)(P|PF|E|PE|PFE) | PFE? ) # Split on lead # => ( (Z|N)(PF?|(PF?)?E) | PFE? ) # ( ((Z|N)PF?|PF)E? | (Z|N)E) # Split on point # ( (ZP|ZPF|NP|NPF|PF) | (Z|ZP|ZPF|N|NP|NPF|PF)E ) # Split on E # => ( ((Z|N)PF?|PF) | ((Z|N)(PF?)? | PF) E ) FLOAT_RE = re.compile(r""" (?%s'%constant_flag, source) #print("in",repr(source),"out",repr(out), constant_flag) return out def test_tag_float(): """check that floating point constants are properly identified and tagged with 'f'""" cases = """ ZP : 0. ZPF : 0.0,0.01,0.1 Z E: 0e+001 ZP E: 0.E0 ZPFE: 0.13e-031 NP : 1., 12. NPF : 1.0001, 1.1, 1.0 N E: 1e0, 37E-080 NP E: 1.e0, 37.E-080 NPFE: 845.017e+22 PF : .1, .0, .0100 PFE: .6e+9, .82E-004 # isolated cases 0. 1e0 0.13e-013 # untouched struct3.e3, 03.05.67, 37 # expressions 3.75+-1.6e-7-27+13.2 a3.e2 - 0. 4*atan(1) 4.*atan(1.) """ output = """ ZP : 0.f ZPF : 0.0f,0.01f,0.1f Z E: 0e+001f ZP E: 0.E0f ZPFE: 0.13e-031f NP : 1.f, 12.f NPF : 1.0001f, 1.1f, 1.0f N E: 1e0f, 37E-080f NP E: 1.e0f, 37.E-080f NPFE: 845.017e+22f PF : .1f, .0f, .0100f PFE: .6e+9f, .82E-004f # isolated cases 0.f 1e0f 0.13e-013f # untouched struct3.e3, 03.05.67, 37 # expressions 3.75f+-1.6e-7f-27+13.2f a3.e2 - 0.f 4*atan(1) 4.f*atan(1.f) """ for case_in, case_out in zip(cases.split('\n'), output.split('\n')): out = _tag_float(case_in, 'f') assert case_out == out, "%r => %r"%(case_in, out) def kernel_name(model_info, variant): # type: (ModelInfo, str) -> str """ Name of the exported kernel symbol. *variant* is "Iq", "Iqxy" or "Imagnetic". """ return model_info.name + "_" + variant def indent(s, depth): # type: (str, int) -> str """ Indent a string of text with *depth* additional spaces on each line. """ spaces = " "*depth sep = "\n" + spaces return spaces + sep.join(s.split("\n")) _template_cache = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[int, str, str]] def load_template(filename): # type: (str) -> str path = joinpath(DATA_PATH, filename) mtime = getmtime(path) if filename not in _template_cache or mtime > _template_cache[filename][0]: with open(path) as fid: _template_cache[filename] = (mtime, fid.read(), path) return _template_cache[filename][1], path _FN_TEMPLATE = """\ double %(name)s(%(pars)s); double %(name)s(%(pars)s) { #line %(line)d "%(filename)s" %(body)s } """ def _gen_fn(model_info, name, pars): # type: (ModelInfo, str, List[Parameter]) -> str """ Generate a function given pars and body. Returns the following string:: double fn(double a, double b, ...); double fn(double a, double b, ...) { .... } """ par_decl = ', '.join(p.as_function_argument() for p in pars) if pars else 'void' body = getattr(model_info, name) filename = model_info.filename # Note: if symbol is defined strangely in the module then default it to 1 lineno = model_info.lineno.get(name, 1) return _FN_TEMPLATE % { 'name': name, 'pars': par_decl, 'body': body, 'filename': filename.replace('\\', '\\\\'), 'line': lineno, } def _call_pars(prefix, pars): # type: (str, List[Parameter]) -> List[str] """ Return a list of *prefix+parameter* from parameter items. *prefix* should be "v." if v is a struct. """ return [p.as_call_reference(prefix) for p in pars] # type in IQXY pattern could be single, float, double, long double, ... _IQXY_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(^|\s)double\s+I(?Pq(ab?c|xy))\s*[(]", flags=re.MULTILINE) def find_xy_mode(source): # type: (List[str]) -> bool """ Return the xy mode as qa, qac, qabc or qxy. Note this is not a C parser, and so can be easily confused by non-standard syntax. Also, it will incorrectly identify the following as having 2D models:: /* double Iqac(qab, qc, ...) { ... fill this in later ... } */ If you want to comment out the function, use // on the front of the line:: /* // double Iqac(qab, qc, ...) { ... fill this in later ... } */ """ for code in source: m = _IQXY_PATTERN.search(code) if m is not None: return m.group('mode') return 'qa' def _add_source(source, code, path, lineno=1): """ Add a file to the list of source code chunks, tagged with path and line. """ path = path.replace('\\', '\\\\') source.append('#line %d "%s"' % (lineno, path)) source.append(code) def make_source(model_info): # type: (ModelInfo) -> Dict[str, str] """ Generate the OpenCL/ctypes kernel from the module info. Uses source files found in the given search path. Returns None if this is a pure python model, with no C source components. """ if callable(model_info.Iq): raise ValueError("can't compile python model") #return None # TODO: need something other than volume to indicate dispersion parameters # No volume normalization despite having a volume parameter. # Thickness is labelled a volume in order to trigger polydispersity. # May want a separate dispersion flag, or perhaps a separate category for # disperse, but not volume. Volume parameters also use relative values # for the distribution rather than the absolute values used by angular # dispersion. Need to be careful that necessary parameters are available # for computing volume even if we allow non-disperse volume parameters. partable = model_info.parameters # Load templates and user code kernel_header = load_template('kernel_header.c') kernel_code = load_template('kernel_iq.c') user_code = [(f, open(f).read()) for f in model_sources(model_info)] # Build initial sources source = [] _add_source(source, *kernel_header) for path, code in user_code: _add_source(source, code, path) if model_info.c_code: _add_source(source, model_info.c_code, model_info.filename, lineno=model_info.lineno.get('c_code', 1)) # Make parameters for q, qx, qy so that we can use them in declarations q, qx, qy, qab, qa, qb, qc \ = [Parameter(name=v) for v in 'q qx qy qab qa qb qc'.split()] # Generate form_volume function, etc. from body only if isinstance(model_info.form_volume, str): pars = partable.form_volume_parameters source.append(_gen_fn(model_info, 'form_volume', pars)) if isinstance(model_info.Iq, str): pars = [q] + partable.iq_parameters source.append(_gen_fn(model_info, 'Iq', pars)) if isinstance(model_info.Iqxy, str): pars = [qx, qy] + partable.iq_parameters + partable.orientation_parameters source.append(_gen_fn(model_info, 'Iqxy', pars)) if isinstance(model_info.Iqac, str): pars = [qab, qc] + partable.iq_parameters source.append(_gen_fn(model_info, 'Iqac', pars)) if isinstance(model_info.Iqabc, str): pars = [qa, qb, qc] + partable.iq_parameters source.append(_gen_fn(model_info, 'Iqabc', pars)) # What kind of 2D model do we need? Is it consistent with the parameters? xy_mode = find_xy_mode(source) if xy_mode == 'qabc' and not partable.is_asymmetric: raise ValueError("asymmetric oriented models need to define Iqabc") elif xy_mode == 'qac' and partable.is_asymmetric: raise ValueError("symmetric oriented models need to define Iqac") elif not partable.orientation_parameters and xy_mode in ('qac', 'qabc'): raise ValueError("Unexpected function I%s for unoriented shape"%xy_mode) elif partable.orientation_parameters and xy_mode not in ('qac', 'qabc'): if xy_mode == 'qxy': logger.warn("oriented shapes should define Iqac or Iqabc") else: raise ValueError("Expected function Iqac or Iqabc for oriented shape") # Define the parameter table lineno = getframeinfo(currentframe()).lineno + 2 source.append('#line %d "sasmodels/generate.py"'%lineno) #source.append('introduce breakage in generate to test lineno reporting') source.append("#define PARAMETER_TABLE \\") source.append("\\\n".join(p.as_definition() for p in partable.kernel_parameters)) # Define the function calls if partable.form_volume_parameters: refs = _call_pars("_v.", partable.form_volume_parameters) call_volume = "#define CALL_VOLUME(_v) form_volume(%s)"%(",".join(refs)) else: # Model doesn't have volume. We could make the kernel run a little # faster by not using/transferring the volume normalizations, but # the ifdef's reduce readability more than is worthwhile. call_volume = "#define CALL_VOLUME(v) 1.0" source.append(call_volume) model_refs = _call_pars("_v.", partable.iq_parameters) pars = ",".join(["_q"] + model_refs) call_iq = "#define CALL_IQ(_q, _v) Iq(%s)" % pars if xy_mode == 'qabc': pars = ",".join(["_qa", "_qb", "_qc"] + model_refs) call_iqxy = "#define CALL_IQ_ABC(_qa,_qb,_qc,_v) Iqabc(%s)" % pars clear_iqxy = "#undef CALL_IQ_ABC" elif xy_mode == 'qac': pars = ",".join(["_qa", "_qc"] + model_refs) call_iqxy = "#define CALL_IQ_AC(_qa,_qc,_v) Iqac(%s)" % pars clear_iqxy = "#undef CALL_IQ_AC" elif xy_mode == 'qa': pars = ",".join(["_qa"] + model_refs) call_iqxy = "#define CALL_IQ_A(_qa,_v) Iq(%s)" % pars clear_iqxy = "#undef CALL_IQ_A" elif xy_mode == 'qxy': orientation_refs = _call_pars("_v.", partable.orientation_parameters) pars = ",".join(["_qx", "_qy"] + model_refs + orientation_refs) call_iqxy = "#define CALL_IQ_XY(_qx,_qy,_v) Iqxy(%s)" % pars clear_iqxy = "#undef CALL_IQ_XY" if partable.orientation_parameters: call_iqxy += "\n#define HAVE_THETA" clear_iqxy += "\n#undef HAVE_THETA" if partable.is_asymmetric: call_iqxy += "\n#define HAVE_PSI" clear_iqxy += "\n#undef HAVE_PSI" magpars = [k-2 for k, p in enumerate(partable.call_parameters) if p.type == 'sld'] # Fill in definitions for numbers of parameters source.append("#define MAX_PD %s"%partable.max_pd) source.append("#define NUM_PARS %d"%partable.npars) source.append("#define NUM_VALUES %d" % partable.nvalues) source.append("#define NUM_MAGNETIC %d" % partable.nmagnetic) source.append("#define MAGNETIC_PARS %s"%",".join(str(k) for k in magpars)) source.append("#define PROJECTION %d"%PROJECTION) # TODO: allow mixed python/opencl kernels? ocl = _kernels(kernel_code, call_iq, call_iqxy, clear_iqxy, model_info.name) dll = _kernels(kernel_code, call_iq, call_iqxy, clear_iqxy, model_info.name) result = { 'dll': '\n'.join(source+dll[0]+dll[1]+dll[2]), 'opencl': '\n'.join(source+ocl[0]+ocl[1]+ocl[2]), } return result def _kernels(kernel, call_iq, call_iqxy, clear_iqxy, name): # type: ([str,str], str, str, str) -> List[str] code = kernel[0] path = kernel[1].replace('\\', '\\\\') iq = [ # define the Iq kernel "#define KERNEL_NAME %s_Iq" % name, call_iq, '#line 1 "%s Iq"' % path, code, "#undef CALL_IQ", "#undef KERNEL_NAME", ] iqxy = [ # define the Iqxy kernel from the same source with different #defines "#define KERNEL_NAME %s_Iqxy" % name, call_iqxy, '#line 1 "%s Iqxy"' % path, code, clear_iqxy, "#undef KERNEL_NAME", ] imagnetic = [ # define the Imagnetic kernel "#define KERNEL_NAME %s_Imagnetic" % name, "#define MAGNETIC 1", call_iqxy, '#line 1 "%s Imagnetic"' % path, code, clear_iqxy, "#undef MAGNETIC", "#undef KERNEL_NAME", ] return iq, iqxy, imagnetic def load_kernel_module(model_name): # type: (str) -> module """ Return the kernel module named in *model_name*. If the name ends in *.py* then load it as a custom model using :func:`sasmodels.custom.load_custom_kernel_module`, otherwise load it from :mod:`sasmodels.models`. """ if model_name.endswith('.py'): kernel_module = load_custom_kernel_module(model_name) else: try: from sasmodels import models __import__('sasmodels.models.'+model_name) kernel_module = getattr(models, model_name, None) except ImportError: # If the model isn't a built in model, try the plugin directory plugin_path = environ.get('SAS_MODELPATH', None) if plugin_path is not None: file_name = model_name.split(sep)[-1] model_name = plugin_path + sep + file_name + ".py" kernel_module = load_custom_kernel_module(model_name) else: raise return kernel_module section_marker = re.compile(r'\A(?P[%s])(?P=first)*\Z' % re.escape(string.punctuation)) def _convert_section_titles_to_boldface(lines): # type: (Sequence[str]) -> Iterator[str] """ Do the actual work of identifying and converting section headings. """ prior = None for line in lines: if prior is None: prior = line elif section_marker.match(line): if len(line) >= len(prior): yield "".join(("**", prior, "**")) prior = None else: yield prior prior = line else: yield prior prior = line if prior is not None: yield prior def convert_section_titles_to_boldface(s): # type: (str) -> str """ Use explicit bold-face rather than section headings so that the table of contents is not polluted with section names from the model documentation. Sections are identified as the title line followed by a line of punctuation at least as long as the title line. """ return "\n".join(_convert_section_titles_to_boldface(s.split('\n'))) def make_doc(model_info): # type: (ModelInfo) -> str """ Return the documentation for the model. """ Iq_units = "The returned value is scaled to units of |cm^-1| |sr^-1|, absolute scale." Sq_units = "The returned value is a dimensionless structure factor, $S(q)$." docs = model_info.docs if model_info.docs is not None else "" docs = convert_section_titles_to_boldface(docs) pars = make_partable(model_info.parameters.COMMON + model_info.parameters.kernel_parameters) subst = dict(id=model_info.id.replace('_', '-'), name=model_info.name, title=model_info.title, parameters=pars, returns=Sq_units if model_info.structure_factor else Iq_units, docs=docs) return DOC_HEADER % subst # TODO: need a single source for rst_prolog; it is also in doc/rst_prolog RST_PROLOG = r"""\ .. |Ang| unicode:: U+212B .. |Ang^-1| replace:: |Ang|\ :sup:`-1` .. |Ang^2| replace:: |Ang|\ :sup:`2` .. |Ang^-2| replace:: |Ang|\ :sup:`-2` .. |1e-6Ang^-2| replace:: 10\ :sup:`-6`\ |Ang|\ :sup:`-2` .. |Ang^3| replace:: |Ang|\ :sup:`3` .. |Ang^-3| replace:: |Ang|\ :sup:`-3` .. |Ang^-4| replace:: |Ang|\ :sup:`-4` .. |cm^-1| replace:: cm\ :sup:`-1` .. |cm^2| replace:: cm\ :sup:`2` .. |cm^-2| replace:: cm\ :sup:`-2` .. |cm^3| replace:: cm\ :sup:`3` .. |1e15cm^3| replace:: 10\ :sup:`15`\ cm\ :sup:`3` .. |cm^-3| replace:: cm\ :sup:`-3` .. |sr^-1| replace:: sr\ :sup:`-1` .. |cdot| unicode:: U+00B7 .. |deg| unicode:: U+00B0 .. |g/cm^3| replace:: g\ |cdot|\ cm\ :sup:`-3` .. |mg/m^2| replace:: mg\ |cdot|\ m\ :sup:`-2` .. |fm^2| replace:: fm\ :sup:`2` .. |Ang*cm^-1| replace:: |Ang|\ |cdot|\ cm\ :sup:`-1` """ # TODO: make a better fake reference role RST_ROLES = """\ .. role:: ref .. role:: numref """ def make_html(model_info): # type: (ModelInfo) -> str """ Convert model docs directly to html. """ from . import rst2html rst = make_doc(model_info) return rst2html.rst2html("".join((RST_ROLES, RST_PROLOG, rst))) def view_html(model_name): # type: (str) -> None """ Load the model definition and view its help. """ from . import modelinfo kernel_module = load_kernel_module(model_name) info = modelinfo.make_model_info(kernel_module) view_html_from_info(info) def view_html_from_info(info): # type: (ModelInfo) -> None """ View the help for a loaded model definition. """ from . import rst2html url = "file://"+dirname(info.filename)+"/" rst2html.view_html(make_html(info), url=url) def demo_time(): # type: () -> None """ Show how long it takes to process a model. """ import datetime from .modelinfo import make_model_info from .models import cylinder tic = datetime.datetime.now() make_source(make_model_info(cylinder)) toc = (datetime.datetime.now() - tic).total_seconds() print("time: %g"%toc) def main(): # type: () -> None """ Program which prints the source produced by the model. """ from .modelinfo import make_model_info if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("usage: python -m sasmodels.generate modelname") else: name = sys.argv[1] kernel_module = load_kernel_module(name) model_info = make_model_info(kernel_module) source = make_source(model_info) print(source['dll']) if __name__ == "__main__": main()