import warnings import numpy as np from .core import load_model_definition, load_model, make_kernel from .core import call_kernel, call_ER, call_VR from . import sesans from . import resolution from . import resolution2d class DataMixin(object): """ DataMixin captures the common aspects of evaluating a SAS model for a particular data set, including calculating Iq and evaluating the resolution function. It is used in particular by :class:`DirectModel`, which evaluates a SAS model parameters as key word arguments to the calculator method, and by :class:`bumps_model.Experiment`, which wraps the model and data for use with the Bumps fitting engine. It is not currently used by :class:`sasview_model.SasviewModel` since this will require a number of changes to SasView before we can do it. """ def _interpret_data(self, data, model): self._data = data self._model = model # interpret data if hasattr(data, 'lam'): self.data_type = 'sesans' elif hasattr(data, 'qx_data'): self.data_type = 'Iqxy' else: self.data_type = 'Iq' partype =['partype'] if self.data_type == 'sesans': q = sesans.make_q(data.sample.zacceptance, data.Rmax) self.index = slice(None, None) if data.y is not None: self.Iq = data.y self.dIq = data.dy #self._theory = np.zeros_like(q) q_vectors = [q] elif self.data_type == 'Iqxy': if not partype['orientation'] and not partype['magnetic']: raise ValueError("not 2D without orientation or magnetic parameters") q = np.sqrt(data.qx_data**2 + data.qy_data**2) qmin = getattr(data, 'qmin', 1e-16) qmax = getattr(data, 'qmax', np.inf) accuracy = getattr(data, 'accuracy', 'Low') self.index = ~data.mask & (q >= qmin) & (q <= qmax) if is not None: self.index &= ~np.isnan( self.Iq =[self.index] self.dIq = data.err_data[self.index] self.resolution = resolution2d.Pinhole2D(data=data, index=self.index, nsigma=3.0, accuracy=accuracy) #self._theory = np.zeros_like(self.Iq) q_vectors = self.resolution.q_calc elif self.data_type == 'Iq': self.index = (data.x >= data.qmin) & (data.x <= data.qmax) if data.y is not None: self.index &= ~np.isnan(data.y) self.Iq = data.y[self.index] self.dIq = data.dy[self.index] if getattr(data, 'dx', None) is not None: q, dq = data.x[self.index], data.dx[self.index] if (dq>0).any(): self.resolution = resolution.Pinhole1D(q, dq) else: self.resolution = resolution.Perfect1D(q) elif (getattr(data, 'dxl', None) is not None and getattr(data, 'dxw', None) is not None): self.resolution = resolution.Slit1D(data.x[self.index], width=data.dxh[self.index], height=data.dxw[self.index]) else: self.resolution = resolution.Perfect1D(data.x[self.index]) #self._theory = np.zeros_like(self.Iq) q_vectors = [self.resolution.q_calc] else: raise ValueError("Unknown data type") # never gets here # Remember function inputs so we can delay loading the function and # so we can save/restore state self._kernel_inputs = [v for v in q_vectors] self._kernel = None def _set_data(self, Iq, noise=None): if noise is not None: self.dIq = Iq*noise*0.01 dy = self.dIq y = Iq + np.random.randn(*dy.shape) * dy self.Iq = y if self.data_type == 'Iq': self._data.dy[self.index] = dy self._data.y[self.index] = y elif self.data_type == 'Iqxy':[self.index] = y elif self.data_type == 'sesans': self._data.y[self.index] = y else: raise ValueError("Unknown model") def _calc_theory(self, pars, cutoff=0.0): if self._kernel is None: q_input = self._model.make_input(self._kernel_inputs) self._kernel = self._model(q_input) Iq_calc = call_kernel(self._kernel, pars, cutoff=cutoff) if self.data_type == 'sesans': result = sesans.hankel(self._data.x, self._data.lam * 1e-9, self._data.sample.thickness / 10, self._kernel_inputs[0], Iq_calc) else: result = self.resolution.apply(Iq_calc) return result class DirectModel(DataMixin): def __init__(self, data, model, cutoff=1e-5): self.model = model self.cutoff = cutoff self._interpret_data(data, model) self.kernel = make_kernel(self.model, self._kernel_inputs) def __call__(self, **pars): return self._calc_theory(pars, cutoff=self.cutoff) def ER(self, **pars): return call_ER(, pars) def VR(self, **pars): return call_VR(, pars) def simulate_data(self, noise=None, **pars): Iq = self.__call__(**pars) self._set_data(Iq, noise=noise) def demo(): import sys from .data import empty_data1D, empty_data2D if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("usage: python -m sasmodels.direct_model modelname (q|qx,qy) par=val ...") sys.exit(1) model_name = sys.argv[1] call = sys.argv[2].upper() if call not in ("ER","VR"): try: values = [float(v) for v in call.split(',')] except: values = [] if len(values) == 1: q, = values data = empty_data1D([q]) elif len(values) == 2: qx,qy = values data = empty_data2D([qx],[qy]) else: print("use q or qx,qy or ER or VR") sys.exit(1) else: data = empty_data1D([0.001]) # Data not used in ER/VR model_definition = load_model_definition(model_name) model = load_model(model_definition, dtype='single') calculator = DirectModel(data, model) pars = dict((k,float(v)) for pair in sys.argv[3:] for k,v in [pair.split('=')]) if call == "ER": print(calculator.ER(**pars)) elif call == "VR": print(calculator.VR(**pars)) else: Iq = calculator(**pars) print(Iq[0]) if __name__ == "__main__": demo()