from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np # type: ignore from numpy import pi, cos, sin try: np.meshgrid([]) meshgrid = np.meshgrid except ValueError: # CRUFT: np.meshgrid requires multiple vectors def meshgrid(*args): if len(args) > 1: return np.meshgrid(*args) else: return [np.asarray(v) for v in args] try: from typing import List except ImportError: pass else: from .modelinfo import ModelInfo class CallDetails(object): parts = None # type: List["CallDetails"] def __init__(self, model_info): # type: (ModelInfo) -> None parameters = model_info.parameters max_pd = parameters.max_pd # Structure of the call details buffer: # pd_par[max_pd] pd params in order of length # pd_length[max_pd] length of each pd param # pd_offset[max_pd] offset of pd values in parameter array # pd_stride[max_pd] index of pd value in loop = n//stride[k] # pd_prod total length of pd loop # pd_sum total length of the weight vector # num_active number of pd params # theta_par parameter number for theta parameter self.buffer = np.zeros(4*max_pd + 4, 'i4') # generate views on different parts of the array self._pd_par = self.buffer[0 * max_pd:1 * max_pd] self._pd_length = self.buffer[1 * max_pd:2 * max_pd] self._pd_offset = self.buffer[2 * max_pd:3 * max_pd] self._pd_stride = self.buffer[3 * max_pd:4 * max_pd] # theta_par is fixed self.theta_par = parameters.theta_offset @property def pd_par(self): return self._pd_par @property def pd_length(self): return self._pd_length @property def pd_offset(self): return self._pd_offset @property def pd_stride(self): return self._pd_stride @property def pd_prod(self): return self.buffer[-4] @pd_prod.setter def pd_prod(self, v): self.buffer[-4] = v @property def pd_sum(self): return self.buffer[-3] @pd_sum.setter def pd_sum(self, v): self.buffer[-3] = v @property def num_active(self): return self.buffer[-2] @num_active.setter def num_active(self, v): self.buffer[-2] = v @property def theta_par(self): return self.buffer[-1] @theta_par.setter def theta_par(self, v): self.buffer[-1] = v def show(self): print("num_active", self.num_active) print("pd_prod", self.pd_prod) print("pd_sum", self.pd_sum) print("theta par", self.theta_par) print("pd_par", self.pd_par) print("pd_length", self.pd_length) print("pd_offset", self.pd_offset) print("pd_stride", self.pd_stride) def mono_details(model_info): call_details = CallDetails(model_info) call_details.pd_prod = 1 call_details.pd_sum = model_info.parameters.nvalues call_details.pd_par[:] = np.arange(0, model_info.parameters.max_pd) call_details.pd_length[:] = 1 call_details.pd_offset[:] = np.arange(0, model_info.parameters.max_pd) call_details.pd_stride[:] = 1 return call_details def poly_details(model_info, weights): #print("weights",weights) #weights = weights[2:] # Skip scale and background # Decreasing list of polydispersity lengths #print([ for p in model_info.parameters.call_parameters]) pd_length = np.array([len(w) for w in weights[2:2+model_info.parameters.npars]]) num_active = np.sum(pd_length>1) max_pd = model_info.parameters.max_pd if num_active > max_pd: raise ValueError("Too many polydisperse parameters") pd_offset = np.cumsum(np.hstack((0, pd_length))) #print(", ".join(str(i)+"-" for i,p in enumerate(model_info.parameters.call_parameters))) #print("len:",pd_length) #print("off:",pd_offset) # Note: the reversing view, x[::-1], does not require a copy idx = np.argsort(pd_length)[::-1][:max_pd] pd_stride = np.cumprod(np.hstack((1, pd_length[idx]))) call_details = CallDetails(model_info) call_details.pd_par[:max_pd] = idx call_details.pd_length[:max_pd] = pd_length[idx] call_details.pd_offset[:max_pd] = pd_offset[idx] call_details.pd_stride[:max_pd] = pd_stride[:-1] call_details.pd_prod = pd_stride[-1] call_details.pd_sum = sum(len(w) for w in weights) call_details.num_active = num_active return call_details def dispersion_mesh(model_info, pars): """ Create a mesh grid of dispersion parameters and weights. Returns [p1,p2,...],w where pj is a vector of values for parameter j and w is a vector containing the products for weights for each parameter set in the vector. """ value, weight = zip(*pars) weight = [w if w else [1.] for w in weight] weight = np.vstack([v.flatten() for v in meshgrid(*weight)]) weight =, axis=0) value = [v.flatten() for v in meshgrid(*value)] lengths = [par.length for par in model_info.parameters.kernel_parameters if par.type == 'volume'] if any(n > 1 for n in lengths): pars = [] offset = 0 for n in lengths: pars.append(np.vstack(value[offset:offset+n]) if n > 1 else value[offset]) offset += n value = pars return value, weight def build_details(kernel, pairs): # type: (Kernel, Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]) -> Tuple[CallDetails, np.ndarray, bool] """ Converts (value, weight) pairs into parameters for the kernel call. Returns a CallDetails object indicating the polydispersity, a data object containing the different values, and the magnetic flag indicating whether any magnetic magnitudes are non-zero. Magnetic vectors (M0, phi, theta) are converted to rectangular coordinates (mx, my, mz). """ values, weights = zip(*pairs) scalars = [v[0] for v in values] if all(len(w)==1 for w in weights): call_details = mono_details( data = np.array(scalars+scalars+[1]*len(scalars), dtype=kernel.dtype) else: call_details = poly_details(, weights) data = np.hstack(scalars+list(values)+list(weights)).astype(kernel.dtype) is_magnetic = convert_magnetism(, data) return call_details, data, is_magnetic def convert_magnetism(parameters, values): """ Convert magnetism in value table from polar to rectangular coordinates. Returns True if any magnetism is present. """ mag = values[parameters.nvalues-3*parameters.nmagnetic:parameters.nvalues] mag = mag.reshape(-1, 3) M0 = mag[:,0] if np.any(M0): theta, phi = mag[:,1]*pi/180., mag[:,2]*pi/180. cos_theta = cos(theta) mx = M0*cos_theta*cos(phi) my = M0*sin(theta) mz = -M0*cos_theta*sin(phi) mag[:,0], mag[:,1], mag[:,2] = mx, my, mz return True else: return False