""" Core model handling routines. """ from __future__ import print_function __all__ = [ "list_models", "load_model", "load_model_info", "build_model", "precompile_dlls", ] import os from os.path import basename, dirname, join as joinpath from glob import glob import numpy as np # type: ignore from . import generate from . import modelinfo from . import product from . import mixture from . import kernelpy from . import kerneldll try: from . import kernelcl HAVE_OPENCL = True except Exception: HAVE_OPENCL = False try: from typing import List, Union, Optional, Any from .kernel import KernelModel from .modelinfo import ModelInfo except ImportError: pass try: np.meshgrid([]) meshgrid = np.meshgrid except Exception: # CRUFT: np.meshgrid requires multiple vectors def meshgrid(*args): """Allow meshgrid with a single argument""" if len(args) > 1: return np.meshgrid(*args) else: return [np.asarray(v) for v in args] # TODO: refactor composite model support # The current load_model_info/build_model does not reuse existing model # definitions when loading a composite model, instead reloading and # rebuilding the kernel for each component model in the expression. This # is fine in a scripting environment where the model is built when the script # starts and is thrown away when the script ends, but may not be the best # solution in a long-lived application. This affects the following functions: # # load_model # load_model_info # build_model KINDS = ("all", "py", "c", "double", "single", "1d", "2d", "nonmagnetic", "magnetic") def list_models(kind=None): # type: () -> List[str] """ Return the list of available models on the model path. *kind* can be one of the following: * all: all models * py: python models only * c: compiled models only * single: models which support single precision * double: models which require double precision * 1d: models which are 1D only, or 2D using abs(q) * 2d: models which can be 2D * magnetic: models with an sld * nommagnetic: models without an sld """ if kind and kind not in KINDS: raise ValueError("kind not in " + ", ".join(KINDS)) files = sorted(glob(joinpath(generate.MODEL_PATH, "[a-zA-Z]*.py"))) available_models = [basename(f)[:-3] for f in files] selected = [name for name in available_models if _matches(name, kind)] return selected def _matches(name, kind): if kind is None or kind == "all": return True info = load_model_info(name) pars = info.parameters.kernel_parameters if kind == "py" and callable(info.Iq): return True elif kind == "c" and not callable(info.Iq): return True elif kind == "double" and not info.single: return True elif kind == "single" and info.single: return True elif kind == "2d" and any(p.type == 'orientation' for p in pars): return True elif kind == "1d" and all(p.type != 'orientation' for p in pars): return True elif kind == "magnetic" and any(p.type == 'sld' for p in pars): return True elif kind == "nonmagnetic" and any(p.type != 'sld' for p in pars): return True return False def load_model(model_name, dtype=None, platform='ocl'): # type: (str, str, str) -> KernelModel """ Load model info and build model. *model_name* is the name of the model as used by :func:`load_model_info`. Additional keyword arguments are passed directly to :func:`build_model`. """ return build_model(load_model_info(model_name), dtype=dtype, platform=platform) def load_model_info(model_name): # type: (str) -> modelinfo.ModelInfo """ Load a model definition given the model name. This returns a handle to the module defining the model. This can be used with functions in generate to build the docs or extract model info. """ parts = model_name.split('+') if len(parts) > 1: model_info_list = [load_model_info(p) for p in parts] return mixture.make_mixture_info(model_info_list) parts = model_name.split('*') if len(parts) > 1: if len(parts) > 2: raise ValueError("use P*S to apply structure factor S to model P") P_info, Q_info = [load_model_info(p) for p in parts] return product.make_product_info(P_info, Q_info) kernel_module = generate.load_kernel_module(model_name) return modelinfo.make_model_info(kernel_module) def build_model(model_info, dtype=None, platform="ocl"): # type: (modelinfo.ModelInfo, str, str) -> KernelModel """ Prepare the model for the default execution platform. This will return an OpenCL model, a DLL model or a python model depending on the model and the computing platform. *model_info* is the model definition structure returned from :func:`load_model_info`. *dtype* indicates whether the model should use single or double precision for the calculation. Choices are 'single', 'double', 'quad', 'half', or 'fast'. If *dtype* ends with '!', then force the use of the DLL rather than OpenCL for the calculation. *platform* should be "dll" to force the dll to be used for C models, otherwise it uses the default "ocl". """ composition = model_info.composition if composition is not None: composition_type, parts = composition models = [build_model(p, dtype=dtype, platform=platform) for p in parts] if composition_type == 'mixture': return mixture.MixtureModel(model_info, models) elif composition_type == 'product': P, S = models return product.ProductModel(model_info, P, S) else: raise ValueError('unknown mixture type %s'%composition_type) # If it is a python model, return it immediately if callable(model_info.Iq): return kernelpy.PyModel(model_info) numpy_dtype, fast, platform = parse_dtype(model_info, dtype, platform) source = generate.make_source(model_info) if platform == "dll": #print("building dll", numpy_dtype) return kerneldll.load_dll(source['dll'], model_info, numpy_dtype) else: #print("building ocl", numpy_dtype) return kernelcl.GpuModel(source, model_info, numpy_dtype, fast=fast) def precompile_dlls(path, dtype="double"): # type: (str, str) -> List[str] """ Precompile the dlls for all builtin models, returning a list of dll paths. *path* is the directory in which to save the dlls. It will be created if it does not already exist. This can be used when build the windows distribution of sasmodels which may be missing the OpenCL driver and the dll compiler. """ numpy_dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) compiled_dlls = [] for model_name in list_models(): model_info = load_model_info(model_name) if not callable(model_info.Iq): source = generate.make_source(model_info)['dll'] old_path = kerneldll.DLL_PATH try: kerneldll.DLL_PATH = path dll = kerneldll.make_dll(source, model_info, dtype=numpy_dtype) finally: kerneldll.DLL_PATH = old_path compiled_dlls.append(dll) return compiled_dlls def parse_dtype(model_info, dtype=None, platform=None): # type: (ModelInfo, str, str) -> (np.dtype, bool, str) """ Interpret dtype string, returning np.dtype and fast flag. Possible types include 'half', 'single', 'double' and 'quad'. If the type is 'fast', then this is equivalent to dtype 'single' with the fast flag set to True. """ # Assign default platform, overriding ocl with dll if OpenCL is unavailable if platform is None: platform = "ocl" if platform == "ocl" and not HAVE_OPENCL: platform = "dll" # Check if type indicates dll regardless of which platform is given if dtype is not None and dtype.endswith('!'): platform = "dll" dtype = dtype[:-1] # Convert special type names "half", "fast", and "quad" fast = (dtype == "fast") if fast: dtype = "single" elif dtype == "quad": dtype = "longdouble" elif dtype == "half": dtype = "f16" # Convert dtype string to numpy dtype. if dtype is None: numpy_dtype = (generate.F32 if platform == "ocl" and model_info.single else generate.F64) else: numpy_dtype = np.dtype(dtype) # Make sure that the type is supported by opencl, otherwise use dll if platform == "ocl": env = kernelcl.environment() if not env.has_type(numpy_dtype): platform = "dll" if dtype is None: numpy_dtype = generate.F64 return numpy_dtype, fast, platform def list_models_main(): # type: () -> None """ Run list_models as a main program. See :func:`list_models` for the kinds of models that can be requested on the command line. """ import sys kind = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "all" print("\n".join(list_models(kind))) if __name__ == "__main__": list_models_main()