#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import math from os.path import basename, dirname, join as joinpath import glob import datetime import traceback import numpy as np ROOT = dirname(__file__) sys.path.insert(0, ROOT) # Make sure sasmodels is first on the path from . import core from . import kerneldll from . import generate from .data import plot_theory, empty_data1D, empty_data2D from .direct_model import DirectModel from .convert import revert_model kerneldll.ALLOW_SINGLE_PRECISION_DLLS = True # List of available models MODELS = [basename(f)[:-3] for f in sorted(glob.glob(joinpath(ROOT,"models","[a-zA-Z]*.py")))] # CRUFT python 2.6 if not hasattr(datetime.timedelta, 'total_seconds'): def delay(dt): """Return number date-time delta as number seconds""" return dt.days * 86400 + dt.seconds + 1e-6 * dt.microseconds else: def delay(dt): """Return number date-time delta as number seconds""" return dt.total_seconds() def tic(): """ Timer function. Use "toc=tic()" to start the clock and "toc()" to measure a time interval. """ then = datetime.datetime.now() return lambda: delay(datetime.datetime.now() - then) def set_beam_stop(data, radius, outer=None): """ Add a beam stop of the given *radius*. If *outer*, make an annulus. Note: this function does not use the sasview package """ if hasattr(data, 'qx_data'): q = np.sqrt(data.qx_data**2 + data.qy_data**2) data.mask = (q < radius) if outer is not None: data.mask |= (q >= outer) else: data.mask = (data.x < radius) if outer is not None: data.mask |= (data.x >= outer) def sasview_model(model_definition, **pars): """ Load a sasview model given the model name. """ # convert model parameters from sasmodel form to sasview form #print "old",sorted(pars.items()) modelname, pars = revert_model(model_definition, pars) #print "new",sorted(pars.items()) sas = __import__('sas.models.'+modelname) ModelClass = getattr(getattr(sas.models,modelname,None),modelname,None) if ModelClass is None: raise ValueError("could not find model %r in sas.models"%modelname) model = ModelClass() for k,v in pars.items(): if k.endswith("_pd"): model.dispersion[k[:-3]]['width'] = v elif k.endswith("_pd_n"): model.dispersion[k[:-5]]['npts'] = v elif k.endswith("_pd_nsigma"): model.dispersion[k[:-10]]['nsigmas'] = v elif k.endswith("_pd_type"): model.dispersion[k[:-8]]['type'] = v else: model.setParam(k, v) return model def randomize(p, v): """ Randomizing parameter. Guess the parameter type from name. """ if any(p.endswith(s) for s in ('_pd_n','_pd_nsigma','_pd_type')): return v elif any(s in p for s in ('theta','phi','psi')): # orientation in [-180,180], orientation pd in [0,45] if p.endswith('_pd'): return 45*np.random.rand() else: return 360*np.random.rand() - 180 elif 'sld' in p: # sld in in [-0.5,10] return 10.5*np.random.rand() - 0.5 elif p.endswith('_pd'): # length pd in [0,1] return np.random.rand() else: # values from 0 to 2*x for all other parameters return 2*np.random.rand()*(v if v != 0 else 1) def randomize_model(pars, seed=None): if seed is None: seed = np.random.randint(1e9) np.random.seed(seed) # Note: the sort guarantees order of calls to random number generator pars = dict((p,randomize(p,v)) for p,v in sorted(pars.items())) return pars, seed def constrain_pars(model_definition, pars): name = model_definition.name if name == 'capped_cylinder' and pars['cap_radius'] < pars['radius']: pars['radius'],pars['cap_radius'] = pars['cap_radius'],pars['radius'] if name == 'barbell' and pars['bell_radius'] < pars['radius']: pars['radius'],pars['bell_radius'] = pars['bell_radius'],pars['radius'] # Limit guinier to an Rg such that Iq > 1e-30 (single precision cutoff) if name == 'guinier': #q_max = 0.2 # mid q maximum q_max = 1.0 # high q maximum rg_max = np.sqrt(90*np.log(10) + 3*np.log(pars['scale']))/q_max pars['rg'] = min(pars['rg'],rg_max) # These constraints are only needed for comparison to sasview if name in ('teubner_strey','broad_peak'): del pars['scale'] if name in ('guinier',): del pars['background'] if getattr(model_definition, 'category', None) == 'structure-factor': del pars['scale'], pars['background'] def parlist(pars): return "\n".join("%s: %s"%(p,v) for p,v in sorted(pars.items())) def suppress_pd(pars): """ Suppress theta_pd for now until the normalization is resolved. May also suppress complete polydispersity of the model to test models more quickly. """ for p in pars: if p.endswith("_pd"): pars[p] = 0 def eval_sasview(model_definition, pars, data, Nevals=1): from sas.models.qsmearing import smear_selection model = sasview_model(model_definition, **pars) smearer = smear_selection(data, model=model) value = None # silence the linter toc = tic() for _ in range(max(Nevals, 1)): # make sure there is at least one eval if hasattr(data, 'qx_data'): q = np.sqrt(data.qx_data**2 + data.qy_data**2) index = ((~data.mask) & (~np.isnan(data.data)) & (q >= data.qmin) & (q <= data.qmax)) if smearer is not None: smearer.model = model # because smear_selection has a bug smearer.accuracy = data.accuracy smearer.set_index(index) value = smearer.get_value() else: value = model.evalDistribution([data.qx_data[index], data.qy_data[index]]) else: value = model.evalDistribution(data.x) if smearer is not None: value = smearer(value) average_time = toc()*1000./Nevals return value, average_time def eval_opencl(model_definition, pars, data, dtype='single', Nevals=1, cutoff=0.): try: model = core.load_model(model_definition, dtype=dtype, platform="ocl") except Exception,exc: print exc print "... trying again with single precision" model = core.load_model(model_definition, dtype='single', platform="ocl") calculator = DirectModel(data, model, cutoff=cutoff) value = None # silence the linter toc = tic() for _ in range(max(Nevals, 1)): # force at least one eval value = calculator(**pars) average_time = toc()*1000./Nevals return value, average_time def eval_ctypes(model_definition, pars, data, dtype='double', Nevals=1, cutoff=0.): model = core.load_model(model_definition, dtype=dtype, platform="dll") calculator = DirectModel(data, model, cutoff=cutoff) value = None # silence the linter toc = tic() for _ in range(max(Nevals, 1)): # force at least one eval value = calculator(**pars) average_time = toc()*1000./Nevals return value, average_time def make_data(qmax, is2D, Nq=128, resolution=0.0, accuracy='Low', view='log'): if is2D: data = empty_data2D(np.linspace(-qmax, qmax, Nq), resolution=resolution) data.accuracy = accuracy set_beam_stop(data, 0.004) index = ~data.mask else: if view == 'log': qmax = math.log10(qmax) q = np.logspace(qmax-3, qmax, Nq) else: q = np.linspace(0.001*qmax, qmax, Nq) data = empty_data1D(q, resolution=resolution) index = slice(None, None) return data, index def compare(name, pars, Ncpu, Nocl, opts, set_pars): model_definition = core.load_model_definition(name) view = ('linear' if '-linear' in opts else 'log' if '-log' in opts else 'q4' if '-q4' in opts else 'log') opt_values = dict(split for s in opts for split in ((s.split('='),)) if len(split) == 2) # Sort out data qmax = (10.0 if '-exq' in opts else 1.0 if '-highq' in opts else 0.2 if '-midq' in opts else 0.05) Nq = int(opt_values.get('-Nq', '128')) res = float(opt_values.get('-res', '0')) accuracy = opt_values.get('-accuracy', 'Low') is2D = "-2d" in opts data, index = make_data(qmax, is2D, Nq, res, accuracy, view=view) # modelling accuracy is determined by dtype and cutoff dtype = ('longdouble' if '-quad' in opts else 'double' if '-double' in opts else 'single') cutoff = float(opt_values.get('-cutoff','1e-5')) # randomize parameters #pars.update(set_pars) # set value before random to control range if '-random' in opts or '-random' in opt_values: seed = int(opt_values['-random']) if '-random' in opt_values else None pars, seed = randomize_model(pars, seed=seed) print "Randomize using -random=%i"%seed pars.update(set_pars) # set value after random to control value constrain_pars(model_definition, pars) # parameter selection if '-mono' in opts: suppress_pd(pars) if '-pars' in opts: print "pars",parlist(pars) # OpenCl calculation if Nocl > 0: ocl, ocl_time = eval_opencl(model_definition, pars, data, dtype=dtype, cutoff=cutoff, Nevals=Nocl) print "opencl t=%.1f ms, intensity=%.0f"%(ocl_time, sum(ocl)) #print "ocl", ocl #print max(ocl), min(ocl) # ctypes/sasview calculation if Ncpu > 0 and "-ctypes" in opts: cpu, cpu_time = eval_ctypes(model_definition, pars, data, dtype=dtype, cutoff=cutoff, Nevals=Ncpu) comp = "ctypes" print "ctypes t=%.1f ms, intensity=%.0f"%(cpu_time, sum(cpu)) elif Ncpu > 0: try: cpu, cpu_time = eval_sasview(model_definition, pars, data, Ncpu) comp = "sasview" #print "ocl/sasview", (ocl-pars['background'])/(cpu-pars['background']) print "sasview t=%.1f ms, intensity=%.0f"%(cpu_time, sum(cpu)) #print "sasview",cpu except ImportError: traceback.print_exc() Ncpu = 0 # Compare, but only if computing both forms if Nocl > 0 and Ncpu > 0: #print "speedup %.2g"%(cpu_time/ocl_time) #print "max |ocl/cpu|", max(abs(ocl/cpu)), "%.15g"%max(abs(ocl)), "%.15g"%max(abs(cpu)) #cpu *= max(ocl/cpu) resid = (ocl - cpu) relerr = resid/cpu #bad = (relerr>1e-4) #print relerr[bad],cpu[bad],ocl[bad],data.qx_data[bad],data.qy_data[bad] _print_stats("|ocl-%s|"%comp+(" "*(3+len(comp))), resid) _print_stats("|(ocl-%s)/%s|"%(comp,comp), relerr) # Plot if requested if '-noplot' in opts: return import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if Ncpu > 0: if Nocl > 0: plt.subplot(131) plot_theory(data, cpu, view=view, plot_data=False) plt.title("%s t=%.1f ms"%(comp,cpu_time)) #cbar_title = "log I" if Nocl > 0: if Ncpu > 0: plt.subplot(132) plot_theory(data, ocl, view=view, plot_data=False) plt.title("opencl t=%.1f ms"%ocl_time) #cbar_title = "log I" if Ncpu > 0 and Nocl > 0: plt.subplot(133) if '-abs' in opts: err,errstr,errview = resid, "abs err", "linear" else: err,errstr,errview = abs(relerr), "rel err", "log" #err,errstr = ocl/cpu,"ratio" plot_theory(data, None, resid=err, view=errview, plot_data=False) plt.title("max %s = %.3g"%(errstr, max(abs(err)))) #cbar_title = errstr if errview=="linear" else "log "+errstr #if is2D: # h = plt.colorbar() # h.ax.set_title(cbar_title) if Ncpu > 0 and Nocl > 0 and '-hist' in opts: plt.figure() v = relerr v[v==0] = 0.5*np.min(np.abs(v[v!=0])) plt.hist(np.log10(np.abs(v)), normed=1, bins=50); plt.xlabel('log10(err), err = | F(q) single - F(q) double| / | F(q) double |'); plt.ylabel('P(err)') plt.title('Comparison of single and double precision models for %s'%name) plt.show() def _print_stats(label, err): sorted_err = np.sort(abs(err)) p50 = int((len(err)-1)*0.50) p98 = int((len(err)-1)*0.98) data = [ "max:%.3e"%sorted_err[-1], "median:%.3e"%sorted_err[p50], "98%%:%.3e"%sorted_err[p98], "rms:%.3e"%np.sqrt(np.mean(err**2)), "zero-offset:%+.3e"%np.mean(err), ] print label," ".join(data) # =========================================================================== # USAGE=""" usage: compare.py model [Nopencl] [Nsasview] [options...] [key=val] Compare the speed and value for a model between the SasView original and the OpenCL rewrite. model is the name of the model to compare (see below). Nopencl is the number of times to run the OpenCL model (default=5) Nsasview is the number of times to run the Sasview model (default=1) Options (* for default): -plot*/-noplot plots or suppress the plot of the model -single*/-double/-quad use single/double/quad precision for comparison -lowq*/-midq/-highq/-exq use q values up to 0.05, 0.2, 1.0, 10.0 -Nq=128 sets the number of Q points in the data set -1d*/-2d computes 1d or 2d data -preset*/-random[=seed] preset or random parameters -mono/-poly* force monodisperse/polydisperse -ctypes/-sasview* whether cpu is tested using sasview or ctypes -cutoff=1e-5* cutoff value for including a point in polydispersity -pars/-nopars* prints the parameter set or not -abs/-rel* plot relative or absolute error -linear/-log/-q4 intensity scaling -hist/-nohist* plot histogram of relative error -res=0 sets the resolution width dQ/Q if calculating with resolution -accuracy=Low resolution accuracy Low, Mid, High, Xhigh Key=value pairs allow you to set specific values to any of the model parameters. Available models: """ NAME_OPTIONS = set([ 'plot','noplot', 'single','double','longdouble', 'lowq','midq','highq','exq', '2d','1d', 'preset','random', 'poly','mono', 'sasview','ctypes', 'nopars','pars', 'rel','abs', 'linear', 'log', 'q4', 'hist','nohist', ]) VALUE_OPTIONS = [ # Note: random is both a name option and a value option 'cutoff', 'random', 'Nq', 'res', 'accuracy', ] def columnize(L, indent="", width=79): column_width = max(len(w) for w in L) + 1 num_columns = (width - len(indent)) // column_width num_rows = len(L) // num_columns L = L + [""] * (num_rows*num_columns - len(L)) columns = [L[k*num_rows:(k+1)*num_rows] for k in range(num_columns)] lines = [" ".join("%-*s"%(column_width, entry) for entry in row) for row in zip(*columns)] output = indent + ("\n"+indent).join(lines) return output def get_demo_pars(model_definition): info = generate.make_info(model_definition) pars = dict((p[0],p[2]) for p in info['parameters']) pars.update(info['demo']) return pars def main(): opts = [arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if arg.startswith('-')] args = [arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if not arg.startswith('-')] models = "\n ".join("%-15s"%v for v in MODELS) if len(args) == 0: print(USAGE) print(columnize(MODELS, indent=" ")) sys.exit(1) if args[0] not in MODELS: print "Model %r not available. Use one of:\n %s"%(args[0],models) sys.exit(1) invalid = [o[1:] for o in opts if o[1:] not in NAME_OPTIONS and not any(o.startswith('-%s='%t) for t in VALUE_OPTIONS)] if invalid: print "Invalid options: %s"%(", ".join(invalid)) sys.exit(1) # Get demo parameters from model definition, or use default parameters # if model does not define demo parameters name = args[0] model_definition = core.load_model_definition(name) pars = get_demo_pars(model_definition) Nopencl = int(args[1]) if len(args) > 1 else 5 Nsasview = int(args[2]) if len(args) > 2 else 1 # Fill in default polydispersity parameters pds = set(p.split('_pd')[0] for p in pars if p.endswith('_pd')) for p in pds: if p+"_pd_nsigma" not in pars: pars[p+"_pd_nsigma"] = 3 if p+"_pd_type" not in pars: pars[p+"_pd_type"] = "gaussian" # Fill in parameters given on the command line set_pars = {} for arg in args[3:]: k,v = arg.split('=') if k not in pars: # extract base name without distribution s = set(p.split('_pd')[0] for p in pars) print "%r invalid; parameters are: %s"%(k,", ".join(sorted(s))) sys.exit(1) set_pars[k] = float(v) if not v.endswith('type') else v compare(name, pars, Nsasview, Nopencl, opts, set_pars) if __name__ == "__main__": main()